(a) To be considered an eligible loss under this subpart:
(1) Eligible trees, bushes, or vines must have been lost or damaged as a result of natural disaster as determined by the Deputy Administrator;
(2) The individual stand must have sustained a mortality loss or damage loss, as the case may be, in excess of 15 percent after adjustment for normal mortality or damage, to be determined based on:
(i) Each eligible disaster event, except for losses due to plant disease;
(ii) For plant disease, the time period, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, for which the stand is infected.
(3) The loss could not have been prevented through reasonable and available measures; and
(4) The trees, bushes, or vines, in the absence of a natural disaster, would not normally have required rehabilitation or replanting within the 12-month period following the loss.
(b) The damage or loss must be visible and obvious to the county committee representative. If the damage is no longer visible, the county committee may accept other evidence of the loss as it determines is reasonable.
(c) The county committee may require information from a qualified expert, as determined by the county committee, to determine extent of loss in the case of plant disease or insect infestation.
(d) The Deputy Administrator will determine the types of trees, bushes, and vines that are eligible.
(e) An individual stand that did not sustain a sufficient loss as specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section is not eligible for payment, regardless of the amount of loss sustained.