Clause for Other Than Multiple Award Schedules
(a) For other than multiple award schedule (MAS) contracts, insert the clause at 552.215-70, Examination of Records by GSA, in solicitations and contracts over $100,000, including acquisitions of leasehold interests in real property, that meet any of the following conditions:
(1) Involve the use or disposition of Government-furnished property.
(2) Provide for advance payments, progress payments based on cost, or guaranteed loan.
(3) Contain a price warranty or price reduction clause.
(4) Involve income to the Government where income is based on operations under the control of the contractor.
(5) Include an economic price adjustment clause where the adjustment is not based solely on an established, third party index.
(6) Are requirements, indefinite-quantity, or letter type contracts as defined in FAR part 6.
(7) Are subject to adjustment based on a negotiated cost escalation base.
(8) Contain the provision of FAR 52.223-4, Recovered Material Certification.
(b) You may modify the clause at 552.215-70 to define the specific area of audit (e.g., the use or disposition of Government-furnished property, compliance with the price reduction clause). Counsel and the Assistant Inspector General--Auditing or Regional Inspector General--Auditing, as appropriate, must concur in any modifications to the clause.
Clause for Multiple Award Schedules
(c) Insert the clause at 552.215-71, Examination of Records by GSA (Multiple Award Schedule), in solicitations and contracts for MAS contracts.
(d) With the Senior Procurement's Executive approval, you may modify the clause at 552.215-71 to provide for post-award access to and the right to examine records to verify that the pre-award/modification pricing, sales or other data related to the supplies or services offered under the contract which formed the basis for the award/modification was accurate, current, and complete. The following procedures apply:
(1) Such a modification of the clause must provide for the right of access to expire 2 years after award or modification.
(2) Before modifying the clause, you must make a determination that absent such access there is a likelihood of significant harm to the Government and submit it to the Senior Procurement Executive for approval.
(3) The determinations under paragraph (d)(2) of this section must be made on a schedule-by-schedule basis.
Subpart 515.3_Source Selection