The policies and procedures in this section are authorized for payroll withholding operations in accordance with the Office of Personnel Management Pay Administration regulations in part 550 of this Title.
(a) Applicability. Voluntary payroll allotments will be authorized by all Federal departments and agencies for payment of charitable contributions to local CFC organizations.
(b) Allotters. The allotment privilege will be made available to Federal personnel as follows:
(1) Employees whose net pay regularly is sufficient to cover the allotment are eligible. An employee serving under an appointment limited to 1 year or less may make an allotment to a CFC when an appropriate official of the employing Federal agency determines that the employee will continue employment for a period sufficient to justify an allotment. This includes military reservists, National Guard, and other part-time and intermittent employees who are regularly employed.
(2) Members of the Uniformed Services are eligible, excluding those on only short-term assignment (less than 3 months).
(c) Authorization. Allotments will be totally voluntary and will be based upon contributor's individual authorization.
(1) The CFC Pledge Form, in conformance with Sec. 950.402, is the only form for authorization of the CFC payroll allotment and may be reproduced. The pledge forms and official Charity List will be made available to employees electronically when charitable contributions are solicited.
(2) The electronic pledge is transmitted to the contributor's servicing payroll office in real time via the centralized pledge system.
(d) Duration. Authorization of allotments will be in the form of a term allotment. Term authorizations will be in effect for 1 full year--26, 24, or 12 pay periods depending on the allotter's pay schedule--starting with the first pay period after January 15 and ending with the last pay period that includes January 15 of the following year. Three months of employment is considered the minimum amount of time that is reasonable for establishing an allotment.
(e) Amount. Allotters will make a single allotment that is apportioned into equal amounts for deductions each pay period during the year.
(1) The minimum amount of the allotment will not be less than $1 per payday per charitable organization, with no restriction on the size of the increment above that minimum.
(2) No change of amount will be authorized for term allotments.
(3) No deduction will be made for any period in which the allotter's net pay, after all legal and previously authorized deductions, is insufficient to cover the CFC allotment. No adjustment will be made in subsequent periods to make up for missed deductions.
(f) Discontinuance. Term allotments will be discontinued automatically on expiration of the 1 year withholding period, or on the death, retirement, or separation of the allotter from the Federal service, whichever is earlier.
(1) An allotter may revoke a term authorization at any time by requesting it in writing from the payroll office. Discontinuance will be effective the first pay period beginning after receipt of the written revocation in the payroll office.
(2) A discontinued allotment will not be reinstated.
(g) Transfer. When an allotter moves to another organizational unit, whether in the same office or a different Department or agency, his or her allotment authorization must be transferred to the new payroll office.