(a) The TSP will only honor the terms of a criminal restitution order that is qualifying under paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) A criminal restitution order must meet each of the following requirements to be considered qualifying:
(1) The restitution must be ordered in the sentencing of the participant as required by 18 U.S.C. 3663A and 18 U.S.C. 3664.
(2) The restitution order and accompanying documentation must require the TSP to:
(i) Pay a stated dollar amount from a participant's TSP account; or
(ii) Freeze the participant's TSP account in anticipation of an order to pay from the account.
(c) The following orders will not be considered qualifying:
(1) A restitution order relating to a TSP account with a zero dollar account balance;
(2) A restitution order relating to a TSP account that contains only nonvested money, unless the money will become vested within 30 days of the date the TSP receives the order if the participant were to remain in Government service;
(3) A restitution order requiring the TSP to make a payment in the future;
(4) A forfeiture order related to a monetary garnishment of funds;
(5) A restitution order requiring a series of payments;
(6) A restitution order that designates the specific TSP Fund, source of contributions, or balance from which the payment or portions of the payment shall be made.