Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 50  /  Part 679  /  Sec. 679.110 Gulf of Alaska Trawl Economic Data Reports (EDRs).

(a) Requirements to submit an EDR--(1) GOA Trawl Catcher Vessels. The owner or leaseholder of any vessel who is named on a Limited License Program (LLP) groundfish license that authorizes a catcher vessel using trawl gear to harvest LLP groundfish species in the GOA must submit a complete Annual Trawl Catcher Vessel Economic Data Report (EDR) for that calendar year by following the instructions on the Annual Trawl Catcher Vessel EDR form.

(1) GOA Trawl Catcher Vessels. The owner or leaseholder of any vessel who is named on a Limited License Program (LLP) groundfish license that authorizes a catcher vessel using trawl gear to harvest LLP groundfish species in the GOA must submit a complete Annual Trawl Catcher Vessel Economic Data Report (EDR) for that calendar year by following the instructions on the Annual Trawl Catcher Vessel EDR form.

(2) GOA Shoreside Processors and Stationary Floating Processors. The owner or leaseholder of a shoreside processor or stationary floating processor with a Federal Processor Permit (FPP) that processes groundfish caught by vessels fishing with trawl gear in the GOA must submit a complete Annual Shoreside Processor Economic Data Report (EDR) for that calendar year by following the instructions on the Annual Shoreside Processor EDR form.

(3) Annual Trawl Catcher/Processor Economic Data Report (EDR). The owner or leaseholder of a vessel that is named on a Limited License Program (LLP) groundfish license that authorizes a Catcher/Processor using trawl gear to harvest and process LLP groundfish in the GOA must submit an Annual Trawl Catcher/Processor EDR as described at Sec. 679.94 for that calendar year.

(b) Deadline. A completed EDR or EDR certification page for:

(1) The Annual Trawl Catcher Vessel EDR or the Annual Shoreside Processor EDR must be submitted to the DCA for each calendar year on or before 1700 hours, A.l.t., June 1 of the following year, or

(2) The Annual Trawl Catcher/Processor EDR must be submitted to NMFS as required at Sec. 679.94(a)(2).

(c) Information required. The Annual Trawl Catcher Vessel EDR, Annual Shoreside Processor EDR, and Annual Trawl Catcher/Processor EDR forms are available on the NMFS Alaska Region Web site at, or by contacting NMFS at 1-800-304-4846.

(d) EDR certification. A person required to submit an EDR under paragraph (a) of this section, or the designated representative, if applicable, must submit the EDR certification statement as either:

(1) Part of the entire EDR. A person submitting the applicable EDR form must attest to the accuracy and completion of the EDR by signing and dating the certification portion of the applicable EDR form; or

(2) EDR certification only. A person submitting a completed EDR certification only must attest that they meet the conditions exempting them from submitting the entire EDR as described in the certification portion of the applicable EDR form and sign and date the certification portion of the form.

(e) Verification of EDR data. (1) NMFS, the DCA, or the DDCA will conduct verification of information with a person required to submit the applicable EDR, or if applicable, that person's designated representative.

(1) NMFS, the DCA, or the DDCA will conduct verification of information with a person required to submit the applicable EDR, or if applicable, that person's designated representative.

(2) The person required to submit the applicable EDR or designated representative, if applicable, must respond to inquiries by NMFS, the designated DCA, or the DDCA within 20 days of the date of issuance of the inquiry.

(3) The person required to submit the applicable EDR or designated representative, if applicable, must provide copies of additional data to facilitate data verification. NMFS, the DCA, or the DDCA may review and request copies of additional data provided by the person required to submit the applicable EDR form or designated representative, if applicable, including but not limited to, previously audited or reviewed financial statements, worksheets, tax returns, invoices, receipts, and other original documents substantiating the data submitted in an EDR form.

(f) DCA authorization. Except for EDR data submitted as required under Sec. 679.94(a), the DCA is authorized to release unaggregated EDR data to authorized data users in blind data format only. [79 FR 71318, Dec. 2, 2014] Sec. Appendix A to Part 679--Performance and Technical Requirements for Scales Used To Weigh Catch at Sea in the Groundfish Fisheries Off Alaska

Table of Contents 1. Introduction2. Belt Scales

2.1 Applicability

2.2 Performance Requirements

2.2.1 Maximum Permissible Errors Laboratory Tests Zero Load Tests Material Tests

2.2.2 Minimum Flow Rate ([Sigma]min)

2.2.3 Minimum Totalized Load ([Sigma]min)

2.2.4 Influence Quantities Temperature Power Supply

2.3 Technical Requirements

2.3.1 Indicators and Printers General Values Defined Units Value of the Scale Division Range of Indication Resettable and Non-resettable Values Rate of Flow Indicator Printed Information Permanence of Markings Power Loss Adjustable Components Audit Trail Adjustments to Scale Weights

2.3.2 Weighing Elements Speed Measurement Conveyer Belt Overload Protection Speed Control Adjustable Components Motion Compensation

2.3.3 Installation Conditions

2.3.4 Marking Presentation

2.4 Tests

2.4.1 Minimum Test Load

2.4.2 Laboratory Tests Influence Quantity and Disturbance Tests Zero-Load Tests Material Tests

2.4.3 Annual Scale Inspections Zero-Load Tests Material Tests3. Automatic Hopper Scales

3.1 Applicability

3.2 Performance Requirements

3.2.1 Maximum Permissible Errors Laboratory Tests Increasing and Decreasing Load Tests

3.2.2 Minimum Weighment ([Sigma]min)

3.2.3 Minimum Totalized Load (Lot)

3.2.4 Influence Quantities Temperature Operating Temperature Power Supply

3.3 Technical Requirements

3.3.1 Indicators and Printers General Values Defined Units Value of the Scale Division Weighing Sequence Printing Sequence Printed Information Permanence of Markings Range of Indication Non-resettable Values Power Loss Adjustable Components Audit Trail Zero-Load Adjustment Manual Semi-automatic Damping Means Adjustments to Scale Weights

3.3.2 Interlocks and Gate Control

3.3.3 Overfill Sensor

3.3.4 Weighing Elements Overload Protection Adjustable Components Motion Compensation

3.3.5 Installation Conditions

3.3.6 Marking Presentation

3.4 Tests

3.4.1 Standards

3.4.2 Laboratory Tests Influence Quantity and Disturbance Tests Performance Tests

3.4.3 Annual Scale Inspections4. Platform Scales and Hanging Scales

4.1 Applicability

4.2 Performance Requirements

4.2.1 Maximum Permissible Errors Laboratory Tests Increasing and Decreasing Load and Shift Tests

4.2.2 Accuracy Classes

4.2.3 Minimum Load

4.2.4 Influence Quantities Temperature Operating Temperature Power Supply

4.3 Technical Requirements

4.3.1 Indicators and Printers General Values Defined Units Value of the Scale Division Printed Information Permanence of Markings Power Loss Adjustable Components Zero-Load Adjustment Manual Semi-automatic Damping Means

4.3.2 Weighing Elements Overload Protection Adjustable Components Motion Compensation

4.3.3 Installation Conditions

4.3.4 Marking Presentation

4.4 Tests

4.4.1 Standards

4.4.2 Laboratory Tests Influence Quantities and Disturbance Tests Performance Tests

4.4.3 Annual Scale Inspections5. Definitions

Annex A of Appendix A to Part 679--Influence Quantity and Disturbance

Tests A.1 GeneralA.2 Test considerationsA.3 Tests

A.3.1 Static Temperatures

A.3.2 Damp Heat, Steady State

A.3.3 Power Voltage Variation

A.3.4 Short Time Power Reduction

A.3.5 Bursts

A.3.6 Electrostatic Discharge

A.3.7 Electromagnetic SusceptibilityA.4 Bibliography

1. Introduction

(a) This appendix to part 679 contains the performance and technical requirements for scales to be approved by NMFS for use to weigh, at sea, catch from the groundfish fisheries off Alaska. The performance and technical requirements in this document have not been reviewed or endorsed by the National Conference on Weights and Measures. Regulations implementing the requirements of this appendix and additional requirements for and with respect to scales used to weigh catch at sea are found at 50 CFR 679.28(b).

(b) Revisions, amendments, or additions to this appendix may be made after notice and opportunity for public comments. Send requests for revisions, amendments, or additions to the Sustainable Fisheries Division, Alaska Region, NMFS, P.O. Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802.

(c) Types of Scales Covered by Appendix--This appendix contains performance and technical requirements for belt, automatic hopper, platform, and hanging scales.

(d) Testing and Approval of Scales Used to Weigh Catch at Sea--Scales used to weigh catch at sea are required to comply with four categories of performance and technical requirements: (1) Type evaluation; (2) initial inspection after installation while the vessel is tied up at a dock and is not under power at sea; (3) annual reinspection while the vessel is tied up at a dock and is not under power at sea; and (4) daily at-sea tests of the scale's accuracy. This appendix contains only the performance and technical requirements for type evaluation and initial and annual reinspections by an authorized scale inspector.

2. Belt Scales

2.1 Applicability. The requirements in this section apply to a scale or scale system that employs a conveyor belt in contact with a weighing element to determine the weight of a bulk commodity being conveyed across the scale.

2.2 Performance Requirements--2.2.1 Maximum Permissible Errors. For laboratory tests of a scale and initial inspections and annual reinspections of an installed scale when the vessel is tied up at a dock and is not under power at sea, the following maximum permissible errors (MPEs) are specified: Laboratory Tests. See annex A to this appendix A for procedures for disturbance tests and influence factors.

a. Disturbances. 0.18 percent of the weight of the load totalized.

b. Influence Factors. 0.25 percent of the weight of the load totalized.

c. Temperature Effect at Zero Flow Rate. The difference between the values obtained at zero flow rate taken at temperatures that differ by 10 [deg]C 0.2 [deg]C must not be greater than 0.035 percent of the weight of the load totalized at the maximum flow-rate for the time of the test. Zero Load Tests. For zero load tests conducted in a laboratory or on a scale installed on a vessel and conducted when the vessel is tied up at a dock and not under power at sea, 0.1 percent of the value of the minimum totalized load or 1 scale division (d), whichever is greater. Material Tests. For material tests conducted in a laboratory or on a scale installed on a vessel and conducted when the vessel is tied up at a dock and not under power at sea, 1.0 percent of the known weight of the test material.

2.2.2 Minimum Flow Rate (Qmin). The minimum flow rate must be specified by the manufacturer and must not be greater than 35 percent of the rated capacity of the scale in kilograms per hour (kg/hr) or metric tons per hour (mt/hr).

2.2.3 Minimum Totalized Load ([Sigma]min). The minimum totalized load must not be less than the greater of--

a. Two percent of the load totalized in 1 hour at the maximum flow rate;

b. The load obtained at the maximum flow rate in 1 revolution of the belt; or

c. A load equal to 800 scale divisions (d).

2.2.4 Influence Quantities. The following requirements apply to influence factor tests conducted in the laboratory. Temperature. A belt scale must comply with the performance and technical requirements at a range of temperatures from -10 [deg]C to + 40 [deg]C. However, for special applications the temperature range may be different, but the range must not be less than 30 [deg]C and must be so specified on the scale's descriptive markings. Power Supply. A belt scale must comply with the performance and technical requirements when operated within a range of -15 percent to + 10 percent of the power supply specified on the scale's descriptive markings.

2.3.1 Technical Requirements.

2.3.1 Indicators and Printers. General. A belt scale must be equipped with an indicator capable of displaying both the weight of fish in each haul or set and the cumulative weight of all fish or other material weighed on the scale between annual inspections (``the cumulative weight''), a rate of flow indicator, and a printer. The indications and printed representations must be clear, definite, accurate, and easily read under all conditions of normal operation of the belt scale. Values Defined. If indications or printed representations are intended to have specific values, these must be defined by a sufficient number of figures, words, or symbols, uniformly placed with reference to the indications or printed representations and as close as practicable to the indications or printed representations but not so positioned as to interfere with the accuracy of reading. Units. The weight of each haul or set must be indicated in kilograms, and the cumulative weight must be indicated in either kilograms or metric tons and decimal subdivisions. Value of the Scale Division. The value of the scale division (d) expressed in a unit of weight must be equal to 1, 2, or 5, or a decimal multiple or sub-multiple of 1, 2, or 5. Range of Indication. The range of the weight indications and printed values for each haul or set must be from 0 kg to 999,999 kg and for the cumulative weight must be from 0 to 99,999 metric tons. Resettable and Non-resettable Values. The means to indicate the weight of fish in each haul or set must be resettable to zero. The means to indicate the cumulative weight must not be resettable to zero without breaking a security means and must be reset only upon direction of NMFS or an authorized scale inspector. Rate of Flow Indicator. Permanent means must be provided to produce an audio or visual signal when the rate of flow is less than the minimum flow rate or greater than 98 percent of the maximum flow rate. Printed Information. The information printed must include--

a. For catch weight:

i. The vessel name;

ii. The Federal fisheries or processor permit number of the vessel;

iii. The haul or set number;

iv. The total weight of catch in each haul or set;

v. The total cumulative weight of all fish or other material weighed on the scale; and

vi. The date and time the information is printed.

b. For the audit trail:

i. The vessel name;

ii. The Federal fisheries or processor permit number of the vessel;

iii. The date and time (to the nearest minute) that the adjustment was made;

iv. The name or type of adjustment being made; and

v. The initial and final values of the parameter being changed. Permanence of Markings. All required indications, markings, and instructions must be distinct and easily readable and must be of such character that they will not tend to become obliterated or illegible. Power Loss. In the event of a power failure, means must be provided to retain in a memory the weight of fish in each haul or set for which a printed record has not yet been made, the cumulative weight, and the information on the audit trail. Adjustable Components. An adjustable component that when adjusted affects the performance or accuracy of the scale must be held securely in position and must not be capable of adjustment without breaking a security means unless a record of the adjustment is made on the audit trail described in Audit Trail. An audit trail in the form of an event logger must be provided to document changes made using adjustable components. The following information must be provided in an electronic form that cannot be changed or erased by the scale operator, can be printed at any time, and can be cleared by the scale manufacturer's representative upon direction by NMFS or by an authorized scale inspector:

a. The date and time (to the nearest minute) of the change;

b. The name or type of adjustment being made; and

c. The initial and final values of the parameter being changed. Adjustments to Scale Weights. The indicators and printer must be designed so that the scale operator cannot change or adjust the indicated and printed weight values.

2.3.2 Weighing Elements. Speed Measurement. A belt scale must be equipped with means to accurately sense the belt travel and/or speed whether the belt is loaded or empty. Conveyer Belt. The weight per unit length of the conveyor belt must be practically constant. Belt joints must be such that there are no significant effects on the weighing results. Overload Protection. The load receiver must be equipped with means so that an overload of 150 percent or more of the capacity does not affect the metrological characteristics of the scale. Speed Control. The speed of the belt must not vary by more than 5 percent of the nominal speed. Adjustable Components. An adjustable component that can affect the performance of the belt scale must be held securely in position and must not be capable of adjustment without breaking a security means. Motion Compensation. A belt scale must be equipped with automatic means to compensate for the motion of a vessel at sea so that the weight values indicated are within the MPEs. Such means shall be a reference load cell and a reference mass weight or other equally effective means. When equivalent means are utilized, the manufacturer must provide NMFS with information demonstrating that the scale can weigh accurately at sea.

2.3.3 Installation Conditions. A belt scale must be rigidly installed in a level condition.

2.3.4 Marking. A belt scale must be marked with the--

a. Name, initials, or trademark of the manufacturer or distributer;

b. Model designation;

c. Non-repetitive serial number;

d. Maximum flow rate (Qmax);

e. Minimum flow rate (Qmin);

f. Minimum totalized load ([Sigma]min);

g. Value of a scale division (d);

h. Belt speed;

i. Weigh length;

j. Maximum capacity (Max);

k. Temperature range (if applicable); and

l. Mains voltage. Presentation. The markings must be reasonably permanent and of such size, shape, and clarity to provide easy reading in normal conditions of use. They must be grouped together in a place visible to the operator.

2.4 Tests.

2.4.1 Minimum Test Load. The minimum test load must be the greater of--

a. 2 percent of the load totalized in 1 hour at the maximum flow rate;

b. The load obtained at maximum flow rate in one revolution of the belt; or

c. A load equal to 800 scale divisions.

2.4.2 Laboratory Tests. Influence Quantity and Disturbance Tests. Tests must be conducted according to annex A and the results of these tests must be within the values specified in section Zero-Load Tests. A zero-load test must be conducted for a time equal to that required to deliver the minimum totalized load (``min). At least two zero-load tests must be conducted prior to a material test. The results of these tests must be within the values specified in section Material Tests. At least one material test must be conducted with the weight of the material or simulated material equal to or greater than the minimum test load. The results of these tests must be within the values specified in section

2.4.3 Annual Inspections. Zero-Load Tests. A zero-load test must be conducted for a time equal to that required to deliver the minimum totalized load ([Sigma]min). At least one zero-load test must be conducted prior to each material test. The results of this test must be within the values specified in section Material Tests. At least one material or simulated material test must be conducted with the weight of the material or simulated material equal to or greater than the minimum test load. The results of these tests must be within the values specified in section

3. Automatic Hopper Scales

3.1 Applicability. The requirements in this section apply to a scale or scale system that is designed for automatic weighing of a bulk commodity in predetermined amounts.

3.2 Performance Requirements.

3.2.1 Maximum Permissible Errors. For laboratory tests of a scale and initial inspection and annual reinspections of an installed scale when the vessel is tied up at a dock and is not under power at sea, the following MPEs are specified: Laboratory Tests. See annex A to appendix A for procedures for disturbance test and influence factors.

a. Disturbances. Significant fault (sf) (scale division).

b. Influence Factors. 1 percent of test load. Increasing and Decreasing Load Tests. For increasing and decreasing load tests conducted in a laboratory or on a scale installed on a vessel tied up at a dock and not under power at sea, 1.0 percent of the test load.

3.2.2 Minimum Weighment ([Sigma]min). The minimum weighment must not be less than 20 percent of the weighing capacity, or a load equal to 100 scale intervals (d), except for the final weighment of a lot.

3.2.3 Minimum Totalized Load (Lot). The minimum totalized load must not be less than 4 weighments.

3.2.4 Influence Quantities. The following requirements apply to influence factor tests conducted in the laboratory: Temperature. A hopper scale must comply with the metrological and technical requirements at temperatures from -10 [deg]C to + 40 [deg]C. However, for special applications the temperature range may be different, but the range must not be less than 30 [deg]C and must be so specified on the scale's descriptive markings. Operating Temperature. A hopper scale must not display or print any usable weight values until the operating temperature necessary for accurate weighing and a stable zero-balance condition have been attained. Power Supply. A hopper scale must comply with the performance and technical requirements when operated within -15 percent to + 10 percent of the power supply specified on the scale's descriptive markings.

3.3 Technical Requirements.

3.3.1 Indicators and Printers. General. a. A hopper scale must be equipped with an indicator and printer that indicates and prints the weight of each load and a no-load reference value; and a printer that prints the total weight of fish in each haul or set and the total cumulative weight of all fish and other material weighed on the scale between annual inspections (``the cumulative weight''). The indications and printed information must be clear, definite, accurate, and easily read under all conditions of normal operation of the hopper scale.

b. A no-load reference value may be a positive or negative value in terms of scale divisions or zero. When the no-load reference value is zero, the scale must return to a zero indication (within 0.5 scale division) when the load receptor (hopper) is empty following the discharge of all loads, without the intervention of either automatic or manual means. Values Defined. If indications or printed representations are intended to have specific values, these must be defined by a sufficient number of figures, words, or symbols, uniformly placed with reference to the indications or printed representations and as close as practicable to the indications or printed representations but not so positioned as to interfere with the accuracy of reading. Units. The weight of each haul or set must be indicated in kilograms, and the cumulative weight must be indicated in either kilograms or metric tons and decimal subdivisions. Value of the Scale Division. The value of the scale division (d) expressed in a unit of weight must be equal to 1, 2, or 5, or a decimal multiple or sub-multiple of 1, 2, or 5. Weighing Sequence. For hopper scales used to receive (weigh in), the no-load reference value must be determined and printed only at the beginning of each weighing cycle. For hopper scales used to deliver (weigh out), the no-load reference value must be determined and printed only after the gross-load weight value for each weighing cycle has been indicated and printed. Printing Sequence. Provision must be made so that all weight values are indicated until the completion of the printing of the indicated values. Printed Information. The information printed must include--

a. For catch weight:

i. The vessel name;

ii. The Federal fisheries or processor permit number of the vessel;

iii. The haul or set number;

iv. The total weight of catch in each haul or set;

v. The total cumulative weight of all fish or other material weighed on the scale; and

vi. The date and time the information is printed.

b. For the audit trail:

i. The vessel name;

ii. The Federal fisheries or processor permit number of the vessel;

iii. The date and time (to the nearest minute) of the change;

iv. The name or type of adjustment being made; and

v. The initial and final values of the parameter being changed. Permanence of Markings. All required indications, markings, and instructions must be distinct and easily readable and must be of such character that they will not tend to become obliterated or illegible. Range of Indication. The range of the weight indications and printed values for each haul or set must be from 0 kg to 999,999 kg and for the cumulative weight must be from 0 to 99,999 metric tons. Non-Resettable Values. The cumulative weight must not be resettable to zero without breaking a security means and must be reset only upon direction by NMFS or by an authorized scale inspector. Power Loss. In the event of a power failure, means must be provided to retain in a memory the weight of fish in each haul or set for which a printed record has not yet been made, the cumulative weight, and the information on the audit trail described in Adjustable Components. An adjustable component that, when adjusted, affects the performance or accuracy of the scale must not be capable of adjustment without breaking a security means, unless a record of the adjustment is made on the audit trail described in Audit Trail. An audit trail in the form of an event logger must be provided to document changes made using adjustable components. The following information must be provided in an electronic form that cannot be changed or erased by the scale operator, can be printed at any time, and can be cleared by the scale manufacturer's representative upon direction of NMFS or by an authorized scale inspector:

a. The date and time (to the nearest minute) of the change;

b. The name or type of adjustment being made; and

c. The initial and final values of the parameter being changed. Zero-Load Adjustment. A hopper scale must be equipped with a manual or semi-automatic means that can be used to adjust the zero-load balance or no-load reference value. Manual. A manual means must be operable or accessible only by a tool outside of, or entirely separate from, this mechanism or enclosed in a cabinet. Semi-Automatic. A semi-automatic means must be operable only when the indication is stable within 1 scale division and cannot be operated during a weighing cycle (operation). Damping Means. A hopper scale must be equipped with effective automatic means to bring the indications quickly to a readable stable equilibrium. Effective automatic means must also be provided to permit the recording of weight values only when the indication is stable within plus or minus one scale division. Adjustments to Scale Weights. The indicators and printer must be designed so that the scale operator cannot change or adjust the indicated and printed weight values.

3.3.2 Interlocks and Gate Control. A hopper scale must have operating interlocks so that--

a. Product cannot be weighed if the printer is disconnected or subject to a power loss;

b. The printer cannot print a weight if either of the gates leading to or from the weigh hopper is open;

c. The low paper sensor of the printer is activated;

d. The system will operate only in the sequence intended; and

e. If the overfill sensor is activated, this condition is indicated to the operator and is printed.

3.3.3 Overfill Sensor. The weigh hopper must be equipped with an overfill sensor that will cause the feed gate to close, activate an alarm, and stop the weighing operation until the overfill condition has been corrected.

3.3.4 Weighing Elements. Overload Protection. The weigh hopper must be equipped with means so that an overload of 150 percent or more of the capacity of the hopper does not affect the metrological characteristics of the scale. Adjustable Components. An adjustable component that can affect the performance of the hopper scale must be held securely in position and must not be capable of adjustment without breaking a security means. Motion Compensation. A hopper scale must be equipped with automatic means to compensate for the motion of a vessel at sea so that the weight values indicated are within the MPEs. Such means shall be a reference load cell and a reference mass weight or other equally effective means. When equivalent means are utilized, the manufacturer must provide NMFS with information demonstrating that the scale can weigh accurately at sea.

3.3.5 Installation Conditions. A hopper scale must be rigidly installed in a level condition.

3.3.6 Marking. A hopper scale must be marked with the following:

a. Name, initials, or trademark of the manufacturer or distributer;

b. Model designation;

c. Non-repetitive serial number;

d. Maximum capacity (Max);

e. Minimum capacity (min);

f. Minimum totalized load ([Sigma]min);

g. Minimum weighment;

h. Value of the scale division (d);

i. Temperature range (if applicable); and

j. Mains voltage. Presentation. Descriptive markings must be reasonably permanent and grouped together in a place visible to the operator.

3.4 Tests.

3.4.1 Standards. The error of the standards used must not exceed 25 percent of the MPE to be applied.

3.4.2 Laboratory Tests. Influence Quantity and Disturbance Tests. Tests must be conducted according to annex A and the results of these tests must be within the values specified in section Performance Tests. Performance tests must be conducted as follows:

a. Increasing load test. At least five increasing load tests must be conducted with test loads at the minimum load, at a load near capacity, and at 2 or more critical points in between; and

b. Decreasing load test. A decreasing load test must be conducted with a test load approximately equal to one-half capacity when removing the test loads of an increasing load test.

3.4.3 Annual Inspections.

At least two increasing load tests and two decreasing load tests must be conducted as specified in Additionally, tests must be conducted with test loads approximately equal to the weight of loads at which the scale is normally used.

4. Platform Scales and Hanging Scales

4.1 Applicability. The requirements in this section apply to platform and hanging scales used to weigh total catch. Platform scales used only as observer sampling scales or to determine the known weight of fish for a material test of another scale are not required to have a printer under sections 4.3.1 and or an audit trail under section

4.2 Performance Requirements.

4.2.1 Maximum Permissible Errors. For laboratory tests of a scale and initial inspection and annual reinspections of an installed scale while the vessel is tied up at a dock and is not under power at sea, the following MPEs are specified: Laboratory Tests. See annex A to this appendix A for procedures for disturbance tests and influence factors.

a. Disturbances. Significant fault (1 scale division); and

b. Influence Factors. See Table 1 in section Increasing and Decreasing Load and Shift Tests. Increasing and decreasing load and shift tests conducted in a laboratory or on a scale installed on a vessel while the vessel is tied up at a dock and is not under power at sea, see Table 1 as follows:

Table 1--Influence Factors------------------------------------------------------------------------

Test load in scale divisions (d) Maximum------------------------------------------------------------ permissible

Class III \1\ Class IIII error (d)------------------------------------------------------------------------0 1 scale division and cannot be operated during a weighing cycle (operation). Damping Means. A scale must be equipped with effective automatic means to bring the indications quickly to a readable stable equilibrium. Effective automatic means must also be provided to permit the recording of weight values only when the indication is stable within plus or minus one scale division.

4.3.2 Weighing Elements. Overload Protection. The scale must be so designed that an overload of 150 percent or more of the capacity does not affect the metrological characteristics of the scale. Adjustable Components. An adjustable component that can affect the performance of the scale must be held securely in position and must not be capable of adjustment without breaking a security means. Motion Compensation. A platform scale must be equipped with automatic means to compensate for the motion of a vessel at sea so that the weight values indicated are within the MPEs. Such means shall be a reference load cell and a reference mass weight or other equally effective means. When equivalent means are utilized, the manufacturer must provide NMFS with information demonstrating that the scale can weigh accurately at sea.

4.3.3 Installation Conditions. A platform scale must be rigidly installed in a level condition. When in use, a hanging scale must be freely suspended from a fixed support or a crane.

4.3.4 Marking. A scale must be marked with the following:

a. Name, initials, or trademark of the manufacturer or distributor;

b. Model designation;

c. Non-repetitive serial number;

d. Accuracy class (III or IIII);

e. Maximum capacity (Max);

f. Minimum capacity (min);

g. Value of a scale division (d);

h. Temperature range (if applicable); and

i. Mains voltage. Presentation. Descriptive markings must be reasonably permanent and grouped together in a place visible to the operator.

4.4 Tests.

4.4.1 Standards. The error of the standards used must not exceed 25 percent of the MPE applied.

4.4.2 Laboratory Tests. Influence Quantities and Disturbance Tests. Tests must be conducted according to annex A to this appendix A, and the results of these tests must be within the values specified in section Performance Tests. Performance tests must be conducted as follows:

a. Increasing load test. At least five increasing load tests must be conducted with test loads at the minimum load, at a load near capacity, and at 2 or more critical points in between.

b. Shift test (platform scales only). A shift test must be conducted during the increasing load test at one-third capacity test load centered in each quadrant of the platform.

c. Decreasing load test. A decreasing load test must be conducted with a test load approximately equal to one-half capacity when removing the test loads of an increasing load test.

4.4.3 Annual Scale Inspections.

At least two increasing load tests, shift tests, and decreasing load tests must be conducted as specified in section Additionally tests must be conducted with test loads approximately equal to the weight of loads at which the scale is normally used. The results of all tests must be as specified in Table 1 in section

5. Definitions

Adjustable component--Any component that, when adjusted, affects the performance or accuracy of the scale, e.g., span adjustment or automatic zero-setting means. Manual or semi-automatic zero-setting means are not considered adjustable components.

Audit trail--An electronic count and/or information record of the changes to the values of the calibration or configuration parameters of a scale.

Automatic hopper scale--A hopper scale adapted to the automatic weighing of a bulk commodity (fish) in predetermined amounts. Capacities vary from 20 kg to 50 mt. It is generally equipped with a control panel, with functions to be set by an operator, including the start of an automatic operation. (See definition of hopper scale).

Belt scale--A scale that employs a conveyor belt in contact with a weighing element to determine the weight of a bulk commodity being conveyed. It is generally a part of a system consisting of an input conveyor, the flow scale, and an output conveyor. The conveyor belt may be constructed of various materials, including vulcanized rubber, canvas, and plastic. The capacity is generally specified in terms of the amount of weight that can be determined in a specified time, and can vary from, for example, 1 ton per hour to 100 or more tons per hour. An operator generally directs the flow of product onto the input conveyor.

Calibration mode--A means by which the span of a scale can be adjusted by placing a known ``test weight'' on the scale and manually operating a key on a key board.

Disturbances--An influence that may occur during the use of a scale but is not within the rated operating conditions of the scale.

Event logger--A form of audit trail containing a series of records where each record contains the identification of the parameter that was changed, the time and date when the parameter was changed, and the new value of the parameter.

Final weighment--The last partial load weighed on a hopper scale that is part of the weight of many loads.

Hanging scale--A scale that is designed to weigh a load that is freely suspended from an overhead crane or it may be permanently installed in an overhead position. The load receiver may be a part of the scale such as a pan suspended on chains, or simply a hook that is used to ``pick-up'' the container of the commodity to be weighed. The technology employed may be mechanical, electro-mechanical, or electronic. The loads can be applied either manually or by such means as a crane.

Hopper scale--A scale designed for weighing individual loads of a bulk commodity (fish). The load receiver is a cylindrical or rectangular container mounted on a weighing element. The weighing element may be mechanical levers, a combination of levers and a load cell, or all load cells. The capacity can vary from less than 20 kg to greater than 50 mt. The loads are applied from a bulk source by such means as a conveyor or storage hopper. Each step of the weighing process, that is the loading and unloading of the weigh hopper, is controlled by an operator.

Indicator--That part of a scale that indicates the quantity that is being weighed.

Influence factor--A value of an influence quantity, e.g., 10[deg], that specifies the limits of the rated operating conditions of the scale.

Influence quantity--A quantity that is not the subject of the measurement but which influences the measurement obtained within the rated operating conditions of the scale.

Influence quantity and disturbance tests--Tests conducted in a laboratory to determine the capability of the scale under test to perform correctly in the environmental influences in which they are used and when subjected to certain disturbances that may occur during the use of the scale.

Initial verification--The first evaluation (inspection and test) of a production model of a weighing instrument that has been type evaluated to determine that the production model is consistent with the model that had been submitted for type evaluation.

Known weight test--A test in which the load applied is a test weight with a known value simulating the weight of the material that is usually weighed.

Load receiver--That part of the scale in which the quantity is placed when being weighed.

Material test--A test using a material that is the same or similar to the material that is usually weighed, the weight of which has been determined by a scale other than the scale under test.

Maximum flow-rate--The maximum flow-rate of material specified by the manufacturer at which a belt scale can perform correctly.

Minimum flow-rate--The minimum flow-rate specified by the manufacturer at which a belt scale can perform correctly.

Minimum load--The smallest weight load that can be determined by the scale that is considered to be metrologically acceptable.

Minimum totalized load--The smallest weight load that can be determined by a belt scale that is considered to be metrologically acceptable.

Minimum weighment--The smallest weight that can be determined by a hopper scale that is considered to be metrologically acceptable.

Motion compensation--The means used to compensate for the motion of the vessel at sea.

No-load reference value--A weight value obtained by a hopper scale when the load receiver (hopper) is empty of the product that was or is to be weighed.

Non-repeatable weighment--A process where the product after being weighed is disposed of in such a manner that it cannot be retrieved to be reweighed.

Number of scale divisions (n)--The number of scale divisions of a scale in normal operation. It is the quotient of the scale capacity divided by the value of the scale division. n = Max/d

Performance requirements--A part of the regulations or standards that applies to the weighing performance of a scale, e.g., MPEs.

Performance test--A test conducted to determine that the scale is performing within the MPE applicable.

Periodic verification--A verification of a weighing instrument at an interval that is specified by regulation or administrative ruling.

Platform scale--A scale by the nature of its physical size, arrangement of parts, and relatively small capacity (generally 220 kg or less) that is adapted for use on a bench or counter or on the floor. A platform scale can be self contained, that is, the indicator and load receiver and weighing elements are all comprised of a single unit, or the indicator can be connected by cable to a separate load receiver and weighing element. The technology used may be mechanical, electro-mechanical, or electronic. Loads are applied manually.

Rated capacity--The maximum flow-rate in terms of weight per unit time specified by the manufacturer at which a belt scale can perform correctly.

Scale division (d)--The smallest digital subdivision in units of mass that is indicated by the weighing instrument in normal operation.

Sealing--A method used to prevent the adjustment of certain operational characteristics or to indicate that adjustments have been made to those operational characteristics.

Security seals or means--A physical seal such as a lead and wire seal that must be broken in order to change the operating or performance characteristics of the scale, or a number generated by the scale whenever a change is made to an adjustable component. The number must be sequential and it must not be possible for the scale operator to alter it. The number must be displayed whenever the scale is turned on.

Significant fault--An error greater than the value specified for a particular scale. For a belt scale: A fault greater than 0.18 percent of the weight value equal to the minimum totalized load. For all other scales: 1 scale division (d). A significant fault does not include faults that result from simultaneous and mutually independent causes in the belt scale; faults that imply the impossibility of performing any measurement; transitory faults that are momentary variations in the indications that cannot be interpreted, memorized, or transmitted as a measurement result; faults so serious that they will inevitably be noticed by those interested in the measurement.

Simulated material test--A test in which the load applied is test material simulating the weight of the material that is usually weighed.

Simulated test--A test in which the weight indications are developed by means other than weight, e.g., a load cell simulator.

Stationary installation--An installation of a scale in a facility on land or a vessel that is tied-up to a dock or in dry dock.

Subsequent verification--Any evaluation of a weighing instrument following the initial verification.

Suitability for use--A judgement that must be made that certain scales by nature of their design are appropriate for given weighing applications.

Technical requirements--A part of the regulations or standards that applies to the operational functions and characteristics of a scale, e.g., capacity, scale division, tare.

Testing laboratory--A facility for conducting type evaluation examinations of a scale that can establish its competency and proficiency by such means as ISO Guide 25, ISO 9000, EN 45011, NVLAP, NTEP.

Type evaluation--A process for evaluating the compliance of a weighing instrument with the appropriate standard or regulation.

User requirements--A part of the regulations or standards that applies to the operator/owner of the scale.

Weighment--A single complete weighing operation.

Annex A of Appendix A to Part 679--Influence Quantity and Disturbance


A.1 General--Included in this annex are tests that are intended to ensure that electronic scales can perform and function as intended in the environment and under the conditions specified. Each test indicates, where appropriate, the reference condition under which the intrinsic error is determined.

A.2 Test Considerations

A.2.1 All electronic scales of the same category must be subjected to the same performance test program.

A.2.2 Tests must be carried out on fully operational equipment in its normal operational state. When equipment is connected in other than a normal configuration, the procedure must be mutually agreed to by NMFS and the applicant.

A.2.3 When the effect of one factor is being evaluated, all other factors must be held relatively constant, at a value close to normal. The temperature is deemed to be relatively constant when the difference between the extreme temperatures noted during the test does not exceed 5 [deg]C and the variation over time does not exceed 5 [deg]C per hour.

A.2.4 Before the start of a test, the equipment under test (EUT) must be energized for a period of time at least equal to the warm- up time specified by the manufacturer. The EUT must remain energized throughout the duration of the test.

A.3 Tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Characteristics Conditions

Test under test applied------------------------------------------------------------------------A.3.1 Static temperatures........ Influence factor.... MPEA.3.2 Damp heat, steady state.... Influence factor.... MPEA.3.3 Power voltage variation.... Influence factor.... MPEA.3.4 Short time power reduction. Disturbance......... sfA.3.5 Bursts..................... Disturbance......... sfA.3.6 Electrostatic discharge.... Disturbance......... sfA.3.7 Electromagnetic Disturbance......... sf


A.3 Tests

A.3.1 Static Temperatures

Test method: Dry heat (non condensing) and cold.

Object of the test: To verify compliance with the applicable MPE under conditions of high and low temperature.

Reference to standard: See Bibliography (1).

Test procedure in brief: The test consists of exposure of the EUT to the high and low temperatures specified in section for belt scales, section for automatic hopper scales, and section for platform scales and hanging scales, under ``free air'' condition for a 2-hour period after the EUT has reached temperature stability. The EUT must be tested during a weighing operation consisting of:

For belt scales--the totalization of the [Sigma]min, 2 times each at approximately the minimum flow rate, an intermediate flow rate, and the maximum flow rate.

For platform, hanging, and automatic hopper scales--tested with at least five different test loads or simulated loads under the following conditions:

a. At a reference temperature of 20 [deg]C following conditioning.

b. At the specified high temperature, 2 hours after achieving temperature stabilization.

c. At the specified low temperature, 2 hours after achieving temperature stabilization.

d. At a temperature of 5 [deg]C, 2 hours after achieving temperature stabilization.

e. After recovery of the EUT at the reference temperature of 20 [deg]C.

Test severities: Duration: 2 hours.

Number of test cycles: At least one cycle.

Maximum allowable variations:

a. All functions must operate as designed.

b. All indications must be within the applicable MPEs.

Conduct of test: Refer to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Publications mentioned in section A.4 Bibliography (a) for detailed test procedures.

Supplementary information to the IEC test procedures.

Preconditioning: 16 hours.

Condition of EUT: Normal power supplied and ``on'' for a time period equal to or greater than the warm-up time specified by the manufacturer. Power is to be ``on'' for the duration of the test. Adjust the EUT as close to a zero indication as practicable prior to the test.

Test Sequence:

a. Stabilize the EUT in the chamber at a reference temperature of 20 [deg]C. Conduct the tests as specified in the test procedure in brief and record the following data:

i. Date and time,

ii. Temperature,

iii. Relative humidity,

iv. Test load,

v. Indication,

vi. Errors, and

vii. Functions performance.

b. Increase the temperature in the chamber to the high temperature specified. Check by measurement that the EUT has reached temperature stability and maintain the temperature for 2 hours. Following the 2 hours, repeat the tests and record the test data indicated in this A.3.1 Test Sequence section.

c. Reduce the temperature in the chamber as per the IEC procedures to the specified low temperature. After temperature stabilization, allow the EUT to soak for 2 hours. Following the 2 hours, repeat the tests and record the test data as indicated in this A.3.1 Test Sequence section.

d. Raise the temperature in the chamber as per the IEC procedures to 5 [deg]C. After temperature stabilization, allow the EUT to soak for 2 hours. Following the 2 hours, repeat the tests and record the test data as indicated in this A.3.1 Test Sequence section.

Note: This test relates to a -10 [deg]C to + 40 [deg]C range. For special ranges, it may not be necessary.

e. Raise the temperature in the chamber as per the IEC procedures and to the 20 [deg]C reference temperature. After recovery, repeat the tests and record the test data as indicated in this A.3.1 Test Sequence section.

A.3.2 Damp Heat, Steady State

Test method: Damp heat, steady state.

Object of the test: To verify compliance with the applicable MPE under conditions of high humidity and constant temperature.

Reference to standard: See section A.4 Bibliography (b)

Test procedure in brief: The test consists of exposure of the EUT to a constant temperature at the upper limit of the temperature range and of a constant relative humidity of 85 percent for a 2-day period. The EUT must be tested during a weighing operation consisting of the following:

For belt scales--the totalization of the [Sigma]min, 2 times each at approximately the minimum flow rate, an intermediate flow rate, and the maximum flow rate.

For platform, hanging, and automatic hopper scales--tested with at least five different test loads or simulated loads at a reference temperature of 20 [deg]C and a relative humidity of 50 percent following conditioning, and at the upper limit temperature and a relative humidity of 85 percent 2 days following temperature and humidity stabilization.

Test severities:

Temperature: upper limit.

Humidity: 85 percent (non-condensing).

Duration: 2 days.

Number of test cycles: At least one test.

Maximum Allowable Variations:

a. All functions must operate as designed.

b. All indications must be within the applicable MPE.

Conduct of the test: Refer to the IEC Publications mentioned in section A.4 Bibliography (b) for detailed test procedures.

Supplementary information to the IEC test procedures.

Preconditioning: None required.

Condition of EUT:

a. Normal power supplied and ``on'' for a time period equal to or greater than the warm-up time specified by the manufacturer. Power is to be ``on'' for the duration of the test.

b. The handling of the EUT must be such that no condensation of water occurs on the EUT.

c. Adjust the EUT as close to a zero indication as practicable prior to the test.

Test Sequence:

a. Allow 3 hours for stabilization of the EUT at a reference temperature of 20 [deg]C and a relative humidity of 50 percent. Following stabilization, conduct the tests as specified in the test procedures in brief and record the following data:

i. Date and time,

ii. Temperature,

iii. Relative humidity,

iv. Test load,

v. Indication,

vi. Errors, and

vii. Functions performance.

b. Increase the temperature in the chamber to the specified high temperature and a relative humidity of 85 percent. Maintain the EUT at no load for a period of 2 days. Following the 2 days, repeat the tests and record the test data as indicated in this A.3.2 Test Sequence section.

c. Allow full recovery of the EUT before any other tests are performed.

A.3.3 Power Voltage Variation

A.3.3.1 AC Power Supply

Test method: Variation in AC mains power supply (single phase).

Object of the test: To verify compliance with the applicable MPEs under conditions of varying AC mains power supply.

Reference to standard: See section A.4 Bibliography (c).

Test procedure in brief: The test consists of subjecting the EUT to AC mains power during a weighing operation consisting of the following:

For belt scales--while totalizing the [Sigma]min at the maximum flow rate.

For platform, hanging, and automatic hopper scales--at no load and a test load between 50 percent and 100 percent of weighing capacity.

Test severities: Mains voltage:

Upper limit U (nom) + 10 percent.

Lower limit U (nom) -15 percent.

Number of test cycles: At least one cycle.

Maximum allowable variations:

a. All functions must operate correctly.

b. All indications must be within MPEs specified in sections 2, 3, or 4 of this appendix to part 679.

Conduct of the test:

Preconditioning: None required.

Test equipment:

a. Variable power source,

b. Calibrated voltmeter, and

c. Load cell simulator, if applicable.

Condition of EUT:

a. Normal power supplied and ``on'' for a time period equal to or greater than the warm-up time specified by the manufacturer.

b. Adjust the EUT as close to a zero indication as practicable prior to the test.

Test sequence:

a. Stabilize the power supply at nominal voltage 2 percent.

b. Conduct the tests specified in the test procedure in brief and record the following data:

i. Date and time,

ii. Temperature,

iii. Relative humidity,

iv. Power supply voltage,

v. Test load,

vi. Indications,

vii. Errors, and

viii. Functions performance.

c. Reduce the power supply to -15 percent nominal.

d. Repeat the test and record the test data as indicated in this A.3.3 Test Sequence section.

e. Increase the power supply to + 10 percent nominal.

f. Repeat the test and record the test data as indicated in this A.3.3 Test Sequence section.

g. Unload the EUT and decrease the power supply to nominal power 2 percent.

h. Repeat the test and record the test data as indicated in this A.3.3 Test Sequence section.

Note: In case of three-phase power supply, the voltage variation must apply for each phase successively. Frequency variation applies to all phases simultaneously.

A.3.3.2 DC Power Supply

Under consideration.

A.3.4 Short Time Power Reduction

Test method: Short time interruptions and reductions in mains voltage.

Object of the test: To verify compliance with the applicable significant fault under conditions of short time mains voltage interruptions and reductions.

Reference to standard: See section A.4 Bibliography (d) IEC Publication 1000-4-11 (1994).

Test procedure in brief: The test consists of subjecting the EUT to voltage interruptions from nominal voltage to zero voltage for a period equal to 8-10 ms, and from nominal voltage to 50 percent of nominal for a period equal to 16-20 ms. The mains voltage interruptions and reductions must be repeated ten times with a time interval of at least 10 seconds. This test is conducted during a weighing operation consisting of the following:

For belt scales--while totalizing at the maximum flow rate at least the [Sigma]min (or a time sufficient to complete the test).

For platform, hanging, and automatic hopper scales--tested with one small test load or simulated load.

Test severities: One hundred percent voltage interruption for a period equal to 8-10 ms. Fifty percent voltage reduction for a period equal to 16-20 ms.

Number of test cycles: Ten tests with a minimum of 10 seconds between tests.

Maximum allowable variations: The difference between the weight indication due to the disturbance and the indication without the disturbance either must not exceed 1d or the EUT must detect and act upon a significant fault.

Conduct of the Test:

Preconditioning: None required.

Test equipment:

a. A test generator suitable to reduce the amplitude of the AC voltage from the mains. The test generator must be adjusted before connecting the EUT.

b. Load cell simulator, if applicable.

Condition of EUT:

a. Normal power supplied and ``on'' for a time period equal to or greater than the warm-up time specified by the manufacturer.

b. Adjust the EUT as close to zero indication as practicable prior to the test.

Test sequence:

a. Stabilize all factors at nominal reference conditions.

b. Totalize as indicated in this A.3.4 Test Sequence section and record the--

i. Date and time,

ii. Temperature,

iii. Relative humidity,

iv. Power supply voltage,

v. Test load,

vi. Indications,

vii. Errors, and

viii. Functions performance.

c. Interrupt the power supply to zero voltage for a period equal to 8-10 ms. During interruption observe the effect on the EUT and record, as appropriate.

d. Repeat the steps four times in this A.3.4 Test Sequence section, making sure that there is a 10 second interval between repetitions. Observe the effect on the EUT.

e. Reduce the power supply to 50 percent of nominal voltage for a period equal to 16-20 ms. During reduction observe the effect on the EUT and record, as appropriate.

f. Repeat the steps four times in this A.3.4 Test Sequence section, making sure that there is a 10 second interval between repetitions. Observe the effect on the EUT.

A.3.5 Bursts

Test method: Electrical bursts.

Object of the test: To verify compliance with the provisions in this manual under conditions where electrical bursts are superimposed on the mains voltage.

Reference to standard: See section A.4 Bibliography (e)

Test Procedure in brief:

The test consists of subjecting the EUT to bursts of double exponential wave-form transient voltages. Each spike must have a rise in time of 5 ns and a half amplitude duration of 50 ns. The burst length must be 15 ms, the burst period (repetition time interval) must be 300 ms. This test is conducted during a weighing operation consisting of the following:

For belt scales--while totalizing at the maximum flow rate at least the [Sigma]min (or a time sufficient to complete the test).

For platform, hanging, and automatic hopper scales--tested with one small test load or simulated load.

Test severities: Amplitude (peak value) 1000 V.

Number of test cycles: At least 10 positive and 10 negative randomly phased bursts must be applied at 1000 V.

Maximum allowable variations: The difference between the indication due to the disturbance and the indication without the disturbance either must not exceed the values given in sections,, and, of this appendix, or the EUT must detect and act upon a significant fault.

Conduct of the test: Refer to the IEC Publication referenced in section A.4 Bibliography (e) for detailed test procedures.

Supplementary information to the IEC test procedures:

Test equipment:

A burst generator having an output impedance of 50 ohms.

Test conditions:

The burst generator must be adjusted before connecting the EUT. The bursts must be coupled to the EUT both on common mode and differential mode interference.

Condition of EUT:

a. Normal power supplied and ``on'' for a time period equal to or greater than the warm-up time specified by the manufacturer.

b. Adjust the EUT as close to a zero indication as practicable prior to the test.

Test Sequence:

a. Stabilize all factors at nominal reference conditions.

b. Conduct the test as indicated in this A.3.5 Test Sequence section and record the--

i. Date and time,

ii. Temperature,

iii. Relative humidity,

iv. Test load,

v. Indication,

vi. Errors, and

vii. Functions performance.

c. Subject the EUT to at least 10 positive and 10 negative randomly phased bursts at the 1000 V mode. Observe the effect on the EUT and record, as appropriate.

d. Stabilize all factors at nominal reference conditions.

e. Repeat the test and record the test data as indicated in this A.3.5 Test Sequence section.

A.3.6 Electrostatic Discharge

Test method: Electrostatic discharge (ESD).

Object of the test: To verify compliance with the provisions of this manual under conditions of electrostatic discharges.

Reference to standard: See section A.4 Bibliography (f)

Test procedure in brief:

A capacitor of 150 pF is charged by a suitable DC voltage source. The capacitor is then discharged through the EUT by connecting one terminal to ground (chassis) and the other via 150 ohms to surfaces which are normally accessible to the operator. This test is conducted during a weighing operation consisting of the following:

For belt scales--while totalizing at the maximum flow rate at least the [Sigma]min (or a time sufficient to complete the test).

For platform, hanging, and automatic hopper scales--test with one small test load or simulated load.

Test severities

Air Discharge: up to and including 8 kV.

Contact Discharge: up to and including 6 kV.

Number of test cycles: At least 10 discharges must be applied at intervals of at least 10 seconds between discharges.

Maximum allowable variations:

The difference between the indication due to the disturbance and the indication without the disturbance either must not exceed the values indicated in sections b., b., and b. of this appendix, or the EUT must detect and act upon a significant fault.

Conduct of the test: Refer to the IEC Publication mentioned in section A.4 Bibliography (d) for detailed test procedures.

Supplementary information to the IEC test procedures.

Preconditioning: None required.

Condition of EUT:

a. The EUT without a ground terminal must be placed on a grounded plate which projects beyond the EUT by at least 0.1 m on all sides. The ground connection to the capacitor must be as short as possible.

b. Normal power supplied and ``on'' for a time period equal to or greater than the warm-up time specified by the manufacturer. Power is to be ``on'' for the duration of the test.

c. The EUT must be operating under standard atmospheric conditions for testing.

d. Adjust the EUT as close to a zero indication as practicable prior to the test.

Test sequence:

a. Stabilize all factors at nominal reference conditions.

b. Conduct test as indicated in this A.3.6 Test Sequence section and record the--

i. Date and time,

ii. Temperature,

iii. Relative humidity,

iv. Power supply voltage,

v. Test load,

vi. Indication,

vii. Errors, and

viii. Functions performance.

c. Approach the EUT with the discharge electrode until discharge occurs and then remove it before the next discharge. Observe the effect of the discharge on the EUT and record, as appropriate.

d. Repeat the above step at least nine times, making sure to wait at least 10 seconds between successive discharges. Observe the effect on the EUT and record as appropriate.

e. Stabilize all factors at nominal reference conditions.

f. Repeat the test and record the test data as indicated in this A.3.6 Test Sequence section.

A.3.7 Electromagnetic Susceptibility

Test method: Electromagnetic fields (radiated).

Object of the Test:

To verify compliance with the provisions in this manual under conditions of electromagnetic fields.

Reference to standard: See section A.4 Bibliography (g).

Test procedure in brief:

a. The EUT is placed in an EMI chamber and tested under normal atmospheric conditions. This test is first conducted at one load in a static mode, and the frequencies at which susceptibility is evident are noted. Then tests are conducted at the problem frequencies, if any, during a weighing operation consisting of the following:

For belt scales--while totalizing at the maximum flow rate at least the [Sigma]min (or a time sufficient to complete the test). It is then exposed to electromagnetic field strengths as specified in the Test severities in this section A.3.7 of this annex to appendix A of this part.

For platform, hanging, and automatic hopper scales--tested with one small test load.

b. The field strength can be generated in various ways:

i. The strip line is used at low frequencies (below 30 MHz or in some cases 150 MHz) for small EUT's;

ii. The long wire is used at low frequencies (below 30 MHz) for larger EUT's;

iii. Dipole antennas or antennas with circular polarization placed 1 m from the EUT are used at high frequencies.

c. Under exposure to electromagnetic fields the EUT is again tested as indicated above.

Test severities: Frequency range: 26-1000 MHz.

Field strength: 3 V/m.

Modulation: 80 percent AM, 1 kHz sine wave.

Number of test cycles: Conduct test by continuously scanning the specified frequency range while maintaining the field strength.

Maximum allowable variations: The difference between the indication due to the disturbance and the indication without the disturbance either must not exceed the values given in this manual, or the EUT must detect and act upon a significant fault.

Conduct of the test: Refer to the IEC Publication referenced in section A.4 Bibliography (g) for detailed information on test procedures.

Supplementary information to the IEC test procedures.

Test conditions:

a. The specified field strength must be established prior to the actual testing (without the EUT in the field). At least 1 m of all external cables must be included in the exposure by stretching them horizontally from the EUT.

b. The field strength must be generated in two orthogonal polarizations and the frequency range scanned slowly. If antennas with circular polarization, i.e., log-spiral or helical antennas, are used to generate the electromagnetic field, a change in the position of the antennas is not required. When the test is carried out in a shielded enclosure to comply with international laws prohibiting interference to radio communications, care needs to be taken to handle reflections from the walls. Anechoic shielding might be necessary.

Condition of EUT:

a. Normal power supplied and ``on'' for a time period equal to or greater than the warm-up time specified by the manufacturer. Power is to be ``on'' for the duration of the test. The EUT must be operating under standard atmospheric conditions for testing.

b. Adjust the EUT as close to a zero indication as practicable prior to the test.

Test sequence:

a. Stabilize all factors at nominal reference conditions.

b. Conduct the test as indicated in this A.3.7 Test Sequence section and record the--

i. Date and time,

ii. Temperature,

iii. Relative humidity,

iv. Test load,

v. Indication,

vi. Errors, and

vii. Functions performance.

c. Following the IEC test procedures, expose the EUT at zero load to the specified field strengths while slowly scanning the three indicated frequency ranges.

d. Observe and record the effect on the EUT.

e. Repeat the test and observe and record the effect.

f. Stabilize all factors at nominal reference conditions.

g. Repeat the test and record the test data.

A.4 Bibliography

Below are references to Publications of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), where mention is made in the tests in annex A to appendix A of this part.

a. IEC Publication 68-2-1 (1974): Basic environmental testing procedures. Part 2: Tests, Test Ad: Cold, for heat dissipating equipment under test (EUT), with gradual change of temperature.

IEC Publication 68-2-2 (1974): Basic environmental testing procedures, Part 2: Tests, Test Bd: Dry heat, for heat dissipating equipment under test (EUT) with gradual change of temperature.

IEC Publication 68-3-1 (1974): Background information, Section 1: Cold and dry heat tests.

b. IEC Publication 68-2-56 (1988): Environmental testing, Part 2: Tests, Test Cb: Damp heat, steady state. Primarily for equipment.

IEC Publication 68-2-28 (1980): Guidance for damp heat tests.

c. IEC Publication 1000-4-11 (1994): Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques, Section 11. Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests. Section 5.2 (Test levels--Voltage variation). Section 8.2.2 (Execution of the test-voltage variation).

d. IEC Publication 1000-4-11 (1994): Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques, Section 11: Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests. Section 5.1 (Test levels--Voltage dips and short interruptions. Section 8.2.1 (Execution of the test-voltage dips and short interruptions) of the maximum transit speed and the range of operating speeds.

e. IEC Publication 1000-4-4 (1995): Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques--Section 4: Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test. Basic EMC publication.

f. IEC Publication 1000-4-2 (1995): Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques--Section 2: Electrostatic discharge immunity test. Basic EMC Publication.

g. IEC Publication 1000-4-3 (1995): Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques--Section 3: Radiated, radio-frequency electromagnetic field immunity test. [63 FR 5845, Feb. 4, 1998, as amended at 65 FR 33783, May 25, 2000]

Sec. Figure 1 to Part 679--Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Statistical

and Reporting Areas[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR15NO99.000

b. Coordinates ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Code Description------------------------------------------------------------------------300 Russian waters. Those waters inside the Russian 200

mile limit as described in the current editions of

NOAA chart INT 813 Bering Sea (Southern Part) and

NOAA chart INT 814 Bering Sea (Northern Part).400 Chukchi Sea. North of a diagonal line between

66[deg]00[min] N, 169[deg]42.5[min] W (Cape

Dezhneva, Russia); and 65[deg]37.5[min] N,

168[deg]7.5[min] W (Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska)

and to the limits of the U.S. EEZ as described in

the current edition of NOAA chart INT 814 Bering

Sea (Northern Part).508 South of 58[deg]00[min] N between the intersection

of 58[deg]00[min] N lat with the Alaska Peninsula

and 160[deg]00[min] W long.509 South of 58[deg]00[min] N lat between

163[deg]00[min] W long and 165[deg]00[min] W long.512 South of 58[deg]00[min] N lat, north of the Alaska

Peninsula between 160[deg]00[min] W long and

162[deg]00[min] W long.513 Between 58[deg]00[min] N lat and 56[deg]30[min] N

lat, and between 165[deg]00[min] W long and

170[deg]00[min] W long.514 North of 58[deg]00[min] N to the southern boundary

of the Chukchi Sea, area 400, and east of

170[deg]00[min] W long.516 South of 58[deg]00[min] N lat, north of the Alaska

Peninsula, and between 162[deg]00[min] and

163[deg]00[min] W long.517 South of 56[deg]30[min] N lat, between

165[deg]00[min] W long and 170[deg]00[min] W long;

and north of straight lines between

54[deg]30[min] N lat, 165[deg]00[min] W long,

54[deg]30[min] N lat, 167[deg]00[min] W long, and

55[deg]46[min] N lat, 170[deg]00[min] W long.518 Bogoslof District: South of a straight line between

55[deg]46[min] N lat, 170[deg]00[min] W long and

54[deg]30[min] N lat, 167[deg]00[min] W long, and

between 167[deg]00[min] W long and 170[deg]00[min]

W long, and north of the Aleutian Islands and

straight lines between the islands connecting the

following coordinates in the order listed:

52[deg]49.18[min] N, 169[deg]40.47[min] W,

52[deg]49.24[min] N, 169[deg]07.10[min] W,

53[deg]23.13[min] N, 167[deg]50.50[min] W,

53[deg]18.95[min] N, 167[deg]51.06[min] W.519 South of a straight line between 54[deg]30[min] N

lat, 167[deg]00[min] W long and 54[deg]30[min] N

lat, 164[deg]54[min] W long; east of

167[deg]00[min] W long; west of Unimak Island; and

north of the Aleutian Islands and straight lines

between the islands connecting the following

coordinates in the order listed:

53[deg]58.97[min] N, 166[deg]16.50[min] W,

54[deg]02.69[min] N, 166[deg]02.93[min] W,

54[deg]07.69[min] N, 165[deg]39.74[min] W,

54[deg]08.40[min] N, 165[deg]38.29[min] W,

54[deg]11.71[min] N, 165[deg]23.09[min] W,

54[deg]23.74[min] N, 164[deg]44.73[min] W.521 The area bounded by straight lines connecting the

following coordinates in the order listed:

55[deg]46[min] N, 170[deg]00[min] W,

59[deg]25[min] N, 179[deg]20[min] W,

60[deg]00[min] N, 179[deg]20[min] W,

60[deg]00[min] N, 171[deg]00[min] W,

58[deg]00[min] N, 171[deg]00[min] W,

58[deg]00[min] N, 170[deg]00[min] W,

55[deg]46[min] N, 170[deg]00[min] W.523 The area bounded by straight lines connecting the

following coordinates in the order listed:

59[deg]25[min] N, 179[deg]20[min] W,

55[deg]46[min] N, 170[deg]00[min] W,

55[deg]00[min] N, 170[deg]00[min] W,

55[deg]00[min] N, 180[deg]00[min] W,

and north to the limits of the US EEZ as described

in the current edition of NOAA chart INT 813 Bering

Sea (Southern Part).524 The area west of 170[deg]00[min] W bounded south by

straight lines connecting the following coordinates

in the order listed:

58[deg]00[min] N, 170[deg]00[min] W,

58[deg]00[min] N, 171[deg]00[min] W,

60[deg]00[min] N, 171[deg]00[min] W,

60[deg]00[min] N, 179[deg]20[min] W,

59[deg]25[min] N, 179[deg]20[min] W,

and to the limits of the US EEZ as described in the

current edition of NOAA chart INT 813 Bering Sea

(Southern Part).530 The area north of 55[deg]00 N lat and west of

180[deg]00 W long to the limits of the US EEZ as

described in the current edition of NOAA chart INT

813 Bering Sea (Southern Part).541 Eastern Aleutian District. The area south of

55[deg]00[min] N lat, west of 170[deg]00[min] W

long, and east of 177[deg]00[min] W long and

bounded on the south by the limits of the US EEZ as

described in the current editions of NOAA chart INT

813 Bering Sea (Southern Part) and NOAA chart 530

(San Diego to Aleutian Islands and Hawaiian

Islands).542 Central Aleutian District. The area south of

55[deg]00[min] N lat, west of 177[deg]00[min] W

long, and east of 177[deg]00[min] E long and

bounded on the south by the limits of the US EEZ as

described in the current editions of NOAA chart INT

813 Bering Sea (Southern Part) and NOAA chart 530

(San Diego to Aleutian Islands and Hawaiian

Islands).543 Western Aleutian District. The area south of

55[deg]00[min] N lat and west of 177[deg]00[min] E

long, and bounded on the south and west by the

limits of the US EEZ as described in the current

editions of NOAA chart INT 813 Bering Sea (Southern

Part) and NOAA chart 530 (San Diego to Aleutian

Islands and Hawaiian Islands).550 Donut Hole. International waters of the Bering Sea

outside the limits of the EEZ and Russian economic

zone as depicted on the current edition of NOAA

chart INT 813 Bering Sea (Southern Part).------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: A statistical area is the part of a reporting area contained in

the EEZ. [64 FR 61983, Nov. 15, 1999; 65 FR 25290, May 1, 2000]

Sec. Figure 2 to Part 679--BSAI Catcher Vessel Operational Area[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR15NO99.001 [64 FR 61985, Nov. 15, 1999]

Sec. Figure 3 to Part 679--Gulf of Alaska Reporting Areas[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21AP09.000

b. Coordinates ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Code Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------610 Western GOA Regulatory Area, Shumagin District. Along the south

side of the Aleutian Islands, including those waters south of

Nichols Point (54[deg]51[min]30[sec] N lat) near False Pass,

and straight lines between the islands and the Alaska

Peninsula connecting the following coordinates in the order


52[deg]49.18[min] N, 169[deg]40.47[min] W;

52[deg]49.24[min] N, 169[deg]07.10[min] W;

53[deg]23.13[min] N, 167[deg]50.50[min] W;

53[deg]18.95[min] N, 167[deg]51.06[min] W;

53[deg]58.97[min] N, 166[deg]16.50[min] W;

54[deg]02.69[min] N, 166[deg]02.93[min] W;

54[deg]07.69[min] N, 165[deg]39.74[min] W;

54[deg]08.40[min] N, 165[deg]38.29[min] W;

54[deg]11.71[min] N, 165[deg]23.09[min] W;

54[deg]23.74[min] N, 164[deg]44.73[min] W; and

southward to the limits of the US EEZ as described in the

current editions of NOAA chart INT 813 (Bering Sea, Southern

Part) and NOAA chart 500 (West Coast of North America, Dixon

Entrance to Unimak Pass), between 170[deg]00[min] W long and

159[deg]00[min] W long.620 Central GOA Regulatory Area, Chirikof District. Along the south

side of the Alaska Peninsula, between 159[deg]00[min] W long

and 154[deg]00[min] W long, and southward to the limits of the

US EEZ as described in the current edition of NOAA chart 500

(West Coast of North America, Dixon Entrance to Unimak Pass)

except that all waters of the Alitak/Olga/Deadman's/Portage

Bay complex of Kodiak Island are included in this area.630 Central GOA Regulatory Area, Kodiak District. Along the south

side of continental Alaska, between 154[deg]00[min] W long and

147[deg]00[min] W long, and southward to the limits of the US

EEZ as described in the current edition of NOAA chart 500

(West Coast of North America, Dixon Entrance to Unimak Pass)

excluding all waters of the Alitak/Olga/Deadman's/Portage Bay

complex of Kodiak Island and Area 649.640 Eastern GOA Regulatory Area West Yakutat District. Along the

south side of continental Alaska, between 147[deg]00[min] W

long and 140[deg]00[min] W long, and southward to the limits

of the US EEZ, as described in the current edition of NOAA

chart 500 (West Coast of North America, Dixon Entrance to

Unimak Pass), excluding area 649.649 Prince William Sound. Includes those waters of the State of

Alaska inside the base line as specified in Alaska State

regulations at 5 AAC 28.200.650 Eastern GOA Regulatory Area, Southeast Outside District. East

of 140[deg]00[min] W long and southward to the limits of the

US EEZ as described in the current edition of NOAA chart 500

(West Coast of North America, Dixon Entrance to Unimak Pass),

excluding area 659.659 Eastern GOA Regulatory Area, Southeast Inside District. As

specified in Alaska State regulations at 5 AAC 28.105 (a)(1)

and (2).690 GOA Outside the U.S. EEZ. As described in the current editions

of NOAA chart INT 813 (Bering Sea, Southern Part) and NOAA

chart 500 (West Coast of North America, Dixon Entrance to

Unimak Pass).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: A statistical area is the part of a reporting area contained in the EEZ. [64 FR 61987, Nov. 15, 1999; 65 FR 25291, May 1, 2000, as amended at 67 FR 4134, Jan. 28, 2002; 69 FR 21977, Apr. 23, 2004; 73 FR 76168, Dec. 15, 2008; 74 FR 18158, Apr. 21, 2009]

Sec. Figure 4 to Part 679--BSAI Herring Savings Areas[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR15NO99.003

b. Coordinates ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name Description and effective date------------------------------------------------------------------------Summer Herring Savings Area 1..... That part of the Bering Sea subarea

that is south of 57[deg] N lat and

between 162[deg] and 164[deg] W

long from 1200 hours, A.l.t., June

15 through 1200 hours, A.l.t. July

1 of a fishing year.Summer Herring Savings Area 2..... That part of the Bering Sea subarea

that is south of

56[deg]30[min][min] N lat and

between 164[deg] and 167[deg] W

long from 1200 hours, A.l.t., July

1 through 1200 hours, A.l.t. August

15 of a fishing year.Winter Herring Savings Area....... That part of the Bering Sea subarea

that is between 58[deg] and 60[deg]

N lat and between 172[deg] and

175[deg] W long from 1200 hours,

A.l.t. September 1 of the current

fishing year through 1200 hours,

A.l.t. March 1 of the succeeding

fishing year.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [64 FR 61989, Nov. 15, 1999]

Sec. Figure 5 to Part 679--Kodiak Island Type 1, 2, and 3 Nonpelagic

Trawl Closure Status and Marmot Bay Tanner Crab Protection Area[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR16JA14.004 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR16JA14.005 [79 FR 2801, Jan. 16, 2014]

Sec. Figure 6 to Part 679--Length Overall of Vessel[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR06MY03.091 [68 FR 23925, May 6, 2003] Sec. Figure 7 to Part 679--Location of Trawl Gear Test Areas in the GOA

and the BSAI[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR15DE08.002 [73 FR 76170, Dec. 15, 2008]

Sec. Figure 8 to Part 679--Aleutian Islands Chinook Salmon Savings Area[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR30AU10.000 [75 FR 53069, Aug. 30, 2010]

Sec. Figure 9 to Part 679--Chum Savings Area (CSSA) of the CVOA[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR15NO99.007

b. Coordinates

The CSSA is an area defined as that portion of the Bering Sea Subarea described by straight lines connecting the following coordinates in the order listed: 56[deg]00[min] N. lat. 167[deg]00[min] W. long.56[deg]00[min] N. lat. 165[deg]00[min] W. long.55[deg]30[min] N. lat. 165[deg]00[min] W. long.55[deg]30[min] N. lat. 164[deg]00[min] W. long.55[deg]00[min] N. lat. 164[deg]00[min] W. long.55[deg]00[min] N. lat. 167[deg]00[min] W. long.56[deg]00[min] N. lat. 167[deg]00[min] W. long. [64 FR 61995, Nov. 15, 1999]

Sec. Figure 10 to Part 679--Pribilof Islands Habitat Conservation Zone

(PIHCZ) in the Bering Sea[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR02DE14.000 [79 FR 71348, Dec. 2, 2014]

Sec. Figure 11 to Part 679--Red King Crab Savings Area (RKCSA)[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR15NO99.009 [64 FR 61998, Nov. 15, 1999]

Sec. Figure 12 to Part 679--Bristol Bay Trawl Closure Area[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR30NO09.000 [74 FR 62509, Nov. 30, 2009]

Sec. Figure 13 to Part 679--BSAI C. Opilio Tanner Crab Bycatch

Limitations Zone[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR15NO99.011

b. Coordinates

The COBLZ is an area defined as that portion of the Bering Sea Subarea north of 56[deg]30[min] N. lat. that is west of a line connecting the following coordinates in the order listed: 56[deg]30[min] N. lat., 165[deg]00[min] W. long.58[deg]00[min] N. lat., 165[deg]00[min] W. long.59[deg]30[min] N. lat., 170[deg]00[min] W. long. and north along 170[deg]00[min] W. long. to its intersection with the U.S.-Russia Boundary. [64 FR 62000, Nov. 15, 2000]

Sec. Figure 14 to Part 679--Sablefish Regulatory Areas[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR15NO99.012 [64 FR 62002, Nov. 15, 2000]

Sec. Figure 15 to Part 679--Regulatory Areas for the Pacific Halibut


b. Coordinates

Area 2A includes all waters off the states of California, Oregon, and Washington;

Area 2B includes all waters off British Columbia;

Area 2C includes all waters off Alaska that are east of a line running 340[deg] true from Cape Spencer Light (58[deg]11[min]57[sec] N. lat., 136[deg]38[min]18[sec] W. long.) and south and east of a line running 205[deg] true from said light;

Area 3A includes all waters between Area 2C and a line extending from the most northerly point on Cape Aklek (57[deg]41[min]15[sec] N. lat., 155[deg]35[min]00[sec] W. long.) to Cape Ikolik (57[deg]17[min]17[sec] N. lat., 154[deg]47[min]18[sec] W. long.), then along the Kodiak Island coastline to Cape Trinity (56[deg]44[min]50[sec] N. lat., 154[deg]08[min]44[sec] W. long.), then 140[deg] true;

Area 3B includes all waters between Area 3A and a line extending 150[deg] true from Cape Lutke (54[deg]29[min]00[sec] N. lat., 164[deg]20[min]00[sec] W. long.) and south of 54[deg]49[min]00[sec] N. lat. in Isanotski Strait;

Area 4A includes all waters in the GOA west of Area 3B and in the Bering Sea west of the closed area defined below that are east of 172[deg]00[min]00[sec] W. long. and south of 56[deg]20[min]00[sec] N. lat.;

Area 4B includes all waters in the Bering Sea and the GOA west of Area 4A and south of 56[deg]20[min]00[sec] N. lat.;

Area 4C includes all waters in the Bering Sea north of Area 4A and north of the closed area defined below which are east of 171[deg]00[min]00[sec] W. long., south of 58[deg]00[min]00[sec] N. lat., and west of 168[deg]00[min]00[sec] W. long.;

Area 4D includes all waters in the Bering Sea north of Areas 4A and 4B, north and west of Area 4C, and west of 168[deg]00[min]00[sec] W. long.;

Area 4E includes all waters in the Bering Sea north and east of the closed area defined below, east of 168[deg]00[min]00[sec] W. long., and south of 65[deg]34[min]00[sec] N. lat.

Closed areas

All waters in the Bering Sea north of 54[deg]49[min]00[sec] N. lat. in Isanotski Strait that are enclosed by a line from Cape Sarichef Light (54[deg]36[min]00[sec] N. lat., 164[deg]55[min]42[sec] W. long.) to a point at 56[deg]20[min]00[sec] N. lat., 168[deg]30[min]00 W. long.; thence to a point at 58[deg]21[min]25[sec] N. lat., 163[deg]00[min]00[sec] W. long.; thence to Strogonof Point (56[deg]53[min]18[sec] N. lat., 158[deg]50[min]37[sec] W. long.); and then along the northern coasts of the Alaska Peninsula and Unimak Island to the point of origin at Cape Sarichef Light.

In Area 2A, all waters north of Point Chehalis, WA (46[deg]53[min]18[sec] N. lat.). [64 FR 62003, Nov. 15, 1999]

Sec. Figure 16 to Part 679--Bering Sea Habitat Conservation Area[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR25JY08.010 [73 FR 43371, July 25, 2008] Sec. Figure 17 to Part 679--Northern Bering Sea Research Area and Saint

Lawrence Island Habitat Conservation Area (HCA)[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR06OC10.048 [75 FR 61648, Oct. 6, 2010]

Sec. Figure 18 to Part 679--Sitka Pinnacles Marine Reserve[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR09NO00.011

b. Coordinates

An area totaling 2.5 square nm off Cape Edgecumbe, defined by straight lines connecting the following points in a counterclockwise manner:

56[deg]55.5[min] N lat., 135[deg]54.0[min] W long;

56[deg]57.0[min] N lat., 135[deg]54.0[min] W long;

56[deg]57.0[min] N lat., 135[deg]57.0[min] W long;

56[deg]55.5[min] N lat., 135[deg]57.0[min] W long. [65 FR 67308, Nov. 9, 2000]

Sec. Figure 19 to Part 679--Shelikof Strait Conservation Area[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR30NO09.001 [74 FR 62511, Nov. 30, 2009] Sec. Figure 20 to Part 679--Steller sea lion conservation area (SCA) of

the Bering Sea[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR28JA02.073 [67 FR 4134, Jan. 28, 2002] Sec. Figure 21 to Part 679--Nunivak Island, Etolin Strait, and Kuskokwim

Bay Habitat Conservation Area[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR25JY08.012 [73 FR 43372, July 25, 2008]

Sec. Figure 22 to Part 679 [Reserved]

Sec. Figure 23 to Part 679--Salmon Management Area (see Sec. 679.2)[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE12.003 [77 FR 75587, Dec. 21, 2012]

Sec. Figure 24 to Part 679--Arctic Management Area[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR03NO09.035 [74 FR 56746, Nov. 3, 2009]

Sec. Figure 25 to Part 679--Elevating Device Clearance Measurement

Locations for Modified Nonpelagic Trawl Gear[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR06OC10.049 [75 FR 61649, Oct. 6, 2010]

Sec. Figure 26 to Part 679--Modified Nonpelagic Trawl Gear

This figure shows the location of elevating devices in the elevated section of modified nonpelagic trawl gear, as specified under Sec. 679.24(f). The top image shows the location of the end elevating devices in the elevated section for gear with net bridles no greater than 185 feet in length. The bottom image shows the location of the beginning elevating devices near the doors and the end elevating devices near the net for gear with net bridles no greater than 185 feet in length.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR16JA14.006 [79 FR 2803, Jan. 16, 2014]

Sec. Figure 27 to Part 679--Locations for Measuring Maximum Cross Sections of Line Material (shown as A) and Supporting Material (shown as

B) for Modified Nonpelagic Trawl Gear[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR06OC10.051

Note: The location for measurement of maximum line material cross section does not include any devices or braided or doubled material used for section termination. [75 FR 61651, Oct. 6, 2010]

Sec. Table 1a to Part 679--Delivery Condition* and Product Codes

[General Use Codes]------------------------------------------------------------------------

Description Code------------------------------------------------------------------------Belly flaps. Flesh in region of pelvic and pectoral fins 19

and behind head (ancillary only)..........................Bled only. Throat, or isthmus, slit to allow blood to drain 03Bled fish destined for fish meal (includes offsite 42

production) DO NOT RECORD ON PTR..........................Bones (if meal, report as 32) (ancillary only)............. 39Butterfly, no backbone. Head removed, belly slit, viscera 37

and most of backbone removed; fillets attached............Cheeks. Muscles on sides of head (ancillary only).......... 17Chins. Lower jaw (mandible), muscles, and flesh (ancillary 18

only).....................................................Fillets, deep-skin. Meat with skin, adjacent meat with 24

silver lining, and ribs removed from sides of body behind

head and in front of tail, resulting in thin fillets......Fillets, skinless/boneless. Meat with both skin and ribs 23

removed, from sides of body behind head and in front of

tail......................................................Fillets with ribs, no skin. Meat with ribs with skin 22

removed, from sides of body behind head and in front of

tail......................................................Fillets with skin and ribs. Meat and skin with ribs 20

attached, from sides of body behind head and in front of

tail......................................................Fillets with skin, no ribs. Meat and skin with ribs 21

removed, from sides of body behind head and in front of

tail......................................................Fish meal. Meal from whole fish or fish parts; includes 32

bone meal.................................................Fish oil. Rendered oil from whole fish or fish parts. 33

Record only oil destined for sale and not oil stored or

burned for fuel onboard...................................Gutted, head on. Belly slit and viscera removed............ 04Gutted, head off. Belly slit and viscera removed (May be 05

used for halibut personal use)............................Head and gutted, with roe.................................. 06Headed and gutted, Western cut. Head removed just in front 07

of the collar bone, and viscera removed...................Headed and gutted, Eastern cut. Head removed just behind 08

the collar bone, and viscera removed......................Headed and gutted, tail removed. Head removed usually in 10

front of collar bone, and viscera and tail removed........Heads. Heads only, regardless where severed from body 16

(ancillary only)..........................................Kirimi (Steak). Head removed either in front or behind the 11

collar bone, viscera removed, and tail removed by cuts

perpendicular to the spine, resulting in a steak..........Mantles, octopus or squid. Flesh after removal of viscera 36

and arms..................................................Milt. In sacs, or testes (ancillary only).................. 34Minced. Ground flesh....................................... 31Other retained product. If product is not listed on this 97

table, enter code 97 and write a description with product

recovery rate next to it in parentheses...................Pectoral girdle. Collar bone and associated bones, 15

cartilage and flesh.......................................Roe. Eggs, either loose or in sacs, or skeins (ancillary 14

only).....................................................Salted and split. Head removed, belly slit, viscera 12

removed, fillets cut from head to tail but remaining

attached near tail. Product salted........................Stomachs. Includes all internal organs (ancillary only).... 35Surimi. Paste from fish flesh and additives................ 30Whole fish/ or shellfish/food fish......................... 01Wings. On skates, side fins are cut off next to body....... 13SHELLFISH ONLY

Soft shell crab........................................ 75

Bitter crab............................................ 76

Deadloss............................................... 79

Sections............................................... 80

Meat................................................... 81------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: When using whole fish code, record round weights rather than

product weights, even if the whole fish is not used.* Delivery condition code: Condition of the fish or shellfish at the

point it is weighed and recorded on the ADF&G; fish ticket. [76 FR 40634, July 11, 2011]

Sec. Table 1b to Part 679--Discard and Disposition Codes\1\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Description Code------------------------------------------------------------------------Confiscation or seized..................................... 63Deadloss (crab only)....................................... 79Overage.................................................... 62Retained for future sale................................... 87Tagged IFQ Fish (Exempt from debit)........................ 64Whole fish/bait, not sold. Used as bait onboard vessel..... 92Whole fish/bait, sold...................................... 61Whole fish/discard at sea. Whole groundfish and prohibited 98

species discarded by catcher vessels, catcher/processors,

motherships, or tenders. DO NOT RECORD ON PTR.............Whole fish/discard, damaged. Whole fish damaged by 93

observer's sampling procedures............................Whole fish/discard, decomposed. Decomposed or previously 89

discarded fish............................................Whole fish/discard, infested. Flea-infested fish, parasite- 88

infested fish.............................................Whole fish/discard, onshore. Discard after delivery and 99

before processing by shoreside processors, stationary

floating processors, and buying stations and in-plant

discard of whole groundfish and prohibited species during

processing. DO NOT RECORD ON PTR..........................Whole fish/donated prohibited species. Number of Pacific 86

salmon or Pacific halibut, otherwise required to be

discarded, that is donated to charity under a NMFS-

authorized program........................................

Whole fish/fish meal. Whole fish destined for meal 41

(includes offsite production.) DO NOT RECORD ON PTR.......Whole fish/personal use, consumption. Fish or fish products 95

eaten on board or taken off the vessel for personal use.

Not sold or utilized as bait..............................Whole fish/sold, for human consumption..................... 60------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: When using whole fish codes, record round weights rather than

product weights, even if the whole fish is not used.\1\ Disposition Code: The intended use or disposal of the fish or

shellfish. [76 FR 40634, July 11, 2011]

Sec. Table 1c to Part 679--Product Type Codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Description Code------------------------------------------------------------------------Ancillary product. AA product, such as meal, heads, internal organs,

pectoral girdles, or any other product that may

be made from the same fish as the primary

product.------------------------------------------------------------------------Primary product. PA product, such as fillets, made from each fish,

with the highest recovery rate.------------------------------------------------------------------------Reprocessed or rehandled product. RA product, such as meal, that results from

processing a previously reported product or

from rehandling a previously reported product.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [73 FR 76172, Dec. 15, 2008]

Sec. Table 2a to Part 679--Species Codes: FMP Groundfish ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Species description Code------------------------------------------------------------------------Atka mackerel (greenling).................................. 193Flatfish, miscellaneous (flatfish species without separate 120


Alaska plaice.......................................... 133

Arrowtooth............................................. 121

Bering................................................. 116

Kamchatka.............................................. 117

Starry................................................. 129Octopus, North Pacific..................................... 870Pacific cod................................................ 110Pollock.................................................... 270ROCKFISH

Aurora (Sebastes aurora)............................... 185

Black (BSAI) (S. melanops)............................. 142

Blackgill (S. melanostomus)............................ 177

Blue (BSAI) (S. mystinus).............................. 167

Bocaccio (S. paucispinis).............................. 137

Canary (S. pinniger)................................... 146

Chilipepper (S. goodei)................................ 178

China (S. nebulosus)................................... 149

Copper (S. caurinus)................................... 138

Darkblotched (S. crameri).............................. 159

Dusky (S. variabilis).................................. 172

Greenstriped (S. elongatus)............................ 135

Harlequin (S. variegatus).............................. 176

Northern (S. polyspinis)............................... 136

Pacific Ocean Perch (S. alutus)........................ 141

Pygmy (S. wilsoni)..................................... 179

Quillback (S. maliger)................................. 147

Redbanded (S. babcocki)................................ 153

Redstripe (S. proriger)................................ 158

Rosethorn (S. helvomaculatus).......................... 150

Rougheye (S. aleutianus)............................... 151

Sharpchin (S. zacentrus)............................... 166

Shortbelly (S. jordani)................................ 181

Shortraker (S. borealis)............................... 152

Silvergray (S. brevispinis)............................ 157

Splitnose (S. diploproa)............................... 182

Stripetail (S. saxicola)............................... 183

Thornyhead (all Sebastolobus species).................. 143

Tiger (S. nigrocinctus)................................ 148

Vermilion (S. miniatus)................................ 184

Widow (S. entomelas)................................... 156

Yelloweye (S. ruberrimus).............................. 145

Yellowmouth (S. reedi)................................. 175

Yellowtail (S. flavidus)............................... 155Sablefish (blackcod)....................................... 710Sculpins................................................... 160SHARKS

Other (if salmon, spiny dogfish or Pacific sleeper 689

shark--use specific species code).....................

Pacific sleeper........................................ 692

Salmon................................................. 690

Spiny dogfish.......................................... 691SKATES

Big.................................................... 702

Longnose............................................... 701

Other (If longnose or big skate--use specific species 700


Butter................................................. 126

Dover.................................................. 124

English................................................ 128

Flathead............................................... 122

Petrale................................................ 131

Rex.................................................... 125

Rock................................................... 123

Sand................................................... 132

Yellowfin.............................................. 127Squid, majestic............................................ 875Turbot, Greenland.......................................... 134------------------------------------------------------------------------ [76 FR 40635, July 11, 2011] Sec. Table 2b to Part 679--Species Codes: FMP Prohibited Species and CR

Crab Species Description Code CR Groundfish PSC-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------CRAB----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Box Lopholithod900man............. [check]


Dungeness Cancer magister 910 ............. [check]


King, blue Paralithodes platypus 922 [check] [check]


King, golden (brown) Lithodes ae923spinus [check] [check]


King, red Paralithodes camtshaticus 921 [check] [check]


King, scarlet (deepsea) Lithodes co924i ............. [check]


Korean horsehair crab Erimacrus isenbeckii 940 ............. [check]


Multispinus crab Paralomis multispinus 951 ............. [check]


Tanner, Bairdi Chionoecetes bairdi 931 [check] [check]


Tanner, grooved Chionoecetes tanneri 933 ............. [check]


Tanner, snow Chionoecetes opilio 932 [check] [check]


Tanner, triangle Chionoecetes angulatus 934 ............. [check]


Verrilli crab Paralomis verrilli 953 ............. [check]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PACIFIC HALIBUT Hippoglossus stenolepis 200 ............. [check]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PACIFIC HERRING Family Clupeidae 235 ............. [check]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SALMON----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chinook (king) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha 410 ............. [check]


Chum (dog) Oncorhynchus keta 450 ............. [check]


Coho (silver) Oncorhynchus kisutch 430 ............. [check]


Pink (humpback) Oncorhynchus gorbuscha 440 ............. [check]


Sockeye (red) Oncorhynchus nerka 420 ............. [check]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STEELHEAD TROUT Oncorhynchus mykiss 540 ............. [check]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [73 FR 76172, Dec. 15, 2008]

Sec. Table 2c to Part 679--Species Codes: FMP Forage Fish Species (All

Species of the Following Families) and Grenadier Species ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Species Identification Code------------------------------------------------------------------------FORAGE FISHBristlemouths, lightfishes, and anglemouths (family 209

Gonostomatidae)...............................................Capelin smelt (family Osmeridae)............................... 516Deep-sea smelts (family Bathylagidae).......................... 773Eulachon smelt (family Osmeridae).............................. 511Gunnels (family Pholidae)...................................... 207Krill (order Euphausiacea)..................................... 800Lanternfishes (family Myctophidae)............................. 772Pacific Sand fish (family Trichodontidae)...................... 206Pacific Sand lance (family Ammodytidae)........................ 774Pricklebacks, war-bonnets, eelblennys, cockscombs and Shannys 208

(family Stichaeidae)..........................................Surf smelt (family Osmeridae).................................. 515GRENADIERSGiant Grenadiers (Albatrossia pectoralis)...................... 214Other Grenadiers............................................... 213------------------------------------------------------------------------ [80 FR 11909, Mar. 5, 2015]

Sec. Table 2d to Part 679--Species Codes: Non-FMP Species ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Species description Code------------------------------------------------------------------------

GENERAL USE------------------------------------------------------------------------Arctic char, anadromous.................................... 521Dolly varden, anadromous................................... 531Eels or eel-like fish...................................... 210Eel, wolf.................................................. 217GREENLING:

Kelp................................................... 194

Rock................................................... 191

Whitespot.............................................. 192Jellyfish (unspecified).................................... 625Lamprey, pacific........................................... 600Lingcod.................................................... 130Lumpsucker................................................. 216Pacific flatnose........................................... 260Pacific hagfish............................................ 212Pacific hake............................................... 112Pacific lamprey............................................ 600Pacific saury.............................................. 220Pacific tomcod............................................. 250Poacher (Family Algonidae)................................. 219Prowfish................................................... 215Ratfish.................................................... 714Rockfish, black (GOA)...................................... 142Rockfish, blue (GOA)....................................... 167Rockfish, dark............................................. 173Sardine, Pacific (pilchard)................................ 170Sea cucumber, red.......................................... 895Shad....................................................... 180Skilfish................................................... 715Snailfish, general (genus Liparis and genus Careproctus)... 218Sturgeon, general.......................................... 680Wrymouths.................................................. 211Shellfish:

Abalone, northern (pinto).............................. 860


Arctic surf............................................ 812

Cockle................................................. 820

Eastern softshell...................................... 842

Pacific geoduck........................................ 815

Pacific littleneck..................................... 840

Pacific razor.......................................... 830

Washington butter...................................... 810Coral...................................................... 899Mussel, blue............................................... 855Oyster, Pacific............................................ 880Scallop, weathervane....................................... 850Scallop, pink (or calico).................................. 851SHRIMP:

Coonstripe............................................. 864

Humpy.................................................. 963

Northern (pink)........................................ 961

Sidestripe............................................. 962

Spot................................................... 965Snails..................................................... 890Urchin, green sea.......................................... 893Urchin, red sea............................................ 892------------------------------------------------------------------------ [80 FR 11909, Mar. 5, 2015] Sec. Table 3 to Part 679--Product Recovery Rates for Groundfish Species

and Conversion Rates for Pacific Halibut[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR05MR15.000 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR05MR15.001 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR05MR15.002 [80 FR 11910, Mar. 5, 2015]

Sec. Table 4 to Part 679--Steller Sea Lion Protection Areas Pollock

Fisheries Restrictions[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR25NO14.000 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR25NO14.001 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR25NO14.002 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR25NO14.003 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR25NO14.004 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR25NO14.005 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR25NO14.006 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR25NO14.007 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR25NO14.008 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR25NO14.009 [79 FR 70312, Nov. 25, 2014] Sec. Table 5 to Part 679--Steller Sea Lion Protection Areas Pacific Cod


Sec. Table 6 to Part 679--Steller Sea Lion Protection Areas Atka

Mackerel Fisheries Restrictions[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR25NO14.022 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR25NO14.023 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR25NO14.024 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR25NO14.025 [79 FR 70334, Nov. 25, 2014]

Sec. Table 7 to Part 679--Community Development Quota Groups and

Communities Eligible To Participate in the CDQ Program ------------------------------------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------------------------------Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Development Association:



False Pass

Nelson Lagoon


Saint GeorgeBristol Bay Economic Development Corporation:


Clark's Point





King Salmon/Savonoski




Pilot Point

Port Heiden

Portage Creek

South Naknek


Twin Hills

UgashikCentral Bering Sea Fishermen's Association:

Saint PaulCoastal Villages Region Fund:




Goodnews Bay

Hooper Bay












Scammon Bay

Toksook Bay


TununakNorton Sound Economic Development Corporation:

Brevig Mission







Saint Michael







White MountainYukon Delta Fisheries Development Association:





Mountain Village

Nunam Iqua------------------------------------------------------------------------ [77 FR 6502, Feb. 8, 2012]

Sec. Table 8 to Part 679--Harvest Zone Codes for Use With Vessel

Activity Reports ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Harvest Zone Description------------------------------------------------------------------------A1 BSAI EEZ off AlaskaA2 GOA EEZ off AlaskaB State waters of AlaskaC State waters other than AlaskaD Donut HoleF Foreign Waters Other than RussiaI International Waters other than Donut Hole and

SeamountsR Russian watersS Seamounts in International watersU U.S. EEZ other than Alaska------------------------------------------------------------------------ [67 FR 4137, Jan. 28, 2002]

Sec. Table 9 to Part 679--Groundfish LLP Licenses Eligible for Use in

the BSAI Longline Catcher/Processor Subsector, Column A. X Indicates

Whether Column B or Column C Applies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Column A Column B Column C------------------------------------------------------------------------

Is eligible to

Is eligible under 50 request that NMFS

CFR permanently assign a

The Holder of Groundfish 679.4(k)(3)(i)(D)(1) 220-foot (67 m) MLOA

License Number . . . to be assigned a 220- on that LLP License

foot (67 m) MLOA on under 50 CFR

that LLP license 679.4(k)(3)(i)(D)(2)------------------------------------------------------------------------LLG 4508.................... XLLG 1785.................... XLLG 3681.................... XLLG 3676.................... XLLG 3609.................... XLLG 1400.................... XLLG 1401.................... XLLG 3617.................... XLLG 1916.................... XLLG 1917.................... XLLG 1989.................... XLLG 1127.................... XLLG 1128.................... XLLG 1125.................... XLLG 4823.................... XLLG 2783.................... XLLG 1988.................... XLLG 2238.................... XLLG 2958.................... XLLG 3973.................... XLLG 3637.................... XLLG 2421.................... XLLG 1713.................... XLLG 3616.................... XLLG 2892.................... XLLG 2112.................... XLLG 5222.................... XLLG 1578.................... XLLG 2026.................... XLLG 3847.................... XLLG 3602.................... XLLG 2081.................... XLLG 4008.................... XLLG 3090.................... XLLG 1576.................... XLLG 2959.................... X------------------------------------------------------------------------ [78 FR 607, Jan. 6, 2014]

Sec. Table 10 to Part 679--Gulf of Alaska Retainable Percentages[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR05MR15.003 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR05MR15.004 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR05MR15.005 [80 FR 11914, Mar. 5, 2015]

Sec. Table 11 to Part 679--BSAI Retainable Percentages[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR05MR15.006 [80 FR 11917, Mar. 5, 2015]

Sec. Table 12 to Part 679--Steller Sea Lion Protection Areas, 3nm No

Groundfish Fishing Sites[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR29DE10.022 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR29DE10.023 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR29DE10.024 [75 FR 81922, Dec. 29, 2010]

Sec. Table 13 to Part 679--Transfer Form Summary --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dockside Landing

If participant type is * * * And has * * * Fish And is involved in VAR \1\ PTR \2\ Trans-ship Departure sales receipt BSR \7\

product onboard this activity \3\ report \4\ receipt \5\ \6\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Catcher vessel greater than 60 ft Only non-IFQ Vessel leaving or X ....... ........... ........... ........... .........

LOA, mothership or catcher/ groundfish. entering Alaska.

processor.Catcher vessel greater than 60 ft Only IFQ sablefish, Vessel leaving ....... ....... ........... X ........... .........

LOA, mothership or catcher/ IFQ halibut, CDQ Alaska.

processor. halibut, or CR

crab.Catcher vessel greater than 60 ft Combination of IFQ Vessel leaving X ....... ........... X ........... .........

LOA, mothership or catcher/ sablefish, IFQ Alaska.

processor. halibut, CDQ

halibut, or CR

crab and non-IFQ

groundfish.Mothership, catcher/processor, Non-IFQ groundfish. Shipment of ....... X ........... ........... ........... .........

shoreside processor, or SFP. groundfish product.Mothership, catcher/processor, Donated PSC........ Shipment of donated ....... X ........... ........... ........... .........

shoreside processor, or SFP. PSC.Buying station or tender vessel.. Groundfish......... Receive or deliver ....... ....... ........... ........... ........... ......... X

groundfish in

association with a


processor, SFP, or

mothership.Registered Buyer................. IFQ sablefish, IFQ Transfer of product ....... X ........... ........... ........... .........

halibut, or CDQ

halibut.A person holding a valid IFQ IFQ sablefish, IFQ Transfer of product ....... ....... ........... ........... XXX .........

permit, IFQ hired master permit, halibut, or CDQ

or Registered Buyer permit. halibut.Registered Buyer................. IFQ sablefish, IFQ Transfer from ....... ....... ........... ........... ........... XX

halibut, or CDQ landing site to

halibut. Registered Buyer's


facility.Vessel operator.................. Processed IFQ Transshipment ....... ....... XXXX ........... ........... .........

sablefish, IFQ between vessels.

halibut, CDQ

halibut, or CR

crab.Registered Crab Receiver......... CR crab............ Transfer of product ....... X ........... ........... ........... .........

Registered Crab Receiver......... CR crab............ Transfer from ....... ....... ........... ........... ........... XX

landing site to

RCR's processing

facility.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ A vessel activity report (VAR) is described at Sec. 679.5(k).\2\ A product transfer report (PTR) is described at Sec. 679.5(g).\3\ An IFQ transshipment authorization is described at Sec. 679.5(l)(3).\4\ An IFQ departure report is described at Sec. 679.5(l)(4).\5\ An IFQ dockside sales receipt is described at Sec. 679.5(g)(2)(iv).\6\ A landing receipt is described at Sec. 679.5(e)(8)(vii).\7\ A buying station report (BSR) is described at Sec. 679.5(d).X indicates under what circumstances each report is submitted.XX indicates that the document must accompany the transfer of IFQ species from landing site to processor.XXX indicates receipt must be issued to each receiver in a dockside sale.XXXX indicates authorization must be obtained 24 hours in advance. [74 FR 62514, Nov. 30, 2009]

Sec. Table 14a to Part 679--Port of Landing Codes \1\, Alaska ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Port Name NMFS Code ADF&G; Code------------------------------------------------------------------------Adak 186 ADA------------------------------------------------------------------------Akutan, Akutan Bay 101 AKU------------------------------------------------------------------------Alitak 103 ALI------------------------------------------------------------------------Anchorage 105 ANC------------------------------------------------------------------------Angoon 106 ANG------------------------------------------------------------------------Aniak 300 ANI------------------------------------------------------------------------Anvik 301 ANV------------------------------------------------------------------------Atka 107 ATK------------------------------------------------------------------------Auke Bay 136 JNU------------------------------------------------------------------------Beaver Inlet 119 DUT------------------------------------------------------------------------Bethel 302 BET------------------------------------------------------------------------Captains Bay 119 DUT------------------------------------------------------------------------Chefornak 189 CHF------------------------------------------------------------------------Chignik 113 CHG------------------------------------------------------------------------Cordova 115 COR------------------------------------------------------------------------Craig 116 CRG------------------------------------------------------------------------Dillingham 117 DIL------------------------------------------------------------------------Douglas 136 JNU------------------------------------------------------------------------Dutch Harbor/Unalaska 119 DUT------------------------------------------------------------------------Egegik 122 EGE------------------------------------------------------------------------Ekuk 303 EKU------------------------------------------------------------------------Elfin Cove 123 ELF------------------------------------------------------------------------Emmonak 304 EMM------------------------------------------------------------------------Excursion Inlet 124 XIP------------------------------------------------------------------------False Pass 125 FSP------------------------------------------------------------------------Fairbanks 305 FBK------------------------------------------------------------------------Galena 306 GAL------------------------------------------------------------------------Glacier Bay 307 GLB------------------------------------------------------------------------Glennallen 308 GLN------------------------------------------------------------------------Gustavus 127 GUS------------------------------------------------------------------------Haines 128 HNS------------------------------------------------------------------------Homer 132 HOM------------------------------------------------------------------------Hoonah 133 HNH------------------------------------------------------------------------Hydaburg 309 HYD------------------------------------------------------------------------Hyder 134 HDR------------------------------------------------------------------------Juneau 136 JNU------------------------------------------------------------------------Kake 137 KAK------------------------------------------------------------------------Kaltag 310 KAL------------------------------------------------------------------------Kasilof 138 KAS------------------------------------------------------------------------Kenai 139 KEN------------------------------------------------------------------------Kenai River 139 KEN------------------------------------------------------------------------Ketchikan 141 KTN------------------------------------------------------------------------King Cove 142 KCO------------------------------------------------------------------------King Salmon 143 KNG------------------------------------------------------------------------Kipnuk 144 KIP------------------------------------------------------------------------Klawock 145 KLA------------------------------------------------------------------------Kodiak 146 KOD------------------------------------------------------------------------Kotzebue 311 KOT------------------------------------------------------------------------Larsen Bay 327 LRB------------------------------------------------------------------------Mekoryuk 147 MEK------------------------------------------------------------------------Metlakatla 148 MET------------------------------------------------------------------------

Moser Bay 312 MOS------------------------------------------------------------------------Naknek 149 NAK------------------------------------------------------------------------Nenana 313 NEN------------------------------------------------------------------------Nikiski (or Nikishka) 150 NIK------------------------------------------------------------------------Ninilchik 151 NIN------------------------------------------------------------------------Nome 152 NOM------------------------------------------------------------------------Nunivak Island 314 NUN------------------------------------------------------------------------Old Harbor 153 OLD------------------------------------------------------------------------Other Alaska \1\ 499 OAK------------------------------------------------------------------------Pelican 155 PEL------------------------------------------------------------------------Petersburg 156 PBG------------------------------------------------------------------------Port Alexander 158 PAL------------------------------------------------------------------------Port Armstrong 315 PTA------------------------------------------------------------------------Port Bailey 159 PTB------------------------------------------------------------------------Port Graham 160 GRM------------------------------------------------------------------------Port Lions 316 LIO------------------------------------------------------------------------Port Moller 317 MOL------------------------------------------------------------------------Port Protection 161 PRO------------------------------------------------------------------------Quinhagak 187 QUK------------------------------------------------------------------------Sand Point 164 SPT------------------------------------------------------------------------Savoonga 165 SAV------------------------------------------------------------------------Selawik 326 SWK------------------------------------------------------------------------Seldovia 166 SEL------------------------------------------------------------------------Seward 167 SEW------------------------------------------------------------------------Sitka 168 SIT------------------------------------------------------------------------Skagway 169 SKG------------------------------------------------------------------------Soldotna 318 SOL------------------------------------------------------------------------St. George 170 STG------------------------------------------------------------------------St. Mary 319 STM------------------------------------------------------------------------St. Paul 172 STP------------------------------------------------------------------------Tee Harbor 136 JNU------------------------------------------------------------------------Tenakee Springs 174 TEN------------------------------------------------------------------------Togiak 176 TOG------------------------------------------------------------------------Toksook Bay 177 TOB------------------------------------------------------------------------Tununak 178 TUN------------------------------------------------------------------------Ugashik 320 UGA------------------------------------------------------------------------Unalakleet 321 UNA------------------------------------------------------------------------Valdez 181 VAL------------------------------------------------------------------------Wasilla 322 WAS------------------------------------------------------------------------Whittier 183 WHT------------------------------------------------------------------------Wrangell 184 WRN------------------------------------------------------------------------Yakutat 185 YAK------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ To report a landing at an Alaska location not currently assigned a

location code number, use ``Other Alaska'' code ``499'' or ``OAK.'' [73 FR 76186, Dec. 15, 2008]

Sec. Table 14b to Part 679--Port of Landing Codes: Non-Alaska

(California, Canada, Oregon, and Washington)------------------------------------------------------------------------

Port State or

Country Port Name NMFS Code ADF&G; Code------------------------------------------------------------------------CALIFORNIA Eureka 500 EUR


Other California 599 OCA

\1\------------------------------------------------------------------------CANADA Other Canada \1\ 899 OCN


Port Edward, B.C. 802 PRU


Prince Rupert, 802 PRU



Vancouver, B.C. 803 VAN------------------------------------------------------------------------OREGON Astoria 600 AST


Newport 603 NPT


Other Oregon \1\ 699 OOR


Portland 323 POR


Warrenton 604 WAR------------------------------------------------------------------------

WASHINGTON Anacortes 700 ANA


Bellingham 702 BEL


Blaine 717 BLA


Everett 704 EVT


La Conner 708 LAC


Olympia 324 OLY


Other Washington 799 OWA



Seattle 715 SEA


Tacoma 325 TAC------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ To report a landing at a location not currently assigned a location

code number, use the code for ``Other California'', ``Other Oregon'',

``Other Washington'', or ``Other Canada'' at which the landing occurs. [73 FR 76186, Dec. 15, 2008]

Sec. Table 14c to Part 679--At-sea Operation Type Codes To Be Used as

Port Codes for Vessels Matching This Type of Operation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Description of code-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Code NMFS Alaska region ADF&G;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FCP...................................... Catcher/processor........... Floating catcher processor.FLD...................................... Mothership.................. Floating domestic mothership.IFP...................................... Stationary Floating Inshore floating processor--processing

Processor. in State of Alaska waters only.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [70 FR 10238, Mar. 2, 2005]

Sec. Table 15 to Part 679--Gear Codes, Descriptions, and Use

Gear Codes, Descriptions, and Use

(X indicates where this code is used)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Use alphabetic code to complete the following: Use numeric code to complete the following:


Name of gear Alpha gear Electronic check- Numeric gear

code NMFS logbooks in/ check-out code IERS eLandings ADF&G; COAR----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NMFS AND ADF&G; GEAR CODES----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hook-and-line HAL X X 61 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jig, mechanical JIG X X 26 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pot POT X X 91 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trawl, nonpelagic/ NPT X X 07 X X

bottom----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trawl, pelagic/ PTR X X 47 X X

midwater----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Troll, dinglebar TROLL X X 25 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Troll, hand TROLL X X 05 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Troll, power gurdy TROLL X X 15 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All other gear OTH X X

types----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADF&G; GEAR CODES----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Diving 11 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dredge 22 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dredge, hydro/ 23 X X

mechanical----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fish ladder/raceway 77 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fish wheel 08 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gillnet, drift 03 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gillnet, herring 34 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gillnet, set 04 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gillnet, sunken 41 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Handpicked 12 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Net, dip 13 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Net, ring 10 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other/specify 99 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pound 21 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Seine, purse 01 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Seine, beach 02 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shovel 18 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trap 90 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trawl, beam 17 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trawl, double otter 27 X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trawl, pair 37 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Weir 14 X X----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FIXED GEAR----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authorized gear for All longline gear (hook-and-line, jig, troll, and handline) and, for purposes of

sablefish determining initial IFQ allocation, all pot gear used to make a legal landing.

harvested from any

GOA reporting area----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authorized gear for All hook-and-line gear and all pot gear.


harvested from any

BSAI reporting

area----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authorized gear for All fishing gear comprised of lines with hooks attached, including one or more stationary,

halibut harvested buoyed, and anchored lines with hooks attached.

from any IFQ

regulatory area---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [73 FR 76187, Dec. 15, 2008]

Sec. Table 16 to Part 679--Area Codes and Descriptions for Use With

State of Alaska ADF&G; Commercial Operator's Annual Report (COAR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Fisheries Area Description

COAR: Name (Code) Species Management in ADF&G;

Areas Regulations----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alaska Peninsula King Crab:.................... M 5 AAC 34.500South Peninsula (MS) AK Peninsula/Aleutian Islands M 5 AAC 12.100North Peninsula (MN) Salmon. M (Aleutians)

5 AAC 09.100 (AK


Herring....................... M 5 AAC 27.600Bering Sea: Bering Sea King Crab.......... Q 5 AAC 34.900Pribilof Island (Q1) Bering Sea/Kotzebue Herring... Q 5 AAC 27.900St. Matthew Island Q2)St. Lawrence Island (Q4)Bristol Bay (T) King Crab..................... T 5 AAC 34.800

Salmon........................ T 5 AAC 06.100

Herring....................... T 5 AAC 27.800Chignik (L) Groundfish.................... L 5 AAC 28.500

Herring....................... L 5 AAC 27.550

Salmon........................ L 5 AAC 15.100Cook Inlet: Groundfish.................... H 5 AAC 28.300Lower Cook Inlet (HL) Herring....................... H 5 AA 27.400Upper Cook Inlet (HU) Cook Inlet Shrimp............. H 5 AAC 31.300

Outer Cook Inlet Shrimp....... H 5 AA 31.400

Dungeness Crab................ H 5 AA 32.300

King Crab..................... H 5 AA 34.300

Tanner Crab................... H 5 AA 35.400

Miscellaneous Shellfish....... H 5 AA 38.300

Salmon........................ H 5 AA 21.100Dutch Harbor (O) Aleutian Islands King Crab.... O 5 AA 34.600EEZ (Federal waters of BSAI (FB) Groundfish.................... n/a n/aGOA (FG) Atka-Amlia Islands Salmon..... n/a 5 AAC 11.1010Kodiak (western GOA) (K) Groundfish.................... K 5 AAC 28.400

Herring....................... K 5 AAC 27.500

King Crab..................... K 5 AAC 34.400

Salmon........................ K 5 AAC 18.100

Shrimp........................ J 5 AAC 31.500

Dungeness Crab................ J 5 AAC 32.400

Tanner Crab................... J 5 AAC 35.500

Miscellaneous Shellfish....... J 5 AAC 38.400Kotzebue (X) Salmon........................ X 5 AAC 03.100Kuskokwim: Salmon........................ W 5 AAC 07.100Kuskokwim River/Bay (W1) Herring....................... W 5AAC 27.870Security Cove (W2)Goodnews Bay (W3)Nelson Island (W4)Ninivak Island (W5)Cape Avinof (W6)Norton Sound (Z) Norton Sound-Port Clarence Z 5 AAC 04.100


Norton Sound-Port Clarence

King Crab.Prince William Sound (E) Groundfish.................... E 5 AAC 28.200

Herring....................... E 5 AAC 27.300

Shrimp........................ E 5 AAC 31.200

Dungeness Crab................ E 5 AAC 32.200

King Crab..................... E 5 AAC 34.200

Tanner Crab................... E 5 AAC 35.300

Miscellaneous Shellfish....... E 5 AAC 38.200

Salmon........................ E 5 AAC 24.100

Southeast: Groundfish.................... A 5 AAC 28.100Juneau/Haines (A1) Southeast (w/o Yakutat) A 5 AAC 27.100Yakutat (A2) Herring. D 5 AAC 27.200Ketchikan/Craig (B) Yakutat Herring............... A 5 AAC 31.100Petersburg/Wrangell (C) Southeast (w/o Yakutat) Shrimp D 5 AAC 31.150Sitka/Pelican (D) Yakutat Shrimp................ A 5 AAC 32.100

Southeast (w/o Yakutat) D 5 AAC 32.155

Dungeness Crab. A 5 AAC 34.100

Yakutat Dungeness Crab........ D 5 AAC 34.160

Southeast (w/o Yakutat) A 5 AAC 35.100

Dungeness, King Crab. D 5 AAC 35.160

Yakutat King Crab............. A 5 AAC 38.100

Southeast (w/o Yakutat) Tanner D 5 AAC 38.160

Crab. A 5 AAC 33.100

Yakutat Tanner Crab........... D 5 AAC 29.010

Southeast (w/o Yakutat) 5 AAC 30.100

Miscellaneous Shellfish.

Yakutat Miscellaneous


Southeast (w/o Yakutat) Salmon

Yakutat Salmon................Yukon River: Yukon-Northern Salmon......... Y 5 AAC 05.100Lower Yukon (YL)Upper Yukon (YU)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [66 FR 55126, Nov. 1, 2001]

Sec. Table 17 to Part 679--Process Codes for Use With State of Alaska

Commercial Operator's Annual Report (COAR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Process Codes and

Codes Description------------------------------------------------------------------------Prefix Codes 1-Fresh









11-MincedSuffix Codes 0-General

1-Canned Conv.

2-Canned smoked

8-Vacuum packed


I-Individual quick frozen

(IQF) pack

S-Shatter pack------------------------------------------------------------------------ [66 FR 43527, Aug. 20, 2001] Sec. Table 18 to Part 679--Required Buying and Production Forms for use

With State of Alaska Commercial Operator's Annual Report (COAR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fishery Form Number and Name------------------------------------------------------------------------Salmon Salmon Buying

(A)(1) Seine gear

(A)(1) Gillnet gear

(A)(2) Troll gear

(A)(2) Hatchery

(A)(3) Miscellaneous gear

King Salmon Production

(B)(1) Production

(B)(1) Canned Production

Sockeye Salmon Production:

(B)(2)(i) Production

(B)(2)(ii) Canned Production

Coho Salmon Production

(B)(3)(i) Production

(B)(3)(ii) Canned Production

Pink Salmon Production

(B)(4)(i) Production

(B)(4)(ii) Canned Production

Chum Salmon Production

(B)(5)(i) Production

(B)(5)(ii) Canned Production

Salmon Roe & Byproduct Production

(B)(6)(i) Roe

(B)(6)(ii) Byproduct ProductionHerring Herring Buying

(C)(1)(i) Seine gear

(C)(1)(ii) Gillnet gear

(C)(2)(i) Gillnet gear

(C)(2)(ii) Pound gear

(C)(2)(iii) Hand-pick gear

Herring Production

(D)(1)(i) Production

(D)(1)(ii) Byproduct ProductionCrab (E)Crab Buying

(F) Crab ProductionShrimp/Miscellaneous Shellfish (G)Shrimp/Misc.Shellfish Buying

(G)(1)(i) Trawl gear

(G)(1)(ii) Pot gear

(G)(1)(iii) Diving/picked gear

(G)(1)(iv) Other gear (specify)

(H) Shrimp/Misc. Shellfish/Finfish

ProductionGroundfish (I)(1) Groundfish Buying

(I)(2) Groundfish Buying

(J)(1) Groundfish Production

(J)(2) Groundfish ProductionHalibut (K) Halibut Buying & ProductionCustom Production Custom Production

(L)(1) Associated Processors

(L)(1)(i) Custom Fresh/Frozen

(L)(1)(ii) Misc. production

(L)(1)(iii) Custom Canned


(L)(2) (additional sheet)PRICES NOT FINAL (M)(1) Fish Buying Retro Payments

(M)(2) Post-season Adjustments------------------------------------------------------------------------ [66 FR 55128, Nov. 1, 2001]

Sec. Table 19 to Part 679--Seabird Avoidance Gear Codes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

VESSEL LOGBOOK-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CODE SEABIRD AVOIDANCE GEAR OR METHOD.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Paired Streamer Lines: Used during deployment of hook-and-line gear

to prevent birds from taking hooks. Two streamer lines used, one

on each side of the main groundline. Each streamer line consists

of three components: a length of line, streamers attached along a

portion of the length and one or more float devices at the

terminal end. See performance and material standards at Sec.


2 Single Streamer Line: Used during deployment of hook-and-line gear

to prevent birds from taking hooks. The streamer line consists of

three components: a length of line, streamers attached along a

portion of the length and one or more float devices at the

terminal end. See performance and material standards at Sec.

679.24(e)(4)(ii).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Single Streamer Line, used with Snap Gear: Used during the

deployment of snap gear to prevent birds from taking hooks. The

streamer line consists of three components: a length of line,

streamers attached along a portion of the length and one or more

float devices at the terminal end. See performance and material

standards at Sec. 679.24(e)(4)(iv).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Buoy Bag Line: Used during the deployment of hook-and-line gear to

prevent birds from taking hooks. A buoy bag line consists of two

components: a length of line (without streamers attached) and one

or more float devices at the terminal end. See performance and

material standards at Sec. 679.24(e)(4)(i).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other Device used in conjunction with Single Streamer Line or Buoy Bag Line----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Add weights to groundline: Applying weights to the groundline for

the purpose of sinking the hook-and-line gear more quickly and

preventing seabirds from accessing the baited hooks.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Additional Buoy Bag Line or Single Streamer Line: Using a second

buoy bag line or streamer line for the purpose of enhancing the

effectiveness of these deterrent devices at preventing seabirds

from accessing baited hooks.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Strategic Offal Discharge: Discharging fish, fish parts (i.e.,

offal) or spent bait for the purpose of distracting seabirds away

from the main groundline while setting gear.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Additional Device Used----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Night Fishing: Setting hook-and-line gear during dark (night time



Line Shooter: A hydraulic device designed to deploy hook-and-line

gear at a speed slightly faster than the vessel's speed during



Lining Tube: A device used to deploy hook-and-line gear through an

underwater-setting device.


Other (Describe)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 No Deterrent Used Due to Weather. [See weather exceptions at Sec.

679.24(e)(4)(i), (e)(4)(ii)(B), (e)(4)(iii)(B), (e)(4)(iv)(B), and

(e)(4)(v).]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 No Deterrent Used.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [74 FR 13358, Mar. 27, 2009]

(4)(v).]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 No Deterrent Used.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [74 FR 13358, Mar. 27, 2009]

(v).]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 No Deterrent Used.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [74 FR 13358, Mar. 27, 2009]

Sec. Table 20 to Part 679--Seabird Avoidance Gear Requirements for Vessels, based on Area, Gear, and Vessel Type. (See Sec. 679.24(e) for

complete seabird avoidance program requirements; see 679.24(e)(1) for

applicable fisheries) ------------------------------------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------------------If you operate a vessel deploying hook- then you must use this seabird

and-line gear, other than snap gear, avoidance gear in conjunction

in waters specified at Sec. with requirements at Sec.

679.24(e)(3), and your vessel is... 679.24(e)...------------------------------------------------------------------------26 ft to 55 ft LOA and minimum of one buoy bag line

without masts, poles, or rigging------------------------------------------------------------------------26 ft to 55 ft LOA and with minimum of a single streamer

masts, poles, or rigging line of a standard specified

at Sec. 679.24(e)(4)(ii)------------------------------------------------------------------------55 ft LOA minimum of paired streamer

lines of a standard specified

at Sec. 679.24(e)(4)(iii)------------------------------------------------------------------------If you operate a vessel deploying hook- then you must use this seabird

and-line gear and use snap gear in avoidance gear in conjunction

waters specified at Sec. with requirements at Sec.

679.24(e)(3), and your vessel is... 679.24(e)...------------------------------------------------------------------------26 ft to 55 ft LOA and minimum of one buoy bag line

without masts, poles, or rigging------------------------------------------------------------------------26 ft to 55 ft LOA and with minimum of a single streamer

masts, poles, or rigging line of a standard specified

at Sec. 679.24(e)(4)(iv)------------------------------------------------------------------------55 ft LOA minimum of a single streamer

line of a standard specified

at Sec. 679.24(e)(4)(iv)------------------------------------------------------------------------

If you operate any of the following then...

hook-and-line vessels...------------------------------------------------------------------------<32 ft LOA in the State waters of IPHC you are exempt from seabird

Area 4E avoidance measures.----------------------------------------in NMFS Reporting Area 649 (Prince ...............................

William Sound)----------------------------------------in State waters of Cook Inlet ...............................----------------------------------------in NMFS Reporting Area 659 (Eastern GOA ...............................

Regulatory Area, Southeast Inside

District), but not including waters in

the areas south of a straight line at

56[deg]17.25 N. lat. between Point

Harris and Port Armstrong in Chatham

Strait, State statistical areas 325431

and 325401, and west of a straight

line at 136[deg]21.17 E. long. from

Point Wimbledon extending south

through the Inian Islands to Point

Lavinia----------------------------------------<=55 ft LOA in IPHC Area 4E but not ...............................

including waters south of 60[deg]00.00

N. lat. and west of 160[deg]00.00 W.

long.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [74 FR 13358, Mar. 27, 2009] Sec. Table 21 to Part 679--Eligible Communities, Halibut IFQ Regulatory Area Location, Community Governing Body That Recommends the CQE, and the

Fishing Programs and Associated Areas Where a CQE Representing an

Eligible Community May Be Permitted To Participate[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR07NO14.007 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR07NO14.008 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR07NO14.009 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR07NO14.010 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR07NO14.011 [79 FR 66332, Nov. 7, 2014]

Sec. Table 22 to Part 679-- Alaska Seamount Habitat Protection Areas ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Area No. Name Latitude Longitude----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.................................. Dickins Seamount........... 54 39.00 N 136 48.00 W

54 39.00 N 137 9.00 W

54 27.00 N 137 9.00 W

54 27.00 N 136 48.00 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.................................. Denson Seamount............ 54 13.20 N 137 6.00 W

54 13.20 N 137 36.00 W

53 57.00 N 137 36.00 W

53 57.00 N 137 6.00 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.................................. Brown Seamount............. 55 0.00 N 138 24.00 W

55 0.00 N 138 48.00 W

54 48.00 N 138 48.00 W

54 48.00 N 138 24.00 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.................................. Welker Seamount............ 55 13.80 N 140 9.60 W

55 13.80 N 140 33.00 W

55 1.80 N 140 33.00 W

55 1.80 N 140 9.60 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.................................. Dall Seamount.............. 58 18.00 N 144 54.00 W

58 18.00 N 145 48.00 W

57 45.00 N 145 48.00 W

57 45.00 N 144 54.00 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.................................. Quinn Seamount............. 56 27.00 N 145 0.00 W

56 27.00 N 145 24.00 W

56 12.00 N 145 24.00 W

56 12.00 N 145 0.00 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.................................. Giacomini Seamount......... 56 37.20 N 146 7.20 W

56 37.20 N 146 31.80 W

56 25.20 N 146 31.80 W

56 25.20 N 146 7.20 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8.................................. Kodiak Seamount............ 57 0.00 N 149 6.00 W

57 0.00 N 149 30.00 W

56 48.00 N 149 30.00 W

56 48.00 N 149 6.00 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9.................................. Odessey Seamount........... 54 42.00 N 149 30.00 W

54 42.00 N 150 0.00 W

54 30.00 N 150 0.00 W

54 30.00 N 149 30.00 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10................................. Patton Seamount............ 54 43.20 N 150 18.00 W

54 43.20 N 150 36.00 W

54 34.20 N 150 36.00 W

54 34.20 N 150 18.00 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11................................. Chirikof & Marchand 55 6.00 N 151 0.00 W


55 6.00 N 153 42.00 W

54 42.00 N 153 42.00 W

54 42.00 N 151 0.00 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12................................. Sirius Seamount............ 52 6.00 N 160 36.00 W

52 6.00 N 161 6.00 W

51 57.00 N 161 6.00 W

51 57.00 N 160 36.00 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13................................. Derickson Seamount......... 53 0.00 N 161 0.00 W

53 0.00 N 161 30.00 W

52 48.00 N 161 30.00 W

52 48.00 N 161 0.00 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14................................. Unimak Seamount............ 53 48.00 N 162 18.00 W

53 48.00 N 162 42.00 W

53 39.00 N 162 42.00 W

53 39.00 N 162 18.00 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15................................. Bowers Seamount............ 54 9.00 N 174 52.20 E

54 9.00 N 174 42.00 E

54 4.20 N 174 42.00 E

54 4.20 N 174 52.20 E----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: Each area is delineated by connecting the coordinates in the order listed by straight lines. The last set

of coordinates for each area is connected to the first set of coordinates for the area by a straight line.

Projected coordinate system is North American Datum 1983, Albers. [71 FR 36703, June 28, 2006]

Sec. Table 23 to Part 679--Aleutian Islands Coral Habitat Protection

Areas ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Area No. Name Latitude Longitude----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.................................. Great Sitkin I............. 52 9.56 N 176 6.14 W

52 9.56 N 176 12.44 W

52 4.69 N 176 12.44 W

52 6.59 N 176 6.12 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.................................. Cape Moffett I............. 52 0.11 N 176 46.65 W

52 0.10 N 176 53.00 W

51 55.69 N 176 53.00 W

51 55.69 N 176 48.59 W

51 57.96 N 176 46.52 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.................................. Adak Canyon................ 51 39.00 N 177 0.00 W

51 39.00 N 177 3.00 W

51 30.00 N 177 3.00 W

51 30.00 N 177 0.00 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.................................. Bobrof I................... 51 57.35 N 177 19.94 W

51 57.36 N 177 29.11 W

51 51.65 N 177 29.11 W

51 51.71 N 177 19.93 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.................................. Ulak I..................... 51 25.85 N 178 59.00 W

51 25.69 N 179 6.00 W

51 22.28 N 179 6.00 W

51 22.28 N 178 58.95 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.................................. Semisopochnoi I............ 51 53.10 N 179 53.11 E

51 53.10 N 179 46.55 E

51 48.84 N 179 46.55 E

51 48.89 N 179 53.11 E----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: Each area is delineated by connecting the coordinates in the order listed by straight lines. The last set

of coordinates for each area is connected to the first set of coordinates for the area by a straight line.

Projected coordinate system is North American Datum 1983, Albers. [71 FR 36703, June 28, 2006]

Sec. Table 24 to Part 679--Except as Noted, Locations in the Aleutian


Sec. Table 25 to Part 679--Bowers Ridge Habitat Conservation Zone ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Area number Name Latitude Longitude----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.................................. Bowers Ridge............... 55 10.50 N 178 27.25 E

54 54.50 N 177 55.75 E

54 5.83 N 179 20.75 E

52 40.50 N 179 55.00 W

52 44.50 N 179 26.50 W

54 15.50 N 179 54.00 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.................................. Ulm Plateau................ 55 5.00 N 177 15.00 E

55 5.00 N 175 60.00 E

54 34.00 N 175 60.00 E

54 34.00 N 177 15.00 E----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: Each area is delineated by connecting the coordinates in the order listed by straight lines. The last set

of coordinates for each area is connected to the first set of coordinates for the area by a straight line.

Projected coordinate system is North American Datum 1983, Albers. [71 FR 36703, June 28, 2006] Sec. Table 26 to Part 679--Gulf of Alaska Coral Habitat Protection Areas ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Area number Name Latitude Longitude----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.................................. Cape Ommaney 1............. 56 10.85 N 135 5.83 W

56 11.18 N 135 7.17 W

56 9.53 N 135 7.68 W

56 9.52 N 135 7.20 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.................................. Fairweather FS2............ 58 15.00 N 138 52.58 W

58 15.00 N 138 54.08 W

58 13.92 N 138 54.08 W

58 13.92 N 138 52.58 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.................................. Fairweather FS1............ 58 16.00 N 138 59.25 W

58 16.00 N 139 9.75 W

58 13.17 N 138 59.25 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.................................. Fairweather FN2............ 58 24.10 N 139 14.58 W

58 24.10 N 139 18.50 W

58 22.55 N 139 18.50 W

58 22.55 N 139 14.58 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.................................. Fairweather FN1............ 58 27.42 N 139 17.75 W

58 27.42 N 139 19.08 W

58 26.32 N 139 19.08 W

58 26.32 N 139 17.75 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: Each area is delineated by connecting the coordinates in the order listed by straight lines. The last set

of coordinates for each area is connected to the first set of coordinates for the area by a straight line.

Projected coordinate system is North American Datum 1983, Albers. [71 FR 36703, June 28, 2006]

Sec. Table 27 to Part 679--Gulf of Alaska Slope Habitat Conservation

Areas ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Area number Name Latitude Longitude----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.................................. Yakutat.................... 58 47.00 N 139 55.00 W

58 47.00 N 140 32.00 W

58 37.00 N 140 32.00 W

58 36.97 N 139 54.99 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.................................. Cape Suckling.............. 59 50.00 N 143 20.00 W

59 50.00 N 143 30.00 W

59 40.00 N 143 30.00 W

59 40.00 N 143 20.00 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.................................. Kayak I.................... 59 35.00 N 144 0.00 W

59 40.00 N 144 25.00 W

59 30.00 N 144 50.00 W

59 25.00 N 144 50.00 W

59 25.00 N 144 2.00 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.................................. Middleton I. east.......... 59 32.31 N 145 29.09 W

59 32.13 N 145 51.14 W

59 20.00 N 145 51.00 W

59 18.85 N 145 29.39 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.................................. Middleton I. west.......... 59 14.64 N 146 29.63 W

59 15.00 N 147 0.00 W

59 10.00 N 147 0.00 W

59 8.74 N 146 30.16 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.................................. Cable...................... 58 40.00 N 148 0.00 W

59 6.28 N 149 0.28 W

59 0.00 N 149 0.00 W

58 34.91 N 147 59.85 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.................................. Albatross Bank............. 56 16.00 N 152 40.00 W

56 16.00 N 153 20.00 W

56 11.00 N 153 20.00 W

56 10.00 N 152 40.00 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8.................................. Shumagin I................. 54 51.49 N 157 42.52 W

54 40.00 N 158 10.00 W

54 35.00 N 158 10.00 W

54 36.00 N 157 42.00 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9.................................. Sanak I.................... 54 12.86 N 162 13.54 W

54 0.00 N 163 15.00 W

53 53.00 N 163 15.00 W

54 5.00 N 162 12.00 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10................................. Unalaska I................. 53 26.05 N 165 55.55 W

53 6.92 N 167 19.40 W

52 55.71 N 167 18.20 W

53 13.05 N 165 55.55 W----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: Each area is delineated by connecting the coordinates in the order listed by straight lines. The last set

of coordinates for each area is connected to the first set of coordinates for the area by a straight line.

Projected coordinate system is North American Datum 1983, Albers. [71 FR 36703, June 28, 2006]

Sec. Table 28a to Part 679--Qualifying Season Dates for Central GOA

Rockfish Primary Species --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


A Legal Rockfish Landing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

includes 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Northern rockfish that were July 4-July 26.. July 1-July 23.. June 30-July 21. June 29-July 29. July 4-July 25. July 5-July 24. July 1-July 21.

harvested in the Central GOA and Oct. 1-Oct.

between. . . 21.and landed by................ Aug. 2.......... July 30 and Oct. July 28......... Aug. 5.......... Aug. 1......... July 31........ July 28.


respectively.Pelagic shelf rockfish that July 4-July 26.. July 1-July 23 June 30-July 21. June 29-July 31. July 4-July 25. July 5-July 24, July 1-July 21

were harvested in the and Oct. 1-Oct. Sept. 1-Sept and Oct. 2-

Central GOA between. . . 21. 4, and Sept. 8- Oct. 8.

Sept. 10.and landed by................ Aug. 2.......... July 30 and Oct. July 28......... Aug. 7.......... Aug. 1......... July 31, Sept. July 28 and

28, 11, and Sept. Oct. 15,

respectively. 17, respectively.

respectively.Pacific ocean perch that were July 4-July 15.. July 1-July 12.. June 30-July 8.. June 29-July 8.. July 4-July 12. July 5-July 14. July 1-July 6.

harvested in the Central GOA

between. . .and landed by................ July 22......... July 19......... July 15......... July 15......... July 19........ July 21........ July 13.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [76 FR 81290, Dec. 27, 2011]

Sec. Table 28b to Part 679--Qualifying Season Dates for Central GOA

Rockfish Primary Species ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Rockfish Legal Landing includes

. . . 2007 2008 2009----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Northern rockfish that were Sept. 1-Nov. 8........... Sept. 1-Nov. 15......... Sept. 1-Nov. 15.

harvested by vessels authorized

to fish in the rockfish entry

level trawl fishery between. . .and landed by.................... Nov. 15.................. Nov. 22................. Nov. 22.Pelagic shelf rockfish that were Sept. 1-Nov. 15.......... Sept. 1-Nov. 15......... Sept. 1-Nov. 15.

harvested by vessels authorized

to fish in the rockfish entry

level trawl fishery between. . .and landed by.................... Nov. 22.................. Nov. 22................. Nov. 22.Pacific ocean perch that were May 1-May 17; July 1-Aug. July 1-July 27.......... July 1-Nov. 15.

harvested by vessels authorized 1.

to fish in the rockfish entry

level trawl fishery between. . .and landed by.................... Aug. 8................... Aug. 3.................. Nov. 22.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [76 FR 81290, Dec. 27, 2011]

Sec. Table 28c to Part 679--Allocation of Rockfish Secondary Species ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The following percentage of the Central GOA TAC is allocated to rockfish

cooperatives as CQ . . .

For the following rockfish ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

secondary species . . . For the catcher/processor sector . .

For the catcher vessel sector . . . .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pacific cod...................... 3.81%................................. N/ASablefish........................ 6.78%................................. 3.51%Rougheye rockfish................ N/A................................... 58.87%Shortraker rockfish.............. N/A................................... 40.00%Thornyhead rockfish.............. 7.84%................................. 26.50%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [76 FR 81290, Dec. 27, 2011] Sec. Table 28d to Part 679--Allocation of Halibut PSC under the Central

GOA Rockfish Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The following amount

To yield the of halibut is not

For the following rockfish The following Is multiplied following amount assigned as rockfish

sectors . . . amount of halibut . by . . . of halibut PSC CQ, halibut PSC, or

. . assigned as halibut IFQ for use by

rockfish CQ . . . any person . . .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Catcher vessel sector.......... 134.1 mt........... 0.875 117.3 mt.......... 27.4 mt (16.8 mt from

the catcher vessel

sector and 10.6 mt

from the catcher/

processor sector).Catcher/processor sector....... 84.7 mt............ .............. 74.1 mt...........---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [76 FR 81290, Dec. 27, 2011]

Sec. Table 28e to Part 679--Rockfish Entry Level Longline Fishery

Allocations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If the catch of a

rockfish primary Except that the

species during a maximum amount of the

calendar year exceeds TAC assigned to the

90 percent of the Rockfish Program

The allocation to the rockfish allocation for that (after deducting the

entry level longline fishery for rockfish primary incidental catch

the following rockfish primary For 2012 will be . . . species then the allowance) that may be

species . . . allocation of that allocated to the

rockfish primary rockfish entry level

species in the non-trawl fishery for

following calendar each rockfish primary

year will increase by species is . . .

. . .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Northern rockfish.................. 5 mt....................... 5 mt.................. 2 percent.Pacific ocean perch................ 5 mt....................... 5 mt.................. 1 percent.Pelagic shelf rockfish............. 30 mt...................... 20 mt................. 5 percent.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [76 FR 81290, Dec. 27, 2011]

Sec. Table 29 to Part 679--Initial Rockfish QS Pools ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Aggregate Primary

Initial Rockfish QS Pool Northern Rockfish Pelagic Shelf Pacific Ocean Species Initial

Rockfish Perch Rockfish QS Pool----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Initial Rockfish QS Pool........ Based on the Rockfish Program official record on February 14, 2012.Initial Rockfish QS Pool for the

Catcher/Processor Sector..Initial Rockfish QS Pool for the

Catcher Vessel Sector..---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [76 FR 81292, Dec. 27, 2011]

Sec. Table 30 to Part 679--Rockfish Program Retainable Percentages (in

round wt. equivalent) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MRA as a percentage of

total retained rockfish

Fishery Incidental Catch Sector primary species and

Species rockfish secondary

species----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rockfish Cooperative Vessels fishing Pacific cod............ Catcher/Processor...... 4.0 percent.

under a Rockfish CQ permit.

Shortraker/Rougheye Catcher Vessel......... 2.0 percent.

aggregate catch.


See rockfish non-allocated species for ``other species''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rockfish non-allocated species for Pollock................ Catcher/Processor and 20.0 percent.

Rockfish Cooperative vessels fishing Catcher Vessel.

under a Rockfish CQ permit.

Deep-water flatfish.... Catcher/Processor and 20.0 percent.

Catcher Vessel.

Rex sole............... Catcher/Processor and 20.0 percent.

Catcher Vessel.

Flathead sole.......... Catcher/Processor and 20.0 percent.

Catcher Vessel.

Shallow-water flatfish. Catcher/Processor and 20.0 percent.

Catcher Vessel.

Arrowtooth flounder.... Catcher/Processor and 35.0 percent.

Catcher Vessel.

Other rockfish......... Catcher/Processor and 15.0 percent.

Catcher Vessel.

Atka mackerel.......... Catcher/Processor and 20.0 percent.

Catcher Vessel.

Aggregated forage fish. Catcher/Processor and 2.0 percent.

Catcher Vessel.

Skates................. Catcher/Processor and 20.0 percent.

Catcher Vessel.

Other species.......... Catcher/Processor and 20.0 percent.

Catcher Vessel.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Longline gear Rockfish Entry Level See Table 10 to this part.

Fishery.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Opt-out vessels...................... See Table 10 to this part.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Rockfish Cooperative Vessels not See Table 10 to this part.

fishing under a CQ permit.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [76 FR 81292, Dec. 27, 2011]

Sec. Table 31 to Part 679-- List of Amendment 80 Vessels and LLP

Licenses Originally Assigned to an Amendment 80 Vessel ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Column C: LLP

license number

Column A: Name of amendment 80 Column B: USCG originally

vessel Documentation No. assigned to the

Amendment 80

vessel------------------------------------------------------------------------ALASKA JURIS...................... 569276 LLG 2082ALASKA RANGER..................... 550138 LLG 2118ALASKA SPIRIT..................... 554913 LLG 3043ALASKA VOYAGER.................... 536484 LLG 2084ALASKA VICTORY.................... 569752 LLG 2080ALASKA WARRIOR.................... 590350 LLG 2083ALLIANCE.......................... 622750 LLG 2905AMERICAN NO I..................... 610654 LLG 2028ARCTIC ROSE....................... 931446 LLG 3895ARICA............................. 550139 LLG 2429BERING ENTERPRISE................. 610869 LLG 3744CAPE HORN......................... 653806 LLG 2432CONSTELLATION..................... 640364 LLG 1147DEFENDER.......................... 665983 LLG 3217ENTERPRISE........................ 657383 \1\ LLG 4831GOLDEN FLEECE..................... 609951 LLG 2524HARVESTER ENTERPRISE.............. 584902 LLG 3741LEGACY............................ 664882 LLG 3714OCEAN ALASKA...................... 623210 LLG 4360

OCEAN PEACE....................... 677399 LLG 2138PROSPERITY........................ 615485 LLG 1802REBECCA IRENE..................... 697637 LLG 3958SEAFISHER......................... 575587 LLG 2014SEAFREEZE ALASKA.................. 517242 LLG 4692TREMONT........................... 529154 LLG 2785U.S. INTREPID..................... 604439 LLG 3662UNIMAK............................ 637693 LLG 3957VAERDAL........................... 611225 LLG 1402------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ LLG 4831 is the LLP license originally assigned to the F/V

ENTERPRISE, USCG Documentation Number 657383 for all relevant purposes

of this part. [72 FR 52739, Sept. 14, 2007]

Sec. Table 32 to Part 679-- Amendment 80 Initial QS Pool ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Amendment 80

Amendment 80 species Management area initial QS pool in

units------------------------------------------------------------------------Atka mackerel................... BS/541............ [Sigma] Highest

542............... Five Years in

543............... metric tons in

the Amendment 80

official record

as of December

31, 2007, for

that Amendment 80

species in that

management area.-----------------------------------------------------AI Pacific ocean perch.......... 541...............


543...............-----------------------------------------------------Flathead sole................... BSAI..............Pacific cod..................... BSAI..............Rock sole....................... BSAI..............Yellowfin sole.................. BSAI..............------------------------------------------------------------------------ [72 FR 52739, Sept. 14, 2007]

Sec. Table 33 to Part 679-- Annual Apportion of Amendment 80 Species

ITAC Between the Amendment 80 and BSAI Trawl Limited Access Sectors

(Except Yellowfin Sole) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Percentage of

ITAC allocated Percentage of ITAC

Fishery Management area Year to the allocated to the

Amendment 80 BSAI trawl limited

sector access sector----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Atka Mackerel................... 543................ All years......... 100 0


542................ 2008.............. 98 2

2009.............. 96 4

2010.............. 94 6

2011.............. 93 8

2012 and all 90 10

future years.


541/EBS............ 2008.............. 98 2

2009.............. 96 4

2010.............. 94 6

2011.............. 92 8

2012 and all 90 10

future years.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aleutian Islands Pacific ocean 543................ All years......... 98 2



542................ 2008.............. 95 5

2009 and all 90 10

future years.


541................ 2008.............. 95 5

2009 and all 90 10

future years.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pacific cod..................... BSAI............... All years......... 13.4 N/A----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rock sole....................... BSAI............... All years......... 100 0----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Flathead sole................... BSAI............... All years......... 100 0---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [72 FR 52739, Sept. 14, 2007; 72 FR 61214, Oct. 29, 2007] Sec. Table 34 to Part 679-- Annual Apportionment of BSAI Yellowfin Sole

Between the Amendment 80 and BSAI Trawl Limited Access Sectors ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

then the

yellowfin and the amount and the amount

If the yellowfin sole ITAC of yellowfin of yellowfin

sole ITAC is rate for sole ITAC sole ITAC

Row No. between . . . and . . . the allocated to allocated to

Amendment Amendment 80 the BSAI trawl

80 sector Sector is . . . limited access

is . . . sector is . . .


Column A........ Column B........ Column C Column D....... Column E----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Row 1........................ 0 mt............ 87,499 mt....... 0.93 ITAC x Row 1, ITAC--Row 1,

Column C. Column E.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Row 2........................ 87,500 mt....... 94,999 mt....... 0.875 (Amount of ITAC ITAC--Row 2,

greater than Column D.

87,499 mt and

less than

95,000 mt x

Row 2, Column

C) + Row 1,

Column D.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Row 3........................ 95,000 mt....... 102,499 mt...... 0.82 (Amount of ITAC ITAC--Row 3,

greater than Column D.

94,999 mt and

less than

102,500 mt x

Row 3, Column

C) + Column D,

Row 2.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Row 4........................ 102,500 mt...... 109,999 mt...... 0.765 (Amount of ITAC ITAC--Row 4,

greater than Column D.

102,499 mt and

less than

110,000 mt x

Row 4, Column

C) + Column D,

Row 3.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Row 5........................ 110,000 mt...... 117,499 mt...... 0.71 (Amount of ITAC ITAC--Row 5,

greater than Column D.

109,999 mt and

less than

117,500 mt x

Row 5, Column

C) + Column D,

Row 4.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Row 6........................ 117,500 mt...... 124,999 mt...... 0.655 (Amount of ITAC ITAC--Row 6,

greater than Column D.

117,499 mt and

less than

125,000 mt x

Row 6, Column

C) + Column D,

Row 5).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Row 7........................ 125,000 mt and greater 0.6 (Amount of ITAC ITAC--Row 7,

greater than Column D.

124,999 mt x

Row 7, Column

C) + Column D,

Row 6.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [72 FR 52739, Sept. 14, 2007]

Sec. Table 35 to Part 679--Apportionment of Crab PSC and Halibut PSC

Between the Amendment 80 and BSAI Trawl Limited Access Sectors ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

C. opilio

Halibut PSC Zone 1 Red crab PSC Zone 1 C. Zone 2 C.

Fishery Year limit in the king crab limit bairdi crab bairdi crab

BSAI PSC limit . (COBLZ) . . PSC limit . PSC limit .

. . . . . . .


as a percentage of the total BSAI trawl PSC limit

after allocation as PSQ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amendment 80 sector.......... 2008 2,525 mt 62.48 61.44 52.64 29.59

2009 2,475 mt 59.36 58.37 50.01 28.11

2010 2,425 mt 56.23 55.3 47.38 26.63

2011 2,375 mt 53.11 52.22 44.74 25.15

2012 and 2,325 mt 49.98 49.15 42.11 23.67

all future

years----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BSAI trawl limited access.... All years 875 mt 30.58 32.14 46.99 46.81---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [72 FR 52739, Sept. 14, 2007]

Sec. Table 36 to Part 679-- Percentage of Crab and Halibut PSC Limit

Assigned to Each Amendment 80 Species --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The percentage of the Amendment 80 sector PSC limit assigned to each Amendment 80

species is . . .

For the following PSC species . . . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

AI Pacific

Atka mackerel ocean perch Pacific cod Flathead sole Rock sole Yellowfin sole--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Halibut......................................................... 3.96 1.87 24.79 13.47 24.19 31.72Zone 1 Red king crab............................................ 0.14% 0.56% 6.88% 0.48% 61.79% 30.16%C. opilio crab (COBLZ).......................................... 0% 0.06% 6.28% 17.91% 9.84% 65.91%Zone 1 C. bairdi crab........................................... 0% 0% 17.01% 3.13% 56.15% 23.71%Zone 2 C. bairdi crab........................................... 0.01% 0.03% 7.92% 37.31% 7.03% 47.70%-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [72 FR 52739, Sept. 14, 2007]

Sec. Table 37 to Part 679-- GOA Amendment 80 Sideboard Limit for

Groundfish for the Amendment 80 Sector ------------------------------------------------------------------------

In the following management

areas in the GOA and in

adjacent waters open by the The sideboard

State of Alaska for which it limit for . . . Is . . .adopts a Federal fishing season

. . .------------------------------------------------------------------------Area 610....................... Pollock........... 0.3% of the TAC.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr----------------------------------------Area 620....................... Pollock........... 0.2% of the TAC.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr----------------------------------------Area 630....................... Pollock........... 0.2% of the TAC.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr----------------------------------------Area 640....................... Pollock........... 0.2% of the TAC.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr----------------------------------------West Yakutat District.......... Pacific cod....... 3.4% of the TAC.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Pacific ocean 96.1% of the TAC.


Pelagic shelf 89.6% of the TAC.

rockfish.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr----------------------------------------Central GOA.................... Pacific cod....... 4.4% of the TAC.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Pacific ocean Subject to

perch. regulations in

subpart G to this


Pelagic shelf Subject to

rockfish. regulations in

subpart G to this


Northern rockfish. Subject to

regulations in

subpart G to this

part.TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT----------------------------------------Western GOA.................... Pacific cod....... 2.0% of the TAC.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Pacific ocean 99.4% of the TAC.


Pelagic shelf 76.4% of the TAC.


Northern rockfish. 100% of the TAC.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [72 FR 52739, Sept. 14, 2007] Sec. Table 38 to Part 679-- GOA Amendment 80 Sideboard Limit for Halibut

PSC for the Amendment 80 Sector ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The maximum percentage of the total GOA halibut PSC limit that may be used by

all Amendment 80 qualified vessels subject to the halibut PSC sideboard limit

as those seasons\1\ are established in the annual harvest specifications is .

In the . . . . .


Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shallow-water species fishery as 0.48 1.89 1.46 0.74 2.27

defined in Sec.

679.21(d)(3)(iii)(A) in the GOA

or adjacent waters open by the

State of Alaska for which it

adopts a Federal fishing

season.........................Deep-water species fishery as 1.15 10.72 5.21 0.14 3.71

defined in Sec.

679.21(d)(3)(iii)(B) in the GOA

or adjacent waters open by the

State of Alaska for which it

adopts a Federal fishing

season.........................----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ Any residual amount of a seasonal sideboard halibut PSC limit may carry forward to the next season limit

(see Sec. 679.92(b)(2)). [79 FR 9641, Feb. 20, 2014]

Sec. Table 39 to Part 679-- Amendment 80 Vessels That May Be Used to

Directed Fish for Flatfish in the GOA ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Column B: USCG

Column A: Name of Amendment 80 vessel Documentation No.------------------------------------------------------------------------ALLIANCE..................................... 622750AMERICAN NO I................................ 610654DEFENDER..................................... 665983GOLDEN FLEECE................................ 609951LEGACY....................................... 664882OCEAN ALASKA................................. 623210OCEAN PEACE.................................. 677399SEAFREEZE ALASKA............................. 517242U.S. INTREPID................................ 604439UNIMAK....................................... 637693VAERDAL...................................... 611225------------------------------------------------------------------------ [72 FR 52739, Sept. 14, 2007]

Sec. Table 40 to Part 679--BSAI Halibut PSC Sideboard Limits for AFA

Catcher/Processors and AFA Catcher Vessels ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The AFA catcher/ The AFA catcher vessel

In the following target species categories as defined in Sec. processor halibut PSC halibut PSC sideboard

679.21(e)(3)(iv) . . . sideboard limit in limit in metric tons is

metric tons is . . . . . .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All target species categories................................. 286 N/APacific cod trawl............................................. N/A 887Pacific cod hook-and-line or pot.............................. N/A 2Yellowfin sole................................................ N/A 101Rock sole/flathead sole/other flatfish \1\.................... N/A 228Turbot/Arrowtooth/Sablefish................................... N/A 0Rockfish \2\.................................................. N/A 2Pollock/Atka mackerel/other species........................... N/A 5----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ ``Other flatfish'' for PSC monitoring includes all flatfish species, except for halibut (a prohibited

species), Greenland turbot, rock sole, flathead sole, yellowfin sole, and arrowtooth flounder.\2\ Applicable from July 1 through December 31. [72 FR 52739, Sept. 14, 2007]

Sec. Table 41 to Part 679--BSAI Crab PSC Sideboard Limits for AFA

Catcher/Processors and AFA Catcher Vessels ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The AFA catcher/processor

For the following crab species crab PSC sideboard limit is The AFA catcher vessel crab Multiplied by . .

in the following areas . . . equal to the following ratio PSC sideboard limit is equal .

. . . to the following ratio . . .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Red king crab Zone 1............ 0.007 0.299 The PSC amount in

number of animals

available to

trawl vessels in

the BSAI after

allocation of PSQ

established in

the annual



for that calendar

year.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C. opilio crab (COBLZ).......... 0.153 0.168---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zone 1C. bairdi crab............ 0.14 0.33---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zone 2C. bairdi crab............ 0.05 0.186---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [72 FR 52739, Sept. 14, 2007]

Sec. Table 42 to Part 679--Bering Sea Habitat Conservation Area ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Longitude Latitude------------------------------------------------------------------------179 19.95W 59 25.15N------------------------------------------------------------------------177 51.76W 58 28.85N------------------------------------------------------------------------175 36.52W 58 11.78N------------------------------------------------------------------------174 32.36W 58 8.37N------------------------------------------------------------------------174 26.33W 57 31.31N------------------------------------------------------------------------174 0.82W 56 52.83N------------------------------------------------------------------------173 0.71W 56 24.05N------------------------------------------------------------------------170 40.32W 56 1.97N------------------------------------------------------------------------168 56.63W 55 19.30N------------------------------------------------------------------------168 0.08W 54 5.95N------------------------------------------------------------------------170 0.00W 53 18.24N------------------------------------------------------------------------170 0.00W 55 0.00N------------------------------------------------------------------------178 46.69E 55 0.00N------------------------------------------------------------------------178 27.25E 55 10.50N------------------------------------------------------------------------178 6.48E 55 0.00N------------------------------------------------------------------------177 15.00E 55 0.00N------------------------------------------------------------------------177 15.00E 55 5.00N------------------------------------------------------------------------176 0.00E 55 5.00N------------------------------------------------------------------------176 0.00E 55 0.00N------------------------------------------------------------------------172 6.35E 55 0.00N------------------------------------------------------------------------173 59.70E 56 16.96N------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: The area is delineated by connecting the coordinates in the order

listed by straight lines. The last set of coordinates for each area is

connected to the first set of coordinates for the area by a straight

line. The projected coordinate system is North American Datum 1983,

Albers. [73 FR 43370, July 25, 2008]

Sec. Table 43 to Part 679--Northern Bering Sea Research Area ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Longitude Latitude------------------------------------------------------------------------168............................ 7.41 W 65............... *37.91 N165............................ 1.54 W 60............... 45.54 N167............................ 59.98 W 60............... 45.55 N169............................ 00.00 W 60............... 35.50 N169............................ 00.00 W 61............... 00.00 N171............................ 45.00 W 61............... 00.00 N171............................ 45.00 W 60............... 54.00 N174............................ 1.24 W 60............... 54.00 N176............................ 13.51 W 62............... 6.56 N172............................ 24.00 W 63............... 57.03 N172............................ 24.00 W 62............... 42.00 N168............................ 24.00 W 62............... 42.00 N168............................ 24.00 W 64............... 0.00 N172............................ 17.42 W 64............... 0.01 N168............................ 58.62 W 65............... 30.00 N168............................ 58.62 W 65............... **49.81 N------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: The area is delineated by connecting the coordinates in the order

listed by straight lines except as noted by * below. The last set of

coordinates for the area is connected to the first set of coordinates

for the area by a straight line. The projected coordinate system is

North American Datum 1983, Albers.* This boundary extends in a clockwise direction from this set of

geographic coordinates along the shoreline at mean lower-low tide line

to the next set of coordinates.** Intersection of the 1990 United States/Russia maritime boundary line

and a line from Cape Prince of Wales to Cape Dezhneva (Russia) that

defines the boundary between the Chukchi and Bering Seas, Area 400 and

Area 514, respectively. [75 FR 61652, Oct. 6, 2010] Sec. Table 44 to Part 679--Nunivak Island, Etolin Strait, and Kuskokwim

Bay Habitat Conservation Area ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Longitude Latitude------------------------------------------------------------------------165 1.54W 60 45.54N*------------------------------------------------------------------------162 7.01W 58 38.27N------------------------------------------------------------------------162 10.51W 58 38.35N------------------------------------------------------------------------162 34.31W 58 38.36N------------------------------------------------------------------------162 34.32W 58 39.16N------------------------------------------------------------------------162 34.23W 58 40.48N------------------------------------------------------------------------162 34.09W 58 41.79N------------------------------------------------------------------------162 33.91W 58 43.08N------------------------------------------------------------------------162 33.63W 58 44.41N------------------------------------------------------------------------162 33.32W 58 45.62N------------------------------------------------------------------------162 32.93W 58 46.80N------------------------------------------------------------------------162 32.44W 58 48.11N------------------------------------------------------------------------162 31.95W 58 49.22N------------------------------------------------------------------------162 31.33W 58 50.43N------------------------------------------------------------------------162 30.83W 58 51.42N------------------------------------------------------------------------162 30.57W 58 51.97N------------------------------------------------------------------------163 17.72W 59 20.16N------------------------------------------------------------------------164 11.01W 59 34.15N------------------------------------------------------------------------164 42.00W 59 41.80N------------------------------------------------------------------------165 0.00W 59 42.60N------------------------------------------------------------------------165 1.45W 59 37.39N------------------------------------------------------------------------167 40.20W 59 24.47N------------------------------------------------------------------------168 0.00W 59 49.13N------------------------------------------------------------------------167 59.98W 60 45.55N------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: The area is delineated by connecting the coordinates in the order

listed by straight lines, except as noted by * below. The last set of

coordinates for each area is connected to the first set of coordinates

for the area by a straight line. The projected coordinate system is

North American Datum 1983, Albers.* This boundary extends in a clockwise direction from this set of

geographic coordinates along the shoreline at mean lower-low tide line

to the next set of coordinates. [73 FR 43370, July 25, 2008] Sec. Table 45 to Part 679--St. Lawrence Island Habitat Conservation Area ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Longitude Latitude------------------------------------------------------------------------168 24.00W 64 0.00N------------------------------------------------------------------------168 24.00W 62 42.00N------------------------------------------------------------------------172 24.00W 62 42.00N------------------------------------------------------------------------172 24.00W 63 57.03N------------------------------------------------------------------------172 17.42W 64 0.01N------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: The area is delineated by connecting the coordinates in the order

listed by straight lines. The last set of coordinates for each area is

connected to the first set of coordinates for the area by a straight

line. The projected coordinate system is North American Datum 1983,

Albers. [73 FR 43370, July 25, 2008]

Sec. Table 46 to Part 679--St. Matthew Island Habitat Conservation Area ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Longitude Latitude------------------------------------------------------------------------171............................ 45.00 W 60............... 54.00 N171............................ 45.00 W 60............... 6.15 N174............................ 0.50 W 59............... 42.26 N174............................ 24.98 W 60............... 9.98 N174............................ 1.24 W 60............... 54.00 N------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: The area is delineated by connecting the coordinates in the order

listed by straight lines. The last set of coordinates for the area is

connected to the first set of coordinates for the area by a straight

line. The projected coordinate system is North American Datum 1983,

Albers. [75 FR 61652, Oct. 6, 2010]

Sec. Table 47a to Part 679--Percent of the AFA Catcher/Processor Sector's Pollock Allocation, Numbers of Chinook Salmon Used To Calculate the Opt-out Allocation and Annual Threshold Amount, and Percent Used To

Calculate IPA Minimum Participation Assigned to Each Catcher/Processor

Under Sec. 679.21(f) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F Column G Column H--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Number of


Number of Number of salmon

Percent of Chinook Chinook deducted Percent used

C/P sector salmon for salmon for from the to calculate

pollock the opt-out the opt-out annual IPA minimum

allocation allocation threshold participation

(8,093) (8,093) amount of

13,516--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vessel name USCG vessel AFA permit Percent A season B season Annual Percent

documentation No.

No.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------American Dynasty........................................ 951307 3681 4.93 324 76 400 1.78American Triumph........................................ 646737 4055 7.25 475 111 586 2.61Northern Eagle.......................................... 506694 3261 6.07 398 93 491 2.19Northern Hawk........................................... 643771 4063 8.45 554 129 683 3.04Northern Jaeger......................................... 521069 3896 7.38 485 113 598 2.66Ocean Rover............................................. 552100 3442 6.39 420 98 518 2.30Alaska Ocean............................................ 637856 3794 7.30 479 112 591 2.63Island Enterprise....................................... 610290 3870 5.60 367 86 453 2.01Kodiak Enterprise....................................... 579450 3671 5.90 387 90 477 2.13Seattle Enterprise...................................... 904767 3245 5.48 359 84 443 1.97Arctic Storm............................................ 903511 2943 4.58 301 70 371 1.65Arctic Fjord............................................ 940866 3396 4.46 293 68 361 1.60Northern Glacier........................................ 663457 661 3.12 205 48 253 1.12Pacific Glacier......................................... 933627 3357 5.06 332 77 409 1.82Highland Light.......................................... 577044 3348 5.14 337 79 416 1.85Starbound............................................... 944658 3414 3.94 259 60 319 1.42Ocean Peace............................................. 677399 2134 0.50 33 8 41 0.18Katie Ann............................................... 518441 1996 0.00 0 0 0 0.00U.S. Enterprise......................................... 921112 3004 0.00 0 0 0 0.00American Enterprise..................................... 594803 2760 0.00 0 0 0 0.00Endurance............................................... 592206 3360 0.00 0 0 0 0.00American Challenger..................................... 633219 4120 0.78 51 12 63 0.28Forum Star.............................................. 925863 4245 0.61 40 9 49 0.22Muir Milach............................................. 611524 480 1.13 74 17 91 0.41Neahkahnie.............................................. 599534 424 1.66 109 25 134 0.60Ocean Harvester......................................... 549892 5130 1.08 71 16 87 0.39Sea Storm............................................... 628959 420 2.05 134 31 165 0.74Tracy Anne.............................................. 904859 2823 1.16 76 18 94 0.42


Total............................................... .............. ........... 100.00 6,563 1,530 8,093 36.00-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [75 FR 53071, Aug. 30, 2010]

Sec. Table 47b to Part 679--Percent of the AFA Mothership Sector's Pollock Allocation, Numbers of Chinook Salmon Used To Calculate the Opt-

Out Allocation and Annual Threshold Amount, and Percent Used To

Calculate IPA Minimum Participation Assigned to Each Mothership Under

Sec. 679.21(f) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F Column G Column H--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Number of


Number of Number of salmon

Percent of Chinook Chinook deducted Percent used

MS sector salmon for salmon for from the to calculate

pollock the opt-out the opt-out annual IPA minimum

allocation allocation threshold participation

(2,220) (2,220) amount of

3,707--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vessel name USCG Vessel AFA Permit Percent A season B season Annual Percent

Documentation No.

No.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------American Beauty......................................... 613847 1688 6.000 96 37 133 0.54

Pacific Challenger...................................... 518937 657 9.671 154 60 214 0.87Nordic Fury............................................. 542651 1094 6.177 99 39 138 0.55Pacific Fury............................................ 561934 421 5.889 94 37 131 0.53Margaret Lyn............................................ 615563 723 5.643 90 35 125 0.51Misty Dawn.............................................. 926647 5946 3.569 57 22 79 0.32Vanguard................................................ 617802 519 5.350 85 33 118 0.48California Horizon...................................... 590758 412 3.786 61 24 85 0.34Oceanic................................................. 602279 1667 7.038 112 44 156 0.63Mar-Gun................................................. 525608 524 6.251 100 39 139 0.56Mark 1.................................................. 509552 1242 6.251 100 39 139 0.56Aleutian Challenger..................................... 603820 1687 4.926 79 31 110 0.44Ocean Leader............................................ 561518 1229 6.000 96 37 133 0.54Papado II............................................... 536161 2087 2.953 47 18 65 0.27Morning Star............................................ 618797 7270 3.601 57 23 80 0.32Traveler................................................ 929356 3404 4.272 68 27 95 0.38Vesteraalen............................................. 611642 517 6.201 99 39 138 0.56Alyeska................................................. 560237 395 2.272 36 14 50 0.20Western Dawn............................................ 524423 134 4.150 66 26 92 0.37


Total............................................... .............. ........... 100.000 1,596 624 2,220 9.00-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [75 FR 53071, Aug. 30, 2010] Sec. Table 47c to Part 679--Percent of the AFA Inshore Sector's Pollock

Allocation, Numbers of Chinook Salmon Used To Calculate the Opt-Out

Allocation and Annual Threshold Amount, and Percent Used To Calculate

IPA Minimum Participation Assigned to Each Catcher Vessel Under Sec.

679.21(f) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F Column G Column H--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Number of


Number of Number of salmon

Percent of Chinook Chinook deducted Percent used

sector salmon for salmon for from the to calculate

pollock the opt-out the opt-out annual IPA minimum

allocation allocation threshold participation

(15,858) (15,858) amount of

26,485--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vessel name USCG Vessel AFA Permit Percent A Season B Season Annual Percent

documentation No.

No.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AJ...................................................... 599164 3405 0.6958 69 41 110 0.31Alaska Rose............................................. 610984 515 1.6835 167 100 267 0.76Alaskan Command......................................... 599383 3391 0.3711 37 22 59 0.17Aldebaran............................................... 664363 901 1.4661 146 87 233 0.66Alsea................................................... 626517 2811 1.6635 165 99 264 0.75Alyeska................................................. 560237 395 1.2192 121 72 193 0.55American Beauty......................................... 613847 1688 0.0425 4 2 6 0.02American Eagle.......................................... 558605 434 1.0682 106 63 169 0.48Anita J................................................. 560532 1913 0.4999 50 30 80 0.22Arctic Explorer......................................... 936302 3388 1.6236 161 96 257 0.73Arctic Wind............................................. 608216 5137 1.1034 110 65 175 0.50Arcturus................................................ 655328 533 1.5450 153 91 244 0.70Argosy.................................................. 611365 2810 1.6330 162 97 259 0.73Auriga.................................................. 639547 2889 3.0981 308 184 492 1.39Aurora.................................................. 636919 2888 3.0990 308 184 492 1.39Bering Rose............................................. 624325 516 1.7238 171 102 273 0.78Blue Fox................................................ 979437 4611 0.3140 31 19 50 0.14Bristol Explorer........................................ 647985 3007 1.5398 153 91 244 0.69

Caitlin Ann............................................. 960836 3800 0.9357 93 55 148 0.42Cape Kiwanda............................................ 618158 1235 0.2282 23 13 36 0.10Chelsea K............................................... 976753 4620 4.6467 462 275 737 2.09Collier Brothers........................................ 593809 2791 0.1534 15 9 24 0.07Columbia................................................ 615729 1228 1.4429 143 85 228 0.65Commodore............................................... 914214 2657 1.2595 125 75 200 0.57Defender................................................ 554030 3257 3.4822 346 206 552 1.57Destination............................................. 571879 3988 2.1528 214 128 342 0.97Dominator............................................... 602309 411 1.7505 174 104 278 0.79Dona Martita............................................ 651751 2047 2.1033 209 125 334 0.95Elizabeth F............................................. 526037 823 0.3835 38 23 61 0.17Excalibur II............................................ 636602 410 0.5200 52 31 83 0.23Exodus Explorer......................................... 598666 1249 0.2990 30 18 48 0.13Fierce Allegiance....................................... 588849 4133 0.9377 93 56 149 0.42Flying Cloud............................................ 598380 1318 1.6410 163 97 260 0.74Gold Rush............................................... 521106 1868 0.4062 40 24 64 0.18Golden Dawn............................................. 604315 1292 1.7532 174 104 278 0.79Golden Pisces........................................... 599585 586 0.2706 27 16 43 0.12Great Pacific........................................... 608458 511 1.2361 123 73 196 0.56Gun-Mar................................................. 640130 425 2.2201 221 132 353 1.00Half Moon Bay........................................... 615796 249 0.5859 58 35 93 0.26Hazel Lorraine.......................................... 592211 523 0.3847 38 23 61 0.17Hickory Wind............................................ 594154 993 0.3055 30 18 48 0.14Intrepid Explorer....................................... 988598 4993 1.1458 114 68 182 0.52Leslie Lee.............................................. 584873 1234 0.5480 54 32 86 0.25Lisa Melinda............................................ 584360 4506 0.2192 22 13 35 0.10Majesty................................................. 962718 3996 0.9958 99 59 158 0.45Marcy J................................................. 517024 2142 0.1799 18 11 29 0.08Margaret Lyn............................................ 615563 723 0.0341 3 2 5 0.02Mar-Gun................................................. 525608 524 0.1043 10 6 16 0.05Mark I.................................................. 509552 1242 0.0452 4 3 7 0.02Messiah................................................. 610150 6081 0.2291 23 14 37 0.10Miss Berdie............................................. 913277 3679 0.6110 61 36 97 0.27Morning Star............................................ 610393 208 1.6981 169 101 270 0.76Ms Amy.................................................. 920936 2904 0.4882 48 29 77 0.22Nordic Explorer......................................... 678234 3009 1.1045 110 65 175 0.50Nordic Fury............................................. 542651 1094 0.0207 2 1 3 0.01Nordic Star............................................. 584684 428 1.0103 100 60 160 0.45Northern Patriot........................................ 637744 2769 2.4115 240 143 383 1.09Northwest Explorer...................................... 609384 3002 0.2387 24 14 38 0.11Ocean Explorer.......................................... 678236 3011 1.3744 137 81 218 0.62Morning Star............................................ 652395 1640 0.5290 53 31 84 0.24Ocean Hope 3............................................ 652397 1623 0.4175 41 25 66 0.19Ocean Leader............................................ 561518 1229 0.0545 5 3 8 0.02Oceanic................................................. 602279 1667 0.1348 13 8 21 0.06Pacific Challenger...................................... 518937 657 0.1680 17 10 27 0.08Pacific Explorer........................................ 678237 3010 1.2895 128 76 204 0.58Pacific Fury............................................ 561934 421 0.0121 1 1 2 0.01Pacific Knight.......................................... 561771 2783 2.1816 217 129 346 0.98Pacific Monarch......................................... 557467 2785 1.5992 159 95 254 0.72Pacific Prince.......................................... 697280 4194 2.4099 239 143 382 1.08Pacific Ram............................................. 589115 4305 0.2035 20 12 32 0.09Pacific Viking.......................................... 555058 422 1.0909 108 65 173 0.49Pegasus................................................. 565120 1265 0.6950 69 41 110 0.31Peggy Jo................................................ 502779 979 0.3324 33 20 53 0.15Perseverance............................................ 536873 2837 0.2954 29 17 46 0.13Poseidon................................................ 610436 1164 1.2411 123 73 196 0.56Predator................................................ 547390 1275 0.1968 20 12 32 0.09Progress................................................ 565349 512 1.0118 100 60 160 0.46Providian............................................... 1062183 6308 0.3822 38 23 61 0.17Raven................................................... 629499 1236 0.7116 71 42 113 0.32Royal American.......................................... 624371 543 0.9698 96 57 153 0.44

Royal Atlantic.......................................... 559271 236 1.3095 130 78 208 0.59Sea Wolf................................................ 609823 1652 1.5156 151 90 241 0.68Seadawn................................................. 548685 2059 1.4108 140 84 224 0.63Seeker.................................................. 924585 2849 0.3695 37 22 59 0.17Sovereignty............................................. 651752 2770 2.3513 234 139 373 1.06Star Fish............................................... 561651 1167 1.5114 150 90 240 0.68Starlite................................................ 597065 1998 1.2252 122 73 195 0.55Starward................................................ 617807 417 1.2611 125 75 200 0.57Storm Petrel............................................ 620769 1641 1.2334 123 73 196 0.56Sunset Bay.............................................. 598484 251 0.5596 56 33 89 0.25Topaz................................................... 575428 405 0.0828 8 5 13 0.04Traveler................................................ 929356 3404 0.0413 4 2 6 0.02Vanguard................................................ 617802 519 0.0565 6 3 9 0.03Viking.................................................. 565017 1222 1.6575 165 98 263 0.75Viking Explorer......................................... 605228 1116 1.1881 118 70 188 0.53Walter N................................................ 257365 825 0.4031 40 24 64 0.18Western Dawn............................................ 524423 134 0.3952 39 23 62 0.18Westward I.............................................. 615165 1650 1.5544 154 92 246 0.70


Total............................................... .............. ........... 100.00 9,933 5,925 15,858 45.00-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [75 FR 53071, Aug. 30, 2010]

Sec. Table 47d to Part 679--Percent of the CDQ Program's Pollock

Allocation, Numbers of Chinook Salmon Used To Calculate the Opt-Out

Allocation and Annual Threshold Amount, and Percent Used To Calculate

IPA Minimum Participation Assigned to Each CDQ Group Under Sec.

679.21(f) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Number of Chinook Number of Chinook Number of Chinook

salmon for the salmon for the salmon deducted Percent used to

Percent of CDQ opt-out opt-out from the annual calculate IPA

Program pollock allocation allocation threshold amount minimum

(2,325) (2,325) of 3,883 participation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CDQ group Percent A season B season Annual Percent--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------APICDA................................................... 14.00 260 66 326 1.40BBEDC.................................................... 21.00 389 99 488 2.10CBSFA.................................................... 5.00 93 23 116 0.50CVRF..................................................... 24.00 445 113 558 2.40NSEDC.................................................... 22.00 408 103 511 2.20YDFDA.................................................... 14.00 260 66 326 1.40


Total................................................ 100.00 1,855 470 2,325 10.00-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [75 FR 53071, Aug. 30, 2010]

Sec. Table 48 to Part 679 [Reserved]

Sec. Table 49 to Part 679--Groundfish Licenses Qualifying for Hook-and-

Line Catcher/Processor Endorsement Exemption ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Shall receive a Pacific cod

endorsement with a catcher/processor

Groundfish license * * * and a hook-and-line designation in the

following regulatory area(s) * * *------------------------------------------------------------------------LLG 1400........................ Central Gulf of Alaska.LLG 1713........................ Central Gulf of Alaska.LLG 1785........................ Central Gulf of Alaska.LLG 1916........................ Central Gulf of Alaska.LLG 2112........................ Central Gulf of Alaska and Western

Gulf of Alaska.LLG 2783........................ Central Gulf of Alaska.LLG 2892........................ Central Gulf of Alaska.LLG 2958........................ Central Gulf of Alaska.LLG 3616........................ Central Gulf of Alaska.LLG 3617........................ Central Gulf of Alaska.LLG 3676........................ Central Gulf of Alaska.LLG 4823........................ Central Gulf of Alaska.LLG 2081........................ Western Gulf of Alaska.LLG 3090........................ Western Gulf of Alaska.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [76 FR 15840, Mar. 22, 2011]

Sec. Table 50 to Part 679 [Reserved]

Sec. Table 51 to Part 679--Modified Gear Trawl Zone ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Longitude Latitude------------------------------------------------------------------------171............................ 45.00 W 61............... 00.00 N169............................ 00.00 W 61............... 00.00 N169............................ 00.00 W 60............... 35.48 N171............................ 45.00 W 60............... 06.15 N------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: The area is delineated by connecting the coordinates in the order

listed by straight lines. The last set of coordinates for the area is

connected to the first set of coordinates for the area by a straight

line. The projected coordinate system is North American Datum 1983,

Albers. [75 FR 61652, Oct. 6, 2010]