(a) This subpart implements and explains the provisions of the Loan Documents setting forth the requirements and the procedures to be followed by borrowers in purchasing and installing special equipment financed with loan funds.
(b) Terms used in this subpart are defined in Sec. 1753.2 and RUS Contract Forms 397 and 398.
(c) Special equipment purchased with loan funds must be included in the List of Materials Acceptable for Use on Telephone Systems of RUS Borrowers (See Bulletin 344-2) and meet RUS's standards and specifications (See 7 CFR part 1755) unless otherwise approved by RUS.
(d) Borrowers must obtain RUS review and approval of the LD for their telephone systems. Applications of special equipment not included in an approved LD must conform to the modernization plan as required by 7 CFR part 1751, subpart B, and must be submitted to RUS for review and approval.
(e) RUS Form 397 and applicable specifications shall be used for the purchase of special equipment for major construction on a furnish and install basis.
(f) RUS Form 398 and applicable specifications shall be used for the purchase of equipment for major construction on a furnish only basis. The procedures provided in subpart I, if applicable, or a FAP approved by RUS may be used for the installation of special equipment purchased with a Form 398 contract.
(g) For special equipment purchases for minor construction, the borrower may at its option use the Methods of Minor Construction procedures contained in subpart I or the purchase procedures contained in this subpart H.
(h) Some types of special equipment contain software. See subpart E for RUS software licensing requirements. [54 FR 39267, Sept. 25, 1989. Redesignated at 55 FR 39397, Sept. 27, 1990, as amended at 58 FR 66259, Dec. 20, 1993; 59 FR 17464, Apr. 13, 1994]