Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 7  /  Part 1493  /  Sec. 1493.120 Assignment of the Payment Guarantee.

(a) Requirements for assignment. The Exporter may assign the Payment Guarantee only to a U.S. Financial Institution approved for participation by CCC. The assignment must cover all amounts payable under the Payment Guarantee not already paid, may not be made to more than one party, and may not, unless approved in advance by CCC, be:

(1) Made to one party acting for two or more parties, or

(2) Subject to further assignment.

(b) CCC to receive notice of assignment of payment guarantee. A notice of assignment signed by the parties thereto must be filed with CCC by the Assignee in the manner specified on the USDA Web site. The name and address of the Assignee must be included on the written notice of assignment. The notice of assignment should be received by CCC within 30 calendar days of the date of assignment.

(c) Required certifications. (1) The U.S. Financial Institution must include the following certification on the notice of assignment: ``I certify that:

(1) The U.S. Financial Institution must include the following certification on the notice of assignment: ``I certify that:

(i) [Name of Assignee] has verified that the Foreign Financial Institution, at the time of submission of the notice of assignment, is not present as an excluded party on the SAM list; and

(ii) To the best of my knowledge and belief, the information provided pursuant to Sec. 1493.40 has not changed and [name of Assignee] still meets all of the qualification requirements of Sec. 1493.40.''

(2) If the Assignee makes a false certification with respect to a Payment Guarantee, CCC may, in its sole discretion, in addition to any other action available as a matter of law, rescind and cancel the Payment Guarantee, reject the assignment of the Payment Guarantee, and/or commence legal action and/or administrative proceedings against the Assignee.

(d) Notice of eligibility to receive assignment. In cases where a U.S. Financial Institution is determined to be ineligible to receive an assignment, in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section, CCC will provide notice thereof to the U.S. Financial Institution and to the Exporter issued the Payment Guarantee.

(e) Ineligibility of U.S. Financial Institutions to receive an assignment and proceeds. A U.S. Financial Institution will be ineligible to receive an assignment of a Payment Guarantee or the proceeds payable under a Payment Guarantee if such U.S. Financial Institution:

(1) At the time of assignment of a Payment Guarantee, is not in compliance with all requirements of 1493.40(a); or

(2) Is the branch, agency, or subsidiary of the Foreign Financial Institution issuing the Letter of Credit; or

(3) Is owned or controlled by an entity that owns or controls the Foreign Financial Institution issuing the Letter of Credit; or

(4) Is the U.S. parent of the Foreign Financial Institution issuing the Foreign Financial Institution Letter of Credit; or

(5) Is owned or controlled by the government of a foreign country and the Payment Guarantee has been issued in connection with export sales of U.S. Agricultural Commodities to Importers located in such foreign country.

(f) Repurchase agreements. (1) The Holder of the Payment Guarantee may enter into a Repurchase Agreement, to which the following requirements apply:

(1) The Holder of the Payment Guarantee may enter into a Repurchase Agreement, to which the following requirements apply:

(i) Any repurchase under a Repurchase Agreement by the Holder of the Payment Guarantee must be for the entirety of the outstanding balance under the associated Repayment Obligation;

(ii) In the event of a default with respect to the Repayment Obligation subject to a Repurchase Agreement, the Holder of the Payment Guarantee must immediately effect such repurchase; and

(iii) The Holder of the Payment Guarantee must file all documentation required by Sec. Sec. 1493.160 and 1493.170 in case of a default by the Foreign Financial Institution under the Payment Guarantee.

(2) The Holder of the Payment Guarantee shall, within five Business Days of execution of a transaction under the Repurchase Agreement, notify CCC of the transaction in writing in the manner specified on the USDA Web site. Such notification must include the following information:

(i) Name and address of the other party to the Repurchase Agreement;

(ii) A statement indicating whether the transaction executed under the Repurchase Agreement is for a fixed term or if it is terminable upon demand by either party. If fixed, provide the purchase date and the agreed upon date for repurchase. If terminable on demand, provide the purchase date only; and

(iii) The following written certification: ``[Name of Holder of the Payment Guarantee] has entered into a Repurchase Agreement that meets the provisions of 7 CFR 1493.120(f)(1) and, prior to entering into this agreement, verified that [name of other party to the Repurchase Agreement] is not present as an excluded party on the SAM list.''

(3) Failure of the Holder of the Payment Guarantee to comply with any of the provisions of paragraph (f) of this section may result in CCC annulling coverage on the Foreign Financial Institution Letter of Credit and Terms and Conditions Document, if applicable, covered by the Payment Guarantee.