(a) During the planning stages of a financial statement audit, GAGAS and AICPA standards require the auditor to communicate certain information regarding the nature and extent of testing and reporting on compliance with laws and regulations and internal control over financial reporting. The communication must include the nature of any additional testing of compliance and internal control required by laws and regulations or otherwise requested, and whether the auditors are planning to provide opinions on compliance with laws and regulations and internal control over financial reporting. This communication must take the form of an audit engagement letter prepared by the CPA and formally accepted by the board of directors or an audit committee representing the board of directors. The engagement letter must also encompass those items prescribed in SAS 83, entitled ``Establishing an Understanding with the Client''. It must also include the following:
(1) The borrower and the CPA acknowledge that the audit is being performed and the auditor's report, report on compliance and on internal control over financial reporting, and management letter is being issued in order to enable the borrower to comply with the provisions of RUS's security instrument;
(2) The borrower and CPA acknowledge that RUS will consider the borrower to be in violation of its security instrument with RUS if the borrower fails to have an audit performed and documented in compliance with GAGAS and this part;
(3) The CPA represents that he/she meets the requirements under this part to be satisfactory to RUS;
(4) The CPA will perform the audit and will prepare the auditor's report, report on compliance and on internal control over financial reporting, and management letter in accordance with the requirements of this part;
(5) The CPA will document the audit work performed in accordance with GAGAS, the professional standards of the AICPA, and the requirements of this part;
(6) The CPA will make all audit-related documents, including auditor's reports, workpapers, and management letters available to RUS or its representatives (OIG and GAO), upon request, and will permit the photocopying of all audit-related documents; and
(7) The CPA will follow the requirements of reporting fraud and illegal acts as outlined in Sec. 1773.9.
(b) The audit agreement may include such additional terms and conditions as the CPA and borrower deem appropriate, including, but not limited to:
(1) The CPA will report all audit findings to the board of directors as required in Sec. 1773.20(b); and
(2) The auditor's report, report on compliance, report on compliance and on internal controls over financial reporting, and management letter with copies for transmittal to RUS, and supplemental lenders, if applicable, will be submitted to the borrower's board of directors within 90 days of the as of audit date;
(c) A copy of the audit agreement must be available at the borrower's office for inspection by RUS personnel. One copy of the current audit agreement must be maintained in the CPA's workpapers or permanent file. [56 FR 63360, Dec. 3, 1991, as amended at 61 FR 108, Jan. 3, 1996; 63 FR 38722, July 17, 1998; 66 FR 27835, 27836, May 21, 2001]