This subpart contains the regulations governing the operation of the Export Enhancement Program (EEP) of the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC). CCC will, from time to time, announce, through public press release, initiatives to facilitate the export of U.S. agricultural commodities to targeted markets. The public press release, which will contain the name of a person for interested parties to contact, will be followed by the issuance of an Invitation for Offers (Invitation). Invitations will be issued pursuant to this subpart by the General Sales Manager (GSM) and will specify the eligible country(ies) (the targeted market), the unit of measure, the eligible commodity, the maximum quantity of the eligible commodity eligible for a CCC bonus, the quality specifications of the eligible commodity (including possible restrictions on type, kind, grade and/or class or other quality specifications), the eligible buyer(s), the method and rate for determining liquidated damages and performance security requirements, and any other terms and conditions peculiar to that Invitation. Invitations may be one of the following two types: Those inviting exporters which have a sales contract with an eligible buyer to submit a competitive offer for a CCC Bonus; and those inviting exporters which have a sales contract with an eligible buyer to apply for an Announced CCC Bonus. After an interested person has qualified to submit an offer for an eligible commodity, the eligible exporter may submit an offer to CCC in response to an Invitation. Such offer must contain the information required by this subpart and any additional information required by the applicable Invitation. The exporter's offer will include either the Announced CCC Bonus, if applicable, or an amount in dollars and cents for a bonus deemed necessary by the exporter to make a commercial sale of the eligible commodity for export to the eligible country competitive with export sales of the commodity by other exporting countries to buyers in the eligible country. If the exporter has furnished the required performance security and the offer is acceptable to CCC, then CCC will notify the exporter that its offer has been accepted. CCC and the exporter will enter into an Agreement in which CCC will agree to pay the bonus to the exporter in return for the exporter's submission of proof that the eligible commodity has been exported from the United States and entered into the eligible country, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement.