The following refuge units have been opened for hunting and/or fishing, and are listed in alphabetical order with applicable refuge-specific regulations.
Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of goose; duck; coot; mourning, white-winged, and Eurasian collared dove; and sandhill crane on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and any special posting or publications, subject to the following conditions:
1. On the North Tract (including Salt Creek Wilderness Area and the portion of the refuge located north of U.S. Highway 70), all hunting must be in accordance with State seasons and regulations.
2. On the Middle Tract (the portion of the refuge located between U.S. Highway 70 and U.S. Highway 380), we allow hunting of goose, duck, sandhill crane, and American coot (no dove):
i. In the designated public hunting area, which is located in the southern portion of the Tract; and
ii. No closer than 100 yards (91.4 meters) to the public auto tour route; and
iii. Only on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays during the period when the State seasons that apply to the Middle Tract area are open simultaneously for hunting all of the species allowed; and
iv. Only until 1 p.m. (local time) on each permitted hunt day.
3. On the South Tract (the portion of the refuge located south of U.S. Highway 380), we allow hunting only during Special Hunts (hunters with disabilities and/or youth hunters age 17 and younger).
4. You may use only approved nontoxic shotgun shot while hunting (see Sec. 32.2(k)).
5. We prohibit pit or permanent blinds and require removal of all waterfowl decoys and all temporary blinds/stands daily after each hunt (see Sec. 27.93 of this chapter).
6. We allow unleashed hunting and/or retrieving dogs on the refuge when hunters are legally present in areas where we allow hunters, only if the dogs are under the immediate control of hunters at all times (see Sec. 26.21(b) of this chapter), and only to pursue species legally in season at that time.
7. We prohibit hunters and their dogs from entering closed areas for retrieval of game.
8. We do not require permits other than those required by the State.
9. Visit the refuge office or Web site, and/or refer to additional on-site brochures, leaflets, or postings for additional regulations.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of pheasant, quail, cottontail, and jack rabbit on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and any special postings or publications subject to the following conditions:
1. On the North Tract (including Salt Creek Wilderness Area and the portion of the refuge located north of U.S. Highway 70), all hunting must be in accordance with State seasons and regulations with the specification that we allow rabbit hunting only during the season that is concurrently open for quail hunting within the State.
2. On the Middle Tract (the portion of the refuge located between U.S. Highway 70 and U.S. Highway 380), we allow only pheasant hunting:
i. Conditions A.2.i, A.2.ii, and A.2.iv apply.
ii. Only on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays during the appropriate State season that applies to the Middle Tract area.
iii. All hunting must cease at 1 p.m. (local time) on each hunt day.
3. On the South Tract (the portion of the refuge located south of U.S. Highway 380), we allow public hunting only during Special Hunts (hunters with disabilities and/or youth hunters age 17 and younger) as per State seasons and regulations.
4. Conditions A4, A6, and A9 apply.
5. We prohibit the use of archery equipment at any time on the refuge except when hunting deer and hogs (see C. Big Game Hunting).
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of mule deer, white-tailed deer, and feral hog on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State seasons and regulations and any special postings or publications, and subject to the following conditions:
1. We restrict all hunting to the North Tract (including Salt Creek Wilderness Area and the portion of the refuge located north of U.S. Highway 70) with the specification that you may hunt and take feral hog (no bag limit) only while legally hunting deer and only with the weapon legal for deer on that day in that area.
2. Conditions A8 and A9 apply.
3. We allow use of only portable blinds or stands and require daily removal of all blinds and stands (see Sec. 27.93 of this chapter).
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of mourning and white-winged dove and light goose on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State and Federal regulations and any special posting or publications and subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting of light goose on dates to be determined by refuge staff. The permit is available through a lottery drawing (Waterfowl Lottery Application, FWS Form 3-2355) and hunters must pay a fee. Contact the refuge for more information.
2. Legal hunting hours will run from \1/2\ hour before legal sunrise and will not extend past 1:00 p.m. (local time) on each hunt day.
3. Refer to the refuge hunt leaflet for designated hunting areas.
4. You may use only approved nontoxic shot while hunting (see Sec. 32.2(k)).
5. We prohibit pit or permanent blinds and require daily removal of all waterfowl decoys, spent shells, all temporary blinds/stands, and all other personal equipment (see Sec. Sec. 27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter).
6. We allow unleashed hunting and/or retrieving dogs on the refuge when hunters are legally present in areas where we allow hunters, only if the dogs are under the immediate control of hunters at all time (see Sec. 26.21(b) of this chapter), and only to pursue species legally in season at that time.
7. We prohibit hunters and dogs from entering closed areas for retrieval of game.
8. We prohibit falconry on the refuge.
9. We prohibit canoeing, boating, or floating through the refuge on the Rio Grande.
10. We prohibit hunting any species on the Rio Grande within the refuge.
11. We prohibit overnight camping without a permit.
12. All State and Federal hunting and fishing regulations regarding methods of take, dates, bag limits, and other factors apply to all hunting and fishing on the refuge, in addition to these refuge-specific regulations.
13. Visit the refuge visitor center or Web site, and/or refer to additional on-site brochures, leaflets, or postings for additional information.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of quail and cottontail rabbit on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and any special posting or publications subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow only shotguns and archery equipment for hunting of upland game. We prohibit the use of archery equipment on the refuge except when hunting for upland and big game.
2. Conditions A2 through A13 apply.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of mule deer, oryx, and bearded Rio Grande turkey on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and any special posting or publications subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A5 through A13 apply.
2. Refer to the refuge hunt leaflet for designated hunting areas.
3. Hunting on the east side of the Rio Grande is only by foot, horseback, or bicycle. Bicycles must stay on designated roads.
4. We may allow oryx hunting from the east bank of the Rio Grande to the east boundary of the refuge for population management purposes for hunters possessing a valid State permit. We may also establish special hunts of the oryx on dates established by refuge staff. Contact the refuge for more information.
5. Legal hunting hours will run from 1 hour before legal sunrise and will not extend past 1 hour after legal sunset.
6. We allow hunting of bearded Rio Grande turkey for youth hunters only on dates determined by refuge staff. All hunters must fill out FWS Form 3-2356 (Big/Upland Game Hunt Application) and pay a fee. The permit is available through a lottery drawing. If selected, you must carry your refuge special use permit (FWS Form 3-1383-G) at all times during the hunt. All hunters are required to fill out a harvest report (FWS Form 3-2359, Big Game Harvest Report) and return it to the refuge within 72 hours. Contact the refuge for more information.
7. Youth hunters age 17 and under must successfully complete a State-approved hunter education course prior to the refuge hunt. While hunting, each youth must possess and carry a card or certificate of completion.
8. Each youth hunter must remain with an adult companion age 18 or older. Each adult companion must possess and carry an adult companion permit (signed refuge youth turkey hunt brochure) and can supervise no more than one youth hunter. Adult companions may observe and call, but they cannot shoot.
9. We allow the use of temporary ground blinds only for youth turkey hunts, and hunters must remove them from the refuge daily (see Sec. 27.93 of this chapter). It is unlawful to damage, cut, or mark any tree or other refuge structure with paint, flagging tape, ribbon, cat-eyes, or any similar marking device.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and any special posting or publications subject to the following conditions:
1. Condition A9 applies.
2. We allow fishing from April 1 through September 30.
3. We allow fishing from \1/2\ hour before legal sunrise until \1/2\ hour after legal sunset.
4. We allow fishing on all canals within the refuge boundaries (Interior Drain, Riverside, Canal, and Low Flow Conveyance Channel), and unit 25AS either from the boardwalk or from shore.
5. We prohibit trotlines, bows and arrows, boats or other flotation devices, seining, dip netting, traps, using bait taken from the refuge, taking of turtle, littering, and all other activities not expressly allowed (see Sec. 27.2l of this chapter).
6. Access to the canals is via the tour loop. We prohibit fishing in closed areas of the refuge, with the exception of the Low Flow Conveyance Channel.
7. We allow frogging for bullfrog on the refuge in areas that are open to fishing.
8. All State and Federal fishing regulations regarding methods of take, dates, creel limits, and other factors apply to all fishing on the refuge, in addition to these refuge-specific regulations.
9. We prohibit fishing for any species on the Rio Grande within the refuge.
Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of mourning dove and goose on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a refuge permit and pay a fee.
2. You may only possess approved nontoxic shot while in the field (see Sec. 32.2(k)).
3. Youth hunters age 17 and under must hunt under the supervision of an adult age 21 or older.
4. We prohibit hunters and dogs from entering closed areas to retrieve birds.
5. We allow goose hunting on designated day(s) of the week as identified on the permit.
6. Shooting hours for geese are from \1/2\ hour before legal sunrise to 1:00 p.m. local time.
7. We assign a bag limit for both light goose and Canada goose to two geese each.
8. For goose hunting you may possess only approved nontoxic shells (see Sec. 32.2(k)) while in the field in quantities of six or less.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
Maxwell National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Fishing is permitted from noon March 1 through October 31.
2. Fishing is permitted only in Lakes 13 and 14.
3. Boats are permitted on Lakes 13 and 14 only during the fishing season.
4. Fishing is not permitted within 150 feet of headgates.
San Andres National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of oryx or gemsbok (Oryx gazella) and desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis mexicana) is allowed on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF) and White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) regulations and subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunters are required to check in and out of the hunt area.
2. Hunters are required to complete an unexploded ordnance (UXO) training prior to entering hunt area.
3. The hunter may be accompanied by no more than three guests including their guide(s).
4. Only approved WSMR outfitters can be used.
5. All hunters must enter and exit through the Small Missile Range gate on Range Road 7.
6. All members of the hunting party are required to wear solid or camouflage-style, florescent orange (hunter's orange) clothing while away from the vehicle and in the field hunting. A minimum of 144 square inches must appear on both the chest and back (a typical blaze-orange hunting vest).
7. Hunters may be escorted, but not guided, by WSMR, NMDGF, or refuge personnel or their agent(s). Check stations may be used in lieu of hunt escorts.
8. Hunters must follow photo and video policy as described by WSMR regulations.
9. Youth hunters, 16 years of age and younger, must be under the direct supervision of an adult, 18 years of age or older.
10. Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on National Wildlife Refuges must comply with all provisions of State and local law. Persons may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with refuge regulations (see Sec. 27.42 of this chapter and specific refuge regulations in this part 32).
11. Hunters and their guests must abide by all rules established by the refuge, WSMR, and NMDGF regulations.
12. Bighorn Sheep: Hunting desert bighorn sheep is allowed on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with NMDGF and WSMR regulations and subject to the following conditions specifically for bighorn sheep:
i. If camping is allowed on WSMR lands, then camping is allowed at Little San Nicholas Camp on the refuge.
ii. Four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle (ATV) use by hunters or members of their hunting party is prohibited on the refuge, although ATVs may be used to retrieve game on WSMR.
iii. Hunters using livestock (i.e., horses or mules) must provide only weed-free feed to their animals while on the refuge.
iv. Hunters or other members of the hunting party are not allowed to hunt small game or other species during desert bighorn ram hunts. Only bighorn sheep may be hunted by individuals with ram tags.
13. Oryx. Hunting oryx is allowed on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with NMDGF and WSMR regulations and subject to the following condition specifically for oryx: Four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle (ATV) use by hunters or members of their hunting party is allowed on the refuge and WSMR only to retrieve game.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of mourning and white-winged doves, geese, ducks, and coots on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and any special posting or publications and subject to the following conditions:
1. Legal hunting hours will run from \1/2\ hour before legal sunrise and will not extend past 1:00 p.m. (local time) on each hunt day.
2. The refuge may designate special youth and/or persons with disabilities hunting days during the regular game bird season. This will apply to areas and species that are currently part of the refuge's hunting program. Contact the refuge for more information.
3. Refer to the refuge hunt leaflet for designated hunting areas.
4. You may use only approved nontoxic shot while hunting (see Sec. 32.2(k)) in the field, in quantities of 25 or fewer.
5. We prohibit pit or permanent blinds and require daily removal of all waterfowl decoys, spent shells, all temporary blinds/stands, and all other personal equipment (see Sec. Sec. 27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter).
6. We allow unleashed hunting and/or retrieving dogs on the refuge when hunters are legally present in areas where we allow hunters, only if the dogs are under the immediate control of hunters at all time (see Sec. 26.21(b) of this chapter), and only to pursue species legally in season at that time.
7. We prohibit hunters and dogs from entering closed areas for retrieval of game.
8. All State and Federal hunting regulations regarding methods of take, dates, bag limits, and other factors, apply to all hunting on the refuge, in addition to these refuge-specific regulations.
9. Visit the refuge visitor center or Web site, and/or refer to additional on-site brochures, leaflets, or postings for additional information.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved] [58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 59 FR 6694, Feb. 11, 1994; 60 FR 62045, Dec. 4, 1995; 61 FR 46397, Sept. 3, 1996; 65 FR 30787, May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56406, Sept. 18, 2000; 66 FR 46360, Sept. 4, 2001; 67 FR 58948, Sept. 18, 2002; 69 FR 54362, 54433, Sept. 8, 2004; 70 FR 54184, Sept. 13, 2005; 73 FR 33193, June 11, 2008; 74 FR 45693, Sept. 3, 2009; 76 FR 3985, Jan. 21, 2011; 76 FR 56080, Sept. 9, 2011; 77 FR , Sept. 11, 2012; 79 FR 14834, Mar. 17, 2014; 80 FR 51923, Aug. 26, 2015]