(a) Memorandum of Understanding. In order to make any appointment under a Pathways authority, a Memorandum of Understanding (Pathways MOU) must be in effect between the head of an agency, or his or her designee, and OPM for the administration and use of Pathways Programs, to be re-executed no less frequently than every 2 years.
(b) The Director may revoke an agency's Pathways MOU when agency use of these Programs is inconsistent with Executive Order 13562, this part, or the Pathways MOU.
(c) The Pathways MOU must:
(1) Include information about any agency-specific program labels that will be used, subject to the Federal naming conventions identified in Sec. 362.101 (e.g., OPM Internship Program);
(2) State the delegations of authority for the agency's use of the Pathways Programs (e.g., department-wide vs. bureaus or components);
(3) Include any implementing policy or guidance that the agency determines would facilitate successful implementation and administration for each Pathways Program;
(4) Prescribe criteria and procedures for agency-approved extensions for Recent Graduates and PMFs, not to exceed 120 days. Extension criteria should be limited to circumstances that would render the agency's compliance with the regulations impracticable or impossible;
(5) Describe how the agency will design, implement, and document formal training and/or development, as well as the type and duration of assignments, and necessary exceptions for short term temporary work, such as summer jobs;
(6) Include a commitment from the agency to:
(i) Provide to OPM any information it requests on the agency's Pathways Programs;
(ii) Adhere to any caps on the Pathways Programs imposed by the Director;
(iii) Provide information to OPM about opportunities for individuals interested in participating in the Pathways Programs, as required by this part;
(iv) Ensure adherence to the requirements for accepting applications, assessing applicants, rating and ranking qualified candidates, and affording veterans' preference in accordance with the provisions of part 302; and
(v) Provide a meaningful on-boarding process for each Pathways Program;
(7) Identify the agency's Pathways Programs Officer (PPO), who:
(i) Must be in a position at the agency's headquarters level, or at the headquarters level of a departmental component, in a position at or higher than grade 12 of the General Schedule (GS) (or the equivalent under the Federal Wage System (FWS) or another pay and classification system);
(ii) Is responsible for administering the agency's Pathways Programs, including coordinating the recruitment and on-boarding process for Pathways Programs Participants, and coordinating the agency's Pathways Programs plan with agency stakeholders and other hiring plans (e.g., merit promotion plans, plans for hiring people with disabilities);
(iii) Serves as a liaison with OPM by providing updates on the agency's implementation of its Pathways Programs, clarifying technical or programmatic issues, sharing agency best practices, and other similar duties; and
(iv) Reports to OPM on the agency's implementation of its Pathways Programs and individuals hired under these Programs, in conjunction with the agency's Pathways MOU; and
(8) Identify the agency's PMF coordinator responsible for administering the agency PMF Program and serving as a liaison with OPM.