(a) The producer shall obtain a CRP conservation plan that complies with CCC guidelines and is approved by the conservation district for the land to be entered in the CRP. If the conservation district declines to review the CRP conservation plan, or disapproves the conservation plan, such approval may be waived by CCC.
(b) The practices and management activities included in the CRP conservation plan and agreed to by the participant must cost-effectively reduce erosion necessary to maintain the productive capability of the soil, improve water quality, protect wildlife or wetlands, protect a public well head, or achieve other environmental benefits as applicable. The producer must undertake management activities on the land as needed throughout the term of the CRP contract to implement the conservation plan.
(c) If applicable, a tree planting plan shall be developed and included in the CRP conservation plan. Such tree planting plan may allow up to 3 years to complete plantings if 10 or more acres of hardwood trees are to be established.
(d) If applicable, the CRP conservation plan shall address the goals included in the conservation priority area designation authorized under Sec. 1410.8.
(e) All CRP conservation plans and revisions of such plans shall be subject to the approval of CCC.
(f) Mid-cover management shall be conducted according to an approved conservation plan as part of the CRP contractual obligation such as light discing and burning as determined by the Deputy Administrator. [68 FR 24835, May 8, 2003, as amended at 74 FR 30912, June 29, 2009]