As used in Sec. Sec. 665.240 through 665.259:
Hawaii crustacean management area is divided into the following areas:
(1) Crustacean Permit Area 1 (Permit Area 1) means the EEZ around the NWHI.
(2) Crustacean Permit Area 2 (Permit Area 2) means the EEZ around the MHI.
(3) Crustacean Permit Area 1 VMS Subarea means an area within the EEZ around the NWHI 50 nm from the center geographical positions of the islands and reefs in the NWHI as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name N. lat. W. long.------------------------------------------------------------------------Nihoa Island........................ 23[deg]05[min] 161[deg]55[min]Necker Island....................... 23[deg]35[min] 164[deg]40[min]French Frigate Shoals............... 23[deg]45[min] 166[deg]15[min]Gardner Pinnacles................... 25[deg]00[min] 168[deg]00[min]Maro Reef........................... 25[deg]25[min] 170[deg]35[min]Laysan Island....................... 25[deg]45[min] 171[deg]45[min]Lisianski Island.................... 26[deg]00[min] 173[deg]55[min]Pearl and Hermes Reef............... 27[deg]50[min] 175[deg]50[min]Midway Island....................... 28[deg]14[min] 177[deg]22[min]Kure Island......................... 28[deg]25[min] 178[deg]20[min]------------------------------------------------------------------------The remainder of the VMS subarea is delimited by parallel lines tangent
to and connecting the 50-nm areas around the following: from Nihoa
Island to Necker Island; from French Frigate Shoals to Gardner
Pinnacles; from Gardner Pinnacles to Maro Reef; from Laysan Island to
Lisianski Island; and from Lisianski Island to Pearl and Hermes Reef..------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hawaii crustacean management unit species (Hawaii crustacean MUS) means the following crustaceans: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
English common
Local name name Scientific name------------------------------------------------------------------------Ula............................. spiny lobster..... Panulirus
penicillatus.ula papapa...................... slipper lobster... Scyllaridae.papa`i kua loa.................. Kona crab......... Ranina ranina.
deepwater shrimp.. Heterocarpus spp.------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interested parties means the State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, the Council, holders of permits issued under Sec. 665.242, and any person who has notified the Regional Administrator of his or her interest in the procedures and decisions described in Sec. 665.248, and who has specifically requested to be considered an ``interested party.''
Lobster grounds refers, singularly or collectively, to the following four areas in Crustacean Permit Area 1 that shall be used to manage the lobster fishery:
(1) Necker Island Lobster Grounds--waters bounded by straight lines connecting the following coordinates in the order presented: 24[deg]00[min] N. lat., 165[deg]00[min] W. long.; 24[deg]00[min] N. lat., 164[deg]00[min] W. long.; 23[deg]00[min] N. lat., 164[deg]00[min] W. long.; and 23[deg]00[min] N. lat., 165[deg]00[min] W. long.
(2) Gardner Pinnacles Lobster Grounds--waters bounded by straight lines connecting the following coordinates in the order presented: 25[deg]20[min] N. lat., 168[deg]20[min] W. long.; 25[deg]20[min] N. lat., 167[deg]40[min] W. long.; 24[deg]20[min] N. lat., 167[deg]40[min] W. long.; and 24[deg]20[min] N. lat., 168[deg]20[min] W. long.
(3) Maro Reef Lobster Grounds--waters bounded by straight lines connecting the following coordinates in the order presented: 25[deg]40[min] N. lat., 171[deg]00[min] W. long.; 25[deg]40[min] N. lat., 170[deg]20[min] W. long.; 25[deg]00[min] N. lat., 170[deg]20[min] W. long.; and 25[deg]00[min] N. lat., 171[deg]00[min] W. long.
(4) General NWHI Lobster Grounds--all waters within Crustacean Permit Area 1 except for the Necker Island, Gardner Pinnacles, and Maro Reef Lobster Grounds.