(a) When the contract includes a requirement for the contractor to access classified (``Confidential'', ``Secret'', or ``Top Secret''), or administratively controlled (``Sensitive But Unclassified'') information, the contracting officer must insert (48 CFR) FAR clause 52.204-2, Security Requirements and (48 CFR) AIDAR clause 752.204-2, Security Requirements, in the solicitation and award.
(b) If the contract requires the contractor (or contractor employees) to have routine physical access to USAID-controlled facilities in the U.S. (i.e., will need an ID for regular entry to USAID space), or have logical access to USAID's information systems (i.e., access to AIDNet, Phoenix, the Global Acquisition and Assistance System (GLAAS,) etc.,) and the solicitation and contract contains (48 CFR) FAR 52.204-9(a), the contracting officer must also insert (48 CFR) AIDAR 752.204-72, Access to USAID Facilities and USAID's Information Systems. Only U.S citizen employees or consultants of a U.S.-based company may request routine physical access to USAID-controlled facilities or logical access to USAID's information systems. [79 FR 74991, Dec. 16, 2014] Subpart 704.8--Contract Files [Reserved]
Subpart 704.70_Partner Vetting
Source: 77 FR 8170, Feb. 14, 2012, unless otherwise noted.