(a) Purposes. Articles III, IV, and V of the Treaty set out the conditions under which a Management Authority may issue a re-export certificate for an Appendix-I, -II, or -III specimen.
(b) U.S. application forms. Complete the appropriate form for the proposed activity and submit it to the U.S. Management Authority. Form 3-200-73 may also be submitted to Law Enforcement at certain ports or regional offices: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) CITES: .............Biological Specimens 3-200-29Plants 3-200-32Single-use Permits under a Master File or an Annual 3-200-74
Program File 3-200-28Trophies by Taxidermists 3-200-73Wildlife------------------------------------------------------------------------(2) Endangered Species Act and CITES: .............ESA Plants 3-200-36ESA Wildlife 3-200-37------------------------------------------------------------------------(3) Marine Mammal Protection Act and CITES: .............Biological Samples 3-200-29Live Captive-held Marine Mammals 3-200-53------------------------------------------------------------------------
(c) Criteria. The criteria in this paragraph (c) apply to the issuance and acceptance of U.S. and foreign re-export certificates. When applying for a U.S. certificate, you must provide sufficient information for us to find that your proposed activity meets all of the following criteria: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Appendix of the specimen
Criteria for a re-export certificate ------------------------------------------------------- Section
(1) The wildlife or plant was legally Yes Yes Yes 23.60
acquired.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(2) The scientific name of the species is the Yes Yes Yes 23.23
standard nomenclature in the CITES
Appendices or the references adopted by the
CoP.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(3) For a live specimen, an import permit has Yes n/a n/a 23.35
already been issued or the Management
Authority of the importing country has
confirmed that it will be issued. This
criterion does not apply to a specimen with
the source code ``D.''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(4) Live wildlife or plants will be prepared Yes Yes Yes 23.23
and shipped so as to minimize risk of
injury, damage to health, or cruel treatment
of the specimen.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(5) For re-export of a confiscated specimen, Yes Yes n/a 23.61
the proposed re-export would not be
detrimental to the survival of the species.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(6) For wildlife with the source code ``W'' Yes n/a n/a -
or ``F,'' the re-export is for noncommercial