An employee covered under this subpart who is the spouse or family member of either a candidate for partisan political office, candidate for political party office, or candidate for public office in a nonpartisan election, is subject to the same prohibitions as other employees covered under this subpart.
Example 1: An employee who is married to a candidate for partisan political office may attend a fundraiser for his or her spouse, stand in the receiving line, sit at the head table, and urge others to vote for his or her spouse. However, the employee may not personally solicit, accept, or receive contributions of money or the paid or unpaid services of a business or corporation, or sell or collect money for tickets to the fundraiser.
Example 2: An employee who is the daughter of a candidate for partisan political office may appear in a family photograph which is printed in a campaign flier. She may distribute fliers at a campaign rally as long as she does not personally solicit contributions.
Example 3: An employee who is married to a candidate for political partisan political office may appear with her spouse in a political advertisement or a broadcast, and urge others to vote for her spouse, as long as the employee does not personally solicit political contributions. [59 FR 48769, Sept. 23, 1994, as amended at 61 FR 35101, July 5, 1996]