(a) Catching. Each FFV authorized for activity code 1 may catch fish. An FFV may retain its catch of any species or species group for which there is an unfilled national allocation. All fish caught will be counted against the national allocation, even if the fish are discarded, unless exempted by the regulations of the fishery in which the FFV is engaged. Catching operations may be conducted as specified by the regulations of the fishery in which the FFV is engaged and as modified by the FFV's permit.
(b) Scouting. Each FFV authorized for Activity Codes 1 through 6 may scout for fish. Scouting may be conducted only in the fisheries area authorized by the scouting vessel's permit and under such other circumstances as may be designated in this subpart or the permit.
(c) Processing. Each FFV with Activity Code 1 or 2 may process fish. Processing may only be conducted whenever and wherever catching operations for FFV's of that Nation are permitted, whenever and wherever joint venture operations are authorized by an FFV's permit under Activity Code 4, and under such other circumstances as may be designated in this subpart or the permit.
(d) Support. Each FFV with Activity Codes 1, 2, 3, 5, or 8 may support other permitted FFV's. Each FFV with Activity Codes 4 or 6 may support U.S. vessels. Support operations may be conducted only in the fisheries areas authorized by the supporting vessel's permit, and under such other circumstances as may be designated in this subpart or the permit.
(e) Joint ventures. Each FFV with Activity Code 4 in addition to Activity Codes 1 or 2 may also conduct operations with U.S. fishing vessels. These joint venture operations with U.S. fishing vessels may be conducted throughout the EEZ, and under such other circumstances as may be designated in these regulations or the permit. FFV's with activity code 4 may continue operations assisting U.S. fishing vessels, despite closures under Sec. 600.511(a).
(f) Internal waters. For FFV's authorized under section 306(c) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act:
(1) Each FFV may engage in fish processing and support of U.S. fishing vessels within the internal waters of that state in compliance with terms and conditions set by the authorizing Governor.
(2) The owner or operator of each FFV must submit weekly reports on the amount of fish received from vessels of the United States and the location(s) where such fish were harvested.
(i) Reports must include:
(A) Vessel identification information for the FFV.
(B) Date of each receipt of fish.
(C) Amount of fish received, by species.
(D) Location(s) from which the fish received were harvested and the name and official number of the vessel of the United States that harvested the fish.
(ii) Owners or operators of FFV's processing fish in internal waters under the provisions of this paragraph (f) must request, from the Regional Administrator, the requirements regarding timing and submission of the reports, at least 15 days prior to the first receipt of fish from a vessel of the United States. The Regional Administrator shall stipulate the timing and submission requirements in writing.
(g) Transshipping. Each FFV with Activity Code 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 10 may transship in accordance with this subpart and the vessel's permit. [61 FR 32540, June 24, 1996, as amended at 62 FR 27183, May 19, 1997; 62 FR 34397, June 26, 1997; 64 FR 39020, July 21, 1999]