(a) Except for lease actions described in paragraph (b) of this section, contracting officers must synopsize in http://www.FBO.gov awards exceeding $25,000 total contract value that are likely to result in the award of any subcontracts. However, the dollar threshold is not a prohibition against publicizing an award of a smaller amount when publicizing would be advantageous to industry or to the Government.
(b) A notice is not required if--
(1) The notice would disclose the occupant agency's needs and the disclosure of such needs would compromise the national security; or
(2) The lease--
(i) Is for an amount not greater than the simplified lease acquisition threshold;
(ii) Was made through a means where access to the notice of proposed lease action was provided through http://www.FBO.gov; and
(iii) Permitted the public to respond to the solicitation electronically.
(c) Justifications for other than full and open competition must be posted in http://www.FBO.gov. Information exempt from public disclosure must be redacted. [76 FR 30849, May 27, 2011]