The following refuge units have been opened for hunting and/or fishing, and are listed in alphabetical order with applicable refuge-specific regulations.
Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of squirrel in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions.
1. We require a refuge hunt permit (signature only).
2. We allow the use of hunting dogs only during the squirrel hunting season. You must ensure that all hunting dogs wear a collar displaying the owner's name, address, and telephone number.
3. You must hunt only in assigned areas. We prohibit trespass into an unassigned hunt area.
4. In areas posted ``Area closed,'' we prohibit entry, including hunting.
5. We prohibit the use of flagging tape and reflective tacks.
6. We allow the use of squirrel hunting dogs only in the day-use areas.
7. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot while in the field (see Sec. 32.2(k)).
8. We require that all hunters check all harvested game taken on the refuge at the refuge check station.
9. We require all refuge hunters to hunt with a partner. We require hunting partners to know the location of their partner while hunting. An adult, age 18 or older, must directly supervise youth hunters age 17 or under.
10. We prohibit the use or possession of alcoholic beverages while hunting on the refuge (see Sec. 32.2(j)).
11. Hunters must possess and carry a compass and/or GPS while hunting on the refuge.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of white-tailed deer and turkey on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions B1, B3, B4, B5, and B7 through B11 apply.
2. The refuge access permit will contain bag limits and license requirements.
3. We allow the use of portable hunting stands and blinds. You may leave hunting stands and blinds in the field overnight only if you will be hunting that same location the following day. We prohibit tree steps or screw-in steps (see Sec. 32.2(i)).
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on the Old Timbers Lake in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require a refuge access permit (signature only).
2. We only allow fishing with a rod and reel or pole and line.
3. We prohibit the use of trotlines.
4. We allow boats only if rowed, paddled, or powered by an electric trolling motor on the Old Timbers Lake.
5. We prohibit retaining black bass, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, and spotted bass between 12 and 15 inches (30 and 37.5 cm).
Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of quail, squirrel, and rabbit on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit hunting and the discharge of a firearm within 100 yards (30 m) of any dwelling or any other building that people, pets, or livestock may occupy.
2. We allow the use of hunting dogs only for hunting rabbit, quail, and squirrel provided the dogs are under the immediate control of the hunter at all times (see Sec. 26.21(b) of this chapter).
3. We allow only shotguns for upland game hunting.
4. For hunting, you may use or possess only approved nontoxic shot shells while in the field, including shot shells used for hunting wild turkey (see Sec. 32.2(k)).
5. We require hunters to read the current refuge hunting brochure, sign it, and then carry it while hunting.
6. We require all hunters except turkey hunters to wear hunter orange.
7. We require all hunters to display a game harvest report (FWS Form 3-2359), with name and date filled in, on their vehicle dashboard while hunting. Hunters may pick up reports at registration boxes, complete the reports, and leave them there before departing the refuge.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of white-tailed deer and turkey on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions B1, B5, and B7 apply. Condition B4 applies only to wild turkey.
2. You must possess and carry a State-issued refuge hunting permit to hunt deer during the State muzzleloader season and the youth hunting weekend.
3. We prohibit firearms deer hunting during the State firearms season except in compliance with condition C2.
4. You may take only two deer per day from the refuge, only one of which may be an antlered buck.
5. We prohibit the construction or use of permanent blinds, platforms, or ladders (see Sec. 27.92 of this chapter).
6. We allow only spring turkey hunting on the refuge, and hunters must possess a State-issued hunting permit during the first 2 weeks of the season.
7. We require all hunters to display a Big Game Harvest Report (FWS Form 3-2359), with name and date filled in, on their vehicle dashboard while hunting. Hunters may obtain a copy of the Big Game Harvest Report at registration boxes. Deer and turkey hunters must leave the completed form at a registration box before departing the refuge.
8. We permit archery deer hunting in designated areas after National Wildlife Refuge Week during the State season with the exceptions that archery deer hunting is closed during the youth deer hunt in November and during the State muzzleloader season.
9. Turkey hunting ends at 1 p.m. daily.
10. We prohibit the use or possession of game trail cameras on the refuge.
11. We require you to remove arrows from crossbows during transport in a vehicle.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow the use of boats (hand- or foot-propelled only) on Stanfield Lake. We prohibit the use of electric or gasoline motors.
2. We allow the use of kayaks and nonmotorized canoes on Richart Lake.
3. We allow the use of belly boats or float tubes in all designated fishing areas.
4. We allow fishing only with rod and reel or pole and line.
5. We prohibit harvest of frog and turtle (see Sec. 27.21 of this chapter).
6. We prohibit the use of lead fishing tackle.
7. We allow only children younger than age 16 to fish in the Discovery Pond.
Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge and Management Area
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of migratory game birds on designated areas of the refuge and the White River Wildlife Management Area in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit the construction or use of permanent blinds, stands, platforms, or scaffolds (see Sec. 27.92 of this chapter).
2. You must remove all boats, decoys, blinds, and blind materials after each day's hunt (see Sec. Sec. 27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter).
3. We allow motorboats only on Snakey Point Marsh east of the South Fork River and the Patoka River. All other areas are open to either manual-powered boats or boats with battery-driven motors only.
4. Motorboats must not exceed ``no wake'' speeds.
5. We prohibit the use of powered airboats on the refuge.
6. We close the Cane Ridge Wildlife Management Area to all hunting.
7. We prohibit hunting and the discharge of a weapon within 150 yards of any dwelling or any building that may be occupied by people, pets, or livestock.
8. You may only use or possess approved nontoxic shot shells while in the field, including shot shells used for hunting wild turkey (see Sec. 32.2(k)).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of bobwhite quail, cottontail rabbit, squirrel (gray and fox), turkey, red and gray fox, coyote, opossum, and raccoon in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunters must register to hunt furbearers at the refuge office, record the number of furbearers harvested on the Upland Game Hunt Report (FWS Form 3-2362), and return the completed form to the refuge office after the hunting season.
2. We allow the use of dogs for hunting, provided the dog is under the immediate control of the hunter at all times (see Sec. 26.21(b) of this chapter).
3. Conditions A7 and A8 apply.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of white-tailed deer and wild turkey in accordance with State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit the construction or use of permanent blinds, stands, platforms, or scaffolds (see Sec. 27.92 of this chapter).
2. We prohibit marking trails with tape, ribbons, paper, paint, tacks, tree blazes, or other devices.
3. On the Columbia Mine Unit, you may only hunt white-tailed deer during the first week (7 days) of the following State-defined seasons: archery, firearms, and muzzleloader.
4. On the Columbia Mine Unit, you may only hunt wild turkey during the State-defined spring season. We prohibit fall season wild turkey hunting on the Columbia Mine Unit.
5. On the Columbia Mine Unit, you may leave portable tree stands overnight only when the unit is open to hunting and for a 2-day grace period before and after the special season.
6. Conditions A6 through A8 apply.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing on all areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow sport fishing in accordance with State regulations on the main channel of the Patoka River.
2. All other refuge waters are subject to the following conditions:
i. We allow fishing from legal sunrise to legal sunset.
ii. We allow fishing only with rod and reel or pole and line.
iii. The minimum size limit for largemouth bass on Snakey Point Marsh and on the Columbia Mine Unit is 14 inches (35.6 centimeters).
iv. You may not collect or harvest minnows, crayfish, or any reptiles and amphibians (see Sec. 27.21 of this chapter).
3. You must remove boats at the end of each day's fishing activity (see Sec. 27.93 of this chapter).
4. Conditions A2 through A5 apply. [58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58 FR 29074, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 55186, Nov. 3, 1994; 61 FR 45366, Aug. 29, 1996; 65 FR 56402, Sept. 18, 2000; 66 FR 46356, Sept. 4, 2001; 69 FR 54362, 54389, Sept. 8, 2004; 70 FR 54168, Sept. 13, 2005; 73 FR 33174, June 11, 2008; 76 FR 3960, Jan. 21, 2011; 76 FR 56069, Sept. 9, 2011; 77 FR 56040, Sept. 11, 2012; 79 FR 14828, Mar. 17, 2014; 80 FR 51902, Aug. 26, 2015]