For use in any USAID contract under which USAID participants are trained.
Health and Accident Coverage for USAID Participant Trainees (JAN 1999)
(a) In accordance with the requirements of USAID Automated Directive System (ADS) 253, the Contractor shall enroll all non-U.S. trainees (hereinafter referred to as ``participants''), whose training in the U.S. is financed by USAID under this contract, in USAID's Health and Accident Coverage (HAC) program. Sponsored trainees enrolled in third-country or in-country training events are not eligible for USAID's HAC program, but the Contractor may obtain alternative local medical and accident insurance at contract expense, provided the cost is consistent with the cost principles in (48 CFR) FAR 31.2.
(b) When enrollment in the HAC program is required per paragraph (a) of this clause, the Contractor must enroll each participant in the HAC program through one of two designated contractors prior to the initiation of travel by the participant. USAID has developed an Agency-wide database training management system, the Training Results and Information Network (``TraiNet''), which is the preferred system for managing USAID's participant training program, including enrollment in the HAC program. However, until such time as the USAID sponsoring unit (as defined in ADS 253) has given the Contractor access to USAID's ``TraiNet'' software for trainee tracking and HAC enrollment, the Contractor must fill out and mail the Participant Data Form (PDF) (Form USAID 1381-4) to USAID. The Contractor can obtain information regarding each HAC program contractor, including contact information, and a supply of the PDF forms and instructions for completing and submitting them, by contacting the data base contractor serving the Director, Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and Environment, Office of Education (E3/ED).
(c) The Contractor must ensure that HAC enrollment begins immediately upon the participant's departure for the United States for the purpose of participating in a training program financed by USAID, and that enrollment continues in full force and effect until the participant returns to his/her country of origin, or is released from USAID's responsibility, whichever is the sooner.
(1) The HAC insurance provider, not the Contractor, shall be responsible for paying all reasonable and necessary medical reimbursement charges not otherwise covered by student health service or other insurance programs, subject to the availability of funds for such purposes, in accordance with the standards of coverage established by USAID under its HAC program and by the HAC providers' contracts.
(2) After HAC enrollment, upon receipt of HAC services invoice from the selected HAC provider, the Contractor shall submit payment directly to the HAC provider.
(3) The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that participants and any stakeholders (as defined in ADS 253) are advised that USAID is not responsible for any medical claims in excess of the coverages provided by the HAC program, or for medical claims not eligible for coverage under the HAC program, or not otherwise covered in this section.
(d) The Contractor, to the extent that it is an educational institution with a mandatory student health service program, shall also enroll participants in that institution's student health service program. Medical costs which are covered under the institution's student health service shall not be eligible for payment under USAID's HAC program.
(e) If the Contractor has a mandatory, non-waivable health and accident insurance program for students, the costs of such insurance will be allowable under this contract. Any claims eligible under such insurance will not be payable under USAID's HAC plan or under this contract. Even though the participant is covered by the Contractor's mandatory, non-waivable health and accident insurance program, the participant MUST be enrolled in USAID's more comprehensive HAC program.
(f) Medical conditions pre-existing to the participant's sponsorship for training by USAID, discovered during the required pre-departure medical examination, are grounds for ineligibility for sponsorship unless specifically waived by the sponsoring unit, and covered through a separate insurance policy maintained by the participant or his employer, or a letter of guarantee from the participant or the employer (which thereby assumes liability for any related charges that might materialize. See ADS 253). [64 FR 5010, Feb. 2, 1999, as amended at 79 FR 74988, 75002, Dec. 16, 2014]