(a) General. (1) The borrower's IDR policy and procedures shall be readily available to the public and include, but not limited to, a standard application, application process, application fees, and agreement.
(1) The borrower's IDR policy and procedures shall be readily available to the public and include, but not limited to, a standard application, application process, application fees, and agreement.
(2) All costs to be recovered from the applicant regarding the application process or the actual interconnection and the process to determine the costs are to be clearly explained to the applicant and authorized by the applicant prior to the borrower incurring these costs. The borrower may require separate non-refundable deposits sufficient to insure serious intent by the applicant prior to proceeding either with the application or actual interconnection process.
(3) IDR policies must be approved by the borrower's Board of Directors.
(4) The borrower may establish a new rate classification for customers with Distributed Resources.
(5) IDR policies must provide for reconsideration and updates every five years or more frequently as circumstances warrant.
(b) Technical requirements. (1) IDR policies must be consistent with prudent electric utility practice.
(1) IDR policies must be consistent with prudent electric utility practice.
(2) IDR policies must incorporate the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE): IEEE 1547TM--Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems, approved June 12, 2003, and IEEE 1547.1TM--Standard Conformance Test Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems, approved June 9, 2005. Copies of the IEEE Standards 1547TM and 1547.1TM may be obtained from the IEEE Operations Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854-4141, telephone 1-800-678-4333 or online at http://www.standards.ieee.org. Copies of the material are available for inspection during normal business hours at RUS, Room 1265, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250. Telephone (202) 720-3720, e-mail Donald.Junta@wdc.usda.gov, or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to:http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html.
(3) IDR policies must provide for appropriate electric power system disconnect facilities, as determined by the borrower, which shall include a lockable disconnect and a visible open, that are readily accessible to and operable by authorized personnel at all times.
(4) IDR policies must provide for borrower access to the Distributed Resources facility during normal business hours and all emergency situations.
(c) Responsible Party obligations. IDR policies must provide for appropriate Responsible Parties to assume the following risks and responsibilities:
(1) A Responsible Party must agree to maintain appropriate liability insurance as outlined in the borrower's interconnection policy.
(2) A Responsible Party must be responsible for the Distributed Resources compliance with all national, State, local government requirements and electric utility standards for the safety of the public and personnel responsible for utility electric power system operations, maintenance and repair.
(3) A Responsible Party must be responsible for the safe and effective operation and maintenance of the facility.
(4) Only Responsible Parties may apply for interconnection and the Responsible Party must demonstrate that the facility will be capably developed, constructed and operated, maintained, and repaired.