The following refuge units have been opened for hunting and/or fishing, and are listed in alphabetical order with applicable refuge-specific regulations.
Big Muddy National Fish and Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of migratory game birds on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You must remove all your blinds, boats, and decoys (see Sec. 27.93 of this chapter) from the refuge each day except for blinds made entirely of marsh vegetation.
2. We prohibit cutting of woody vegetation (see Sec. 27.51 of this chapter) on the refuge for blinds.
3. For hunting, you may use or possess only approved nontoxic shot shells while in the field, including shot shells used for hunting wild turkey (see Sec. 32.2(k)).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow upland game hunting on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Condition A3 applies.
2. We allow upland game hunting on the 131-acre mainland unit of Boone's Crossing with archery methods only. On Johnson Island, we allow hunting of game animals during Statewide seasons using archery methods or shotguns using shot no larger than BB.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of deer and turkey on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit the construction or use of permanent blinds, platforms, or ladders at any time.
2. We prohibit hunting over or placing on the refuge any salt or other mineral blocks (see Sec. 32.2(h)).
3. We allow only portable tree stands from September 1 through January 31. Hunters must place their full name and address on their stands.
4. We restrict deer and turkey hunters on the Boone's Crossing Unit, including Johnson Island, to archery methods only.
5. The Cora Island Unit is open to deer hunting for archery methods only. We restrict hunting for other game to shotgun only with shot no larger than BB.
6. Condition A3 applies to wild turkey only.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following condition: You must operate all motorized boats at no-wake speed.
Clarence Cannon National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of white-tailed deer on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting only during the State-designated managed deer hunts.
2. You must register at the hunter sign-in/out station and record the sex and age of deer harvested on the Big Game Harvest Report (FWS Form 3-2359).
3. We prohibit shooting at deer that are on any portion of the main perimeter levee.
4. We allow use of portable stands, but hunters must remove them at the end of each day. If assigned a specific blind location, you may hunt only from that location.
5. You must remove all boats, blinds, blind materials, stands, platforms, scaffolds, and other hunting equipment (see Sec. Sec. 27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter) from the refuge at the end of each day's hunt.
6. We close the area south of Bryants Creek to deer hunting.
7. You must park all vehicles in designated parking areas (see Sec. 27.31 of this chapter).
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit the taking of turtle or frog (see Sec. 27.21 of this chapter).
2. We allow only boat fishing. We allow bank fishing during managed refuge special events.
3. Anglers must remove all boats and fishing equipment at the end of each day's fishing activity (see Sec. 27.92 of this chapter).
Great River National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of waterfowl and coot on the Long Island Division of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following condition: We allow hunting blinds constructed only on sites posted by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of upland game species on Long Island and Fox Island Divisions of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We open Long Island and Fox Island Divisions for upland game hunting only from \1/2\ hour before legal sunrise until \1/2\ hour after legal sunset.
2. We close Fox Island Division to all upland game hunting from October 16 through December 31.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of white-tailed deer and turkey on designated portions of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit construction or use of permanent blinds, platforms, or ladders (see Sec. 27.92 of this chapter).
2. Hunters must remove all portable hunting stands, blinds, and equipment from the refuge at the end of each day's hunt (see Sec. Sec. 27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter).
3. On the Fox Island Division, we allow deer hunting only during the ``Antlerless-Only'' portion of the State firearms deer season.
4. On the Delair Division, we allow muzzleloader deer hunting only subject to the following conditions:
i. You must possess and carry a refuge permit.
ii. We require hunters to check in and out of the refuge each day.
iii. We require hunters to record all harvested deer with refuge staff before removing them from the refuge.
iv. Hunters must park all vehicles only in designated parking areas (see Sec. 27.31 of this chapter).
5. We allow turkey hunting only on the Fox Island Division during the State spring seasons, including youth season. We do not open to fall turkey hunting.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on the Long Island and Fox Island Divisions of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit the taking of turtle and frog (see Sec. 27.21 of this chapter).
2. On the Fox Island Division, we allow bank fishing only along any portion of the Fox River from January 1 through October 15.
Middle Mississippi River National Wildlife Refuge
Refer to Sec. 32.32 (Illinois) for Missouri regulations.
Mingo National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow waterfowl hunting in Pool 7 and Pool 8 in accordance with State and Federal regulations and subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow the use of hunting dogs only for waterfowl hunting, provided the dogs are under the immediate control of the hunter at all times (see Sec. 26.21(b) of this chapter).
2. We allow waterfowl hunting from \1/2\ hour before legal sunrise until 1 pm.
3. We prohibit the use of paint, non-biodegradable flagging, reflectors, tacks, or other manmade materials to mark trails or hunting locations (see Sec. 27.61 of this chapter).
4. You must remove boats, decoys, blinds, and blind materials brought onto the refuge at the end of each day's hunt (see Sec. Sec. 27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter).
5. We prohibit the construction or use of permanent blinds, stands, or scaffolds (see Sec. 27.92 of this chapter).
6. We require hunters to go through the Missouri Department of Conservation daily draw process at Duck Creek Conservation Area to hunt in Pool 7 and Pool 8.
7. We will only open Pool 7 for waterfowl hunting 3 days a week, when conditions allow.
8. We require hunters to read the current refuge hunting brochure that contains a hunting permit (signature only required). We require hunters to sign the permit and carry the signed brochure while hunting.
9 We prohibit the discharging of firearms, including air guns or any other weapons, on the refuge unless you are a hunter with a valid refuge brochure engaged in authorized activities during established seasons.
10. We allow the take of feral hog at any time and bobcat when in season, while legally hunting others species on the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of squirrel, raccoon, and bobcat in designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A3, A8, A9, and A10 apply.
2. We allow hunter access from 1\1/2\ hours before legal shooting time until 1\1/2\ hours after legal shooting time.
3. We require that all hunters register at the hunter sign-in stations and complete an Upland Game Hunt Report (FWS Form 3-2362) located at the exit kiosks prior to exiting the refuge.
4. We prohibit the use of dogs for squirrel hunting.
5. We allow squirrel hunting from the State opening day until the day before the State opening of archery deer season.
6. You may only use or possess approved nontoxic shot shells while in the field (see Sec. 32.2(k)) and rifles chambered for rimfire cartridges.
7. Archery hunters may take squirrel, raccoon, and bobcat while in season and feral hog anytime while archery deer hunting.
8. We allow raccoon hunting by special use permit during the Statewide raccoon season.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow big game hunting in designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A3, A5, A8, A9, A10, and B2 apply.
2. We require that all hunters register at the hunter sign-in stations and complete the Big Game Harvest Report (FWS Form 3-2359) located at the exit kiosks prior to exiting the refuge.
3. We allow archery hunting for deer and turkey during the fall season.
4. We allow spring turkey hunting. You may only use or possess approved nontoxic shot shells while in the field, including shot shells used for hunting wild turkey (see Sec. 32.2(k)).
5. You must remove all boats brought onto the refuge at the end of each day (see Sec. 27.93 of this chapter).
6. We allow archery hunting in the Expanded General Hunt Area through October 31.
7. We allow portable tree stands only from 2 weeks before to 2 weeks after the State archery deer season with the following exception: In the Expanded General Hunt Area, you must remove all personal property at the end of each day.
8. We allow only one tree stand per deer hunter.
9. We allow only non-motorized boats in the Mingo Wilderness Area.
10. We prohibit the distribution of bait or hunting with the aid of bait, salt, or other ingestible attractant (see Sec. 32.2(h)).
11. We require hunters to apply for managed deer hunts through the Missouri Department of Conservation internet draw.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State ``impounded waters'' regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing year-round from \1/2\ hour before legal sunrise until \1/2\ hour after legal sunset on Red Mill Pond, Mingo River (south of Ditch 6 Road), Stanley Creek, May Pond, Fox Pond, Binford Pond, and Ditches 2, 3, 6, 10, and 11.
2. We allow fishing in moist soil units, Monopoly Marsh, Rockhouse Marsh, and Ditches 4 and 5 only from March 1 through September 30.
3. We allow fishing in May Pond and Fox Pond only with rod and reel or pole and line. Anglers may only take bass greater than 12 inches (30 cm) in length from May Pond.
4. We prohibit all boat motors in the Mingo Wilderness. We allow the use of electric trolling motors outside the Mingo Wilderness.
5. We require the removal of watercraft (see Sec. 27.93 of this chapter) from the refuge at the end of each day's fishing activity.
6. We allow anglers to take nongame fish by nets and seines for personal use only from March 1 through September 30.
7. Anglers must attend trammel and gill nets at all times and plainly label them with the owner's name, address, and phone number.
8. We only allow the use of trotlines, throwlines, limb lines, bank lines, and jug lines from \1/2\ hour before legal sunrise until \1/2\ hour after legal sunset. Anglers must remove all fishing lines (see Sec. 27.93 of this chapter) from the refuge at the end of each day's fishing. Anglers must mark each line with their name, address, and phone number.
9. We allow the take of common snapping turtle and soft-shelled turtle using only pole and line. We require all anglers to immediately release all alligator snapping turtles (see Sec. 27.21 of this chapter).
Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of light geese on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations during the spring conservation order season subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunters must remain within direct sight of the guide in the hunt boundary at all times.
2. We allow the guide and hunters into the hunt boundary up to 2 hours prior to legal shooting time.
3. Hunting will stop at 12 p.m. (noon), and hunters must be out of the fields by 2 p.m.
4. We allow hunting dogs, portable blinds, and decoys at the discretion of the guide.
5. We prohibit pit blinds.
6. Hunting dogs must be under the immediate control of their handlers at all times (see Sec. 26.21 of this chapter).
7. We prohibit retrieving crippled geese outside of the hunt boundary, including adjacent private land. This includes retrieval by hunting dogs.
8. We prohibit vehicles beyond the established parking area located adjacent to State Highway 118 (see Sec. 27.31 of this chapter).
9. We prohibit ATV use on the refuge.
10. Both the guide and hunters are responsible for ensuring that all trash, including spent shotgun shells are removed from the hunt area each day (see Sec. Sec. 27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter).
11. Violations of these rules may result in the revocation of the guide's Special Use Permit as deemed appropriate by the refuge manager.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of deer is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Permits are required.
2. Only historic weapon hunting is permitted.
3. Hunters are required to check in and out of the refuge.
4. Stands must be removed from the refuge each day.
5. Hunting is permitted only during the special hunt season established by the State for the refuge.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition: Fish, amphibians, reptiles and crustaceans may only be taken with hand-held pole and line or rod and reel.
Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of migratory birds on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
1. For hunting, you may use or possess only approved nontoxic shot shells while in the field, including shot shells used for hunting wild turkey (see Sec. 32.2(k)).
2. We allow hunting of waterfowl, dove, rail, snipe, and woodcock on the Schmitt, Moresi, Bates, Truman Reservoir, and Yellow Creek Triangle Units subject to State regulations and seasons.
3. We allow hunting of waterfowl, dove, rail, snipe, and woodcock on the refuge subject to the following conditions:
i. We require the Missouri Department of Conservation ``Green Card'' while hunting waterfowl.
ii. We require Missouri Department of Conservation ``Orange Cards'' while dove hunting.
iii. You must follow designated check-in and check-out procedures.
iv. We only allow waterfowl hunting during designated days of the waterfowl seasons, late goose season, and Spring Conservation Order season.
v. We restrict hunting hours to designated times on designated units. You must remove all equipment and exit units by 1 p.m.
vi. During the Spring Conservation Order season, you may leave decoys and blinds overnight in your assigned unit.
vii. You may hunt only in the designated area to which you are assigned at the check station.
viii. We require that you leash or kennel hunting dogs when outside the hunting unit. Dogs must be under the control of the owner at all times.
ix. We restrict hunting units to parties no larger than four, unless otherwise designated.
x. We prohibit driving vehicles, including all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), into units. We allow hand-pulled carts. You must park vehicles in designated parking areas for the unit.
xi. We prohibit the cutting of woody vegetation (see Sec. 27.51 of this chapter) on the refuge.
xii. We prohibit hunting or shooting on, across, or within 100 feet (30.5 meters) of a service road, parking lot, or designated trail.
xiii. We restrict waterfowl hunters to a designated number of shot shells in their possession while hunting in designated waterfowl hunting units.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of upland game on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and seasons, and subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A.1 and A.3.xii apply.
2. On the Schmitt, Moresi, Bates, Truman Reservoir, and Yellow Creek Triangle Units, we allow hunting of quail, rabbit, squirrel, groundhog, bullfrog, green frog, pheasant, raccoon, coyote, red and gray fox, bobcat, opossum, skunk, and badger according to State seasons and regulations. You may access the Yellow Creek Triangle via the Yellow Creek Conservation Area.
3. On the refuge, we allow hunting of squirrel on designated areas in accordance with State regulations and seasons, and subject to the following conditions:
i. We allow shotguns, handguns, and rimfire .22 caliber rifles.
ii. You may not access the refuge from neighboring private or public lands.
iii. We restrict hunting use hours on designated hunting units.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of deer and wild turkey on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
1. Condition A.1 applies only to wild turkey. Conditions A.3.iii. and B.3.ii. apply.
2. On the Schmitt, Moresi, Bates, and Truman Reservoir Units, we allow hunting of white-tailed deer and wild turkey in accordance with State regulations and seasons.
3. On the Yellow Creek Triangle Unit, we allow archery hunting of white-tailed deer consistent with regulations and seasons in the adjacent Yellow Creek Wildlife Management Area.
4. On the refuge, we allow hunting of white-tailed deer subject to the following conditions:
i. We require a Missouri Department of Conservation Permit, along with Missouri Department of Conservation hunter identification tags and parking permits (name/address/phone number) to hunt during the managed deer hunt.
ii. You must participate in a pre-hunt orientation for managed deer hunts.
iii. You must hunt in designated areas during designated times.
iv. We allow entry onto the refuge 1 hour prior to shooting hours during managed deer hunts. You must be off the refuge 1 hour after shooting hours, unless permission has been granted by the refuge manager or designee.
v. We prohibit shooting from, across, or within 100 feet (30.5 meters) of a service road, public road, parking lot, or designated trail unless authorized by the refuge manager.
vi. We allow use of portable tree stands and blinds during managed deer hunts, and you must remove them at designated times. You must attach your name, address, and phone number to all stands and blinds. During managed firearms hunts, you must mark enclosed hunting blinds and stands with hunter orange visible from all sides.
vii. We prohibit hunting over or placing on the refuge any salt or other mineral blocks (see Sec. 32.2(h)).
viii. During special hunts, one nonhunting assistant may accompany youth or hunters with disabilities.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing on all designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing on the refuge only during refuge open hours.
2. The Taylor Point area of Elk Creek is open to fishing year-round during daylight hours. Anglers may access this area by a refuge road (FHWA Route 100) off of State Highway E. The area open to fishing year-round is 300 feet (90 m) upstream and 300 feet downstream of the parking lot along the banks of Elk Creek. In addition, Elk Creek is open to fishing year-round 300 feet downstream and upstream from the bridge on State Highway E. We close all fishing during the refuge-managed deer hunts.
3. We allow only nonmotorized boats on refuge waters with the exception of the Silver Lake impoundment. Anglers may use motor boats on the Silver Lake impoundment. No wake applies to all waters on the refuge.
4. Anglers must remove all boats from the refuge at the end of each day (see Sec. 27.93 of this chapter).
Two Rivers National Wildlife Refuge
Refer to Sec. 32.32 Illinois for regulations. [58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 59 FR 6694, Feb. 11, 1994; 61 FR 45367, Aug. 29, 1996; 61 FR 46397, Sept. 3, 1996; 65 FR 30785, May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56404, Sept. 18, 2000; 66 FR 46359, Sept. 4, 2001; 69 FR 54362, 54426 Sept. 8, 2004; 70 FR 54182, Sept. 13, 2005; 70 FR 56376, Sept. 27, 2005; 73 FR 33188, June 11, 2008; 76 FR 3983, Jan. 21, 2011; 76 FR 56079, Sept. 9, 2011; 77 FR 56050, Sept. 11, 2012; 79 FR 14831, Mar. 17, 2014; 80 FR 51921, Aug. 26, 2015]