The following refuge units have been opened for hunting and/or fishing, and are listed in alphabetical order with applicable refuge-specific regulations.
Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of goose, duck, coot, and snipe on that portion of the refuge west of U.S. Highway 101 and outside the Bandon city limits 7 days per week, and hunting of goose, duck, and coot on the Ni-les'tun Unit of the refuge 3 days per week, in accordance with State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
1. The established days for waterfowl hunting on the Ni-les'tun Unit will be Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday.
2. Only portable blinds or blinds constructed of on-site dead vegetation or driftwood may be used (see Sec. 27.51 of this chapter).
3. All blinds, decoys, shotshell hulls, and other personal equipment and refuse must be removed from the refuge at the end of each day (see Sec. Sec. 27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter).
4. Only federally approved nontoxic shot may be used or be in hunters' possession while hunting on the refuge (see Sec. 32.2(k)).
5. Hunters accessing the Ni-les'tun Unit via boat must secure or anchor boats and use established boat launch areas. Hunters may park boats within the marsh while they hunt, but boats landing on the bank of the Coquille River within the Ni-les'tun Unit will be required to park within a designated location.
6. Access to the refuge will be prohibited from 1 hour after sunset to 1 hour before sunrise.
7. Hunters may use dogs as an aid to retrieving waterfowl during the hunting season; however, dogs must remain under control of the handler at all times. Dogs must be in a vehicle or on a leash until they are in the marsh as a part of the hunt.
8. Hunters may enter closed areas of the refuge only to retrieve downed birds.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing in accordance with State regulations, on that portion of the refuge west of U.S. Highway 101.
Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of duck and goose on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
1. Only hunters 15 years of age and younger are allowed to participate in the Youth Waterfowl Hunt. Youths must be accompanied by an adult 21 years of age or older.
2. Blinds, decoys, and other personal property must be removed at the end of each day's hunt (see Sec. 27.93 of this chapter).
3. Vehicles are restricted to designated public use roads and designated parking areas.
4. We prohibit dogs on the refuge, except for hunting dogs engaged in authorized hunting activities, and under the immediate control of a licensed hunter (see Sec. 26.21(b) of this chapter).
5. You may possess only approved nontoxic shells for hunting during the early September Goose Hunt and the Youth Duck Hunt.
6. Open fires are not allowed.
7. Waterfowl and goose permit (name only) hunters must check back to the refuge check station prior to leaving the refuge and submit a Migratory Bird Hunt Report (FWS Form 3-2361).
8. Goose hunters are required to space themselves no less than 200 yards apart from each other during the early September Goose Hunt.
9. No overnight camping or after-hours parking is allowed on the refuge.
10. No hunting is allowed from refuge structures, observation blinds, boardwalks, or similar structures.
11. Persons may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with refuge regulations (see Sec. 27.42 of this chapter and refuge-specific regulations in this part 32).
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
Bear Valley National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of deer only on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State laws and regulations, and subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunting opens concurrent with the State season and closes October 31.
2. We prohibit hunting or public entry of any kind from November 1 to the State-regulated opening day of deer season in the hunting unit.
3. Walk-in access only from designated entry points.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
Cold Springs National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of goose, duck, coot, dove, and snipe on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit overnight camping and/or parking.
2. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot for hunting (see Sec. 32.2(k)).
3. We prohibit discharge of any firearm within 1-4 mile (396 meters (m)) of any maintained building or Federal facility, such as, but not limited to, a structure designed for storage, human occupancy, or shelter for animals. You may not shoot or discharge any firearm from, across, or along a public highway, designated route of travel, road, road shoulder, road embankment, or designated parking area.
4. We allow only portable blinds and temporary blinds constructed of nonliving natural materials. Hunters must remove all decoys and other equipment (see Sec. 27.93 of this chapter) at the end of each day.
5. We allow hunting only on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays, and all federally-recognized holidays within the State season.
6. We reserve parking lot F solely for Memorial Marsh Unit waterfowl hunters.
7. On the Memorial Marsh Unit, we allow hunting only from numbered field blind sites, and hunters must park their vehicles only at the numbered post corresponding to the numbered field blind site they are using (see Sec. 27.31 of this chapter). Selection of parking sites/numbered posts is on a first-come, first-served basis at parking lot F. We prohibit free-roam hunting or jump shooting, and you must remain within 100 feet (30 m) of the numbered field blind post unless retrieving birds or setting decoys. We allow a maximum of four persons per blind site.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of upland game birds on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A2, and A3 apply.
2. We allow hunting from 12 p.m. (noon) to legal sunset on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays, and all federally recognized holidays within the State season.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Condition A1 applies.
2. We allow use of only nonmotorized boats and boats with electric motors.
Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of doves, geese, ducks, coots and common snipe is permitted on the Snake River sector subject to the following conditions:
1. Only portable blinds and temporary blinds constructed of natural materials are permitted.
2. Waterfowl and snipe hunters may possess only approved nontoxic shot while in the field.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting of upland game is permitted on the Snake River Sector subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunting is not permitted from February 1 through May 31.
2. Pheasant, quail, and partridge hunters may possess only approved nontoxic shot while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of deer is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition: Hunting is permitted only on the Snake River Sector.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition: Shoreline fishing is not permitted on the islands of the Snake River Sector from February 1 through May 31.
Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of chukar only on the western slopes of Hart Mountain and Poker Jim Ridge in accordance with State regulations.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of deer, antelope, and bighorn sheep on the refuge in areas designated by permit issued from the State in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow ground blinds, but we prohibit construction of them earlier than 1 week prior to the opening day of the legal season for which you have a valid permit.
2. You must remove blinds (see Sec. 27.93 of this chapter) within 24 hours of harvesting an animal or at the end of the permittee's legal season.
3. We limit hunters to one blind each, and you must tag blinds with the owner's name and permit number.
4. We prohibit destruction of natural vegetation (see Sec. 27.51 of this chapter) or below-ground excavation.
5. We prohibit hunting within 3 miles (4.8 km) of the refuge headquarters.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on the refuge only in Rock Creek, Guano Creek, and Warner Pond in accordance with State regulations.
Julia Butler Hansen Refuge for the Columbian White-Tailed Deer
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of goose, duck, coot, and common snipe on the refuge-owned shorelines of Crims and Wallace Islands in accordance with State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
1. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot for hunting on the refuge (see Sec. 32.2(k)).
2. We prohibit permanent blinds. You must remove all personal property, including decoys and boats, by 1 hour after legal sunset (see Sec. Sec. 27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter).
3. We open the refuge for day-use access from 1\1/2\ hours before legal sunrise until 1\1/2\ hours after legal sunset.
4. We prohibit dogs on the refuge, except for hunting dogs engaged in authorized hunting activities, and under the immediate control of a licensed hunter (see Sec. 26.21(b) of this chapter).
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing along the shoreline of the Wallace Island Unit in accordance with State regulations.
Klamath Marsh National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of goose, duck, coot and common snipe on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State laws and regulations, and subject to the following conditions:
1. The use of air-thrust and inboard water-thrust boats is not permitted.
2. Waterfowl and snipe hunters may possess only approved nontoxic shot while in the field.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State laws and regulations, and subject to the following conditions:
1. Bank fishing is permitted in the borrow ditches adjacent to the Silver Lake Highway and along the shoreline of Wocus Bay.
2. The use of boats is not permitted.
Lewis and Clark National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of goose, duck, coot, and snipe on the designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot for hunting (see Sec. 32.2(k)).
2. We prohibit hunting on all exposed lands on Miller Sands Island and its partially enclosed lagoon, as posted. We prohibit hunting inside the diked portion of Karlson Island, as posted.
3. We prohibit permanent blinds. You must remove all personal property, including decoys and boats, by 1 hour after legal sunset (see Sec. Sec. 27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter).
4. We open the refuge for hunting access from 1\1/2\ hours before legal sunrise until 1\1/2\ hours after legal sunset.
5. We prohibit dogs on the refuge, except for hunting dogs engaged in authorized hunting activities, and under the immediate control of a licensed hunter (see Sec. 26.21(b) of this chapter).
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing along the shoreline of the refuge islands in accordance with State regulations.
Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of goose, duck, coot and common snipe on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State laws and regulations, and subject to the following conditions:
1. In the controlled waterfowl hunting area, we require a Refuge Recreation Pass (passholder/expiration date) for all hunters age 16 or older. An adult with a valid Recreation Pass (passholder/expiration date) must accompany hunters younger than the age of 16 who are hunting in the controlled area.
2. We require advance reservations for the first 2 days of the hunting season. You may obtain a reservation through the Waterfowl Lottery (Migratory Bird Hunt Application, FWS form 3-2357) each year.
3. Entry hours begin at 5:00 a.m. unless otherwise posted.
4. Only unloaded firearms may be carried on hunter access routes open to motor vehicles or when taken through posted retrieving zones when traveling to and from the hunting areas.
5. Decoys may not be set in retrieving zones.
6. The use of air-thrust and inboard water-thrust boats is not permitted.
7. Waterfowl and snipe hunters may possess only approved nontoxic shot while in the field.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of pheasant on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations, and subject to the following conditions:
1. You must wear an outer garment above the waist that is at least 50 percent blaze orange and visible from both front and back. Outer garments may consist of hat or cap, vest, jacket, shirt, or coat.
2. Only unloaded firearms may be taken through posted retrieving zones when traveling to and from hunting areas.
3. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of dove, goose, duck, merganser, coot, snipe, and pigeon on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow nonmotorized boats or boats equipped with only electric motors on the North and South Malheur Lake Hunt Units. All boats are prohibited on the Buena Vista Hunt Unit.
2. We allow only portable and temporary hunting blinds. We prohibit permanent structures.
3. You must remove boats, decoys, blinds, materials and all personal property at the end of each day (see Sec. 27.93 of this chapter).
4. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot while in the field (see Sec. 32.2(k)).
5. We may close any refuge access easement road, refuge road, or hunting access point for public safety, or when travel may be detrimental to the area.
6. The North Malheur Lake Hunt Unit is open during all established State of Oregon migratory bird hunting seasons.
7. The South Malheur Lake and Buena Vista Hunt Units open for migratory bird hunting on the fourth Saturday of October and close at the end of the State waterfowl season.
8. The South Malheur Lake Hunt Unit may be accessed from the Boat Launch Road, or from the North Malheur Lake Hunt Unit, but no earlier than the fourth Saturday of October.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of pheasant, quail, partridge, chukar, and rabbit on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
1. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot while in the field (see Sec. 32.2(k))
2. We allow hunting of upland game species on designated areas of the Blitzen Valley east of Highway 205 from the fourth Saturday in October through the end of the State pheasant season.
3. We allow hunting of upland game species on the North Malheur Lake Hunt Unit concurrent with the State pheasant season.
4. We allow hunting of all upland game species on designated areas of the refuge west of Highway 205 and south of Foster Flat Road, and on designated areas of Krumbo Creek east of the Krumbo Reservoir in accordance with State regulations.
5. We may close any refuge access easement road, refuge road, or hunting access point for public safety, or when travel may be detrimental to the area.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of deer and pronghorn on designated areas of the refuge west of Highway 205 and south of Foster Flat Road, and on designated areas of Krumbo Creek east of the Krumbo Reservoir, in accordance with State regulations.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit ice fishing on and all public access to any ice formations.
2. We allow fishing year-round on Krumbo Reservoir and in the Blitzen River, East Canal, and Mud Creek upstream from and including Bridge Creek.
3. Fishing is allowed on the north bank of the Blitzen River from Sodhouse Lane downstream to the bridge on the Boat Landing Road between August 1 and September 15.
4. We prohibit boats on public fishing areas, except that nonmotorized boats and boats equipped with only electric motors may be used on Krumbo Reservoir.
5. We may close any refuge access easement road, refuge road, or fishing access point for public safety, or when travel may be detrimental to the area.
McKay Creek National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of goose, duck, coot, and snipe on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit overnight camping and/or parking.
2. We prohibit possession of toxic shot for hunting (see Sec. 32.2(k)).
3. We prohibit discharge of any firearm within \1/4\ mile (396 m) of any maintained building or Federal facility, such as, but not limited to, a structure designed for storage, human occupancy, or shelter for animals. You may not shoot or discharge any firearm from, across, or along a public highway, designated route of travel, road, road shoulder, road embankment, or designated parking area.
4. We only allow portable blinds and temporary blinds constructed of nonliving natural materials. Hunters must remove all decoys and other equipment (see Sec. 27.93 of this chapter) at the end of each day.
5. We prohibit the use of boats.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of upland game birds on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A2, and A3 apply.
2. On the opening weekend of the hunting season, we require all hunters to possess and carry a special refuge permit (name/address/phone number).
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the following conditions: Condition A1 applies.
McNary National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of migratory birds on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and special conditions listed for McNary National Wildlife Refuge in the State of Washington.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of upland game birds on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and special conditions listed for McNary National Wildlife Refuge in the State of Washington.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow deer hunting on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and special conditions listed for McNary National Wildlife Refuge in the State of Washington.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and special conditions listed for McNary National Wildlife Refuge in the State of Washington.
Nestucca Bay National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of ducks and coot on refuge lands at Brooten Marsh and the mouth of the Little Nestucca River 7 days per week in accordance with State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
1. Only federally approved nontoxic shot may be used or be in hunters' possession while hunting on the refuge (see Sec. 32.2(k)).
2. Only portable blinds or blinds constructed of on-site dead vegetation or driftwood may be used (see Sec. 27.51 of this chapter).
3. All blinds, decoys, shotshell hulls, and other personal equipment and refuse must be removed from the refuge at the end of each day (see Sec. Sec. 27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter).
4. Access to the refuge will be prohibited from 1 hour after sunset to 2 hours before sunrise.
5. Hunters may use dogs as an aid to retrieving waterfowl during the hunting season; however, dogs must remain under control of the handler at all times (see Sec. 26.21(b) of this chapter). Dogs must be in a vehicle or on a leash until they are in the marsh as a part of the hunt.
6. Hunters may enter closed areas of the refuge only to retrieve downed birds.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting of quail, grouse, and partridge is permitted on designated areas of the refuge.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of deer and antelope is permitted on designated areas of the refuge.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
Siletz Bay National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of goose, duck, and coot on refuge lands west of U.S. Highway 101 7 days per week and on the Millport Slough South Unit of the refuge 3 days per week, in accordance with State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
1. The established days for waterfowl hunting on the Millport Slough South Unit will be Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday.
2. Only federally approved nontoxic shot may be used or be in hunters' possession while hunting on the refuge (see Sec. 32.2(k)).
3. Only portable blinds or blinds constructed of on-site dead vegetation or driftwood may be used (see Sec. 27.51 of this chapter).
4. All blinds, decoys, shotshell hulls, and other personal equipment and refuse must be removed from the refuge at the end of each day (see Sec. Sec. 27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter).
5. Access to the refuge will be prohibited from 1 hour after sunset to 2 hours before sunrise.
6. The use or possession of alcoholic beverages while hunting is prohibited.
7. Hunters may use dogs as an aid to retrieving waterfowl during the hunting season; however, dogs must remain under control of the handler at all time (see Sec. 26.21(b) of this chapter). Dogs must be in a vehicle or on a leash until they are in the marsh as a part of the hunt.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow waterfowl hunting on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
1. Age: Youth age 17 and younger may participate as active hunters. Youth must be accompanied by an adult age 21 or older. Supervising adults are not allowed to hunt.
2. A maximum of two hunting youth will be allowed per hunting blind. At least one nonhunting supervising adult must accompany youth hunters. Additional nonhunters may also occupy the blind with a hunting youth and nonhunting adult supervisor for a maximum occupancy of 4 persons per blind.
3. Disabled youth hunters must possess an Oregon Disabilities Hunting and Fishing Permit issued by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) to qualify for preference in using the designated accessible hunting blind (see for further information).
4. We will assign blinds by a random drawing of applications.
5. Hunting season will begin on the last weekend of October, as conditions permit, and run through the end of the regular State hunting season. The refuge will not be open for the 3rd period northwest permit zone goose hunt.
6. Hunting hours: Official start times are listed in the shooting hours table in the Oregon game bird regulations. Shooting time ends at 1:00 p.m. for the entire season.
7. We open the hunt area for access 1\1/2\ hours before legal shooting hours.
8. You must remove decoys, other personal property, and trash.
9. We allow dogs for retrieving waterfowl.
10. We prohibit possession of shot size larger than BB.
11. All hunters must hunt from designated blinds.
12. We restrict vehicles to designated public use roads and designated parking areas. No overnight camping or parking.
13. All hunters must have visible means of retrieving waterfowl such as float tube, waders, or a dog capable of retrieving. We prohibit motorized boats.
14. Hunters must check-in and check-out at a designated check station. You must report harvest of ducks prior to leaving the refuge. Harvest of geese must be checked at an ODFW-operated goose check station.
15. We prohibit possession of alcohol by any person in the hunt area.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
Umatilla National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of goose, duck, coot, dove, and snipe on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit overnight camping and/or parking.
2. We prohibit possession of toxic shot for hunting (see Sec. 32.2(k)).
3. We prohibit discharge of any firearm within 1-4 mile (396 meters (m)) of any maintained building or Federal facility, such as, but not limited to, a structure designed for storage, human occupancy, or shelter for animals. You may not shoot or discharge any firearm from, across, or along a public highway, designated route of travel, road, road shoulder, road embankment, or designated parking area.
4. We allow only portable blinds and temporary blinds constructed of nonliving natural materials. Hunters must remove all decoys and other equipment (see Sec. 27.93 of this chapter) at the end of each day.
5. We allow dove hunting only on the Boardman Unit.
6. On the McCormack Unit, we allow hunting subject to the following conditions:
i. The McCormack Unit is a fee-hunt area only open to hunting on Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays, Thanksgiving Day, and New Year's Day during State waterfowl seasons.
ii. We require hunters to stop at the check station to obtain a special refuge permit (name/address/phone number) that you must possess and carry, to pay a recreation user fee, and to obtain a blind assignment before hunting.
iii. We allow hunting only from assigned blind sites and require hunters to remain within 100 feet (30 m) of marked blind sites unless retrieving birds.
iv. Hunters may only possess up to 25 shot shells per hunt day.
7. We close all islands within the Columbia River to all access.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of upland game birds on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A2, A3, and A7 apply.
2. On the McCormack Fee Hunt Unit, we allow hunting only on Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays, Thanksgiving Day, and New Year's Day from 12 p.m. (noon) to legal sunset of each hunt day.
3. On the McCormack Unit, we require all hunters to possess and carry a special refuge permit (name/address/phone number).
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of deer on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A2, A3, and A7 apply.
2. We allow hunting by special permit only (issued by the State).
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 and A7 apply.
2. [Reserved]
Upper Klamath National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of goose, duck, coot, and common snipe on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State laws and regulations, and subject to the following conditions:
1. The use of air-thrust and inboard water-thrust boats is not permitted.
2. Waterfowl and snipe hunters may possess only approved nontoxic shot while in the field.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State laws and regulations, and subject to the following conditions:
1. Fishing is permitted in Pelican Bay, Recreation Creek, Crystal Creek, Odessa Creek, Pelican Cut and that portion of Upper Klamath Lake located on the east side of the refuge.
2. Motorized boats shall not exceed 10 miles per hour in any stream, creek or canal and on that portion of Pelican Bay west of a line beginning at designated points on the north shore of Pelican Bay one-fourth mile east of Crystal Creek and extending due south to the opposite shore of the lake.
William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow deer and elk hunting on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow deer and elk hunting on designated dates from \1/2\ hour before legal sunrise until \1/2\ hour after legal sunset. We post these refuge-specific regulations at self-service hunt kiosks.
2. You may harvest only antlerless elk with appropriate State-issued tags.
3. We prohibit overnight camping or after-hours parking on the refuge.
4. We prohibit hunting from any refuge structure, observation blind, or boardwalk.
5. We require all hunters to register at a self-service hunt kiosk. All hunters must complete a Big Game Harvest Report (FWS Form 3-2359), after each hunt day.
6. Hunters may use portable or climbing stands but must remove them from the refuge daily (see Sec. 27.93 of this chapter). The Service takes no responsibility for the loss or theft of tree stands left in the field.
7. We restrict vehicles to designated public use roads and designated parking areas.
8. We prohibit the use of dogs during hunting.
9. Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on national wildlife refuges must comply with all provisions of State and local law. Persons may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with refuge regulations (see Sec. 27.42 of this chapter and specific refuge regulations in part 32).
10. We prohibit the use of game and trail cameras.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing on Muddy Creek from the beginning of the State trout season in April through October 31.
2. We prohibit the use of boats. [58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58 FR 29076, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 6696, Feb. 11, 1994; 59 FR 55187, Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 62046, Dec. 4, 1995; 61 FR 46398, Sept. 3, 1996; 62 FR 47381, Sept. 9, 1997; 63 FR 46921, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR 30790, May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56407, Sept. 18, 2000; 66 FR 46361, Sept. 4, 2001; 67 FR 58949, Sept. 18, 2002; 68 FR 57318, Oct. 2, 2003; 69 FR 54362, 54447, Sept. 8, 2004; 70 FR 54189, Sept. 13, 2005; 70 FR 56377,Sept. 27, 2005; 73 FR 33195, June 11, 2008; 76 FR 56084, Sept. 9, 2011; 77 FR 56055, Sept. 11, 2012; 79 FR 14837, Mar. 17, 2014; 80 FR 51927, Aug. 26, 2015]