The following refuge units have been opened for hunting and/or fishing and are listed in alphabetical order with applicable refuge-specific regulations.
Block Island National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of white-tailed deer on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require hunters to submit a Big/Upland Game Hunt Application (FWS Form 3-2356) to be selected to hunt on the refuge. Hunting brochures containing hunting application procedures, seasons, bag limits, methods of hunting, maps depicting areas open to hunting, and the terms and conditions under which we issue hunting permits are available at the refuge administration office and on the refuge's Web site.
2. We require hunters to possess a valid State hunting license and all required stamps, a valid government-issued photo identification, and a valid hunting permit issued by the refuge at all times while on refuge property.
3. We prohibit hunters from taking any other wildlife.
4. We require hunters to notify a refuge representative if they need to enter a closed area to retrieve game.
5. We allow only shotguns (slugs only), muzzleloaders, and archery equipment to harvest deer.
6. We prohibit the use of any drug on any arrow for bow hunting, including crossbows, on national wildlife refuges (see Sec. 32.2(g)). We prohibit archers possessing any arrows employing such drugs on any national wildlife refuge.
7. We prohibit the distribution of bait and/or hunting over bait (see Sec. 32.2(h)).
8. We prohibit the use of nails, wire, screws, or bolts to attach a stand to a tree, or hunting from a tree into which a metal object has been driven to support a hunter (see Sec. 32.2(i)).
9. We prohibit the use or possession of alcoholic beverages while hunting (see Sec. 32.2(j)).
10. We prohibit the use of spotlights, automotive headlights, or other artificial light for the purpose of spotting, locating, or taking any animal. This regulation applies even if no weapons are in the vehicle.
11. Anytime State hunting regulations specify the requirement that hunters wear blaze-orange clothing, hunters must adhere to those regulations both in amount of blaze-orange clothing required and in specified seasons. For example, we require both archery and firearms hunters to wear blaze-orange clothing during the firearm seasons in areas open to both types of hunts.
12. We prohibit permanent tree stands. Hunters must remove all portable tree stands from the refuge daily (see Sec. 27.93 of this chapter). The Service takes no responsibility for the loss or theft of tree stands left in the field.
13. Hunters must mark tree stands with owner information (name, address, and phone number). We allow only portable stands.
14. We will prohibit the use of motorized or nonmotorized vehicles on the refuge unless the refuge manager grants prior approval (e.g., accessibility for disabled individuals). This includes, but we do not limit it to, vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, dirt bikes, motorcycles, and bicycles.
15. We prohibit marking (including, but we do not limit it to, the use of flagging, bright eyes, tacks, and paint), cutting, and/or removal of trees or vegetation (see Sec. 27.51 of this chapter).
16. We prohibit hunting in areas designated as closed.
17. We prohibit hunting within 100 feet (30 m) of a State, county, city roadway, or refuge trail.
18. We prohibit hunting with the use of firearms within 500 feet (150 m) of an occupied dwelling.
19. We prohibit archery deer hunting within 200 feet (60 m) of an occupied dwelling.
20. We prohibit the use of buckshot.
21. We prohibit hunters field dressing deer within 100 feet (30 m) of a road or trail.
22. We prohibit tracking later than 2\1/2\ hours after legal sunset. Hunters must make a reasonable effort to retrieve all wounded deer. This may include next-day tracking except on Federal holidays.
23. We prohibit deer drives or anyone taking part in any deer drive. We define a ``deer drive'' as an organized or planned effort to pursue, drive, chase, or otherwise frighten or cause deer to move in the direction of any person or persons who are part of the organized or planned hunt and known to be waiting for the deer.
24. Refuge hunting information and the Rhode Island Hunting and Trapping Abstract will inform hunters of both State and refuge regulations. Refuge-specific hunting regulations, as listed in the ``Block Island National Wildlife Refuge Hunting Regulations'' handout, will be in effect.
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may surf fish in the Atlantic Ocean from the refuge shoreline in accordance with state regulations.
John H. Chafee National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may saltwater fish from the refuge shoreline in accordance with state regulations.
Ninigret National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of white-tailed deer on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require hunters to submit a Big/Upland Game Hunt Application (FWS Form 3-2356) to be selected to hunt on the refuge. Hunting brochures containing hunting application procedures, seasons, bag limits, methods of hunting, maps depicting areas open to hunting, and the terms and conditions under which we issue hunting permits are available at the refuge administration office and on the refuge's web site.
2. We require hunters to possess a valid State hunting license and all required stamps, a valid government-issued photo identification, and a valid hunting permit issued by the refuge at all times while on refuge property.
3. We prohibit hunters from taking any other wildlife.
4. We require hunters to notify a refuge representative if they need to enter a closed area to retrieve game.
5. We allow only shotguns (slugs only), muzzleloaders, and archery equipment to harvest deer.
6. We prohibit the use of any drug on any arrow for bow hunting, including crossbows, on national wildlife refuges (see Sec. 32.2(g)). We prohibit archers possessing any arrows employing such drugs on any national wildlife refuge.
7. We prohibit the distribution of bait and/or hunting over bait (see Sec. 32.2(h)).
8. We prohibit the use of nails, wire, screws, or bolts to attach a stand to a tree, or hunting from a tree into which a metal object has been driven to support a hunter (see Sec. 32.2(i)).
9. We prohibit the use or possession of alcoholic beverages while hunting (see Sec. 32.2(j)).
10. We prohibit the use of spotlights, automotive headlights, or other artificial light for the purposes of spotting, locating, or taking any animal. This regulation applies even if no weapons are in the vehicle.
11. Anytime State hunting regulations specify the requirement that hunters wear blaze-orange clothing, hunters must adhere to those regulations both in amount of blaze-orange clothing required and in specified seasons. For example, we require both archery and firearms hunters to wear blaze-orange clothing during the firearm seasons in areas open to both types of hunts.
12. We prohibit permanent tree stands. Hunters must remove all portable tree stands from the refuge daily (see Sec. 27.93 of this chapter). The Service takes no responsibility for the loss or theft of tree stands left in the field.
13. Hunters must mark tree stands with owner information (name, address, and phone number). We allow only portable stands.
14. We will prohibit the use of motorized or nonmotorized vehicles on the refuge unless the refuge manager grants prior approval (e.g., accessibility for disabled individuals). This includes, but we do not limit it to, vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, dirt bikes, motorcycles, and bicycles.
15. We prohibit marking (including, but we do not limit it to, the use of flagging, bright eyes, tacks, and paint), cutting, and/or removal of trees or vegetation (see Sec. 27.51 of this chapter).
16. We prohibit hunting in areas designated as closed.
17. We prohibit hunting within 100 feet (30 m) of a State, county, city roadway, or refuge trail.
18. We prohibit hunting on the Kettle Pond Unit within 200 feet (60 m) of the visitor center and parking lots.
19. We prohibit hunting with the use of firearms within 500 feet (150 m) of an occupied dwelling.
20. We prohibit archery deer hunting within 200 feet (60 m) of an occupied dwelling.
21. We prohibit the use of buckshot.
22. We prohibit hunters field dressing deer within 100 feet (30 m) of a road or trail.
23. We prohibit tracking later than 2\1/2\ hours after legal sunset. Hunters must make a reasonable effort to retrieve all wounded deer. This may include next-day tracking except we prohibit tracking on Federal holidays.
24. We prohibit deer drives or anyone taking part in any deer drive. We define a ``deer drive'' as an organized or planned effort to pursue, drive, chase, or otherwise frighten or cause deer to move in the direction of any person or persons who are part of the organized or planned hunt and known to be waiting for the deer.
25. Refuge hunting information and the Rhode Island Hunting and Trapping Abstract will inform hunters of both State and refuge regulations. Refuge-specific hunting regulations, as listed in the ``Ninigret National Wildlife Refuge Hunting Regulations'' handout, will be in effect.
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may surf fish in the Atlantic Ocean from the refuge shoreline in accordance with state regulations. Anglers may saltwater fish and shellfish in Ninigret Pond from the refuge shoreline only from sunrise to sunset in accordance with state and refuge regulations.
Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may surf fish in the Atlantic Ocean and Sakonnet River from the refuge shoreline in accordance with state regulations. Additionally, anglers may night-fish after sunset in accordance with state regulations.
Trustom Pond National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunters may hunt Canada geese and mourning doves on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions: State permits required.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may surf fish in the Atlantic Ocean from the refuge shoreline from September 16 to March 31 in accordance with state and refuge regulations. [63 FR 46921, Sept. 3, 1998, as amended at 69 FR 54362, Sept. 8, 2004; 77 FR 56055, Sept. 11, 2012]