Employing agencies shall furnish all new employees and all rehired employees covered by the automatic enrollment program a notice that accurately describes:
(a) That default employee contributions equal to 3 percent of the employee's basic pay will be deducted from the employee's pay and contributed to the employee's traditional TSP balance on the employee's behalf if the employee does not make an affirmative contribution election;
(b) The employee's right to elect to not have default employee contributions made to the TSP on the employee's behalf, to elect to have a different percentage or amount of basic pay contributed to the TSP, or to make Roth contributions;
(c) That the default employee contributions will be invested in the G Fund unless the employee makes a contribution allocation and/or an interfund transfer; and
(d) The employee's ability to request a refund of any default employee contributions (adjusted for allocable gains and losses) and the procedures to request such a refund. [75 FR 43800, July 27, 2010, as amended at 77 FR 26424, May 4, 2012]