For the purposes of this part, the terms ``borrower'' shall include recipients of RUS electric program grants, and ``applicant'' shall include applicants for such grants. References to ``security documents'' shall, with respect to recipients of RUS electric program grants, include grant agreements and other grant-related documents. [69 FR 60541, Oct. 12, 2004] Sec. Sec. 1730.30-1730.59 [Reserved]
Sec. Appendix A to Subpart B of Part 1730--Review Rating Summary, RUS
Form 300 Borrower Designation --------Date Prepared --------
Ratings on form are: 0: Unsatisfactory--no records
1: Unsatisfactory--corrective action needed
2: Acceptable, but should be improved--see attached recommendations
3: Satisfactory--no additional action required at this time
N/A: Not applicable
PART I--TRANSMISSION and DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES 1. Substations (Transmission and Distribution)
a. Safety, Clearance, Code Compliance--Rating: --------
b. Physical Condition: Structure, Major Equipment, Appearance--
Rating: --------
c. Inspection Records Each Substation--Rating: --------
d. Oil Spill Prevention--Rating: --------2. Transmission Lines
a. Right-of-Way: Clearing, Erosion, Appearance, Intrusions--
Rating: --------
b. Physical Condition: Structure, Conductor, Guying--Rating: --------
c. Inspection Program and Records--Rating: --------3. Distribution Lines--Overhead
a. Inspection Program and Records--Rating: --------
b. Compliance with Safety Codes: Clearances--Rating: --------
Compliance with Safety Codes: Foreign Structures--Rating: --------
Compliance with Safety Codes: Attachments--Rating: --------
c. Observed Physical Condition from Field Checking: Right-of-Way--Rating: --------
Observed Physical Condition from Field Checking: Other--Rating: --------4. Distribution--Underground Cable
a. Grounding and Corrosion Control--Rating: --------
b. Surface Grading, Appearance--
Rating: --------
c. Riser Poles: Hazards, Guying, Condition--Rating: --------5. Distribution Line Equipment: Conditions and Records
a. Voltage Regulators--Rating: --------
b. Sectionalizing Equipment--
Rating: --------
c. Distribution Transformers--
Rating: --------
d. Pad Mounted Equipment--Safety: Locking, Dead Front, Barriers-- Rating: --------
Pad Mounted Equipment--Appearance: Settlement, Condition--Rating: --------
e. Kilowatt-hour and Demand Meter Reading and Testing--Rating: --------
PART II--OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 6. Line Maintenance and Work Order Procedures
a. Work Planning and Scheduling--
Rating: --------
b. Work Backlogs: Right-of-Way Maintenance--Rating: --------
Work Backlogs: Poles--Rating: --------
Work Backlogs: Retirement of Idle Services--Rating: --------
Work Backlogs: Other--Rating: --------7. Service Interruptions
a. Average Annual Hours/Consumer by Cause (Complete for each of the previous 5 years) 1. Power Supplier --------2. Major Storm --------3. Scheduled --------4. All Other --------5. Total --------
Rating: --------
b. Emergency Restoration Plan--Rating:--------8. Power Quality
General Freedom from Complaints--Rating:--------9. Loading and Load Balance
a. Distribution Transformer Loading--Rating:--------
b. Load Control Apparatus--Rating:--------
c. Substation and Feeder Loading--Rating:--------10. Maps and Plant Records
a. Operating Maps: Accurate and Up-to-Date--Rating:--------
b. Circuit Diagrams--Rating:--------
c. Staking Sheets--Rating:--------
PART III--ENGINEERING 11. System Load Conditions and Losses
a. Annual System Loses, --------%--Rating:--------
b. Annual Load Factor, --------%--Rating:--------
c. Power Factor at Monthly Peak, --------%--Rating:--------
d. Ratio of Individual Substation Peak kW to kVA, ----------Rating:--------12. Voltage Conditions
a. Voltage Surveys--Rating:--------
b. Substation Transformer Output Voltage Spread--Rating:--------13. Load Studies and Planning
a. Long Range Engineering Plan--Rating:--------
b. Construction Work Plan--Rating:--------
c. Sectionalizing Study--Rating:--------
d. Load Data for Engineering Studies--Rating:--------
e. Load Forecasting Data--Rating:--------
f. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program quality assurance compliance--Rating:------
For Previous 2 Years: Normal Operation--Actual $--------Normal Maintenance--Actual $--------Total--Actual $--------
For Present Year: Normal Operation--Budget $--------Normal Maintenance--Budget $--------Total--Budget $--------
For Future 3 Years: Normal Operation--Budget $--------Normal Maintenance--Budget $--------Additional (Deferred) Maintenance--Budget $--------Total--Budget $--------
14. Budgeting:Adequacy of Budgets For Needed Work--Rating:--------
15. Date Discussed with Board of Directors --------Remarks: --------
EXPLANATORY NOTES Item No. -------- Comments --------Rated by -------- -------- Title -------- Date --------Reviewed by -------- Manager -------- Date --------Reviewed by -------- RUS GFR -------- Date -------- [63 FR 3450, Jan. 23, 1998, as amended at 78 FR 73371, Dec. 5, 2013]