Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 7  /  Part 1209  /  Sec. 1209.50 Budget and expenses.

(a)(1) At least 60 days prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, and as may be necessary thereafter, the Council shall prepare and submit to the Secretary a budget for the fiscal year covering its anticipated expenses and disbursements in administering this subpart. Each such budget shall include:

(1) At least 60 days prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, and as may be necessary thereafter, the Council shall prepare and submit to the Secretary a budget for the fiscal year covering its anticipated expenses and disbursements in administering this subpart. Each such budget shall include:

(i) A statement of objectives and strategy for each program, plan, or project;

(ii) A summary of anticipated revenue, with comparative data for at least one preceding year;

(iii) A summary of proposed expenditures for each program, plan, or project; and

(iv) Staff and administrative expense breakdowns, with comparative data for at least one preceding year. Each budget shall include a rate of assessment for such fiscal year calculated, subject to Sec. 1209.51(b), to provide adequate funds to defray its proposed expenditures and to provide for a reserve as set forth in paragraph (f). The Council may change such rate at any time, as provided in Sec. 1209.51(b)(5).

(2)(i) Subject to paragraph (a)(2)(ii), any amendment or addition to an approved budget must be approved by the Secretary, including shifting of funds from one program, plan, or project to another.

(i) Subject to paragraph (a)(2)(ii), any amendment or addition to an approved budget must be approved by the Secretary, including shifting of funds from one program, plan, or project to another.

(ii) Shifts of funds which do not cause an increase in the Council's approved budget and which are consistent with governing bylaws need not have prior approval by the Secretary.

(b) The Council is authorized to incur such expenses, including provision for a reasonable reserve, as the Secretary finds are reasonable and likely to be incurred by the Council for its maintenance and functioning, and to enable it to exercise its powers and perform its duties in accordance with the provisions of this subpart. Such expenses shall be paid from funds received by the Council.

(c) The Council shall not use funds collected or received under this subpart to reimburse, defray, or make payment of expenditures incurred in developing, drafting, studying, lobbying on or promoting the legislation authorizing this subpart. Such prohibition includes reimbursement, defrayment, or payment to mushroom industry associations or organizations, producers or importers, lawyers, law firms, or consultants.

(d) The Council may accept voluntary contributions, but these shall only be used to pay expenses incurred in the conduct of programs, plans, and projects. Such contributions shall be free from any encumbrance by the donor and the Council shall retain complete control of their use. The donor may recommend that the whole or a portion of the contribution be applied to an ongoing program, plan, or project.

(e) The Council shall reimburse the Secretary, from funds received by the Council, for administrative costs incurred by the Secretary in implementing and administering this subpart, except for the salaries of Department employees incurred in conducting referenda.

(f) The Council may establish an operating monetary reserve and may carry over to subsequent fiscal periods excess funds in any reserve so established, except that the funds in the reserve shall not exceed approximately one fiscal year's expenses. Such reserve funds may be used to defray any expenses authorized under this subpart.

(g) With the approval of the Secretary, the Council may borrow money for the payment of administrative expenses, subject to the same fiscal, budget, and audit controls as other funds of the Council.