(a) Submission of request. Inquiries or requests for access to records must be submitted to the appropriate regional or field office of the Board, or to the Clerk of the Board, U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, 1615 M Street, NW., Washington, DC 20419-0001. If the requester has reason to believe that the records are located in a regional or field office, the request must be submitted to that office. Requests submitted to the regional or field office must be addressed to the Regional Director or Chief Administrative Judge at the appropriate regional or field office listed in appendix II of 5 CFR part 1201.
(b) Form. Each submission must contain the following information:
(1) The name, address, and telephone number of the individual to whom the record refers;
(2) The name, address, and telephone number of the individual making the request if the requester is someone other than the person to whom the record refers, such as a legal guardian or an attorney, along with evidence of the relationship. Evidence of the relationship may consist of an authenticated copy of:
(i) The birth certificate of the minor child, and
(ii) The court document appointing the individual legal guardian, or
(iii) An agreement for representation signed by the individual to whom the record refers;
(3) Any additional information that may assist the Board in responding to the request, such as the name of the agency that may have taken an action against an individual, or the docket number of the individual's case;
(4) The date of the inquiry or request;
(5) The inquirer's or requester's signature; and
(6) A conspicuous indication, both on the envelope and the letter, that the inquiry is a ``PRIVACY ACT REQUEST''.
(c) Identification. Each submission must follow the identification requirements stated in Sec. 1205.13 of this part.
(d) Payment. Records usually will not be released until fees have been received. [64 FR 51043, Sept. 21, 1999, as amended at 65 FR 48886, Aug. 10, 2000]