(a) Time for performing required actions. All time limitations prescribed in the rules of this chapter or in any order or direction given by the Board are maximums, and the action required should be accomplished in less time whenever possible.
(b) Enlarging time. Upon request of a party for good cause shown, the Board may enlarge any time prescribed by the rules in this chapter or by an order or direction of the Board except the time limit for filing appeals (6101.2(b)(1) (Rule 2(b)(1))). A written request is required, but in exigent circumstances an oral request may be made and followed by a written request. An enlargement of time may be granted even though the request was filed after the time for taking the required action expired, but the party requesting the enlargement must show good cause for its inability to make the request before that time expired.
(c) Computing time. Except as otherwise required by law, in computing a period of time prescribed by the rules in this chapter or by order of the Board, the day from which the designated period of time begins to run shall not be counted, but the last day of the period shall be counted unless that day is a Saturday, a Sunday, or a federal holiday, or a day on which the Office of the Clerk of the Board is required to close earlier than 4:30 p.m., or does not open at all, as in the case of inclement weather, in which event the period shall include the next working day. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, when the period of time prescribed or allowed is less than 11 days, any intervening Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday shall not be counted. When the period of time prescribed or allowed is 11 days or more, intervening Saturdays, Sundays, and federal holidays shall be counted. Time for filing any document or copy thereof with the Board expires when the Office of the Clerk of the Board closes on the last day on which such filing may be made.