(a) The provisions herein pertain to research, development, demonstration and supply contracts. Special considerations for contracts for the operation, design, or construction of Government-owned facilities are covered by subpart 970.27. Under DOE's broad charter to perform research, development, and demonstration work, in both nuclear and nonnuclear fields, and to meet the objectives stated in 927.402-2, DOE has extensive needs for technical data. The satisfaction of these needs and the achievement of DOE's objectives through a sound data policy are found in the balancing of the needs and equities of the Government, its contractors, and the general public.
(b) It is important to keep a clear distinction between contract requirements for the delivery of technical data and rights in technical data. The legal rights which the Government acquires in technical data in DOE contracts, other than management and operating contracts (see 48 CFR 970.2704) and other contracts involving the production of data necessary for the management or operation of DOE facilities or a DOE site, are set forth in Rights in Data--General clause at 48 CFR 52.227-14 as modified in accordance with 927.409 of this subpart. In those contracts involving the production of data necessary for the management or operation of DOE facilities or a DOE site, after consultation with Patent Counsel the clause at 48 CFR 970.5227-1 shall be used. However, those clauses do not obtain for the Government delivery of any data whatsoever. Rather, known requirements for the technical data to be delivered by the contractor shall be set forth as part of the contract. The Additional Technical Data Requirements clause at 48 CFR 52.227-16 may be used along with the Rights in Data--General clause to enable the contracting officer to require the contractor to furnish additional technical data, the requirement for which was not known at the time of contracting. There is, however, a built-in limitation on the kind of technical data which a contractor may be required to deliver under either the contract or the Additional Technical Data Requirements clause. This limitation is found in the withholding provision of paragraph (g) of the Rights in Data--General clause at 48 CFR 52.227-14, as amended at 48 CFR 927.409(a), which provides that the Contractor need not furnish limited rights data or restricted computer software. Unless Alternate II or III to the Rights in Data--General clause is used, it is specifically intended that the contractor may withhold limited rights data or restricted computer software even though a requirement for technical data specified in the contract or called for delivery pursuant to the Additional Technical Data Requirements clause would otherwise require the delivery of such data.
(c) In contracts involving access to certain categories of DOE-owned restricted data, as set forth in 10 CFR part 725, DOE has reserved the right to receive reasonable compensation for the use of its inventions and discoveries, including its related data and technology. Accordingly, in contracts where access to such restricted data is to be provided to contractors, the following parenthetical phrase shall be inserted after ``contract data'' in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of the clause at 952.227-75, after ``technical data'' in paragraph (b)(2) of the clause at 952.227-77, or after ``technical data'' in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of the clause at 952.227-78 as appropriate: ``(except Restricted Data in category C-24, 10 CFR part 725, in which DOE has reserved the right to receive reasonable compensation for the use of its inventions and discoveries, including related data and technology).'' In addition, there are other types of contract situations (e.g., no cost contracts for studies or evaluation) wherein the contractor is given access to restricted data. In such contract situations, limitations on the use of such data may be appropriate. [49 FR 12004, Mar. 28, 1984, as amended at 63 FR 10505, Mar. 4, 1998; 65 FR 81007, Dec. 22, 2000]