(a) The Regional Administrator will determine any harvest guideline, quota, Annual Catch Limit (ACL) (defined at Sec. 600.310(f)(2)) or Annual Catch Target (ACT) (defined at Sec. 600.310(f)(2) of this chapter) in accordance with the framework process in the FMP.
(b) Any harvest guideline, quota, ACL, or ACT, including any apportionment between the directed fishery and set-aside for incidental harvest, will be published in the Federal Register.
(c) The announcement of each harvest guideline, quota, ACL or ACT will contain the following information if available or applicable:
(1) The estimated biomass or MSY proxy on which the harvest guideline, quota, ACL or ACT was determined;
(2) The portion, if appropriate, of the harvest guideline, quota, ACL or ACT set aside to allow for incidental harvests after closure of the directed fishery;
(3) The estimated level of the incidental trip limit that will be allowed after the directed fishery is closed; and
(4) The allocation, if appropriate, between Subarea A and Subarea B.
(d) As necessary, harvest guidelines, quotas, OFLs (defined at Sec. 600.310(f)(2)), ABCs (defined at Sec. 600.310(f)(2) of this chapter), ACLs or ACTs, will receive public review according to the following procedure:
(1) Meetings will be held by the Council's CPSMT and AP, where the estimated biomass and/or other biological or management benchmarks will be reviewed and public comments received. Each of these meetings will be announced in the Federal Register before the date of the meeting, if possible.
(2) All materials relating to the estimated biomass and/or other biological or management benchmarks will be forwarded to the Council and its Scientific and Statistical Committee and will be available to the public from the Regional Administrator when available.
(3) At a regular meeting of the Council, the Council will review the estimated biomass and/or other biological or management benchmarks and offer time for public comment. If the Council requests a revision, justification must be provided.
(4) The Regional Administrator will review the Council's recommendations, justification, and public comments and base his or her final decision on the requirements of the FMP and other applicable law. [76 FR 70363, Nov. 14, 2011]