(a) Minimum annual deposit. The minimum annual (based on each party's taxable year) deposit required by the Secretary in order to maintain an Interim CCF Agreement shall be an amount equal to 2 percent of the total anticipated cost of all Schedule B objectives unless such 2 percent exceeds during any tax year 50 percent of a party's Schedule A taxable income, in which case the minimum deposit for that year shall be 50 percent of the party's Schedule A taxable income.
(1) Minimum annual deposit compliance shall be audited at the end of each party's taxable year unless any one or more of the Schedule B objectives is scheduled for commencement more than 3 taxable years in advance of the taxable year in which the agreement is effected, in which case minimum annual deposit compliance shall be audited at the end of each 3 year taxable period. In any taxable year, a Party may apply any eligible amount in excess of the 2 percent minimum annual deposit toward meeting the party's minimum annual deposit requirement in past or future years: Provided, however, At the end of each 3 year period, the aggregate amount in the fund must be in compliance with 2 percent minimum annual deposit rule (unless the 50 percent of taxable income situation applies).
(2) The Secretary may, at his discretion and for good and sufficient cause shown, consent to minimum annual deposits in any given tax year or combination of tax years in an amount lower than prescribed herein: Provided, The party demonstrates to the Secretary's satisfaction the availability of sufficient funds from any combination of sources to accomplish Schedule B objectives at the time they are scheduled for accomplishment.
(b) Maximum deposits. Other than the maximum annual ceilings established by the Act, the Secretary shall not establish a maximum annual ceiling: Provided, however, That deposits can no longer be made once a party has deposited 100 percent of the anticipated cost of all Schedule B objectives, unless the Interim CCF Agreement is then amended to establish additional Schedule B objectives.
(c) Maximum time to deposit. Ten years shall ordinarily be the maximum time the Secretary shall permit in which to accumulate deposits prior to commencement of any given Schedule B objective. A time longer than 10 years, either by original scheduling or by subsequent extension through amendment, may, however, be permitted at the Secretary's discretion and for good and sufficient cause shown.