(a) The Department of State subscribes to the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) maintained at http://www.cpars.gov/. CPARS is an Internet-based tool allowing government activities to input past performance information. This information is uploaded by CPARS into the Past Performance Information Retrieval System (PPIRS).
(b) All DOS contracting officers shall evaluate contractors' past performance as required by FAR 42.1502 and 42.1503.
(c) All Terminations for Default and Terminations for Cause shall be entered into CPARS regardless of contract purpose or dollar value.
(d) Heads of contracting activities shall send a list of the names, work addresses, and phone numbers of all acquisition personnel whom they wish to have access to the CPARS to AQMCPARS@state.gov. [80 FR 6923, Feb. 9, 2015]