(a) General. The economic data collection (EDC) program collects mandatory economic data from participants in the trawl rationalization program. NMFS requires submission of an EDC form to gather ongoing, annual data for 2011 and beyond, as well as a onetime collection in 2011 of baseline economic data from 2009 through 2010.
(b) Economic data collection program requirements. The following fishery participants in the limited entry groundfish trawl fisheries are required to comply with the following EDC program requirements: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Consequence for failure to submit
(In addition to consequences
Fishery participant Economic data Who is required to listed below, failure to submit an
collection submit an EDC? EDC may be a violation of the
(1) Limited entry trawl catcher (i) Baseline (2009 All owners, (A) For permit owner, a limited
(A) For permit owner, a limited
vessels. and 2010) economic lessees, and entry trawl permit application
data. charterers of a (including MS/CV-endorsed limited
catcher vessel entry trawl permit) will not be
registered to a considered complete until the
limited entry required EDC for that permit
trawl endorsed owner associated with that permit
permit at any time is submitted, as specified at
in 2009 or 2010. Sec. 660.25(b)(4)(i).
(B) For a vessel owner,
participation in the groundfish
fishery (including, but not
limited to, changes in vessel
registration, vessel account
actions, or if own QS permit,
issuance of annual QP or IBQ
pounds) will not be authorized
until the required EDC for that
owner for that vessel is
submitted, as specified, in part,
at Sec. 660.25(b)(4)(v) and
Sec. 660.140(e).
(C) For a vessel lessee or
charterer, participation in the
groundfish fishery (including,
but not limited to, issuance of
annual QP or IBQ pounds if own QS
or IBQ) will not be authorized,
until the required EDC for their
operation of that vessel is
(ii) Annual/ongoing All owners, (A) For permit owner, a limited
(2011 and beyond) lessees, and entry trawl permit application
economic data. charterers of a (including MS/CV-endorsed limited
catcher vessel entry trawl permit) will not be
registered to a considered complete until the
limited entry required EDC for that permit
trawl endorsed owner associated with that permit
permit at any time is submitted, as specified at
in 2011 and beyond. Sec. 660.25(b)(4)(i).
(B) For a vessel owner,
participation in the groundfish
fishery (including, but not
limited to, changes in vessel
registration, vessel account
actions, or if own QS permit,
issuance of annual QP or IBQ
pounds) will not be authorized
until the required EDC for that
owner for that vessel is
submitted, as specified, in part,
at Sec. 660.25(b)(4)(v) and
Sec. 660.140(e).
(C) For a vessel lessee or
charterer, participation in the
groundfish fishery (including,
but not limited to, issuance of
annual QP or IBQ pounds if own QS
or IBQ) will not be authorized,
until the required EDC for their
operation of that vessel is
(i) Baseline (2009 All owners, (A) For permit owner, an MS permit
(A) For permit owner, an MS permit
and 2010) economic lessees, and application will not be
data. charterers of a considered complete until the
mothership vessel required EDC for that permit
that received owner associated with that permit
whiting in 2009 or is submitted, as specified at
2010 as recorded Sec. 660.25(b)(4)(i).
in NMFS' NORPAC (B) For a vessel owner,
database. participation in the groundfish
fishery (including, but not
limited to, changes in vessel
registration) will not be
authorized until the required EDC
for that owner for that vessel is
submitted, as specified, in part,
at Sec. 660.25(b)(4)(v).
(C) For a vessel lessee or
charterer, participation in the
groundfish fishery will not be
authorized, until the required
EDC for their operation of that
vessel is submitted.
(ii) Annual/ongoing All owners, (A) For permit owner, an MS permit
(2011 and beyond) lessees, and application will not be
economic data. charterers of a considered complete until the
mothership vessel required EDC for that permit
registered to an owner associated with that permit
MS permit at any is submitted, as specified at
time in 2011 and Sec. 660.25(b)(4)(i).
beyond. (B) For a vessel owner,
participation in the groundfish
fishery (including, but not
limited to, changes in vessel
registration) will not be
authorized until the required EDC
for that owner for that vessel is
submitted, as specified, in part,
at Sec. 660.25(b)(4)(v).
(C) For a vessel lessee or
charterer, participation in the
groundfish fishery will not be
authorized, until the required
EDC for their operation of that
(i) Baseline (2009 All owners, (A) For permit owner, a C/P-
(A) For permit owner, a C/P-
and 2010) economic lessees, and endorsed limited entry trawl
data. charterers of a permit application will not be
catcher processor considered complete until the
vessel that required EDC for that permit
harvested whiting owner associated with that permit
in 2009 or 2010 as is submitted, as specified at
recorded in NMFS' Sec. 660.25(b)(4)(i).
NORPAC database. (B) For a vessel owner,
participation in the groundfish
fishery (including, but not
limited to, changes in vessel
registration) will not be
authorized until the required EDC
for that owner for that vessel is
submitted, as specified, in part,
at Sec. 660.25(b)(4)(v).
(C) For a vessel lessee or
charterer, participation in the
groundfish fishery will not be
authorized, until the required
EDC for their operation of that
vessel is submitted.
(ii) Annual/ongoing All owners, (A) For permit owner, a C/P-
(2011 and beyond) lessees, and endorsed limited entry trawl
economic data. charterers of a permit application will not be
catcher processor considered complete until the
vessel registered required EDC for that permit
to a C/P-endorsed owner associated with that permit
limited entry is submitted, as specified at
trawl permit at Sec. 660.25(b)(4)(i).
any time in 2011 (B) For a vessel owner,
and beyond. participation in the groundfish
fishery (including, but not
limited to, changes in vessel
registration) will not be
authorized until the required EDC
for that owner for that vessel is
submitted, as specified, in part,
at Sec. 660.25(b)(4)(v).
(C) For a vessel lessee or
charterer, participation in the
groundfish fishery will not be
authorized, until the required
EDC for their operation of that
vessel is submitted.(4) First receivers/shorebased (i) Baseline (2009 All owners and A first receiver site license
processors. and 2010) economic lessees of a application for a particular
data. shorebased physical location for processing
processor and all and buying will not be considered
buyers that complete until the required EDC
received for the applying processor or
groundfish or buyer is submitted, as specified
whiting harvested at Sec. 660.140(f)(3).
with a limited
entry trawl permit
as listed in the
PacFIN database in
2009 or 2010.
(ii) Annual/ongoing (A) All owners of a A first receiver site license
(2011 and beyond) first receiver application will not be
economic data. site license in considered complete until the
2011 and beyond. required EDC for that license
owner associated with that
license is submitted, as
specified at Sec.
660.140(f)(3). See paragraph
(b)(4)(ii)(A) of this table.
(4)(ii)(A) of this table.
(ii)(A) of this table.
(A) of this table.
(B) All owners and ..................................
lessees of a
processor (as
defined under
``processor'' at
Sec. 660.11, for
purposes of EDC)
that received
round or headed-
and-gutted IFQ
species groundfish
or whiting from a
first receiver in
2011 and beyond.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(c) Submission of the EDC form and deadline--(1) Submission of the EDC form. The complete, certified EDC form must be submitted to ATTN: Economic Data Collection Program (FRAM Division), NMFS, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, 2725 Montlake Boulevard East, Seattle, WA 98112. A complete EDC form contains responses for all data fields, which include but are not limited to costs, labor, earnings, activity in a fishery, vessel or plant characteristics, value, quota, operational information, location of expenditures and earnings, ownership information and leasing information.
(1) Submission of the EDC form. The complete, certified EDC form must be submitted to ATTN: Economic Data Collection Program (FRAM Division), NMFS, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, 2725 Montlake Boulevard East, Seattle, WA 98112. A complete EDC form contains responses for all data fields, which include but are not limited to costs, labor, earnings, activity in a fishery, vessel or plant characteristics, value, quota, operational information, location of expenditures and earnings, ownership information and leasing information.
(2) Deadline. Complete, certified EDC forms must be mailed and postmarked by or hand-delivered to NMFS NWFSC no later than September 1, 2011, for baseline data, and, for the annual/ongoing data collection beginning September 1, 2012, September 1 each year for the prior year's data.
(d) Confidentiality of information. Information received on an EDC form will be considered confidential under applicable law and guidance.
(e) EDC audit procedures--(1) NMFS reserves the right to conduct verification of economic data with the submitter of the form. NMFS may employ a third party agent to conduct the audits.
(1) NMFS reserves the right to conduct verification of economic data with the submitter of the form. NMFS may employ a third party agent to conduct the audits.
(2) The submitter of the EDC form must respond to any inquiry by NMFS or a NMFS agent within 20 days of the date of issuance of the inquiry, unless an extension is granted by NMFS.
(3) The submitter of the form must provide copies of additional data to facilitate verification by NMFS or NMFS' agent upon request. The NMFS auditor may review and request copies of additional data provided by the submitter, including but not limited to, previously audited or reviewed financial statements, worksheets, tax returns, invoices, receipts, and other original documents substantiating the economic data submitted. [75 FR 78387, Dec. 15, 2010, as amended at 77 FR 55155, Sept. 7, 2012]