(a) The relation of this part to other laws is set forth in Sec. 600.705 of this chapter and paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section.
(b) Except for regulations on allowable octocoral, Gulf and South Atlantic prohibited coral, and live rock, this part is intended to apply within the EEZ portions of applicable National Marine Sanctuaries and National Parks, unless the regulations governing such sanctuaries or parks prohibit their application. Regulations on allowable octocoral, Gulf and South Atlantic prohibited coral, and live rock do not apply within the EEZ portions of the following National Marine Sanctuaries and National Parks:
(1) Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (15 CFR part 922, subpart P).
(2) Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary (15 CFR part 922, subpart I).
(3) Monitor National Marine Sanctuary (15 CFR part 922, subpart F).
(4) Everglades National Park (36 CFR 7.45).
(5) Biscayne National Park (16 U.S.C. 410gg).
(6) Fort Jefferson National Monument (36 CFR 7.27).
(c) For allowable octocoral, if a state has a catch, landing, or gear regulation that is more restrictive than a catch, landing, or gear regulation in this part, a person landing in such state allowable octocoral taken from the South Atlantic EEZ must comply with the more restrictive state regulation.
(d) General provisions on facilitation of enforcement, penalties, and enforcement policy applicable to all domestic fisheries are set forth in Secs. 600.730, 600.735, and 600.740 of this chapter, respectively.
(e) An activity that is otherwise prohibited by this part may be conducted if authorized as scientific research activity, exempted fishing, or exempted educational activity, as specified in Sec. 600.745 of this chapter.