(a) Announcement. (1) When an agency accepts applications from individuals outside its own workforce, it must provide OPM information concerning opportunities to participate in the agency's Internship Program. For the purposes of this paragraph (a), ``agency'' means an Executive agency as defined in 5 U.S.C. 105 and the Government Printing Office. An Executive department may treat each of its bureaus or components (first major subdivision that is separately organized and clearly distinguished from other bureaus or components in work function and operation) as a separate agency or as part of one agency, but must do so consistent with its Delegated Examining Agreement. The information must include:
(1) When an agency accepts applications from individuals outside its own workforce, it must provide OPM information concerning opportunities to participate in the agency's Internship Program. For the purposes of this paragraph (a), ``agency'' means an Executive agency as defined in 5 U.S.C. 105 and the Government Printing Office. An Executive department may treat each of its bureaus or components (first major subdivision that is separately organized and clearly distinguished from other bureaus or components in work function and operation) as a separate agency or as part of one agency, but must do so consistent with its Delegated Examining Agreement. The information must include:
(i) Position title, series and grade;
(ii) Geographic location of the position, and
(iii) How to apply. A public source (e.g., a link to the agency's Web site with information on how to apply) for interested individuals to seek further information about how to apply for Internship opportunities; and
(iv) Any other information OPM considers appropriate.
(2) OPM will publish information on Internship opportunities in such form as the Director may determine.
(b) Eligibility. Except as provided in paragraph (h) of this section, Interns must meet the definition of student in Sec. 362.202 throughout the duration of their appointment.
(c) Qualifications. Individuals may be evaluated against either agency-developed standards or the OPM Qualification Standard for the position being filled.
(d) Appointments. (1) An agency may make Intern appointments, pursuant to its Pathways MOU, using the Schedule D excepted service appointing authority provided in Sec. 213.3402(a) of this chapter.
(1) An agency may make Intern appointments, pursuant to its Pathways MOU, using the Schedule D excepted service appointing authority provided in Sec. 213.3402(a) of this chapter.
(2) Appointments may be made to any position for which the individual is qualified. The duties of the position to which the individual is appointed should be related to either the Intern's academic or career goals.
(3) An agency may:
(i) Appoint an Intern for an initial period expected to last more than 1 year. Intern appointments are not required to have an end date. However, agencies are required to specify an end date of the appointment in the Participant Agreement with the Intern; or
(ii) Appoint an Intern on a temporary basis, not to exceed 1 year, to complete temporary projects, to perform labor-intensive tasks not requiring subject-matter expertise, or to fill traditional summer jobs. The agency may extend these temporary appointments as provided in part 213 of this chapter.
(e) Promotion. An agency may promote any Intern who meets the qualification requirements for the position. This provision does not confer entitlement to promotion.
(f) Classification. (1) Intern positions under the General Schedule or appropriate pay plan must be classified to the -99 series of the appropriate occupational group.
(1) Intern positions under the General Schedule or appropriate pay plan must be classified to the -99 series of the appropriate occupational group.
(2) Intern positions under the Federal Wage System must be classified to the -01 series of the appropriate occupational group.
(g) Schedules. There are no limitations on the number of hours an Intern can work per week (so long as any applicable laws and regulations governing overtime and hours of work are adhered to). Agencies and students should agree on a formally-arranged schedule of school and work so that:
(1) Work responsibilities do not interfere with academic schedule;
(2) Completion of the educational program (awarding of diploma/certificate/degree) and the Internship Program is accomplished in a reasonable and appropriate timeframe;
(3) The agency is informed of and prepared for the student's periods of employment; and
(4) Requirements for noncompetitive conversion to a term or permanent position in the competitive service are understood by all parties.
(h) Breaks in program. A break in program is defined as a period of time when an Intern is working but is unable to go to school, or is neither attending classes nor working at the agency. An agency may use its discretion in either approving or denying a request for a break in program.