The relationship between the Basic Hunter Education and Safety subprogram (Basic Hunter Education) and the Enhanced Hunter Education and Safety program (Enhanced Hunter Education) is as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Basic Hunter Enhanced Hunter
(a) Which activities are Those listed at Sec. Those listed at
eligible for funding?. 80.50(a) and (b). 80.50(c), but see
80.60(d) under
Basic Hunter
Education funds.(b) How long are funds Two Federal fiscal One Federal fiscal
available for obligation?. years. year.(c) What if funds are not The Service may use The Service
fully obligated during the unobligated funds reapportions
period of availability? to carry out the unobligated funds
Migratory Bird to eligible States
Conservation Act as Wildlife
(16 U.S.C. 715 et Restoration funds
seq.). for the following
fiscal year. States
are eligible to
receive funds only
if their Basic
Hunter Education
funds were fully
obligated in the
preceding fiscal
year for activities
at Sec. 80.50(b).(d) What if funds are fully If Basic Hunter No special
obligated during the period Education funds are provisions apply.
of availability? fully obligated for
activities listed
at 80.50(b), the
agency may use that
fiscal year's
Enhanced Hunter
Education funds for
eligible activities
related to Basic
Hunter Education,
Enhanced Hunter
Education, or the