The criteria considered by CCC in reviewing proposals for country and regional allocations will include, but not be limited to, the following:
(a) Potential benefits that the extension of Payment Guarantees would provide for the development, expansion, or maintenance of the market for particular U.S. Agricultural Commodities in the importing country;
(b) Financial and economic ability and/or willingness of the country of obligation to adequately service CCC guaranteed debt (``country of obligation'' is the country whose Foreign Financial Institution obligation is guaranteed by CCC);
(c) Financial status of participating Foreign Financial Institutions in the country of obligation as it would affect their ability to adequately service CCC guaranteed debt;
(d) Political stability of the country of obligation as it would affect its ability and/or willingness to adequately service CCC guaranteed debt; and
(e) Current status of debt either owed by the country of obligation or by the participating Foreign Financial Institutions to CCC or to lenders protected by CCC's Payment Guarantees.