(a) The Assistant Commissioner for Procurement, General Services Administration (GSA), has delegated the Secretary of Veterans Affairs authority to enter into public utility contracts for connection charges for utility services.
(b) Except as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, the authority to award all other contracts for utility services, as defined in FAR 41.101, is vested in GSA (see FAR 41.103). VA contracting officers who wish to award local contracts for utility services, other than for connection charges, must first obtain a delegation of authority to award such contracts from GSA. Contracting officers shall submit requests for delegation of authority directly to GSA.
(c) Any authority described in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section delegated to the Secretary is further delegated to the SPE and is further delegated to the DSPE and to VA contracting officers within the limits of their warrants.
Subpart 841.2_Acquiring Utility Services