Our panel of professional staff and any invited participants evaluate BIG Tier 2--National applications using the ranking criteria in the following table and assign points within the range for each criterion. We may give added information to guide applicants regarding these criteria in the annual NOFO on http://www.grants.gov. This may include the minimum total points that your application must receive in order to qualify for award. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a) Need, Access, and Cost 20 total possible points.
(1) Will the proposed 0-10.
boating infrastructure
meet a need for more or
improved facilities?.
(2) Will eligible users 0-7.
receive benefits from the
proposed boating
infrastructure that
justify the cost of the
(3) Will the proposed 0-3.
boating infrastructure
accommodate boater access
to significant
destinations and services
that support transient
boater travel?.(b) Match and Partnerships..... 10 total possible points.
(1) Will the proposed 0-7.
project include private,
local, or State funds
greater than the required
minimum match?.
(2) Will the proposed 0-3.
project include
contributions by private
or public partners that
contribute to the project
objectives?.(c) Innovation................. 6 total possible points.
(1) Will the proposed 0-3.
project include physical
components, technology, or
techniques that improve
eligible-user access?.
(2) Will the proposed 0-2.
project include innovative
physical components,
technology, or techniques
that improve the BIG-
funded project?.
(3) Has the facility where 0-1.
the project is located
demonstrated a commitment
to environmental
sustainability, and
stewardship and has an
agency or organization
officially recognized the
facility for its
----------------------------------------(d) Total possible points...... 36.------------------------------------------------------------------------