(a) Periods controlling permissibility. For the purpose of this Sec. 259.33, the period between the beginning and the end of a party's tax year is designated ``Period (aa)''; the period between the end of a party's tax year and the party's tax due date for that tax year is designated ``Period (bb)''; the period between the party's tax due date and the date on which ends the party's last extension (if any) of that tax due date is designated ``Period (cc)''.
(b) Constructive deposits and withdrawals (before Interim CCF Agreement effectiveness date). Constructive deposits and withdrawals shall be permissible only during the Period (aa) during which a written application for an interim CCF Agreement is submitted to the Secretary and so much of the next succeeding Period (aa), if any, which occurs before the Secretary executes the Interim CCF Agreement previously applied for. All otherwise qualified expenditures of eligible ceilings during Period (aa) may be consented to by the Secretary as constructive deposits and withdrawals: Provided, The applicant's application for an Interim CCF Agreement and for consent to constructive deposit and withdrawal qualification (together with sufficient supporting data to enable the Secretary's execution or issuance of consent) is submitted to the Secretary either before the end of Period (bb) or, if extension was requested and received, before the end of Period (cc). If, however, the Secretary receives the completed application in proper form so close to the latest permissible period that the Interim CCF Agreement cannot be executed and/or the consent given before the end of Period (bb) or Period (cc), whichever applies, then the burden is entirely upon the applicant to negotiate with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for such relief as may be available (e.g., filing an amended tax return, if appropriate). The Secretary will nevertheless execute the Interim CCF Agreement and issue his consent however long past the applicant's Period (bb) or Period (cc), whichever applies, the Secretary's administrative workload requires. Should IRS relief be, for any reason, unavailable, the Secretary shall regard the same as merely due to the applicant's having failed to apply in a more timely fashion.
(c) Constructive deposits (after Interim CCF Agreement effectiveness date). The Secretary shall not permit constructive deposits or withdrawals after the effective date of an Interim CCF Agreement. Eligible ceilings must, after the effective date of an interim CCF Agreement, be physically deposited in money or kind in scheduled depositories before the last date eligible ceilings for any Period (aa) of any party become ineligible for deposit (the last date being Period (bb) or Period (cc), whichever applies).
(d) Ratification of withdrawals (as qualified) made without first having obtained Secretary's consent. The Secretary may ratify as qualified any withdrawal made without first having obtained the Secretary's consent therefor, provided the withdrawal was such as would have resulted in the Secretary's consent had it been requested before withdrawal, and provided further that the party's request for consent (together with sufficient supporting data to enable issuance of the Secretary's consent) is submitted to the Secretary either before the end of Period (bb) or, if extension was requested and received, before the end of Period (cc).
(1) If, however, the Secretary receives the request in proper form so close to the latest permissible period that the consent cannot be given before expiration of Period (bb) or Period (cc), whichever applies, then the burden is entirely upon the party to negotiate with IRS for such relief as may be available (e.g., filing an amended tax return, if appropriate). The Secretary will nevertheless issue his consent however long past the party's Period (bb) or Period (cc), whichever applies, the Secretary's administrative workload requires. Should IRS relief be, for any reason, unavailable, the Secretary shall regard the same as merely due to the party's having failed to apply in a more timely fashion.
(2) All parties shall be counseled that it is manifestly in their best interest to request the Secretary's consent 45 days in advance of the expected date of withdrawal. Withdrawals made without the Secretary's consent, in reliance on obtaining the Secretary's consent, are made purely at a party's own risk. Should any withdrawal made without the Secretary's consent prove, for any reason, to be one to which the Secretary will not or cannot consent by ratification, then the result will be either, or both, at the Secretary's discretion, an unqualified withdrawal or an involuntary termination of the Interim CCF Agreement.
(3) Should the withdrawal made without having first obtained the Secretary's consent be made in pursuance of a project not then an eligible Schedule B objective, then the Secretary may entertain an application to amend the Interim CCF Agreement's Schedule B objectives as the prerequisite to consenting by ratification to the withdrawal, all under the same time constraints and conditions as otherwise specified herein.
(4) Any withdrawals made, after the effective date of an Interim CCF Agreement, without the Secretary's consent are automatically non-qualified withdrawals unless the Secretary subsequently consents to them by ratification as otherwise specified herein.
(5) Redeposit of that portion of the ceiling withdrawn without the Secretary's consent, and for which such consent is not subsequently given (either by ratification or otherwise), shall not be permitted. If such a non-qualified withdrawal adversely affects the Interim CCF Agreement's general status in any wise deemed by the Secretary, at his discretion, to be significant and material, the Secretary may involuntarily terminate the Interim CCF Agreement.
(e) First tax year for which Interim CCF Agreement is effective. An Agreement, to be effective for any party's Period (aa), must be executed and entered into by the party, and submitted to the Secretary, before the end of Period (bb) or Period (cc), whichever applies, for such Period (aa). If executed and entered into by the party, and/or received by the Secretary, after the end of Period (bb) or Period (cc), whichever applies, then the Agreement will be first effective for the next succeeding Period (aa).
(1) If, however, the Secretary receives an Agreement executed and entered into by the party in proper form so close to the latest permissible period that the Secretary cannot execute the Agreement before expiration of Period (bb) or Period (cc), whichever applies, then the burden is entirely upon the party to negotiate with IRS for such relief as may be available (e.g., filing an amended tax return, if appropriate). The Secretary will nevertheless execute the Agreement however long past the party's Period (bb) or Period (cc), whichever applies, the Secretary's administrative workload requires. Should IRS relief be, for any reason, unavailable, the Secretary shall regard the same as merely due to the party's having failed to apply in a more timely manner.
(2) All parties shall be counseled that it is manifestly in their best interest to enter into and execute an Agreement, and submit the same to the Secretary, at least 45 days in advance of the Period (bb) or Period (cc), whichever applies, for the Period (aa) for which the Agreement is first intended to be effective.