(a) To be eligible to receive the Asparagus Revenue Marketing Loss Assistance Payment Program payments, asparagus producers must submit an application during the application period and must:
(1) Have produced and marketed asparagus in commercial quantities in commercial markets in the United States during both of the 2003 and 2007 crop years;
(2) Be an asparagus producer, as defined in Sec. 1429.103, for the 2003 and 2007 crop years;
(3) Certify their shares and the pounds of fresh and processed asparagus produced and marketed from the farm operation during the 2003 crop year as reflected on the application;
(4) If the total value of payments claimed exceeds the available funding, have an average adjusted gross income (AGI) of less than $2.5 million for the 3 tax years of 2003 through 2005; and
(5) Be in compliance with the requirements in 7 CFR part 12 regarding highly erodible cropland and wetlands and meet any general farm program eligibility requirements that apply under 7 CFR part 1400 or other regulations as applicable.
(b) Asparagus producers must sign an application to be considered for payment eligibility. Asparagus producers who do not sign an application will not receive payment or a determination of eligibility, even if other producers in the asparagus farm operation sign an application and receive payment.
(c) Each applicant determined by spot check or other information to not have an interest as an asparagus producer in 2003 and 2007 who meets the other qualifications of this part will be ineligible for payment and such applicant's claimed share shown on the application will not be paid.