Also see Sec. 622.9 for additional prohibited gear and methods that apply more broadly to multiple fisheries or in some cases all fisheries.
(a) A spiny lobster may not be taken in the EEZ with a spear, hook, or similar device, or gear containing such devices. In the EEZ, the possession of a speared, pierced, or punctured spiny lobster is prima facie evidence that prohibited gear was used to take such lobster. Hook, as used in this paragraph (a), does not include a hook in a hook-and-line fishery for species other than spiny lobster; and possession of a spiny lobster that has been speared, pierced, or punctured by such hook is not considered evidence that prohibited gear was used to take the spiny lobster, provided no prohibited gear is on board the vessel.
(b) A spiny lobster may not be taken in a directed fishery by the use of a net or trawl. See Sec. 622.408(b)(4) for the bycatch limits applicable to a vessel that uses or has on board a net or trawl.
(c) Poisons and explosives may not be used to take a spiny lobster in the EEZ. For the purposes of this paragraph (c), chlorine, bleach, and similar substances, which are used to flush a spiny lobster out of rocks or coral, are poisons. A vessel in the spiny lobster fishery may not possess on board in the EEZ any dynamite or similar explosive substance.