(a) To apply for ELAP, the participant that suffered eligible livestock, honeybee, or farm-raised fish losses must submit, to the FSA administrative county office that maintains the participant's farm records for the agricultural operation, the following:
(1) A notice of loss to FSA as specified in Sec. 1416.107(a),
(2) A completed application as specified in Sec. 1416.107(b) for one or both of the following:
(i) For livestock feed, grazing, and death losses and losses resulting from transporting water and gathering livestock to treat for cattle tick fever, a completed Emergency Loss Assistance for Livestock Application;
(ii) For honeybee feed, honeybee colony, honeybee hive, or farm-raised fish feed or death losses, a completed Emergency Loss Assistance for Honeybees or Farm-Raised Fish Application;
(3) A report of acreage, if applicable, as determined by the Deputy Administrator;
(4) A copy of the participant's grower contract, if the participant is a contract grower;
(5) Other supporting documents required for FSA to determine eligibility of the participant, livestock, honeybee colonies, hives, farm-raised fish, and loss;
(6) A farm operating plan, if a current farm operating plan is not already on file in the FSA county office; and
(7) A socially disadvantaged, limited resource and beginning farmer or rancher certification, if applicable.
(b) For 2014 and previous program years, available reliable or verifiable records must be provided only upon request by FSA. For 2015 and subsequent program years, for livestock grazing losses, participant must provide acceptable, verifiable, or reliable records that:
(1) Additional livestock feed was fed to sustain eligible livestock during an eligible adverse weather or loss condition, or
(2) Eligible livestock were removed from the eligible grazing land where the grazing loss occurred.
(c) For livestock, honeybee, or farm-raised fish feed losses, participant must provide acceptable, verifiable, or reliable records of the following as determined by the COC:
(1) Purchased feed intended as feed for livestock, honeybees, or farm-raised fish that was lost, or additional feed purchased above normal quantities to sustain livestock, honeybees, and farm-raised fish for a period of time, not to exceed 150 days, until additional feed becomes available, due to an eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition. Verifiable or reliable records may include, but are not limited to, feed receipts, invoices, settlement sheets, warehouse ledger sheets, load summaries, register tapes, and contemporaneous records.
(2) Harvested feed intended as feed for livestock, honeybees, or farm-raised fish that was lost due to an eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition. Verifiable or reliable records may include, but are not limited to, weight tickets, truck scale tickets, pick records, contemporaneous records used to verify that the crop was stored with the intent to feed the crop to livestock, honeybees, or farm-raised fish, and custom harvest documents that clearly identify the amount of feed produced from the applicable acreage.
(3) A loss resulting from the additional cost incurred for transporting livestock feed to eligible livestock due to an eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition as determined by the Deputy Administrator, including, but not limited to, costs associated with equipment rental fees for hay lifts and snow removal. Verifiable or reliable records may include, but are not limited to, invoices, commercial receipts, load summaries, and contemporaneous records used to verify transportation cost of additional livestock feed.
(4) Additional cost of transporting water to eligible livestock due to an eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition as determined by the Deputy Administrator, including, but not limited to, costs associated with water transport equipment rental fees, labor, and contracted water transportation fees. Verifiable or reliable records include, but are not limited to, commercial receipts, contemporaneous records and invoices. Records must clearly indicate the dates on which water was transported and the total gallons transported.
(d) For eligible honeybee colony, honeybee hive and farm-raised fish losses, the participant must provide verifiable or reliable records of honeybee colony, hive, or farm-raised fish losses. For honeybee colony and hive losses, the participant must also provide verifiable or reliable records of inventory at the beginning of the program year, and records of purchase and sale transactions of honeybee colonies and hives throughout the program year. For farm-raised fish losses, the participant must also provide verifiable or reliable records of inventory on the beginning date and ending date of the eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition. Verifiable and reliable records may include, but are not limited to, any combination of the following:
(1) A report of acreage,
(2) Loan records,
(3) Private insurance documents,
(4) Property tax records,
(5) Sales and purchase receipts,
(6) State colony registration documentation, and
(7) Chattel inspections.
(e) For eligible livestock death losses that occur during the 2015 and subsequent program years, the participant must provide proof of livestock death, current physical location of livestock in inventory, and physical location of claimed livestock at the time of death, according to the documentation requirements for the Livestock Indemnity Program in Sec. 1416.305(d) through (f).
(f) For eligible livestock death losses that occur during the 2012, 2013, and 2014 program years, the participant must provide proof of death and livestock inventory, according to the documentation requirements for the Livestock Indemnity Program in Sec. 1416.305 (h).
(g) If verifiable or reliable records are not available or provided, as required in paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section, the COC may accept producer's certification of losses if similar producers have comparable losses, as determined by the COC and approved by the STC (FSA State Committee).