(a) DSPE. The DSPE is responsible for the following:
(1) Administering and overseeing the COCP;
(2) Appointing and terminating Level II warrant and Level III (Senior Limited and Unlimited) warrant contracting officers;
(3) Establishing and developing additional agency-specific training; and
(4) Developing and implementing policy, procedures, and guidance for VA's acquisition program.
(b) The Chief, Acquisition Program Management Division. The Chief, Acquisition Program Management Division, serves as the Executive Secretary to the COCB and is responsible for the following:
(1) Coordinating requests for contracting authority with the COCB;
(2) Proceeding accordingly with appropriate action to carry out the decisions of the DSPE and the COCB;
(3) Maintaining individual records on the appointment and termination of appointment of contracting officers. Records on contracting officers include HCA certifications and qualification statements, Certificates of Appointment, and other supporting documentation used to grant authority; and
(4) Ensuring appropriate and timely disposition of records through the Office of Acquisition and Materiel Management's Records Control Officer.
(c) The COCB. (1) The Director, Acquisition Resources Service, will chair the COCB.
(1) The Director, Acquisition Resources Service, will chair the COCB.
(2) COCB membership consists of:
(i) The Chief, Acquisition Program Management Division; and
(ii) The Chief, Acquisition Training and Career Development Division (ATCD).
(d) HCAs. HCAs are responsible for the following:
(1) Implementing and maintaining an effective and efficient program for the procurement of personal property and nonpersonal services required by the activity to which the HCA is assigned;
(2) Establishing adequate controls to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations;
(3) Appointing or terminating the appointment of contracting officers at the Micro-purchase Level and Level I warrant level within their assigned activity;
(4) Establishing procedures and maintaining records for the appointment and termination of appointment of purchase card holders at the Micro-purchase Level and Level I warrant contracting officers. Records maintained on contracting officers shall include the contracting authority, certification and qualification statements;
(5) Recommending to the DSPE the appointment or termination of appointment of contracting officers at the Level II warrant and Level III (Senior Limited or Unlimited) warrant levels of authority, certifying the candidate's qualifications, and justifying the organizational need;
(6) Ensuring that all GS 1102 contract specialists and other contracting officers meet the minimum core training and continuing education requirements; and
(7) Certifying that the assigned acquisition workforce meets the minimum training, education, and skills currency requirements prescribed by OFPP and the DSPE.
(e) VA Acquisition Workforce. All employees identified as members of VA's acquisition workforce (see 801.690-1) are responsible for maintaining records that include certificates of acquisition training, continuing education, college transcripts, work experience, and other supporting documentation needed to substantiate successful completion of all warrant requirements. These employees shall enroll in the Acquisition Career Management Information System (ACMIS), the data system that serves as the repository of required information on VA's acquisition workforce.