(a) The Service has responsibility to monitor and review implementation of all state management programs approved pursuant to this part.
(b) In order to facilitate such review, each state to which management authority has been transferred shall submit an annual report, not later than 120 days after the close of such state's first full fiscal or calendar year following the effective date of the Service's approval of the State management program, and at the same time each following year, or at such other time as may be agreed upon. The repot shall contain the following information current for each reporting period:
(1) Any changes in the state laws which comprise those aspects of the state management program submitted pursuant to Sec. 403.03(b), and, in the case of Alaska, Sec. 403.03(d), of this part;
(2) Pertinent new data on the marine mammal species or the marine ecosystems in question including a summary of the status, trend and general health of the species;
(3) A summary of available information relating to takings under the state management program;
(4) A summary of state actions to protect species' habitat;
(5) A summary of all state research activity on the species;
(6) Any significant changes in the information provided with the original request for transfer of management authority;
(7) A summary of enforcement activity;
(8) A summary of budget and staffing levels for the marine mammal activities in the categories of research, management and enforcement;
(9) Any other information which the Service may request, consistent with the Act as amended, or which the state deems necessary or advisable to facilitate review by the Service of state management of the species.
(c) Each state having an approved management program shall file a report, in a timely manner, not to exceed 45 days from the occurrence of any of the following:
(1) Any change in a relevant state law (amendments, repealers, or new legislation or regulations or judicial precedent) as submitted pursuant to paragraphs (b)(2) through (b)(5), and in the case of Alaska, paragraph (d), of Sec. 403.03 of this part that may impair the State's ability to implement the program;
(2) Any significant natural or manmade occurrence or any new scientific information that may warrant reconsideration of the determinations made pursuant to Sec. 403.04 of this part.
(d) All components of the state request for transfer of management authority, as well as annual reports submitted under paragraph (b) of this section and any reports submitted under paragraph (c) of this section, shall be available for inspection and copying at the Office of the Chief, Division of Wildlife Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, Washington, DC 20240, or, as appropriate, at the Office of Protected Species and Habitat Conservation, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20235, and at the appropriate Service's regional office.