Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 50  /  Part 622  /  Sec. 622.497 Adjustment of management measures.

In accordance with the framework procedure of the Fishery Management Plan for Queen Conch Resources of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, the RA may establish or modify the following items:

(a) Quotas, trip limits, bag limits, size limits, closed seasons or areas, gear restrictions, fishing year, MSY, OY, TAC, MFMT, MSST, OFL, ABC control rules, ACLs, AMs, ACTs, and actions to minimize the interaction of fishing gear with endangered species or marine mammals.

(b) [Reserved]

Sec. Appendix A to Part 622--Species Tables

Table 1 of Appendix A to Part 622--Caribbean Coral Reef Resources I. Coelenterates--Phylum Coelenterata

A. Hydrocorals--Class Hydrozoa

1. Hydroids--Order Anthoathecata

Family Milleporidae

Millepora spp., Fire corals

Family Stylasteridae

Stylaster roseus, Rose lace corals

B. Anthozoans--Class Anthozoa

1. Soft corals--Order Alcyonacea

Family Anthothelidae

Erythropodium caribaeorum, Encrusting gorgonian

Iciligorgia schrammi, Deepwater sea fan

Family Briareidae

Briareum asbestinum, Corky sea finger

Family Clavulariidae

Carijoa riisei

Telesto spp.

2. Gorgonian corals--Order Gorgonacea

Family Ellisellidae

Ellisella spp., Sea whips

Family Gorgoniidae

Gorgonia flabellum, Venus sea fan

G. mariae, Wide-mesh sea fan

G. ventalina, Common sea fan

Pseudopterogorgia acerosa, Sea plume

P. albatrossae

P. americana, Slimy sea plume

P. bipinnata, Bipinnate plume

P. rigida

Pterogorgia anceps, Angular sea whip

P. citrina, Yellow sea whip

Family Plexauridae

Eunicea calyculata, Warty sea rod

E. clavigera

E. fusca, Doughnut sea rod

E. knighti

E. laciniata

E. laxispica

E. mammosa, Swollen-knob

E. succinea, Shelf-knob sea rod

E. touneforti

Muricea atlantica

M. elongata, Orange spiny rod

M. laxa, Delicate spiny rod

M. muricata, Spiny sea fan

M. pinnata, Long spine sea fan

Muriceopsis spp.

M. flavida, Rough sea plume

M. sulphurea

Plexaura flexuosa, Bent sea rod

P. homomalla, Black sea rod

Plexaurella dichotoma, Slit-pore sea rod

P. fusifera

P. grandiflora

P. grisea

P. nutans, Giant slit-pore

Pseudoplexaura crucis

P. flagellosa

P. porosa, Porous sea rod

P. wagenaari

3. Hard Corals--Order Scleractinia

Family Acroporidae

Acropora cervicornis, Staghorn coral

A. palmata, Elkhorn coral

A. prolifera, Fused staghorn

Family Agaricidae

Agaricia agaricites, Lettuce leaf coral

A. fragilis, Fragile saucer

A. lamarcki, Lamarck's sheet

A. tenuifolia, Thin leaf lettuce

Leptoseris cucullata, Sunray lettuce

Family Astrocoeniidae

Stephanocoenia michelinii, Blushing star

Family Caryophylliidae

Eusmilia fastigiata, Flower coral

Tubastrea aurea, Cup coral

Family Faviidae

Cladocora arbuscula, Tube coral

Colpophyllia natans, Boulder coral

Diploria clivosa, Knobby brain coral

D. labyrinthiformis, Grooved brain

D. strigosa, Symmetrical brain

Favia fragum, Golfball coral

Manicina areolata, Rose coral

M. mayori, Tortugas rose coral

Montastrea annularis, Boulder star coral

M. cavernosa, Great star coral

Solenastrea bournoni, Smooth star coral

Family Meandrinidae

Dendrogyra cylindrus, Pillar coral

Dichocoenia stellaris, Pancake star

D. stokesi, Elliptical star

Meandrina meandrites, Maze coral

Family Mussidae

Isophyllastrea rigida, Rough star coral

Isophyllia sinuosa, Sinuous cactus

Mussa angulosa, Large flower coral

Mycetophyllia aliciae, Thin fungus coral

M. danae, Fat fungus coral

M. ferox, Grooved fungus

M. lamarckiana, Fungus coral

Scolymia cubensis, Artichoke coral

S. lacera, Solitary disk

Family Oculinidae

Oculina diffusa, Ivory bush coral

Family Pocilloporidae

Madracis decactis, Ten-ray star coral

M. mirabilis, Yellow pencil

Family Poritidae

Porites astreoides, Mustard hill coral

P. branneri, Blue crust coral

P. divaricata, Small finger coral

P. porites, Finger coral

Family Rhizangiidae

Astrangia solitaria, Dwarf cup coral

Phyllangia americana, Hidden cup coral

Family Siderastreidae

Siderastrea radians, Lesser starlet

S. siderea, Massive starlet

4. Black Corals--Order Antipatharia

Antipathes spp., Bushy black coral

Stichopathes spp., Wire coralII. [Reserved]Aquarium Trade Species in the Caribbean Coral FMPI. Sponges--Phylum Porifera

A. Demosponges--Class Demospongiae

Amphimedon compressa, Erect rope sponge

Chondrilla nucula, Chicken liver sponge

Cinachyrella alloclada

Geodia neptuni, Potato sponge

Haliclona spp., Finger sponge

Myriastra spp.

Niphates digitalis, Pink vase sponge

N. erecta, Lavender rope sponge

Spinosella plicifera

S. vaginalis

Tethya cryptaII. Coelenterates--Phylum Coelenterata

A. Anthozoans--Class Anthozoa

1. Anemones--Order Actiniaria

Aiptasia tagetes, Pale anemone

Bartholomea annulata, Corkscrew anemone

Condylactis gigantea, Giant pink-tipped anemone

Heteractis lucida, Knobby anemone

Lebrunia spp., Staghorn anemone

Stichodactyla helianthus, Sun anemone

2. Colonial Anemones--Order Zoanthidea

Zoanthus spp., Sea mat

3. False Corals--Order Corallimorpharia

Discosoma spp. (formerly Rhodactis), False coral

Ricordea florida, Florida false coralIII. Annelid Worms--Phylum Annelida

A. Polychaetes--Class Polychaeta

Family Sabellidae, Feather duster worms

Sabellastarte spp., Tube worms

S. magnifica, Magnificent duster

Family Serpulidae

Spirobranchus giganteus, Christmas tree wormIV. Mollusks--Phylum Mollusca

A. Gastropods--Class Gastropoda

Family Elysiidae

Tridachia crispata, Lettuce sea slug

Family Olividae

Oliva reticularis, Netted olive

Family Ovulidae

Cyphoma gibbosum, Flamingo tongue

B. Bivalves--Class Bivalvia

Family Limidae

Lima spp., Fileclams

L. scabra, Rough fileclam

Family Spondylidae

Spondylus americanus, Atlantic thorny oyster

C. Cephalopods--Class Cephalopoda

1. Octopuses--Order Octopoda

Family Octopodidae

Octopus spp. (except the Common octopus, O. vulgaris)

V. Arthropods--Phylum Arthropoda

A. Crustaceans--Subphylum Crustacea

1. Decapods--Order Decapoda

Family Alpheidae

Alpheus armatus, Snapping shrimp

Family Diogenidae

Paguristes spp., Hermit crabs

P. cadenati, Red reef hermit

Family Grapsidae

Percnon gibbesi, Nimble spray crab

Family Hippolytidae

Lysmata spp., Peppermint shrimp

Thor amboinensis, Anemone shrimp

Family Majidae, Coral crabs

Mithrax spp., Clinging crabs

M. cinctimanus, Banded clinging

M. sculptus, Green clinging

Stenorhynchus seticornis, Yellowline arrow

Family Palaemonida

Periclimenes spp., Cleaner shrimp

Family Squillidae, Mantis crabs

Gonodactylus spp.

Lysiosquilla spp.

Family Stenopodidae, Coral shrimp

Stenopus hispidus, Banded shrimp

S. scutellatus, Golden shrimpVI. Echinoderms--Phylum Echinodermata

A. Feather stars--Class Crinoidea

Analcidometra armata, Swimming crinoid

Davidaster spp., Crinoids

Nemaster spp., Crinoids

B. Sea stars--Class Asteroidea

Astropecten spp., Sand stars

Linckia guildingii, Common comet star

Ophidiaster guildingii, Comet star

Oreaster reticulatus, Cushion sea star

C. Brittle and basket stars--Class Ophiuroidea

Astrophyton muricatum, Giant basket star

Ophiocoma spp., Brittlestars

Ophioderma spp., Brittlestars

O. rubicundum, Ruby brittlestar

D. Sea Urchins--Class Echinoidea

Diadema antillarum, Long-spined urchin

Echinometra spp., Purple urchin

Eucidaris tribuloides, Pencil urchin

Lytechinus spp., Pin cushion urchin

Tripneustes ventricosus, Sea egg

E. Sea Cucumbers--Class Holothuroidea

Holothuria spp., Sea cucumbersVII. Chordates--Phylum Chordata

A. Tunicates--Subphylum Urochordata

Table 2 of Appendix A to Part 622--Caribbean Reef Fish

Lutjanidae--SnappersUnit 1

Black snapper, Apsilus dentatus

Blackfin snapper, Lutjanus buccanella

Silk snapper, Lutjanus vivanus

Vermilion snapper, Rhomboplites aurorubens

Wenchman, Pristipomoides aquilonarisUnit 2

Cardinal, Pristipomoides macrophthalmus

Queen snapper, Etelis oculatusUnit 3

Gray snapper, Lutjanus griseus

Lane snapper, Lutjanus synagris

Mutton snapper, Lutjanus analis

Dog snapper, Lutjanus jocu

Schoolmaster, Lutjanus apodus

Mahogany snapper, Lutjanus mahogoniUnit 4

Yellowtail snapper, Ocyurus chrysurusSerranidae--Sea basses and GroupersUnit 1

Nassau Grouper, Epinephelus striatusUnit 2

Goliath grouper, Epinephelus itajara Unit 3

Coney, Epinephelus fulvus

Graysby, Epinephelus cruentatus

Red hind, Epinephelus guttatus

Rock hind, Epinephelus adscensionisUnit 4

Black grouper, Mycteroperca bonaci

Red grouper, Epinephelus morio

Tiger grouper, Mycteroperca tigris

Yellowfin grouper, Mycteroperca venenosaUnit 5

Misty grouper, Epinephelus mystacinus

Yellowedge grouper, Epinephelus flavolimbatusHaemulidae--Grunts

White grunt, Haemulon plumierii

Margate, Haemulon album

Tomtate, Haemulon aurolineatum

Bluestriped grunt, Haemulon sciurus

French grunt, Haemulon flavolineatum

Porkfish, Anisotremus virginicusMullidae--Goatfishes

Spotted goatfish, Pseudupeneus maculatus

Yellow goatfish, Mulloidichthys martinicusSparidae--Porgies

Jolthead porgy, Calamus bajonado

Sea bream, Archosargus rhomboidalis

Sheepshead porgy, Calamus penna

Pluma, Calamus pennatulaHolocentridae--Squirrelfishes

Blackbar soldierfish, Myripristis jacobus

Bigeye, Priacanthus arenatus

Longspine squirrelfish, Holocentrus rufus

Squirrelfish, Holocentrus adscensionisMalacanthidae--Tilefishes

Blackline tilefish, Caulolatilus cyanops

Sand tilefish, Malacanthus plumieriCarangidae--Jacks

Blue runner, Caranx crysos

Horse-eye jack, Caranx latus

Black jack, Caranx lugubris

Almaco jack, Seriola rivoliana

Bar jack, Caranx ruber

Greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili

Yellow jack, Caranx bartholomaeiScaridae--Parrotfishes

Blue parrotfish, Scarus coeruleus

Midnight parrotfish, Scarus coelestinus

Princess parrotfish, Scarus taeniopterus

Queen parrotfish, Scarus vetula

Rainbow parrotfish, Scarus guacamaia

Redfin parrotfish, Sparisoma rubripinne

Redtail parrotfish, Sparisoma chrysopterum

Stoplight parrotfish, Sparisoma viride

Redband parrotfish, Sparisoma aurofrenatum

Striped parrotfish, Scarus croicensisAcanthuridae--Surgeonfishes

Blue tang, Acanthurus coeruleus

Ocean surgeonfish, Acanthurus bahianus

Doctorfish, Acanthurus chirurgusBalistidae--Triggerfishes

Ocean triggerfish, Canthidermis sufflamen

Queen triggerfish, Balistes vetula

Sargassum triggerfish, Xanthichthys ringensMonacanthidae--Filefishes

Scrawled filefish, Aluterus scriptus

Whitespotted filefish, Cantherhines macrocerus

Black durgon, Melichthys nigerOstraciidae--Boxfishes

Honeycomb cowfish, Lactophrys polygonia

Scrawled cowfish, Lactophrys quadricornis

Trunkfish, Lactophrys trigonus

Spotted trunkfish, Lactophrys bicaudalis

Smooth trunkfish, Lactophrys triqueterLabridae--Wrasses

Hogfish, Lachnolaimus maximus

Puddingwife, Halichoeres radiatus

Spanish hogfish, Bodianus rufusPomacanthidae--Angelfishes

Queen angelfish, Holacanthus ciliaris

Gray angelfish, Pomacanthus arcuatus

French angelfish, Pomacanthus paru

Aquarium Trade Species in the Caribbean Reef Fish FMP:

Frogfish, Antennarius spp.

Flamefish, Apogon maculatus

Conchfish, Astrapogon stellatus

Redlip blenny, Ophioblennius atlanticus

Peacock flounder, Bothus lunatus

Longsnout butterflyfish, Chaetodon aculeatus

Foureye butterflyfish, Chaetodon capistratus

Spotfin butterflyfish, Chaetodon ocellatus

Banded butterflyfish, Chaetodon striatus

Redspotted hawkfish, Amblycirrhitus pinos

Flying gurnard, Dactylopterus volitans

Atlantic spadefish, Chaetodipterus faber

Neon goby, Gobiosoma oceanops

Rusty goby, Priolepis hipoliti

Royal gramma, Gramma loreto

Creole wrasse, Clepticus parrae

Yellowcheek wrasse, Halichoeres cyanocephalus

Yellowhead wrasse, Halichoeres garnoti

Clown wrasse, Halichoeres maculipinna

Pearly razorfish, Hemipteronotus novacula

Green razorfish, Hemipteronotus splendens

Bluehead wrasse, Thalassoma bifasciatum

Chain moray, Echidna catenata

Green moray, Gymnothorax funebris

Goldentail moray, Gymnothorax miliaris

Batfish, Ogcocephalus spp.

Goldspotted eel, Myrichthys ocellatus

Yellowhead jawfish, Opistognathus aurifrons

Dusky jawfish, Opistognathus whitehursti

Cherubfish, Centropyge argi

Rock beauty, Holacanthus tricolor

Sergeant major, Abudefduf saxatilis

Blue chromis, Chromis cyanea

Sunshinefish, Chromis insolata

Yellowtail damselfish, Microspathodon chrysurus

Dusky damselfish, Pomacentrus fuscus

Beaugregory, Pomacentrus leucostictus

Bicolor damselfish, Pomacentrus partitus

Threespot damselfish, Pomacentrus planifrons

Glasseye snapper, Priacanthus cruentatus

High-hat, Equetus acuminatus

Jackknife-fish, Equetus lanceolatus

Spotted drum, Equetus punctatusScorpaenidae--Scorpionfishes

Butter hamlet, Hypoplectrus unicolor

Swissguard basslet, Liopropoma rubre

Greater soapfish, Rypticus saponaceus

Orangeback bass, Serranus annularis

Lantern bass, Serranus baldwini

Tobaccofish, Serranus tabacarius

Harlequin bass, Serranus tigrinus

Chalk bass, Serranus tortugarum

Caribbean tonguefish, Symphurus arawak

Seahorses, Hippocampus spp.

Pipefishes, Syngnathus spp.

Sand diver, Synodus intermedius

Sharpnose puffer, Canthigaster rostrata

Porcupinefish, Diodon hystrix

Table 3 of Appendix A to Part 622--Gulf Reef Fish Balistidae--Triggerfishes

Gray triggerfish, Balistes capriscusCarangidae--Jacks

Greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili

Lesser amberjack, Seriola fasciata

Almaco jack, Seriola rivoliana

Banded rudderfish, Seriola zonataLabridae--Wrasses

Hogfish, Lachnolaimus maximusLutjanidae--Snappers

Queen snapper, Etelis oculatus

Mutton snapper, Lutjanus analis

Blackfin snapper, Lutjanus buccanella

Red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus

Cubera snapper, Lutjanus cyanopterus

Gray (mangrove) snapper, Lutjanus griseus

Lane snapper, Lutjanus synagris

Silk snapper, Lutjanus vivanus

Yellowtail snapper, Ocyurus chrysurus

Wenchman, Pristipomoides aquilonaris

Vermilion snapper, Rhomboplites aurorubensMalacanthidae--Tilefishes

Goldface tilefish, Caulolatilus chrysops

Blueline tilefish, Caulolatilus microps

Tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticepsSerranidae--Groupers

Speckled hind, Epinephelus drummondhayi

Yellowedge grouper, Epinephelus flavolimbatus

Goliath grouper, Epinephelus itajara

Red grouper, Epinephelus morio

Warsaw grouper, Epinephelus nigritus

Snowy grouper, Epinephelus niveatus

Black grouper, Mycteroperca bonaci

Yellowmouth grouper, Mycteroperca interstitialis

Gag, Mycteroperca microlepis

Scamp, Mycteroperca phenax

Yellowfin grouper, Mycteroperca venenosa

Table 4 of Appendix A to Part 622--South Atlantic Snapper-Grouper Balistidae--Triggerfishes

Gray triggerfish, Balistes capriscusCarangidae--Jacks

Bar jack, Caranx ruber

Greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili

Lesser amberjack, Seriola fasciata

Almaco jack, Seriola rivoliana

Banded rudderfish, Seriola zonataEphippidae--Spadefishes

Spadefish, Chaetodipterus faberHaemulidae--Grunts

Margate, Haemulon album

Tomtate, Haemulon aurolineatum

Sailor's choice, Haemulon parrai

White grunt, Haemulon plumieriLabridae--Wrasses

Hogfish, Lachnolaimus maximusLutjanidae--Snappers

Black snapper, Apsilus dentatus

Queen snapper, Etelis oculatus

Mutton snapper, Lutjanus analis

Blackfin snapper, Lutjanus buccanella

Red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus

Cubera snapper, Lutjanus cyanopterus

Gray snapper, Lutjanus griseus

Mahogany snapper, Lutjanus mahogoni

Dog snapper, Lutjanus jocu

Lane snapper, Lutjanus synagris

Silk snapper, Lutjanus vivanus

Yellowtail snapper, Ocyurus chrysurus

Vermilion snapper, Rhomboplites aurorubensMalacanthidae--Tilefishes

Blueline tilefish, Caulolatilus microps

Golden tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps

Sand tilefish, Malacanthus plumieriPercichthyidae--Temperate basses

Wreckfish, Polyprion americanusSerranidae--Groupers

Rock hind, Epinephelus adscensionis

Graysby, Epinephelus cruentatus

Speckled hind, Epinephelus drummondhayi

Yellowedge grouper, Epinephelus flavolimbatus

Coney, Epinephelus fulvus

Red hind, Epinephelus guttatus

Goliath grouper, Epinephelus itajara

Red grouper, Epinephelus morio

Misty grouper, Epinephelus mystacinus

Warsaw grouper, Epinephelus nigritus

Snowy grouper, Epinephelus niveatus

Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus

Black grouper, Mycteroperca bonaci

Yellowmouth grouper, Mycteroperca interstitialis

Gag, Mycteroperca microlepis

Scamp, Mycteroperca phenax

Yellowfin grouper, Mycteroperca venenosaSerranidae--Sea Basses

Black sea bass, Centropristis striataSparidae--Porgies

Jolthead porgy, Calamus bajonado

Saucereye porgy, Calamus calamus

Whitebone porgy, Calamus leucosteus

Knobbed porgy, Calamus nodosus

Red porgy, Pagrus pagrus

Scup, Stenotomus chrysops

The following species are designated as ecosystem component species:

Cottonwick, Haemulon melanurum

Bank sea bass, Centropristis ocyurus

Rock sea bass, Centropristis philadelphica

Longspine porgy, Stenotomus caprinus

Ocean triggerfish, Canthidermis sufflamen

Schoolmaster, Lutjanus apodus

Table 5 of Appendix A to Part 622--Caribbean Conch Resources Queen conch, Strombus gigas [78 FR 22952, Apr. 17, 2013, as amended at 78 FR 33256, June 4, 2013; 78 FR 49185; 78 FR 78776, Dec. 27, 2013]

Appendix B to Part 622--Gulf Areas

Table 1 of Appendix B to Part 622--Seaward Coordinates of the Longline

and Buoy Gear Restricted Area------------------------------------------------------------------------

Point Number and reference

location \1\ North lat. West long.------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Seaward limit of Florida's 2448.0 8248.0

waters north of Dry

Tortugas.2 North of Rebecca Shoal.... 2507.5 8234.03 Off Sanibel Island-- 2626.0 8259.0

Offshore.4 West of Egmont Key........ 2730.0 8321.55 Off Anclote Keys--Offshore 2810.0 8345.06 Southeast corner of 2811.0 8400.0

Florida Middle Ground.7 Southwest corner of 2811.0 8407.0

Florida Middle Ground.8 West corner of Florida 2826.6 8424.8

Middle Ground.9 Northwest corner of 2842.5 8424.8

Florida Middle Ground.10 South of Carrabelle...... 2905.0 8447.011 South of Cape St. George. 2902.5 8509.012 South of Cape San Blas 2921.0 8530.0

lighted bellbuoy--20

fathoms.13 South of Cape San Blas 2858.7 8530.0

lighted bell buoy--50

fathoms.14 De Soto Canyon........... 3006.0 8655.015 South of Pensacola....... 2946.0 8719.016 South of Perdido Bay..... 2929.0 8727.517 East of North Pass of the 2914.5 8828.0

Mississippi River.18 South of Southwest Pass 2846.5 8926.0

of the Mississippi River.19 Northwest tip of 2838.5 9008.5

Mississippi Canyon.20 West side of Mississippi 2834.5 8959.5

Canyon.21 South of Timbalier Bay... 2822.5 9002.522 South of Terrebonne Bay.. 2810.5 9031.523 South of Freeport........ 2758.0 9500.024 Off Matagorda Island..... 2743.0 9602.025 Off Aransas Pass......... 2730.0 9623.526 Northeast of Port 2700.0 9639.0

Mansfield.27 East of Port Mansfield... 2644.0 9637.528 Northeast of Port Isabel. 2622.0 9621.029 U.S./Mexico EEZ boundary. 2600.5 9624.5Thence westerly along U.S./

Mexico EEZ boundary to the

seaward limit of Texas'

waters.------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ Nearest identifiable landfall, boundary, navigational aid, or

submarine area.

Table 2 of Appendix B to Part 622--Seaward Coordinates of the Stressed


Point Number and reference

location \1\ North lat. West long.------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Seaward limit of Florida's 2445.5 8241.5

waters northeast of Dry

Tortugas.2 North of Marquesas Keys... 2448.0 8206.53 Off Cape Sable............ 2515.0 8202.04 Off Sanibel Island-- 2626.0 8229.0

Inshore.5 Off Sanibel Island-- 2626.0 8259.0

Offshore.6 West of Egmont Key........ 2730.0 8321.57 Off Anclote Keys--Offshore 2810.0 8345.08 Off Anclote Keys--Inshore. 2810.0 8314.09 Off Deadman Bay........... 2938.0 8400.010 Seaward limit of 2935.5 8438.6

Florida's waters east of

Cape St. George.Thence westerly along the

seaward limit of Florida's

waters to:11 Seaward limit of 2932.2 8527.1

Florida's waters south of

Cape San Blas.12 Southwest of Cape San 2930.5 8552.0

Blas.13 Off St. Andrew Bay....... 2953.0 8610.014 De Soto Canyon........... 3006.0 8655.015 South of Florida/Alabama 2934.5 8738.0

border.16 Off Mobile Bay........... 2941.0 8800.017 South of Alabama/ 3001.5 8823.7

Mississippi border.18 Horn/Chandeleur Islands.. 3001.5 8840.519 Chandeleur Islands....... 2935.5 8837.0

20 Seaward limit of 2916.3 8900.0

Louisiana's waters off

North Pass of the

Mississippi River.Thence southerly and

westerly along the seaward

limit of Louisiana's waters

to:21 Seaward limit of 2857.3 8928.2

Louisiana's waters off

Southwest Pass of the

Mississippi River.22 Southeast of Grand Isle.. 2909.0 8947.023 Quick flashing horn buoy 2832.5 9042.0

south of Isles Dernieres.24 Southeast of Calcasieu 2910.0 9237.0

Pass.25 South of Sabine Pass--10 2909.0 9341.0

fathoms.26 South of Sabine Pass--30 2821.5 9328.0

fathoms.27 East of Aransas Pass..... 2749.0 9619.528 East of Baffin Bay....... 2712.0 9651.029 Northeast of Port 2646.5 9652.0

Mansfield.30 Northeast of Port Isabel. 2621.5 9635.031 U.S./Mexico EEZ boundary. 2600.5 9636.0Thence westerly along U.S./

Mexico EEZ boundary to the

seaward limit of Texas'

waters.------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ Nearest identifiable landfall, boundary, navigational aid, or

submarine area.

Sec. Appendix C to Part 622--Fish Length Measurements[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR17AP13.000 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR17AP13.001

Sec. Appendix D to Part 622--Specifications for Certified BRDs

A. Extended Funnel.

1. Description. The extended funnel BRD consists of an extension with large-mesh webbing in the center (the large-mesh escape section) and small-mesh webbing on each end held open by a semi-rigid hoop. A funnel of small-mesh webbing is placed inside the extension to form a passage for shrimp to the cod end. It also creates an area of reduced water flow to allow for fish escapement through the large mesh. One side of the funnel is extended vertically to form a lead panel and area of reduced water flow. There are two sizes of extended funnel BRDs, a standard size and an inshore size for small trawls.

2. Minimum Construction and Installation Requirements for Standard Size.

(a) Extension Material. The small-mesh sections used on both sides of the large-mesh escape section are constructed of 1\5/8\ inch (4.13 cm), No. 30 stretched mesh, nylon webbing. The front section is 120 meshes around by 6\1/2\ meshes deep. The back section is 120 meshes around by 23 meshes deep.

(b) Large-Mesh Escape Section. The large-mesh escape section is constructed of 8 to 10 inch (20.3 to 25.4 cm), stretched mesh, webbing. This section is cut on the bar to form a section that is 15 inches (38.1 cm) in length by 95 inches (241.3 cm) in circumference. The leading edge is attached to the 6\1/2\-mesh extension section and the rear edge is attached to the 23-mesh extension section.

(c) Funnel. The funnel is constructed of 1\1/2\ inch (3.81 cm), stretched mesh, No. 30 depth-stretched and heat-set polyethylene webbing. The circumference of the leading edge is 120 meshes and the back edge is 78 meshes. The short side of the funnel is 34 to 36 inches (86.4 to 91.4 cm) long and the opposite side of the funnel extends an additional 22 to 24 inches (55.9 to 61.0 cm). The circumference of the leading edge of the funnel is attached to the forward small-mesh section three meshes forward of the large-mesh escape section and is evenly sewn, mesh for mesh, to the small-mesh section. The after edge of the funnel is attached to the after small-mesh section at its top and bottom eight meshes back from the large-mesh escape panel. Seven meshes of the top and seven meshes of the bottom of the funnel are attached to eight meshes at the top and bottom of the small-mesh section, such eight meshes being located immediately adjacent to the top and bottom centers of the small-mesh section on the side of the funnel's extended side. The extended side of the funnel is sewn at its top and bottom to the top and bottom of the small-mesh section, extending at an angle toward the top and bottom centers of the small-mesh section.

(d) Semi-Rigid Hoop. A 30-inch (76.2-cm) diameter hoop constructed of plastic-coated trawl cable, swaged together with a \3/8\-inch (9.53-mm) micropress sleeve, is installed five meshes behind the trailing edge of the large-mesh escape section. The extension webbing must be laced to the ring around the entire circumference and must be equally distributed on the hoop, that is, 30 meshes must be evenly attached to each quadrant.

(e) Installation. The extended funnel BRD is attached 8 inches (20.3 cm) behind the posterior edge of the TED. If it is attached behind a soft TED, a second semi-rigid hoop, as prescribed in paragraph A.2.(d), must be installed in the front section of the BRD extension webbing at the leading edge of the funnel. The cod end of the trawl net is attached to the trailing edge of the BRD.

3. Minimum Construction and Installation Requirements for Inshore Size.

(a) Extension Material. The small-mesh sections used on both sides of the large-mesh escape section are constructed of 1\3/8\ inch (3.5 cm), No. 18 stretched mesh, nylon webbing. The front section is 120 meshes around by 6\1/2\ meshes deep. The back section is 120 meshes around by 23 meshes deep.

(b) Large-Mesh Escape Section. The large-mesh escape section is constructed of 8 to 10 inch (20.3 to 25.4 cm), stretched mesh, webbing. This section is cut on the bar to form a section that is 15 inches (38.1 cm) by 75 inches (190.5 cm) in circumference. The leading edge is attached to the 6\1/2\-mesh extension section and the rear edge is attached to the 23-mesh extension section.

(c) Funnel. The funnel is constructed of 1\3/8\ inch (3.5 cm), stretched mesh, No. 18 depth-stretched and heat-set polyethylene webbing. The circumference of the leading edge is 120 meshes and the back edge is 78 meshes. The short side of the funnel is 30 to 32 inches (76.2 to 81.3 cm) long and the opposite side of the funnel extends an additional 20 to 22 inches (50.8 to 55.9 cm). The circumference of the leading edge of the funnel is attached to the forward small-mesh section three meshes forward of the large-mesh escape section and is evenly sewn, mesh for mesh, to the small-mesh section. The after edge of the funnel is attached to the after small-mesh section at its top and bottom eight meshes back from the large-mesh escape panel. Seven meshes of the top and seven meshes of the bottom of the funnel are attached to eight meshes at the top and bottom of the small-mesh section, such eight meshes being located immediately adjacent to the top and bottom centers of the small-mesh section on the side of the funnel's extended side. The extended side of the funnel is sewn at its top and bottom to the top and bottom of the small-mesh section, extending at an angle toward the top and bottom centers of the small-mesh section.

(d) Semi-Rigid Hoop. A 24-inch (61.0-cm) diameter hoop constructed of plastic-coated trawl cable, swaged together with a \3/8\-inch (9.53-mm) micropress sleeve, is installed five meshes behind the trailing edge of the large mesh section. The extension webbing must be laced to the ring around the entire circumference and must be equally distributed on the hoop, that is, 30 meshes must be evenly attached to each quadrant.

(e) Installation. The extended funnel BRD is attached 8 inches (20.3 cm) behind the posterior edge of the TED. If it is attached behind a soft TED, a second semi-rigid hoop, as prescribed in paragraph A.3.(d), must be installed in the front section of the BRD extension webbing at the leading edge of the funnel. The cod end of the trawl net is attached to the trailing edge of the BRD.

B. Expanded Mesh. The expanded mesh BRD is constructed and installed exactly the same as the standard size extended funnel BRD, except that one side of the funnel is not extended to form a lead panel.

C. Fisheye.

1. Description. The fisheye BRD is a cone-shaped rigid frame constructed from aluminum or steel rod of at least \1/4\ inch (6.35-mm) diameter, which is inserted into the cod end to form an escape opening.

2. Minimum Construction and Installation Requirements. The fisheye has a minimum escape opening dimension of 5 inches (12.7 cm) and a minimum total escape opening area of 36 in\2\ (91.4 cm\2\). When the fisheye BRD is installed, no part of the lazy line attachment system (i.e., any mechanism, such as elephant ears or choker straps, used to attach the lazy line to the cod end) may overlap the fisheye escape opening when the fisheye is installed aft of the attachment point of the cod end retrieval system.

(a) In the Gulf EEZ, the fisheye BRD must be installed at the top center of the cod end of the trawl to create an opening in the trawl facing in the direction of the mouth of the trawl no further forward than 9 ft (2.7 m) from the cod end drawstring (tie-off rings).

(b) In the South Atlantic EEZ, the fisheye BRD must be installed at the top center of the cod end of the trawl to create an escape opening in the trawl facing the direction of the mouth of the trawl no further forward than 11 ft (3.4 m) from the cod end tie-off rings.

D. Gulf fisheye.

1. Description. The Gulf fisheye is a cone-shaped rigid frame constructed from aluminum or steel rod of at least \1/4\ inch (6.35-mm) diameter, which is inserted into the top center of the cod end, and is offset not more than 15 meshes perpendicular to the top center of the cod end to form an escape opening.

2. Minimum Construction and Installation Requirements. The Gulf fisheye has a minimum escape opening dimension of 5 inches (12.7 cm) and a minimum total escape opening area of 36 in\2\ (91.4 cm\2\). To be used in the South Atlantic EEZ, the Gulf fisheye BRD must be installed in the cod end of the trawl to create an escape opening in the trawl, facing in the direction of the mouth of the trawl, no less than 8.5 ft (2.59 m) and no further forward than 12.5 ft (3.81 m) from the cod end tie-off rings, and may be offset no more than 15 meshes perpendicular to the top center of the cod end. When the Gulf fisheye BRD is installed, no part of the lazy line attachment system (i.e., any mechanism, such as elephant ears or choker straps, used to attach the lazy line to the cod end) may overlap the fisheye escape opening when the fisheye is installed aft of the attachment point of the cod end retrieval system.

E. Jones-Davis.

1. Description. The Jones-Davis BRD is similar to the expanded mesh and the extended funnel BRDs except that the fish escape openings are windows cut around the funnel rather than large-mesh sections. In addition, a webbing cone fish deflector is installed behind the funnel.

2. Minimum Construction and Installation Requirements. The Jones-Davis BRD must contain all of the following.

(a) Webbing extension. The webbing extension must be constructed from a single piece of 1\5/8\-inch (3.5-cm) stretch mesh number 30 nylon 42 meshes by 120 meshes. A tube is formed from the extension webbing by sewing the 42-mesh side together.

(b) 28-inch (71.1-cm) cable hoop. A single hoop must be constructed of \1/2\-inch (1.3-cm) steel cable 88 inches (223.5 cm) in length. The cable must be joined at its ends by a 3-inch (7.6-cm) piece of \1/2\-inch (1.3-cm) aluminum pipe and pressed with a \3/8\-inch (0.95-cm) die to form a hoop. The inside diameter of this hoop must be between 27 and 29 inches (68.6 and 73.7 cm). The hoop must be attached to the extension webbing 17\1/2\ meshes behind the leading edge. The extension webbing must be quartered and attached in four places around the hoop, and every other mesh must be attached all the way around the hoop using number 24 twine or larger. The hoop must be laced with \3/8\-inch (0.95-cm) polypropylene or polyethylene rope for chaffing.

(c) 24-inch (61.0-cm) hoop. A single hoop must be constructed of either number 60 twine 80 inches (203.2 cm) in length or \3/8\-inch (0.95-cm) steel cable 75\1/2\ inches (191.8 cm) in length. If twine is used, the twine must be laced in and out of the extension webbing 39 meshes behind the leading edge, and the ends must be tied together. If cable is used, the cable must be joined at its ends by a 3-inch (7.6-cm) piece of \3/8\-inch (0.95-cm) aluminum pipe and pressed together with a \1/4\-inch (0.64-cm) die to form a hoop. The inside diameter of this hoop must be between 23 and 25 inches (58.4 and 63.4 cm). The hoop must be attached to the extension webbing 39 meshes behind the leading edge. The extension webbing must be quartered and attached in four places around the hoop, and every other mesh must be attached all the way around the hoop using number 24 twine or larger. The hoop must be laced with \3/8\-inch (0.95-cm) polypropylene or polyethylene rope for chaffing.

(d) Funnel. The funnel must be constructed from four sections of 1\1/2\-inch (3.8-cm) heat-set and depth-stretched polypropylene or polyethylene webbing. The two side sections must be rectangular in shape, 29\1/2\ meshes on the leading edge by 23 meshes deep. The top and bottom sections are 29\1/2\ meshes on the leading edge by 23 meshes deep and tapered 1 point 2 bars on both sides down to 8 meshes across the back. The four sections must be sewn together down the 23-mesh edge to form the funnel.

(e) Attachment of the funnel in the webbing extension. The funnel must be installed two meshes behind the leading edge of the extension starting at the center seam of the extension and the center mesh of the funnel's top section leading edge. On the same row of meshes, the funnel must be sewn evenly all the way around the inside of the extension. The funnel's top and bottom back edges must be attached one mesh behind the 28-inch (71.1-cm) cable hoop (front hoop). Starting at the top center seam, the back edge of the top funnel section must be attached four meshes each side of the center. Counting around 60 meshes from the top center, the back edge of the bottom section must be attached 4 meshes on each side of the bottom center. Clearance between the side of the funnel and the 28-inch (71.1-cm) cable hoop (front hoop) must be at least 6 inches (15.2 cm) when measured in the hanging position.

(f) Cutting the escape openings. The leading edge of the escape opening must be located within 18 inches (45.7 cm) of the posterior edge of the turtle excluder device (TED) grid. The area of the escape opening must total at least 864 in\2\ (5,574.2 cm\2\). Two escape openings 10 meshes wide by 13 meshes deep must be cut 6 meshes apart in the extension webbing, starting at the top center extension seam, 3 meshes back from the leading edge and 16 meshes to the left and to the right (total of four openings). The four escape openings must be double selvaged for strength.

(g) Alternative Method for Constructing the Funnel and Escape Openings. The following method for constructing the funnel and escape openings may be used instead of the method described in paragraphs F.2.d., F.2.e., and F.2.f. of this section. With this alternative method, the funnel and escape openings are formed by cutting a flap in each side of the extension webbing; pushing the flaps inward; and attaching the top and bottom edges along the bars of the extension webbing to form the v-shape of the funnel. Minimum requirements applicable to this method include: The funnel's top and bottom back edges must be attached one mesh behind the 28-inch (71.1-cm) cable hoop (front hoop); clearance between the side of the funnel and the 28-inch (71.1-cm) cable hoop (front hoop) must be at least 6 inches (15.2 cm) when measured in the hanging position; the leading edge of the escape opening must be located within 18 inches (45.7 cm) of the posterior edge of the turtle excluder device (TED) grid; and, the area of the escape opening must total at least 864 in\2\ (5,574.2 cm\2\). To construct the funnel and escape openings using this method, begin 3\1/2\ meshes from the leading edge of the extension, at the top center seam, count over 18 meshes on each side, and cut 13 meshes toward the back of the extension. Turn parallel to the leading edge, and cut 26 meshes toward the bottom center of the extension. Next, turn parallel to the top center seam, and cut 13 meshes forward toward the leading edge, creating a flap of webbing 13 meshes by 26 meshes by 13 meshes. Lengthen the flap to 18 meshes by adding a 4\1/2\-mesh by 26-mesh rectangular section of webbing to the 26-mesh edge. Attach the 18-mesh edges to the top and bottom of the extension by sewing 2 bars of the extension to 1 mesh on the flap in toward the top center and bottom center of the extension, forming the exit opening and the funnel. Connect the two flaps together in the center with a 7-inch piece of number 42 twine to allow adequate clearance for fish escapement between the flaps and the side openings. On each side, sew a 6-mesh by 10\1/2\-mesh section of webbing to 6 meshes of the center of the 26-mesh cut on the extension and 6 meshes centered between the 13-mesh cuts 3\1/2\ meshes from the leading edge. This forms two 10-mesh by 13-mesh openings on each side.

(h) Cone fish deflector. The cone fish deflector is constructed of 2 pieces of 1\5/8\-inch (4.13-cm) polypropylene or polyethylene webbing, 40 meshes wide by 20 meshes in length and cut on the bar on each side forming a triangle. Starting at the apex of the two triangles, the two pieces must be sewn together to form a cone of webbing. The apex of the cone fish deflector must be positioned within 10-14 inches (25.4-35.6 cm) of the posterior edge of the funnel.

(i) 11-inch (27.9-cm) cable hoop for cone deflector. A single hoop must be constructed of \5/16\-inch (0.79-cm) or \3/8\-inch (0.95-cm) cable 34\1/2\ inches (87.6 cm) in length. The ends must be joined by a 3-inch (7.6-cm) piece of \3/8\-inch (0.95-cm) aluminum pipe pressed together with a \1/4\-inch (0.64-cm) die. The hoop must be inserted in the webbing cone, attached 10 meshes from the apex and laced all the way around with heavy twine.

(j) Installation of the cone in the extension. The cone must be installed in the extension 12 inches (30.5 cm) behind the back edge of the funnel and attached in four places. The midpoint of a piece of number 60 twine 4 ft (1.22 m) in length must be attached to the apex of the cone. This piece of twine must be attached to the 28-inch (71.1-cm) cable hoop at the center of each of its sides; the points of attachment for the two pieces of twine must be measured 20 inches (50.8 cm) from the midpoint attachment. Two 8-inch (20.3-cm) pieces of number 60 twine must be attached to the top and bottom of the 11-inch (27.9-cm) cone hoop. The opposite ends of these two pieces of twine must be attached to the top and bottom center of the 24-inch (61-cm) cable hoop; the points of attachment for the two pieces of twine must be measured 4 inches (10.2 cm) from the points where they are tied to the 11-inch (27.9-cm) cone hoop.

F. Modified Jones-Davis.

1. Description. The Modified Jones-Davis BRD is a variation to the alternative funnel construction method of the Jones-Davis BRD except the funnel is assembled by using depth-stretched and heat-set polyethylene webbing instead of the flaps formed from the extension webbing. In addition, no hoops are used to hold the BRD open.

2. Minimum Construction and Installation Requirements. The Modified Jones-Davis BRD must contain all of the following.

(a) Webbing extension. The webbing extension must be constructed from a single rectangular piece of 1\5/8\-inch (4.1-cm) stretch mesh number 30 nylon with dimensions of 39\1/2\ meshes by 150 meshes. A tube is formed from the extension webbing by sewing the 39\1/2\-mesh-sides together.

(b) Funnel. The funnel must be constructed from two sections of 1\5/8\-inch (4.1-cm) heat-set and depth-stretched polypropylene or polyethylene webbing. The two side sections must be rectangular in shape, 25 meshes on the leading edge by 21 meshes deep. The 25-mesh leading edge of each polyethylene webbing section must be sewn evenly two meshes in from the front of the extension webbing starting 25 meshes from the top center on each side. The 21-mesh edge must be sewn to the extension webbing on a 9-bar and 1-mesh angle in the top and bottom, forming a V-shape funnel.

(c) Cutting the escape opening. The leading edge of the escape openings must be located within 18 inches (45.7 cm) of the posterior edge of the turtle excluder device (TED) grid. The area of the escape opening must total at least 635 in\2\ (4,097 cm\2\). Two escape openings, 6 meshes wide by 12 meshes deep, must be cut 4 meshes apart in the extension webbing, starting at the top center extension seam, 7 meshes back from the leading edge, and 30 meshes to the left and to the right (total of four openings). The four escape openings must be double selvaged for strength.

(d) Cone fish deflector. The cone fish deflector is constructed of 2 pieces of 1\5/8\-inch (4.1-cm) polypropylene or polyethylene webbing, 40 meshes wide by 20 meshes in length and cut on the bar on each side forming a triangle. Starting at the apex of the two triangles, the two pieces must be sewn together to form a cone of webbing. The apex of the cone fish deflector must be positioned within 12 inches (30.5 cm) of the posterior edge of the funnel.

(e) 11-inch (27.9-cm) cable hoop for cone deflector. A single hoop must be constructed of \5/16\-inch (0.79-cm) or \3/8\-inch (0.95-cm) cable 34\1/2\ inches (87.6 cm) in length. The ends must be joined by a 3-inch (7.6-cm) piece of \3/8\-inch (0.95-cm) aluminum pipe pressed together with a \1/4\-inch (0.64-cm) die. The hoop must be inserted in the webbing cone, attached 10 meshes from the apex and laced all the way around with heavy twine.

(f) Installation of the cone in the extension. The apex of the cone must be installed in the extension within 12 inches (30.5 cm) behind the back edge of the funnel and attached in four places. The midpoint of a piece of number 60 twine (or at least 4-mesh wide strip of number 21 or heavier webbing) 3 ft (1.22 m) in length must be attached to the apex of the cone. This piece of twine or webbing must be attached within 5 meshes of the aft edge of the funnel at the center of each of its sides. Two 12-inch (30.5-cm) pieces of number 60 (or heavier) twine must be attached to the top and bottom of the 11-inch (27.9-cm) cone hoop. The opposite ends of these two pieces of twine must be attached to the top and bottom center of the extension webbing to keep the cone from inverting into the funnel.

G. [Reserved]

H. Cone Fish Deflector Composite Panel. 1. Description. The Cone Fish Deflector Composite Panel BRD is a variation to the alternative funnel construction method of the Jones-Davis BRD, except the funnel is assembled by using depth-stretched and heat-set polyethylene webbing with square mesh panels on the inside instead of the flaps formed from the extension webbing. In addition, no hoops are used to hold the BRD open.

2. Minimum Construction and Installation Requirements. The Cone Fish Deflector Composite Panel BRD must contain all of the following:

(a) Webbing extension. The webbing extension must be constructed from a single rectangular piece of 1\1/2\-inch to 1\3/4\-inch (3.8-cm to 4.5-cm) stretch mesh with dimensions of 24\1/2\ meshes by 150 to 160 meshes. A tube is formed from the extension webbing piece by sewing the 24\1/2\-mesh sides together. The leading edge of the webbing extension must be attached no more than 4 meshes from the posterior edge of the TED grid.

(b) Funnel. The V-shaped funnel consists of two webbing panels attached to the extension along the leading edge of the panels. The top and bottom edges of the panels are sewn diagonally across the extension toward the center to form the funnel. The panels are 2-ply in design, each with an inner layer of 1\1/2\-inch to 1\5/8\-inch (3.8-cm to 4.1-cm) heat-set and depth-stretched polyethylene webbing and an outer layer constructed of no larger than 2-inch (5.1-cm) square mesh webbing (1-inch bar). The inner webbing layer must be rectangular in shape, 36 meshes on the leading edge by 20 meshes deep. The 36-mesh leading edges of the polyethylene webbing should be sewn evenly to 24 meshes of the extension webbing 1\1/2\ meshes from and parallel to the leading edge of the extension starting 12 meshes up from the bottom center on each side. Alternately sew 2 meshes of the polyethylene webbing to 1 mesh of the extension webbing then 1 mesh of the polyethylene webbing to 1 mesh of the extension webbing toward the top. The bottom 20-mesh edges of the polyethylene layers are sewn evenly to the extension webbing on a 2 bar 1 mesh angle toward the bottom back center forming a v-shape in the bottom of the extension webbing. The top 20-mesh edges of the polyethylene layers are sewn evenly along the bars of the extension webbing toward the top back center. The square mesh layers must be rectangular in shape and constructed of no larger than 2-inch (5.1-cm) webbing that is 18 inches (45.7 cm) in length on the leading edge. The depth of the square mesh layer must be no more than 2 inches (5.1 cm) less than the 20 mesh side of the inner polyethylene layer when stretched taught. The 18-inch (45.7-cm) leading edge of each square mesh layer must be sewn evenly to the 36-mesh leading edge of the polyethylene section and the sides are sewn evenly (in length) to the 20-mesh edges of the polyethylene webbing. This will form a v-shape funnel using the top of the extension webbing as the top of the funnel and the bottom of the extension webbing as the bottom of the funnel.

(c) Cutting the escape opening. There are two escape openings on each side of the funnel. The leading edge of the escape openings must be located on the same row of meshes in the extension webbing as the leading edge of the composite panels. The lower openings are formed by starting at the first attachment point of the composite panels and cutting 9 meshes in the extension webbing on an even row of meshes toward the top of the extension. Next, turn 90 degrees and cut 15 points on an even row toward the back of the extension webbing. At this point turn and cut 18 bars toward the bottom front of the extension webbing. Finish the escape opening by cutting 6 points toward the original starting point. The top escape openings start 5 meshes above and mirror the lower openings. Starting at the leading edge of the composite panel and 5 meshes above the lower escape opening, cut 9 meshes in the extension on an even row of meshes toward the top of the extension. Next, turn 90 degrees, and cut 6 points on an even row toward the back of the extension webbing. Then cut 18 bars toward the bottom back of the extension. To complete the escape opening, cut 15 points forward toward the original starting point. The area of each escape opening must total at least 212 in\2\ (1,368 cm\2\). The four escape openings must be double selvaged for strength.

(d) Cone fish deflector. The cone fish deflector is constructed of 2 pieces of 1\5/8\-inch (4.1-cm) polypropylene or polyethylene webbing, 40 meshes wide by 20 meshes in length and cut on the bar on each side forming a triangle. Starting at the apex of the two triangles, the two pieces must be sewn together to form a cone of webbing. The apex of the cone fish deflector must be positioned within 12 inches (30.5 cm) of the posterior edge of the funnel.

(e) 11-inch (27.9-cm) cable hoop for cone deflector. A single hoop must be constructed of \5/16\-inch (0.79-cm) or \3/8\-inch (0.95-cm) cable 34\1/2\ inches (87.6 cm) in length. The ends must be joined by a 3-inch (7.6-cm) piece of \3/8\-inch (0.95-cm) aluminum pipe pressed together with a \1/4\-inch (0.64-cm) die. The hoop must be inserted in the webbing cone, attached 10 meshes from the apex and laced all the way around with heavy twine.

(f) Installation of the cone in the extension. The apex of the cone must be installed in the extension within 12 inches (30.5 cm) behind the back edge of the funnel and attached in four places. The midpoint of a piece of number 60 twine (or at least 4-mesh wide strip of number 21 or heavier webbing) 3 ft (1.22 m) in length must be attached to the apex of the cone. This piece of twine or webbing must be attached within 5 meshes of the aft edge of the funnel at the center of each of its sides. Two 12-inch (30.5-cm) pieces of number 60 (or heavier) twine must be attached to the top and bottom of the 11-inch (27.9-cm) cone hoop. The opposite ends of these two pieces of twine must be attached to the top and bottom center of the extension webbing to keep the cone from inverting into the funnel.

I. Square Mesh Panel (SMP) Composite Panel

1. Description. The SMP is a panel of square mesh webbing placed in the top of the cod end to provide finfish escape openings.

2. Minimum Construction and Installation Requirements. The SMP Composite Panel BRD must contain all of the following:

(a) Webbing extension. The webbing extension must be constructed from a single rectangular piece of 1\1/2\-inch to 1\3/4\-inch (3.8-cm to 4.5-cm) stretch mesh with dimensions of 24\1/2\ meshes by 150 to 160 meshes. A tube is formed from the extension webbing piece by sewing the 24\1/2\-mesh sides together. The leading edge of the webbing extension must be attached no more than 4 meshes from the posterior edge of the TED grid.

(b) Funnel. The V-shaped funnel consists of two webbing panels attached to the extension along the leading edge of the panels. The top and bottom edges of the panels are sewn diagonally across the extension toward the center to form the funnel. The panels are 2-ply in design, each with an inner layer of 1\1/2\-inch to 1\5/8\-inch (3.8-cm to 4.1-cm) heat-set and depth-stretched polyethylene webbing and an outer layer constructed of no larger than 2-inch (5.1-cm) square mesh webbing (1-inch bar). The inner webbing layer must be rectangular in shape, 36 meshes on the leading edge by 20 meshes deep. The 36-mesh leading edges of the polyethylene webbing should be sewn evenly to 24 meshes of the extension webbing 1\1/2\ meshes from and parallel to the leading edge of the extension starting 12 meshes up from the bottom center on each side. Alternately sew 2 meshes of the polyethylene webbing to 1 mesh of the extension webbing then 1 mesh of the polyethylene webbing to 1 mesh of the extension webbing toward the top. The bottom 20-mesh edges of the polyethylene layers are sewn evenly to the extension webbing on a 2 bar 1 mesh angle toward the bottom back center forming a v-shape in the bottom of the extension webbing. The top 20-mesh edges of the polyethylene layers are sewn evenly along the bars of the extension webbing toward the top back center. The square mesh layers must be rectangular in shape and constructed of no larger than 2-inch (5.1-cm) webbing that is 18 inches (45.7 cm) in length on the leading edge. The depth of the square mesh layer must be no more than 2 inches (5.1 cm) less than the 20 mesh side of the inner polyethylene layer when stretched taught. The 18-inch (45.7-cm) leading edge of each square mesh layer must be sewn evenly to the 36-mesh leading edge of the polyethylene section and the sides are sewn evenly (in length) to the 20-mesh edges of the polyethylene webbing. This will form a v-shape funnel using the top of the extension webbing as the top of the funnel and the bottom of the extension webbing as the bottom of the funnel.

(c) Cutting the escape opening. There are two escape openings on each side of the funnel. The leading edge of the escape openings must be located on the same row of meshes in the extension webbing as the leading edge of the composite panels. The lower openings are formed by starting at the first attachment point of the composite panels and cutting 9 meshes in the extension webbing on an even row of meshes toward the top of the extension. Next, turn 90 degrees and cut 15 points on an even row toward the back of the extension webbing. At this point turn and cut 18 bars toward the bottom front of the extension webbing. Finish the escape opening by cutting 6 points toward the original starting point. The top escape openings start 5 meshes above and mirror the lower openings. Starting at the leading edge of the composite panel and 5 meshes above the lower escape opening, cut 9 meshes in the extension on an even row of meshes toward the top of the extension. Next, turn 90 degrees, and cut 6 points on an even row toward the back of the extension webbing. Then cut 18 bars toward the bottom back of the extension. To complete the escape opening, cut 15 points forward toward the original starting point. The area of each escape opening must total at least 212 in\2\ (1,368 cm\2\). The four escape openings must be double selvaged for strength.

(d) SMP. The SMP is constructed from a single piece of square mesh webbing with a minimum dimension of 5 squares wide and 12 squares in length with a minimum mesh size of 3-inch (76-mm) stretched mesh. The maximum twine diameter of the square mesh is number 96 twine (4 mm).

(e) Cutting the SMP escape opening. The escape opening is a rectangular hole cut in the top center of the cod end webbing. The posterior edge of the escape opening must be placed no farther forward that 8 ft (2.4 m) from the cod end drawstring (tie-off rings). The width of the escape opening, as measured across the cod end, must be four cod end meshes per square of the SMP (i.e., a cut of 20 cod end meshes for a SMP that is 5 meshes wide). The stretched mesh length of the escape opening must be equal to the total length of the SMP. No portion of the SMP escape opening may be covered with additional material or netting such as chaffing webbing, which might impede or prevent fish escapement.

(f) Installation of the SMP. The SMP must be attached to the edge of the escape opening evenly around the perimeter of the escape opening cut with heavy twine.

Appendix E to Part 622--Caribbean Island/Island Group Management Areas

Table 1 of Appendix E to Part 622--Coordinates of the Puerto Rico

Management Area.

The Puerto Rico management area is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Point North latitude West longitude------------------------------------------------------------------------A (intersects with the 193729" 652057"

International/EEZ boundary).B........................... 182546.3015" 650631.866"From Point B, proceed

southerly along the 3-

nautical mile Territorial

boundary of the St. Thomas/

St. John island group to

Point C.C........................... 181359.0606" 650533.058"D........................... 180116.9636" 645738.817"E........................... 173000.000" 652000.1716"F........................... 160253.5812" 652000.1716"From Point F, proceed

southwesterly, then

northerly, then easterly,

and finally southerly along

the International/EEZ

boundary to Point A.A (intersects with the 193729" 652057"

International/EEZ boundary).------------------------------------------------------------------------

Table 2 of Appendix E to Part 622--Coordinates of the St. Croix

Management Area.

The St. Croix management area is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Point North latitude West longitude------------------------------------------------------------------------G........................... 180303" 643803"From Point G, proceed

easterly, then southerly,

then southwesterly along

the International/EEZ

boundary to Point F.F........................... 160253.5812" 652000.1716"E........................... 173000.000" 652000.1716"D........................... 180116.9636" 645738.817"G........................... 180303" 643803"------------------------------------------------------------------------

Table 3 of Appendix E to Part 622--Coordinates of the St. Thomas/St.

John Management Area.

The St. Thomas/St. John management area is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Point North latitude West longitude------------------------------------------------------------------------A (intersects with the 193729" 652057"

International/EEZ boundary).From Point A, proceed

southeasterly along the

International/EEZ boundary

to Point G.G........................... 180303" 643803"D........................... 180116.9636" 645738.817"C........................... 181359.0606" 650533.058"From Point C, proceed

northerly along the 3-

nautical mile Territorial

boundary of the St. Thomas/

St. John island group to

Point B.B........................... 182546.3015" 650631.866"A (intersects with the 193729" 652057"

International/EEZ boundary).------------------------------------------------------------------------ [78 FR 33258, June 4, 2013]

Sec. Appendix F to Part 622--Specifications for Sea Turtle Mitigation

Gear and Sea Turtle Handling and Release Requirements

A. Sea turtle mitigation gear.

1. Long-handled line clipper or cutter. Line cutters are intended to cut high test monofilament line as close as possible to the hook, and assist in removing line from entangled sea turtles to minimize any remaining gear upon release. NMFS has established minimum design standards for the line cutters. The LaForce line cutter and the Arceneaux line clipper are models that meet these minimum design standards, and may be purchased or fabricated from readily available and low-cost materials. One long-handled line clipper or cutter and a set of replacement blades are required to be onboard. The minimum design standards for line cutters are as follows:

(a) A protected and secured cutting blade. The cutting blade(s) must be capable of cutting 2.0-2.1 mm (0.078 in.-0.083 in.) monofilament line (400-lb test) or polypropylene multistrand material, known as braided or tarred mainline, and must be maintained in working order. The cutting blade must be curved, recessed, contained in a holder, or otherwise designed to facilitate its safe use so that direct contact between the cutting surface and the sea turtle or the user is prevented. The cutting instrument must be securely attached to an extended reach handle and be easily replaceable. One extra set of replacement blades meeting these standards must also be carried on board to replace all cutting surfaces on the line cutter or clipper.

(b) An extended reach handle. The line cutter blade must be securely fastened to an extended reach handle or pole with a minimum length equal to, or greater than, 150 percent of the freeboard, or a minimum of 6 ft (1.83 m), whichever is greater. It is recommended, but not required, that the handle break down into sections. There is no restriction on the type of material used to construct this handle as long as it is sturdy and facilitates the secure attachment of the cutting blade.

2. Long-handled dehooker for internal hooks. A long-handled dehooking device is intended to remove internal hooks from sea turtles that cannot be boated. It should also be used to engage a loose hook when a turtle is entangled but not hooked, and line is being removed. The design must shield the barb of the hook and prevent it from re-engaging during the removal process. One long-handled device to remove internal hooks is required onboard. The minimum design standards are as follows:

(a) Hook removal device. The hook removal device must be constructed of approximately \3/16\-inch (4.76 mm) to \5/16\-inch (7.94 mm) 316 L stainless steel or similar material and have a dehooking end no larger than 1 \7/8\-inches (4.76 cm) outside diameter. The device must securely engage and control the leader while shielding the barb to prevent the hook from re-engaging during removal. It may not have any unprotected terminal points (including blunt ones), as these could cause injury to the esophagus during hook removal. The device must be of a size appropriate to secure the range of hook sizes and styles used in the South Atlantic snapper-grouper fishery.

(b) Extended reach handle. The dehooking end must be securely fastened to an extended reach handle or pole with a minimum length equal to or greater than 150 percent of the freeboard, or a minimum of 6 ft (1.83 m), whichever is greater. It is recommended, but not required, that the handle break down into sections. The handle must be sturdy and strong enough to facilitate the secure attachment of the hook removal device.

3. Long-handled dehooker for external hooks. A long-handled dehooker is required for use on externally-hooked sea turtles that cannot be boated. The long-handled dehooker for internal hooks described in paragraph 2. of this Appendix F would meet this requirement. The minimum design standards are as follows:

(a) Construction. A long-handled dehooker must be constructed of approximately \3/16\-inch (4.76 mm) to \5/16\-inch (7.94 mm) 316 L stainless steel rod and have a dehooking end no larger than 1 \7/8\-inches (4.76 cm) outside diameter. The design should be such that a fish hook can be rotated out, without pulling it out at an angle. The dehooking end must be blunt with all edges rounded. The device must be of a size appropriate to secure the range of hook sizes and styles used in the South Atlantic snapper-grouper fishery.

(b) Extended reach handle. The handle must be a minimum length equal to the freeboard of the vessel or 6 ft (1.83 m), whichever is greater.

4. Long-handled device to pull an ``inverted V''. This tool is used to pull a ``V'' in the fishing line when implementing the ``inverted V''; dehooking technique, as described in the document entitled ``Careful Release Protocols for Sea Turtle Release With Minimal Injury,'' for disentangling and dehooking entangled sea turtles. One long-handled device to pull an ``inverted V'' is required onboard. If a 6-ft (1.83 m) J-style dehooker is used to comply with paragraph 4. of this Appendix F, it will also satisfy this requirement. Minimum design standards are as follows:

(a) Hook end. This device, such as a standard boat hook, gaff, or long-handled J-style dehooker, must be constructed of stainless steel or aluminum. The semicircular or ``J'' shaped end must be securely attached to a handle. A sharp point, such as on a gaff hook, is to be used only for holding the monofilament fishing line and should never contact the sea turtle.

(b) Extended reach handle. The handle must have a minimum length equal to the freeboard of the vessel, or 6 ft (1.83 m), whichever is greater. The handle must be sturdy and strong enough to facilitate the secure attachment of the gaff hook.

5. Dipnet. One dipnet is required onboard. Dipnets are to be used to facilitate safe handling of sea turtles by allowing them to be brought onboard for fishing gear removal, without causing further injury to the animal. Turtles must not be brought onboard without the use of a dipnet or hoist. The minimum design standards for dipnets are as follows:

(a) Size of dipnet. The dipnet must have a sturdy net hoop of at least 31 inches (78.74 cm) inside diameter and a bag depth of at least 38 inches (96.52 cm) to accommodate turtles below 3 ft (0.914 m) carapace length. The bag mesh openings may not exceed 3 inches (7.62 cm) by 3 inches (7.62 cm). There must be no sharp edges or burrs on the hoop, or where it is attached to the handle. There is no requirement for the hoop to be circular as long as it meets the minimum specifications.

(b) Extended reach handle. The dipnet hoop must be securely fastened to an extended reach handle or pole with a minimum length equal to, or greater than, 150 percent of the freeboard, or at least 6 ft (1.83 m), whichever is greater. The handle must be made of a rigid material strong enough to facilitate the sturdy attachment of the net hoop and be able to support a minimum of 100 lb (34.1 kg) without breaking or significant bending or distortion. It is recommended, but not required, that the extended reach handle break down into sections.

6. Cushion/support device. A standard automobile tire (free of exposed steel belts), a boat cushion, a large turtle hoist, or any other comparable cushioned elevated surface, is required for supporting a turtle in an upright orientation while the turtle is onboard. The cushion/support device must be appropriately sized to fully support a range of turtle sizes.

7. Short-handled dehooker for internal hooks. One short-handled device for removing internal hooks is required onboard. This dehooker is designed to remove ingested hooks from boated sea turtles. It can also be used on external hooks or hooks in the front of the mouth. Minimum design standards are as follows:

(a) Hook removal device. The hook removal device must be constructed of approximately \3/16\-inch (4.76 mm) to \5/16\-inch (7.94 mm) 316 L stainless steel, and must allow the hook to be secured and the barb shielded without re-engaging during the removal process. It must be no larger than 1 \7/8\-inches (4.76 cm) outside diameter. It may not have any unprotected terminal points (including blunt ones), as this could cause injury to the esophagus during hook removal. A sliding PVC bite block must be used to protect the beak and facilitate hook removal if the turtle bites down on the dehooking device. The bite block should be constructed of a \3/4\-inch (1.91 cm) inside diameter high impact plastic cylinder (e.g., Schedule 80 PVC) that is 4 to 6 inches (10.2 to 15.2 cm) long to allow for 5 inches (12.7 cm) of slide along the shaft. The device must be of a size appropriate to secure the range of hook sizes and styles used in the South Atlantic snapper-grouper fishery.

(b) Handle length. The handle should be approximately 16 to 24 inches (40.64 cm to 60.69 cm) in length, with approximately a 4 to 6-inch (10.2 to 15.2-cm) long tube T-handle of approximately 1 inch (2.54 cm) in diameter.

8. Short-handled dehooker for external hooks. One short-handled dehooker for external hooks is required onboard. The short-handled dehooker for internal hooks required to comply with paragraph 7. of this Appendix F will also satisfy this requirement. Minimum design standards are as follows:

(a) Hook removal device. The dehooker must be constructed of approximately \3/16\-inch (4.76 cm) to \5/16\-inch (7.94 cm) 316 L stainless steel, and the design must be such that a hook can be rotated out without pulling it out at an angle. The dehooking end must be blunt, and all edges rounded. The device must be of a size appropriate to secure the range of hook sizes and styles used in the South Atlantic snapper-grouper fishery.

(b) Handle length. The handle should be approximately 16 to 24 inches (40.64 to 60.69 cm) long with approximately a 5-inch (12.7 cm) long tube T-handle, wire loop handle or similar, of approximately 1 inch (2.54 cm) in diameter.

9. Long-nose or needle-nose pliers. One pair of long-nose or needle-nose pliers is required on board. Required long-nose or needle-nose pliers can be used to remove deeply embedded hooks from the turtle's flesh that must be twisted during removal or for removing hooks from the front of the mouth. They can also hold PVC splice couplings, when used as mouth openers, in place. Minimum design standards are as follows:

(a) General. They must be approximately 12 inches (30.48 cm) in length, and should be constructed of stainless steel material.

(b) [Reserved]

10. Bolt cutters. One pair of bolt cutters is required on board. Required bolt cutters may be used to cut hooks to facilitate their removal. They should be used to cut off the eye or barb of a hook, so that it can safely be pushed through a sea turtle without causing further injury. They should also be used to cut off as much of the hook as possible, when the remainder of the hook cannot be removed. Minimum design standards are as follows:

(a) General. They must be approximately 14 to 17 inches (35.56 to 43.18 cm) in total length, with approximately 4-inch (10.16 cm) long blades that are 2\1/4\ inches (5.72 cm) wide, when closed, and with approximately 10 to 13-inch (25.4 to 33.02-cm) long handles. Required bolt cutters must be able to cut hard metals, such as stainless or carbon steel hooks, up to \1/4\-inch (6.35 mm) diameter.

(b) [Reserved]

11. Monofilament line cutters. One pair of monofilament line cutters is required on board. Required monofilament line cutters must be used to remove fishing line as close to the eye of the hook as possible, if the hook is swallowed or cannot be removed. Minimum design standards are as follows:

(a) General. Monofilament line cutters must be approximately 7\1/2\ inches (19.05 cm) in length. The blades must be 1 inch (4.45 cm) in length and \5/8\ inches (1.59 cm) wide, when closed.

(b) [Reserved]

12. Mouth openers/mouth gags. Required mouth openers and mouth gags are used to open sea turtle mouths, and to keep them open when removing internal hooks from boated turtles. They must allow access to the hook or line without causing further injury to the turtle. Design standards are included in the item descriptions. At least two of the seven different types of mouth openers/gags described below are required:

(a) A block of hard wood. Placed in the corner of the jaw, a block of hard wood may be used to gag open a turtle's mouth. A smooth block of hard wood of a type that does not splinter (e.g. maple) with rounded edges should be sanded smooth, if necessary, and soaked in water to soften the wood. The dimensions should be approximately 11 inches (27.94 cm) by 1 inch (2.54 cm) by 1 inch (2.54 cm). A long-handled, wire shoe brush with a wooden handle, and with the wires removed, is an inexpensive, effective and practical mouth-opening device that meets these requirements.

(b) A set of three canine mouth gags. Canine mouth gags are highly recommended to hold a turtle's mouth open, because the gag locks into an open position to allow for hands-free operation after it is in place. These tools are only for use on small and medium sized turtles, as larger turtles may be able to crush the mouth gag. A set of canine mouth gags must include one of each of the following sizes: Small (5 inches) (12.7 cm), medium (6 inches) (15.24 cm), and large (7 inches) (17.78 cm). They must be constructed of stainless steel. The ends must be covered with clear vinyl tubing, friction tape, or similar, to pad the surface.

(c) A set of two sturdy dog chew bones. Placed in the corner of a turtle's jaw, canine chew bones are used to gag open a sea turtle's mouth. Required canine chews must be constructed of durable nylon, zylene resin, or thermoplastic polymer, and strong enough to withstand biting without splintering. To accommodate a variety of turtle beak sizes, a set must include one large (5\1/2\-8 inches (13.97 cm-20.32 cm) in length), and one small (3\1/2\-4\1/2\ inches (8.89 cm-11.43 cm) in length) canine chew bones.

(d) A set of two rope loops covered with protective tubing. A set of two pieces of poly braid rope covered with light duty garden hose or similar flexible tubing each tied or spliced into a loop to provide a one-handed method for keeping the turtle's mouth open during hook and/or line removal. A required set consists of two 3-ft (0.91 m) lengths of poly braid rope (\3/8\-inch (9.52 mm) diameter suggested), each covered with an 8-inch (20.32 cm) section of \1/2\ inch (1.27 cm) or \3/4\ inch (1.91 cm) tubing, and each tied into a loop. The upper loop of rope covered with hose is secured on the upper beak to give control with one hand, and the second piece of rope covered with hose is secured on the lower beak to give control with the user's foot.

(e) A hank of rope. Placed in the corner of a turtle's jaw, a hank of rope can be used to gag open a sea turtle's mouth. A 6-ft (1.83 m) lanyard of approximately \3/16\-inch (4.76 mm) braided nylon rope may be folded to create a hank, or looped bundle, of rope. Any size soft-braided nylon rope is allowed, however it must create a hank of approximately 2-4 inches (5.08 cm-10.16 cm) in thickness.

(f) A set of four PVC splice couplings. PVC splice couplings can be positioned inside a turtle's mouth to allow access to the back of the mouth for hook and line removal. They are to be held in place with the needle-nose pliers. To ensure proper fit and access, a required set must consist of the following Schedule 40 PVC splice coupling sizes: 1 inch (2.54 cm), 1\1/4\ inch (3.18 cm), 1\1/2\ inch (3.81 cm), and 2 inches (5.08 cm).

(g) A large avian oral speculum. A large avian oral speculum provides the ability to hold a turtle's mouth open and to control the head with one hand, while removing a hook with the other hand. The avian oral speculum must be 9-inches (22.86 cm) long, and constructed of \3/16\-inch (4.76 mm) wire diameter surgical stainless steel (Type 304). It must be covered with 8 inches (20.32 cm) of clear vinyl tubing (\5/16\-inch (7.9 mm) outside diameter, \3/16\-inch (4.76 mm) inside diameter), friction tape, or similar to pad the surface.

B. Sea turtle handling and release requirements. Sea turtle bycatch mitigation gear, as specified in paragraphs A.1. through 4. of this Appendix F, must be used to disengage any hooked or entangled sea turtles that cannot be brought onboard. Sea turtle bycatch mitigation gear, as specified in paragraphs A.5. through 12. of this Appendix F, must be used to facilitate access, safe handling, disentanglement, and hook removal or hook cutting of sea turtles that can be brought onboard, where feasible. Sea turtles must be handled, and bycatch mitigation gear must be used, in accordance with the careful release protocols and handling/release guidelines provided by NMFS and in accordance with the onboard handling and resuscitation requirements specified in Sec. 223.206(d)(1)of this title.

1. Boated turtles. When practicable, active and comatose sea turtles must be brought on board, with a minimum of injury, using a dipnet as specified in paragraph A.5. of this Appendix F. All turtles less than 3 ft (.91 m) carapace length should be boated, if sea conditions permit.

(a) A boated turtle should be placed on a cushioned/support device, as specified in paragraph A.6. of this Appendix F, in an upright orientation to immobilize it and facilitate gear removal. Then, it should be determined if the hook can be removed without causing further injury. All externally embedded hooks should be removed, unless hook removal would result in further injury to the turtle. No attempt to remove a hook should be made if it has been swallowed and the insertion point is not visible, or if it is determined that removal would result in further injury. If a hook cannot be removed, as much line as possible should be removed from the turtle using monofilament cutters as specified in paragraph A.11. of this Appendix F, and the hook should be cut as close as possible to the insertion point before releasing the turtle, using bolt cutters as specified in paragraph A.10. of this Appendix F. If a hook can be removed, an effective technique may be to cut off either the barb, or the eye, of the hook using bolt cutters, and then to slide the hook out. When the hook is visible in the front of the mouth, a mouth-opener, as specified in paragraph A.12. of this Appendix F, may facilitate opening the turtle's mouth and a gag may facilitate keeping the mouth open. Short-handled dehookers for internal hooks, or long-nose or needle-nose pliers, as specified in paragraphs A.7. and A.8. of this Appendix F, respectively, should be used to remove visible hooks from the mouth that have not been swallowed on boated turtles, as appropriate. As much gear as possible must be removed from the turtle without causing further injury prior to its release. Refer to the careful release protocols and handling/release guidelines required in Sec. 622.10(c)(1), and the handling and resuscitation requirements specified in Sec. 223.206(d)(1) of this title, for additional information.

(b) [Reserved]

2. Non-boated turtles. If a sea turtle is too large, or hooked in a manner that precludes safe boating without causing further damage or injury to the turtle, sea turtle bycatch mitigation gear specified in paragraphs A.1. through 4. of this Appendix F must be used to disentangle sea turtles from fishing gear and disengage any hooks, or to clip the line and remove as much line as possible from a hook that cannot be removed, prior to releasing the turtle, in accordance with the protocols specified in Sec. 622.10(c)(1).

(a) Non-boated turtles should be brought close to the boat and provided with time to calm down. Then, it must be determined whether or not the hook can be removed without causing further injury. All externally embedded hooks must be removed, unless hook removal would result in further injury to the turtle. No attempt should be made to remove a hook if it has been swallowed, or if it is determined that removal would result in further injury. If the hook cannot be removed and/or if the animal is entangled, as much line as possible must be removed prior to release, using a line cutter as specified in paragraph A.1. of this Appendix F. If the hook can be removed, it must be removed using a long-handled dehooker as specified in paragraphs A.2. and A.3. of this Appendix F. Without causing further injury, as much gear as possible must be removed from the turtle prior to its release. Refer to the careful release protocols and handling/release guidelines required in Sec. 622.10(c)(1), and the handling and resuscitation requirements specified in Sec. 223.206(d)(1) for additional information.

(b) [Reserved]

Appendix G to Part 622--Coastal Migratory Pelagics Zone Illustrations[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR27JA15.000 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR27JA15.001 [80 FR 4224, Jan. 27, 2015]