(a) A dairy operation may register to participate in MPP-Dairy by submitting a contract prescribed by CCC. Dairy operations may obtain a blank contract in person, by mail, or by facsimile from any county office. In addition, dairy operations may download a copy of the forms at http://www.sc.egov.usda.gov.
(b) Dairy operation shall submit completed contracts and any other supporting documentation during the annual election period established by the Deputy Administrator, to the administrative county office serving the dairy operation.
(1) A new dairy operation that has been established after the most recent election period is required to submit a contract within the first 90 calendar days from the date on of which the dairy operation first commercially markets milk and may elect coverage that begins the next consecutive 2-month period following the approval date of the registration and coverage election; or
(2) A new dairy operation that does not meet the 90 day requirement of paragraph (b)(1) of this section cannot enroll until the next annual election period for coverage for the following calendar year.
(c) Registration requests and coverage elections are to be submitted in time to be received at FSA by the close of business on the last day of the annual election period established by the Deputy Administrator.
(1) The applicable year of coverage for contracts arising from accepted registrations in the annual election period will be the following calendar year, except for 2014, where the election and coverage year will be the same.
(2) Registration requests and coverage elections submitted after the applicable allowed time for submission will not be considered.
(3) During an annual election period, participating dairy operations may change coverage elections for the following calendar year.
(d) To receive margin protection coverage, separate registrations are required for each separately constituted dairy operation. If a dairy producer operates more than one separate and distinct operation, the producer registers each operation for each operation to be eligible for coverage.
(e) A participating dairy operation must elect, during the applicable annual election period and by using the form prescribed by CCC, the coverage level threshold and coverage percentages for that participating dairy operation for the applicable calendar year.
(1) Once the initial completed registration is submitted and approved by CCC, it cannot be cancelled by the participating dairy operation through December 31, 2018; however, each calendar year subsequent to the initial registration of the participating dairy operation, it may elect to change the coverage level threshold and coverage percentage, on a form prescribed by CCC, during the election period for the applicable subsequent calendar year. For dairy operations that want to continue coverage levels established in the prior calendar year, the Deputy Administrator will establish a procedure to allow such coverage levels to continue that will include the requirement of a timely payment of administrative fees and any premiums, if applicable.
(2) If the operation fails to file an update of its election during the annual election period, the coverage level will be reduced to the catastrophic level coverage, but such coverage will only be provided if the participating dairy operation pays the annual administrative fee for the relevant calendar year.
(3) All producers in the participating dairy operation must agree to the coverage level threshold and coverage percentage elected by the dairy operation.
(f) By registering to participate or receive payment under MPP-Dairy, producers in the participating dairy operation certify to the accuracy and truthfulness of the information in their applications and supporting documentation.
(1) All producers in a participating dairy operation must sign and certify all submissions made under MPP-Dairy that relate to the level of coverage.
(2) All information provided is subject to verification. FSA may require a dairy operation to provide documentation to support all verifiable records. Furnishing the information is voluntary; however, without it MPP-Dairy benefits will not be approved. Providing a false certification to the Federal Government may be punishable by imprisonment, fines, other penalties, or sanctions.
(g) At the time the completed contract is submitted to FSA for the first year in which the dairy operation is to participate in MPP-Dairy, the dairy operation must also submit a separate form, as specified by CCC, to establish the production history for the dairy operation.