(a) The Office of Government Ethics provides, through the Federal Supply Service of the General Services Administration (GSA), a standard form, the SF 278 (Public Financial Disclosure Report), for reporting the information described in subpart B of this part on executive branch public disclosure. The Office of Government Ethics also provides two uniform formats relating to confidential financial disclosure: OGE Form 450 (Confidential Financial Disclosure Report) for reporting the information described in subpart I of this part on executive branch confidential disclosure; and OGE Optional Form 450-A (Confidential Certificate of No New Interests) for voluntary use by certain employees in lieu of filing an annual OGE Form 450, if authorized by their agency, in accordance with Sec. 2634.905(b) of subpart I of this part. Supplies of the two confidential forms are to be reproduced locally by each agency, from a camera-ready copy or an electronic format made available by the Office of Government Ethics.
(b) Subject to the prior written approval of the Director of the Office of Government Ethics, an agency may require employees to file additional confidential financial disclosure forms which supplement either or both of the standard forms referred to in paragraph (a) of this section, if necessary because of special or unique agency circumstances. The Director may approve such agency forms when, in his opinion, the supplementation is shown to be necessary for a comprehensive and effective agency ethics program to identify and resolve conflicts of interest. See Secs. 2634.103 and 2634.901.
(c) The information collection and recordkeeping requirements have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 3209-0001 for the SF 278, and control number 3209-0006 for OGE Form 450/SF 450. OGE Optional Form 450-A has been determined not to require an OMB paperwork control number, as its use is strictly optional for employees, it is used exclusively by current Government employees, and it does not require affirmative disclosure of substantive information. [57 FR 11821, Apr. 7, 1992, as amended at 58 FR 38912, July 21, 1993; 59 FR 34756, July 7, 1994; 62 FR 33976, June 24, 1997; 63 FR 43068, Aug. 12, 1998; 71 FR 28234, May 16, 2006]