(a) Cost recovery fees--(1) Responsibility. The person documented on the IFQ, IPQ, CDQ, RCR, Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission (CFEC), or State of Alaska Commissioner's permit as the permit holder at the time of a CR crab landing must comply with the requirements of this section.
(1) Responsibility. The person documented on the IFQ, IPQ, CDQ, RCR, Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission (CFEC), or State of Alaska Commissioner's permit as the permit holder at the time of a CR crab landing must comply with the requirements of this section.
(i) Subsequent transfer of IFQ, IPQ, CDQ, or QS does not affect the permit holder's liability for noncompliance with this section.
(ii) Non-renewal of an RCR permit does not affect the permit holder's liability for noncompliance with this section.
(2) Fee liability determination. (i) All CR allocation holders and RCR permit holders will be subject to a fee liability for any CR crab debited from a CR allocation during a crab fishing year, except for crab designated as personal use or deadloss, or crab confiscated by NMFS or the State of Alaska.
(i) All CR allocation holders and RCR permit holders will be subject to a fee liability for any CR crab debited from a CR allocation during a crab fishing year, except for crab designated as personal use or deadloss, or crab confiscated by NMFS or the State of Alaska.
(ii) Fee liability must be calculated by multiplying the applicable fee percentage by the ex-vessel value of the CR crab received by the RCR at the time of receipt, except as provided by paragraph (b)(3) of this section.
(iii) NMFS will provide a summary to all RCR permit holders during the last quarter of the crab fishing year. The summary will explain the fee liability determination including the current fee percentage, details of raw crab pounds debited from CR allocations by permit, port or port-group, species, date, and prices.
(3) Fee collection. (i) All RCRs who receive CR crab are responsible for submitting the cost recovery payment for all CR crab received.
(i) All RCRs who receive CR crab are responsible for submitting the cost recovery payment for all CR crab received.
(ii) All RCRs who receive CR crab in a crab fishing year must maintain and submit records for any crab cost recovery fees collected under the corresponding RCR permit.
(4) Payment--(i) Payment due date. An RCR permit holder must submit any crab cost recovery fee liability payment(s) to NMFS at the address provided in paragraph (a)(4)(iii) of this section no later than July 31 of the crab fishing year following the crab fishing year in which the payment for a CR crab landing was made.
(i) Payment due date. An RCR permit holder must submit any crab cost recovery fee liability payment(s) to NMFS at the address provided in paragraph (a)(4)(iii) of this section no later than July 31 of the crab fishing year following the crab fishing year in which the payment for a CR crab landing was made.
(ii) Payment recipient. Make payment payable to NMFS.
(iii) Payment address. Submit payment and related documents as instructed on the fee form; payments may also be submitted electronically to NMFS. Forms are available on the NMFS Alaska Region website at http://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov, or by contacting NMFS at: 800-304-4846, Option 2.
(iv) Payment method. Payment must be made in U.S. dollars by personal check drawn on a U.S. bank account, money order, bank certified check, or credit card.
(b) Ex-vessel value determination and use--(1) General. An RCR permit holder must use either the ex-vessel value determined for shoreside processors or the ex-vessel value determined for at-sea Catcher/Processors (CP), depending on their activity. Ex-vessel value includes all cash, services, or other goods-in-kind exchanged for CR crab.
(1) General. An RCR permit holder must use either the ex-vessel value determined for shoreside processors or the ex-vessel value determined for at-sea Catcher/Processors (CP), depending on their activity. Ex-vessel value includes all cash, services, or other goods-in-kind exchanged for CR crab.
(2) Shoreside ex-vessel value. Shoreside processing facilities must use the price paid at the time of purchase as ex-vessel value for the purposes of calculating fee liability. Shoreside processing facilities must include any subsequent retroactive payments as adjustments to the initial calculation of fee liability.
(3) Catcher/processor ex-vessel value--(i) General. Catcher/processors must use the corresponding CP standard price(s) for the purposes of calculating fee liability.
(i) General. Catcher/processors must use the corresponding CP standard price(s) for the purposes of calculating fee liability.
(ii) CP standard prices. As part of the summary described in paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section, the Regional Administrator will provide CP standard prices calculated for the current year during the last quarter of each crab fishing year. The CP standard prices will be described in U.S. dollars per raw crab pound, for CR crab debited from CR allocations during the current crab fishing year.
(iii) Effective period. CP standard prices established by NMFS shall apply to all landings made in the same crab fishing year as the CP standard price provided for that year and shall replace any CP standard prices previously provided by NMFS.
(iv) Determination. NMFS will calculate the CP standard prices to reflect, as closely as possible, the current crab fishing year's average shoreside processor price by fishery and by species, and any variations in reported shoreside ex-vessel values of CR crab. The Regional Administrator will base CP standard prices on the following types of information:
(A) Landed pounds by CR crab, port-group, and month;
(B) Total shoreside ex-vessel value by CR crab, port-group, and month; and
(C) Price adjustments, including retroactive payments.
(4) Fee liability calculation. All RCRs must base all fee liability calculations on the ex-vessel value that correlates to CR crab that is debited from a CR allocation and recorded in raw crab pounds.
(c) Crab fee percentage--(1) Established percentage. The crab fee percentage is the amount as determined by the factors and methodology described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section. This amount will be announced by publication in the Federal Register in accordance with paragraph (c)(3) of this section. This amount must not exceed 3 percent pursuant to 16 U.S.C. 1854(d)(2)(B).
(1) Established percentage. The crab fee percentage is the amount as determined by the factors and methodology described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section. This amount will be announced by publication in the Federal Register in accordance with paragraph (c)(3) of this section. This amount must not exceed 3 percent pursuant to 16 U.S.C. 1854(d)(2)(B).
(i) The calculated crab fee percentage will be divided equally between the harvesting and processing sectors.
(ii) Catcher/Processors must pay the full crab fee percentage determined by the fee percentage calculation for all CR crab debited from a CR allocation.
(2) Calculating fee percentage value. Each year NMFS shall calculate and publish the fee percentage according to the following factors and methodology:
(i) Factors. NMFS must use the following factors to determine the fee percentage:
(A) The catch to which the crab cost recovery fee will apply;
(B) The ex-vessel value of that catch; and
(C) The costs directly related to the management and enforcement of the Crab Rationalization Program.
(ii) Methodology. NMFS must use the following equations to determine the fee percentage: Harvesting and Processing Sectors: [100 (DPC/ V)] 0.5Catcher/Processors: 100 (DPC /V)
where: ``DPC'' is the direct program costs for the Crab Rationalization Program
for the previous fiscal year, and``V'' is the ex-vessel value of the catch subject to the crab cost
recovery fee liability for the current year.
(3) Publication--(i) General. During the first quarter of each crab fishing year, NMFS shall calculate the crab fee percentage based on the calculations described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section.
(i) General. During the first quarter of each crab fishing year, NMFS shall calculate the crab fee percentage based on the calculations described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section.
(ii) Effective period. The calculated IFQ fee percentage remains in effect through the end of the crab fishing year in which it was determined.
(4) Applicable percentage. The RCR permit holder must use the crab fee percentage in effect at the time a CR crab is debited from a CR allocation to calculate the crab cost recovery fee liability for such CR crab. The RCR permit holder must use the crab fee percentage in effect at the time a CR crab is debited from a CR allocation to calculate the crab cost recovery fee liability for any retroactive payments for that CR crab.
(d) Underpayment of fee liability. (1) Under Sec. 680.4, an applicant will not receive new IFQ, IPQ, or RCR permits until he or she submits a complete application. A complete application shall include full payment of an applicant's complete crab cost recovery fee liability as reported by the RCR.
(1) Under Sec. 680.4, an applicant will not receive new IFQ, IPQ, or RCR permits until he or she submits a complete application. A complete application shall include full payment of an applicant's complete crab cost recovery fee liability as reported by the RCR.
(2) If an RCR fails to submit full payment for crab cost recovery fee liability by the date described in paragraph (a)(4) of this section, the Regional Administrator may:
(i) At any time thereafter send an IAD to the RCR permit holder stating that the RCR permit holder's estimated fee liability, as indicated by his or her own submitted information, is the crab cost recovery fee liability due from the RCR permit holder.
(ii) Disapprove any transfer of IFQ, IPQ, QS, or PQS to or from the RCR permit holder in accordance with Sec. 680.41.
(3) If an RCR fails to submit full payment by the application deadline described at Sec. 680.4, no IFQ or IPQ permit will be issued to that RCR for that crab fishing year.
(4) Upon final agency action determining that an RCR permit holder has not paid his or her crab cost recovery fee liability, the Regional Administrator may continue to withhold issuance of any new IFQ, IPQ, or RCR permit for any subsequent crab fishing years. If payment is not received by the 30th day after the final agency action, the matter will be referred to the appropriate authorities for purposes of collection.
(e) Over payment. Upon issuance of final agency action, any amount submitted to NMFS in excess of the crab cost recovery fee liability determined to be due by the final agency action will be returned to the RCR permit holder unless the permit holder requests the agency to credit the excess amount against the permit holder's future crab cost recovery fee liability.
(f) Appeals and requests for reconsideration. An RCR permit holder who receives an IAD may either appeal the IAD pursuant to 50 CFR 679.43 or request reconsideration. Within 60 days from the date of issuance of the IAD, the Regional Administrator may undertake reconsideration of the IAD on his or her own initiative. If a request for reconsideration is submitted or the Regional Administrator initiates reconsideration, the 60-day period for appeal under 50 CFR 679.43 will begin anew upon issuance of the Regional Administrator's reconsidered IAD. The Regional Administrator may undertake only one reconsideration of the IAD, if any. If an RCR permit holder fails to file an appeal of the IAD pursuant to 50 CFR 679.43 or request reconsideration within the time period provided, the IAD will become the final agency action. In any appeal or reconsideration of an IAD made under this section, an RCR permit holder has the burden of proving his or her claim.
(g) Fee submission form. An RCR must submit an RCR permit holder fee submission form according to Sec. 680.5(g). [70 FR 10241, Mar. 2, 2005, as amended at 71 FR 44232, Aug. 4, 2006; 73 FR 76190, Dec. 15, 2008; 74 FR 51520, Oct. 7, 2009]
Sec. Table 1 to Part 680--Crab Rationalization (CR) Fisheries ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Code CR Fishery Geographic Area------------------------------------------------------------------------BBR Bristol Bay red In waters of the EEZ with:
king crab (1) A northern boundary of 58[deg]30[min]
(Paralithodes N. lat.,
camtshaticus). (2) A southern boundary of 54[deg]36[min]
N. lat., and
(3) A western boundary of 168[deg] W.
long. and including all waters of
Bristol Bay.------------------------------------------------------------------------BSS Bering Sea Snow In waters of the EEZ with:
crab (1) A northern and western boundary of
(Chionoecetes the Maritime Boundary Agreement Line as
opilio). that line is described in the text of
and depicted in the annex to the
Maritime Boundary Agreement between the
United States and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics signed in
Washington, June 1, 1990, and as the
Maritime Boundary Agreement Line as
depicted on NOAA Chart No. 513 (6th
edition, February 23, 1991) and NOAA
Chart No. 514 (6th edition, February 16,
1991), and
(2) A southern boundary of 54[deg]30[min]
N. lat. to 171[deg] W. long., and then
south to 54[deg]36[min] N. lat.------------------------------------------------------------------------EAG Eastern Aleutian In waters of the EEZ with:
Islands golden (1) An eastern boundary the longitude of
king crab Scotch Cap Light (164[deg]44[min] W.
(Lithodes long.) to 53[deg]30[min] N. lat., then
aequispinus). West to 165[deg] W. long.,
(2) A western boundary of 174[deg] W.
long., and
(3) A northern boundary of a line from
the latitude of Cape Sarichef
(54[deg]36[min] N. lat.) westward to
171[deg] W. long., then north to
55[deg]30[min] N. lat., then west to
174[deg] W. long.------------------------------------------------------------------------
EBT Eastern Bering In waters of the EEZ with:
Sea Tanner crab (1) A western boundary the longitude of
(Chionoecetes 166[deg] W. long.,
bairdi). (2) A northern boundary of the Maritime
Boundary Agreement Line as that line is
described in the text of and depicted in
the annex to the Maritime Boundary
Agreement between the United States and
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
signed in Washington, June 1, 1990, and
as the Maritime Boundary Agreement Line
as depicted on NOAA Chart No. 513 (6th
edition, February 23, 1991) and NOAA
Chart No. 514 (6th edition, February 16,
1991), and
(3) A southern boundary of 54[deg]30'N.
lat.------------------------------------------------------------------------PIK Pribilof red In waters of the EEZ with:
king and blue (1) A northern boundary of 58[deg]30[min]
king crab N. lat.,
(Paralithodes (2) An eastern boundary of 168[deg] W.
camtshaticus long., and
and P. (3) A southern boundary line from
platypus). 54[deg]36[min] N. lat., 168[deg] W.
long., to 54[deg]36[min] N. lat.,
171[deg] W. long., to 55[deg]30[min] N.
lat., 171[deg] W. long., to
55[deg]30[min] N. lat., 173[deg]30[min]
E. lat., and then westward to the
Maritime Boundary Agreement Line as that
line is described in the text of and
depicted in the annex to the Maritime
Boundary Agreement between the United
States and the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics signed in Washington, June 1,
1990, and as the Maritime Boundary
Agreement Line as depicted on NOAA Chart
No. 513 (6th edition, February 23, 1991)
and NOAA Chart No. 514 (6th edition,
February 16, 1991).------------------------------------------------------------------------SMB St. Matthew blue In waters of the EEZ with:
king crab (1) A northern boundary of 62[deg] N.
(Paralithodes lat.,
platypus). (2) A southern boundary of 58[deg]30[min]
N. lat., and
(3) A western boundary of the Maritime
Boundary Agreement Line as that line is
described in the text of and depicted in
the annex to the Maritime Boundary
Agreement between the United States and
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
signed in Washington, June 1, 1990, and
as the Maritime Boundary Agreement Line
as depicted on NOAA Chart No. 513 (6th
edition, February 23, 1991) and NOAA
Chart No. 514 (6th edition, February 16,
1991).------------------------------------------------------------------------WAG Western Aleutian In waters of the EEZ with:
Islands golden (1) An eastern boundary the longitude
king crab 174[deg] W. long.,
(Lithodes (2) A western boundary the Maritime
aequispinus). Boundary Agreement Line as that line is
described in the text of and depicted in
the annex to the Maritime Boundary
Agreement between the United States and
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
signed in Washington, June 1, 1990, and
as the Maritime Boundary Agreement Line
as depicted on NOAA Chart No. 513 (6th
edition, February 23, 1991) and NOAA
Chart No. 514 (6th edition, February 16,
1991), and
(3) A northern boundary of a line from
the latitude of 55[deg]30[min] N. lat.,
then west to the U.S.-Russian Convention
line of 1867.------------------------------------------------------------------------WAI Western Aleutian In waters of the EEZ with:
Islands red (1) An eastern boundary the longitude
king crab 179[deg] W. long.,
(Paralithodes (2) A western boundary of the Maritime
camtshaticus). Boundary Agreement Line as that line is
described in the text of and depicted in
the annex to the Maritime Boundary
Agreement between the United States and
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
signed in Washington, June 1, 1990, and
as the Maritime Boundary Agreement Line
as depicted on NOAA Chart No. 513 (6th
edition, February 23, 1991) and NOAA
Chart No. 514 (6th edition, February 16,
1991), and
(3) A northern boundary of a line from
the latitude of 55[deg]30[min] N. lat.,
then west to the Maritime Boundary
Agreement Line as that line is described
in the text of and depicted in the annex
to the Maritime Boundary Agreement
between the United States and the Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics signed in
Washington, June 1, 1990, and as the
Maritime Boundary Agreement Line as
depicted on NOAA Chart No. 513 (6th
edition, February 23, 1991) and NOAA
Chart No. 514 (6th edition, February 16,
1991).------------------------------------------------------------------------WBT Western Bering In waters of the EEZ with:
Sea Tanner crab (1) An eastern boundary the longitude of
(Chionoecetes 166[deg] W. long.,
bairdi). (2) A northern and western boundary of
the Maritime Boundary Agreement Line as
that line is described in the text of
and depicted in the annex to the
Maritime Boundary Agreement between the
United States and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics signed in
Washington, June 1, 1990, and as the
Maritime Boundary Agreement Line as
depicted on NOAA Chart No. 513 (6th
edition, February 23, 1991) and NOAA
Chart No. 514 (6th edition, February 16,
1991), and
(3) A southern boundary of 54[deg]30[min]
N. lat. to 171[deg] W. long., and then
south to 54[deg]36[min] N. lat.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [71 FR 32866, June 7, 2006]
Sec. Table 3a to Part 680--Crab Delivery Condition Codes
[The condition of the fish or shellfish at the point it is weighed and
recorded on the ADF&G; fish ticket]------------------------------------------------------------------------
Code Description------------------------------------------------------------------------01........................ Whole crab, live.79........................ Deadloss.------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sec. Table 3b to Part 680--Crab Disposition or Product Codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Code Description------------------------------------------------------------------------80........................ Sections.95........................ Personal use--not sold.97........................ Other retained product (specify condition).------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sec. Table 7 to Part 680--Initial Issuance of Crab QS by Crab QS Fishery ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Column D: Recent Column E:
Column B: Column C: Participation Subset of
Column A: Crab QS Fisheries Qualifying Years Eligibility Years Seasons for CVC and Qualifying
for QS for CVC and CPC QS CPC QS Years----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For each crab QS fishery the QS for any In addition, each In addition, each The maximum
Regional Administrator shall qualified person person receiving person receiving number of
calculate (see Sec. based on that CVC and CPC QS CVC or CPC QS, qualifying
680.40(c)(2): person's total must have made at must have made at years that
legal landings of least one landing least one landing, can be used
crab in each of per year, as as recorded on a to calculate
the crab QS recorded on a State of Alaska QS for each
fisheries for any: State of Alaska fish ticket, in at QS fishery
fish ticket, in least 2 of the is:
any three years last 3 fishing
during the base seasons in each of
period described the crab QS
below: fisheries as those
seasons are
(1) October 15-20, 4 years
(BBR) year QS base year QS base 1999.
period beginning period beginning (2) October 16-20,
on: on: 2000.
(1) November 1-5, (1) November 1-5, (3) October 15-18,
1996; 1996; 2001.
(2) November 1-5, (2) November 1-5,
1997; 1997;
(3) November 1-6, (3) November 1-6,
1998; 1998;
(4) October 15-20, (4) October 15-20,
1999; 1999;
(5) October 16-20, (5) October 16-20,
(1) April 1-8, 4 years
year period year period 2000.
beginning on: beginning on: (2) January 15,
(1) January 15, (1) January 15, 2001 through
1996 through 1996 through February 14, 2001.
February 29, 1996; February 29, 1996; (3) January 15,
(2) January 15, (2) January 15, 2002 through
1997 through March 1997 through March February 8, 2002.
21, 1997; 21, 1997;
(3) January 15, (3) January 15,
1998 through March 1998 through March
20, 1998; 20, 1998;
(4) January 15, (4) January 15,
1999 through March 1999 through March
22, 1999; 22, 1999;
(5) April 1-8, (5) April 1-8,
(1) September 1 5 years
golden king crab (EAG) year base period year base period 1999 through
beginning on: beginning on: October 25, 1999.
(1) September 1, (1) September 1, (2) August 15, 2000
1996 through 1996 through through September
December 25, 1996; December 25, 1996; 24, 2000.
(2) September 1, (2) September 1, (3) August 15, 2001
1997 though 1997 though through September
November 24, 1997; November 24, 1997; 10, 2001.
(3) September 1, (3) September 1,
1998 through 1998 through
November 7, 1998; November 7, 1998;
(4) September 1, (4) September 1,
1999 through 1999 through
October 25, 1999; October 25, 1999;
(5) August 15, 2000 (5) August 15, 2000
through September through September
24, 2000. 25, 2000.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Eastern Bering Sea Tanner crab 4 of the 6 seasons 3 of the 6 seasons In any 2 of the 4 years
(EBT) beginning on: beginning on: last 3 seasons
(1) November 15, (1) November 15, prior to June 10,
1991 through March 1991 through March 2002 in the
31, 1992; 31, 1992; Eastern Aleutian
(2) November 15, (2) November 15, Island golden
1992 through March 1992 through March (brown) king crab,
31, 1993; 31, 1993; Western Aleutian
(3) November 1-10, (3) November 1-10, Island golden
1993, and November 1993, and November (brown) king crab,
20, 1993 through 20, 1993 through Bering Sea snow
January 1, 1994; January 1, 1994; crab, or Bristol
(4) November 1-21, (4) November 1-21, Bay red king crab
1994; 1994; fisheries.
(5) November 1-16, (5) November 1-16,
1995; 1995;
(6) November 1-5, (6) November 1-5,
1996 and November 1996 and November
15-27, 1996. 15-27, 1996.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Pribilof red king and blue 4 years of the 5- 3 years of the 5- In any 2 of the 4 years
king crab (PIK) year period year period last 3 seasons
beginning on: beginning on: prior to June 10,
(1) September 15- (1) September 15- 2002 in the
21, 1994; 21, 1994; Eastern Aleutian
(2) September 15- (2) September 15- Island golden
22, 1995; 22, 1995; (brown) king crab,
(3) September 15- (3) September 15- Western Aleutian
26, 1996; 26, 1996; Island golden
(4) September 15- (4) September 15- (brown) king crab,
29, 1997; 29, 1997; Bering Sea snow
(5) September 1-28, (5) September 15- crab, or Bristol
1998. 28, 1998. Bay red king crab
fisheries, except
that persons
applying for an
allocation to
receive QS based
on legal landings
made aboard a
vessel less than
60 feet (18.3 m)
LOA at the time of
harvest are exempt
from this
requirement.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. St. Matthew blue king crab 4 years of the 5- 3 years of the 5- In any 2 of the 4 years
(SMB) year period year period last 3 seasons
beginning on: beginning on: prior to June 10,
(1) September 15- (1) September 15- 2002 in the
22, 1994; 22, 1994; Eastern Aleutian
(2) September 15- (2) September 15- Island golden
20, 1995; 20, 1995; (brown) king crab,
(3) September 15- (3) September 15- Western Aleutian
23, 1996; 23, 1996; Island golden
(4) September 15- (4) September 15- (brown) king crab,
22, 1997; 22, 1997; and Bering Sea snow
(5) September 15- (5) September 15- crab, or Bristol
26, 1998. 26, 1998. Bay red king crab
fisheries.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Western Aleutian Islands brown 5 of the 5 seasons 3 of the 5 seasons (1) September 1, 5 years
king crab (WAG) beginning on: beginning on: 1999 through
(1) September 1, (1) September 1, August 14, 2000.
1996 through 1996 through (2) August 15, 2000
August 31, 1997; August 31, 1997; through March 28,
(2) September 1, (2) September 1, 2001.
1997 though August 1997 though August (3) August 15 2001
21, 1998; 31, 1998; through March 30,
(3) September 1, (3) September 1, 2002.
1998 through 1998 through
August 31, 1999; August 31, 1999;
(4) September 1, (4) September 1,
1999 through 1999 through
August 14, 2000; August 14, 2000;
(5) August 15, 2000 (5) August 15, 2000
through March 28, through March 28,
2001. 2001.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. Western Aleutian Islands red 3 of the 4 seasons 3 of the 4 seasons In any 2 of the 3 years
king crab (WAI) beginning on: beginning on: last 3 seasons
(1) November 1, (1) November 1, prior to June 10,
1992 through 1992 through 2002 in the
January 15, 1993; January 15, 1993; Eastern Aleutian
(2) November 1, (2) November 1, Island golden
1993 through 1993 through (brown) king crab,
February 15, 1994; February 15, 1994; Western Aleutian
(3) November 1-28, (3) November 1-28, Island golden
1994; 1994; (brown) king crab,
(4) November 1, (4) November 1, Bering Sea snow
1995 through 1995 through crab, or Bristol
February 13, 1996. February 13, 1996. Bay red king crab
9. Western Bering Sea Tanner crab 4 of the 6 seasons 3 of the 6 seasons In any 2 of the 4 years
(WBT) beginning on: beginning on: last 3 seasons
(1) November 15, (1) November 15, prior to June 10,
1991 through March 1991 through March 2002 in the
31, 1992; 31, 1992; Eastern Aleutian
(2) November 15, (2) November 15, Island golden
1992 through March 1992 through March (brown) king crab,
31, 1993; 31, 1993; Western Aleutian
(3) November 1-10, (3) November 1-10, Island golden
1993, and November 1993, and November (brown) king crab,
20, 1993 through 20, 1993 through Bering Sea snow
January 1, 1994; January 1, 1994; crab, or Bristol
(4) November 1-21, (4) November 1-21, Bay red king crab
1994; 1994; fisheries.
(5) November 1-16, (5) November 1-16,
1995; 1995;
(6) November 1-5, (6) November 1-5,
1996 and November 1996 and November
15-27, 1996. 15-27, 1996.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [71 FR 32867, June 7, 2006]
Sec. Table 8 to Part 680--Initial QS and PQS Pool for Each Crab QS
Fishery ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Crab QS Fishery Initial QS Pool Initial PQS Pool------------------------------------------------------------------------BBR Bristol Bay red king crab 400,000,000 400,000,000------------------------------------------------------------------------BSS Bering Sea snow crab (C. opilio) 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000------------------------------------------------------------------------EAG Eastern Aleutian Islands golden 10,000,000 10,000,000
king crab------------------------------------------------------------------------EBT Eastern Bering Sea Tanner crab 200,000,000 200,000,000
(C. bairdi)------------------------------------------------------------------------PIK Pribilof Islands red and blue 30,000,000 30,000,000
king crab------------------------------------------------------------------------SMB St. Matthew blue king crab 30,000,000 30,000,000------------------------------------------------------------------------WAG Western Aleutian Islands golden 40,000,000 40,000,000
king crab------------------------------------------------------------------------WAI Western Aleutian Islands red 60,000,000 60,000,000
king crab------------------------------------------------------------------------WBT Western Bering Sea Tanner crab 200,000,000 200,000,000
(C. bairdi)------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sec. Table 9 to Part 680--Initial Issuance of Crab PQS by Crab QS
Fishery ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Column B: The Regional Administrator
shall calculate PQS for any qualified
Column A: For each crab QS person based on that person's total legal
fishery: purchase of crab in each of the crab QS
fisheries for any...------------------------------------------------------------------------Bristol Bay red king crab 3 years of the 3-year QS base period
(BBR) beginning on:
(1) November 1-5, 1997;
(2) November 1-6, 1998; and
(3) October 15-20, 1999.------------------------------------------------------------------------Bering Sea snow crab (BSS) 3 years of the 3-year period beginning
(1) January 15, 1997 through March 21,
(2) January 15, 1998 through March 20,
1998; and
(3) January 15, 1999 through March 22,
1999.------------------------------------------------------------------------Eastern Aleutian Island 4 years of the 4-year base period
golden king crab (EAG) beginning on:
(1) September 1, 1996 through December
25, 1996;
(2) September 1, 1997 though November 24,
(3) September 1, 1998 through November 7,
1998; and
(4) September 1, 1999 through October 25,
1999.------------------------------------------------------------------------Eastern Bering Sea Tanner Equivalent to 50 percent of the total
crab (EBT) legally processed crab in the Bering Sea
snow crab fishery during the qualifying
years established for that fishery, and
50 percent of the total legally
processed crab in the Bristol Bay red
king crab fishery during the qualifying
years established for that fishery.------------------------------------------------------------------------Pribilof Islands red and blue 3 years of the 3-year period beginning
king crab (PIK) on:
(1) September 15-26, 1996;
(2) September 15-29, 1997; and
(3) September 15-28, 1998.------------------------------------------------------------------------
St. Matthew blue king crab 3 years of the 3-year period beginning
(SMB) on:
(1) September 15-23, 1996;
(2) September 15-22, 1997; and
(3) September 15-26, 1998.------------------------------------------------------------------------Western Aleutian Island 4 years of the 4-year base period
golden king crab (WAG) beginning on:
(1) September 1, 1996 through August 31,
(2) September 1, 1997 though August 31,
(3) September 1, 1998 through August 31,
1999; and
(4) September 1, 1999 through August 14,
2000.------------------------------------------------------------------------Western Aleutian Islands red Equivalent to the total legally processed
king crab (WAI) crab in the Western Aleutian Islands
golden (brown) king crab fishery during
the qualifying years established for
that fishery.------------------------------------------------------------------------Western Bering Sea Tanner Equivalent to 50 percent of the total
crab (WBT) legally processed crab in the Bering Sea
snow crab fishery during the qualifying
years established for that fishery, and
50 percent of the total legally
processed crab in the Bristol Bay red
king crab fishery during the qualifying
years established for that fishery.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [71 FR 32867, June 7, 2006]
Sec. Table 10 to Part 680--License Limitation Program License Numbers
That Authorize the Owners and Operators of Catcher/Processors to
Directed Fish for Pacific Cod With Hook-and-Line Gear in the Central
Gulf of Alaska Regulatory Area (Column A) and in the Western Gulf of
Alaska Regulatory Area (Column B) ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Column A: Column B:------------------------------------------------------------------------LLG1125................................... LLG1400.LLG1128................................... LLG1401.LLG1400................................... LLG1576.LLG1576................................... LLG1578.LLG1713................................... LLG1785.LLG1785................................... LLG1916.LLG1916................................... LLG1917.LLG1917................................... LLG2026.LLG1989................................... LLG2081.LLG2081................................... LLG2112.LLG2112................................... LLG2892.LLG2238................................... LLG2935.LLG2705................................... LLG3090.LLG2783................................... LLG3602.LLG2892................................... LLG3617.LLG2958................................... LLG3676.LLG3609................................... LLG4004.LLG3616................................... LLG4823.LLG3617.LLG3676.LLG3681.LLG3973.LLG4823.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [80 FR 28545, May 19, 2015]